HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-04-20, Page 4p. ,Vintlet , WOUNDED IN ITALY Goderich — Crown Attorney D. • 1Hohnes and Mrs. Holmes have recei- ved word that their son, Dudley, had been wounded in action in Italy on tYlarch. 27. There were no other de- tails. Pte. Holmes enlisted at the age a 16 in August 1941, He had sail- ed for a few inontlis after the colleg- ate closed and went to Toronto to enlist. He went to England in April 1942, with an artillery unit and to Italy in November, 1943, STRUCK BY CAR Gordon Love, well-known farmer of the Hillsgreen district is suffering from a slight concussion and injury to his hip, resulting of an accident on Highway No, 4„ south of Hensall ;*';'"'.4.••• ZI.JR1Cl-1 HERALDrrhursdieZsmon..20. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. .A.rthur Finlayson h'll of Hensl' eand Mr. Hemp- M. ArthUr Firdayson, accompanied sPent the Easter Holidays visiting Joseph Hagan, accompanied by A. W friends near Seaforth and Henson. siviornr,ebvyail:/layr, Dalredrwrimrse.;Sarn Hey and are still boiling maple syrup and re - Some people in the community banqueheld at Hockey players. Baydelautteildted.wtehd! t nesday evening put on by the Zurich Mr. Llayd Finnigan is spending some time with his wife and children before leaving for other parts. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey were: Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Donovan of London; Miss Jean Hey and friend, also Mr. Peter Croden of 'London and Mr. and 1Virs. Jas. Burdge of Brucefield. Mrs. E. Clarke is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Attridge at Goderich. Mrs. Gustave Bo'hu entertained the ladies at a guiltily bee last Thurs- day afternoon. The -Blake W. M. Society held their monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon at the home 0f;Mrs. •Sam Hey, with a good attendance. Wedding Bells are ringing in. the Burg. hill's nurse, Miss aMrtha Heideman, of Zurich, were driving south, and Mr. Love who was driving towards Hensel' had stopped his car to talk to the driver of a standing truck. The driver of a car going north beck- oned to Mr. Hagan to proceed so as not to meet all ears together, Mr. Hagan slowed up ;and Mr. Love, walked across the highway to his ear not noticing the Hagan car, the fen- der of which struck Min, throwing him to the pavement. Dr. Steer at- tended the injured man and he is now resting comfortably at his home on the Parr Line. Traffic ;Officer Frank Taylor investigated and no blame is attached. CITIZENS HURON COUNTY Listen to the 40acia1 Broadcast Over Radio Station CKNX OFFICIAL OPENING SIXTH VICTORY LOAN By Rev W. A. Beecroft Chairman Huron County At 8 a.m., Monday, April 24th, 1944 Tune in th CKNX for Victory Loan Broadcasts Mondays to Fridays -1 p.m. Saturdays --1.10 p.m. Saturday, April 22-.1.10 p.m. Speaker WARDEN FRED WATSON "Put Victory First" port a very good run. St, Joseph and Beaver Town I Mr, Ziffie Charrette of Detroit, is spending a few days in this neigh- bourhood with his mother and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Laporte, of Drysdale were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. IL Laporte. Mr. and Mrs, Filbert Denomme and Mrs. Lawrence Jeffrey of Wind- sor were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard of the Blue Water north. Mrs, Sohn Charrette who has spent the winter in Detroit with her chil- dren, has returned to her home on the. Blue Water South. Mr. Blaise Ducharme was a Mon- day visitor to Sr. ricille Therese in Chatham. e I • • REAL BREEDING PLANT OF 5000 Breeders, • o • • And be assured of stock that is free of disease, and make. you real profits. Arthur' Rattan, Bluevale, Ont.—The 700 chicks Dec. 28, and 1000 Rock x Leghorn pullets, Feb. 28 have grown exceedingly well, never had a bunch grow so well. I haven't lost the extras to date, and they are over 8 weeks old. 2 Norman Thompson, Beigrave, Ont. Your chicks are great. 5 Out of the 155 I bought, 1 still have 153. IPure Bred Sussex, Sussex x New Hamp., Lorge Type 6 White Leghorns, Rock x Leghorns, Sustsex x Leghorns, .. