HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-04-13, Page 3'COVER CHARGE, 1 JAP' • • This Yank soldier, in a camouflaged -canopied foxhole on Bougain- ville Island, invites visitors to his "Sniner Inn," imposing a small cover charge of "one Jap." w:. HAT SMICE DOING Corncobs The lowly corncoa, viewed by many as useful only as a handy form of kindling to soak with kero- sane and use for starting a fire in :tlie kitchen range, is something of a Cinderella in its possible indus- trial applications, writes "V. P. Keasbey in the Christian Science Monitor. For example, corncobs may be ground and used in making sweep- ing compounds, for burnishing metals, in cleaning furs, and for removin oil from tin and other types of metal plates. Cut in chunks ranging from a quarter to an eighth of an inch in Size, corncobs can serve as heat in- . sulation over ceilings and in walls of houses. They have low conduc- tivity but have the disadvantage of not being fireproof. * * * Ground cobs also niay be used as a substitute for cork in various composition materials, such a s soles for shoes. Ground to flour,. cobs may even be used in place of cork in making linoleum- Cobs youth more generally be substitut- ed' for ground cork were it not for the fact, -that the cob particles are -, muoll, jiarflee and less resilient than COrh ' `.jls. Vii• ni}iite consists of a Mixture e•, I Sig1 y:c rn e• t t1 some slit material. The Material• user ;'at. first 1 was kiesegulltr, a kind,,, of -•,earth formed by innumer- able.' fossil' plants. Later, wood ;pulp and sawdust were tiled as ab- sorbent materials. By special care An processing, ground cobs can be used in making dynamite. * * * Cobs may he used in the crea- tion of special light -weight tile and other ceramic products. The lightness of these products comes from their porosity. And the pores or air spaces result from nosing particles of cobs with clay from which the ceramic product is form - cd, the cob particles vanishing when the clay is burned in the kiln. Ground cobs may also be used as filler for plastics. Their only shortcoming in this field is appar- ently the fact that phenol plastics made with cob flour are not as waterproof and do not have as high a luster as those made with other types of filler. These qualities, however, are not of prune impor- tance in all types of plastics. The Canary Islands were known in ancient tithes as the Fortunate Isles. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Would it be correct to phone the desk and ask that the bill be ready, in order to save time schen checking out of a hotel? 2. Should the bread and butter plates be placed o_, the table before the guests are seated at luncheon? • 3. Should the women's , name always be :mentioned. first when intro(htcing a man to a woman. . 4. Is it all right to help clean off the table and help with the dishes, when dining with a friend and she has no maid? 5. At what time should cne arrive for a luncheon if the time is speci- fied as one o'clock? 6.. Should the girl or her escort. fill their glasses when there is n. punch bowl at a party? Answers 1. Yes; do this about a quarter of an hour before leaving your room and it will. save time. 2. Yes. 3. Yes, such as, "_hiss Mar- tin, this is Mr. Jones." 4. This is all right if you happen to he a very intimate friend, but otherwise it would not he rv,:eli to do so unless the hostess asks you. 6. Arrive about ten minutes before the speci- fied time. 6. The elan should fill a glass for the girl, then cite for himself. • Have You Heard? ..,t'aytng: il';c_•1'y..st fif84144. the Ihbdib of • a business friend, "the bachelor was bored to death with the baby- worhip he was supposed to in- dulge in. "Just fancy," said the young mother; "he's only seventeen months old, and he's been walking for nine months!" "Really?" said the visitor wearily, "Don't you think it's time he sat down?" -o- The old man wrote to the college professor •- "Haven't heard from my son for some time. Hope he's not sick. If he has been I hope to hea. he's improving". The professor replied -"Son not sick, and not improving." -0- An American and a Englishman were in conversation. The American told an amusing story without evoking laughter from the English- man. Somewhat irritated, the Ameri- can said, "I suppose you'll get it next summer." "On the contrary," replied the Englishman, "I got it last sum- mer." COOKING UP ALIBIS? Perhaps wotideritig, what new alibi to give the German people, 1 azir0 a _anda minister Paul Goebbels, right, and Gerhard Schack, p p g diirector of Berlin's air raid precautions, study neap of Allied bomb- - .. of German capital. Photo was taken in Berlin defense organi- Itaftori headquarters, Y6 ` ar ers far below ground, and obtained through neutral sources. DMB AS HE LOOKS At first glance this looks like a Jap prisoner being •marched along by a British captor, but it's just a realistic dummy, used in "Know Your Enemy' demonstration at Indan base ordnance depot in Ceylon. The first time a plane was flown incombat nae during a Balkan rebellion in 131.2. Queen Elizabeth !leased With Work Of Indian Nurse ITer Majesty Queen Elizabeth has expressed her interest 'and ap- preciation' of the article "We Fol- low 'J'11t<. Trail" contributed to the Nov.embei'' issue of the The Can-. adian 'Churchman 'by Ninaki (Miss Nora. t;,ladstenr,), in a letter to M s, Irving E. Robertson, President of the Canadian 'Mother - craft Society', Phe Queen; lti'ho is patron of the Collodion Motliereraft .Society, was particularly pleased that the writer of the article is an Indi;:ui girl who has, been trained and graduated as a well -baby nurse by the Can- adian.'Z:'Aathercraft service. Miss Gladstone one of the six Cait- adian