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires. . :e Three grades of Chicks to choose from:. Grade A, Grade AA, and Super Special Matings. Send for Catalogue and Price List and place your order NOW from the famous Lakeview Strain. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM ‘t... • WEIN BROS. • Phone 78 or 92 Exeter, 35,000 LAKEVIEW CHICKS WEEKLY Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235, Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS 1. Howmany Eggs—will they lay? 2. How. many will die? These facts depend on the Stock you buy BOOK YOUR MAY and JUNE CHICKS from a 1 2 5 • 1 A Gas knoW11 to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Col‹Weather and Heavier Roads KLOPP, LESSEE C. Frilz & Used Car Lot in Connection At Klopp's of Crease. 1 • • • ' Mr. Lloyd Denomme and son of with 1Vlisses Maud and Josephine( .. ...e .. Windsor called on Mr. and Mrs. Jas Stirling. Masse of St. Joseph on Saturday last; Mrs. McKenzie fell 'recently.-. and Mr. Leo Charles Lafaamboise of i broke a bone in her leg and va's' tak. 'LI, Stratford *as renewing old acquain- en to Clinton hospital for treatmen't A tances in our burg the past week. 1 Mr. anw Mrs. 11. Middletoii, • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme, Hensall were visitors with.' hers. Imo. • • Blake spent Sunday evening with Mr ! ther, Mrs. Margaret Woods. ." and Mrs, F. Ducharme of the Blue , Mr. John Bates, principal; of the Water south. public school spent the holidays at Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey of the 15th. ; his home in Brussels. Con. spent Sunday afternoon with; Bombardier Grant Turner ret4n- 1 her mother on the Blue Water north.. ed to Halifax after leave with :,;;;tds 44•444....4.444.4. 1316.2PInati061:0, ....Yrtne,tatmfirtr* Seeding has begun in this district ; wife and small son. at their ! hove* ;•''; on not too large a scale as ye. Butt the village. -..r4-.,;;,. • ,-I . , ...,r?,... ' . • .; with a few more drying days all will 1 Mr. Fred Turner of Goderichwas.,. be well with the farmers to start. i a holiday visitor with his son,.Bora..ic; ,;.t.. badier Grant Turner and wife. BAYFIELD ; The fishing season has opcned;Wit ' • ... ' ,; *.if.' ; ; . , .. Fowlie, of London and Mr. and Mrs t However there has been consid,v.bly; fair catches of perch and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowlie, Lauriei visitors with Misses Ethel and Fran-; in ice in the bay and some had diftli:t.?y Gid. Koehler of Zurich were holidayl ces Fowlie.ygfiectitdir.ig in. A boat from,„:;,tata Mr. Hugh Gilmore has moved into 1 BendBwas obliged .to amake port e.t'..V... the home he purchased from the 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold „seetclM;iat n and 1 and adraoufghTteorroilantod, Mss *,:ttivlos11,!.vacif,4y . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLare Weston Estate. daughter of Port Elgin were visitors: Mr. and Mrs.•Robart, Scotphinet. I tyAMT.12.MMAVAM.14•A‘w.tvonAs,v..,,,trt You may not regard the. Victory Loan salesman as a salesman when he calls on you. He is a man from your community whom you likely know well. . . perhaps a neighbor. He may never have done any selling before. He has taken on • this work because he feels that it is an important war job that must be done. As a matter of fact he is not trying to sell you anything. He will ask you to save money. Farmers are doing an important war job, too . . . producing food. Most farmers have increased their incomes. They have money to save. You plan to use this money, and the things you plan to use it for are necessary things. The Victory Loan salesman will ask you to let your country have the use of your savings now by putting your money into Victory Bonds. Our big job now is to win the war, and to win it as soon as we can. That's why every Canadian is asked to buy Victory Bonds. It's why each of us is asked to buy all we can. You can buy thern with cash, which you have saved, and you can buy more bonds and pay for them as you earn rnoriey, over a period of six months. 4 • • • CT RY .330; • , 6-41, 55 tttt tt: tt: it t NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMItrEE.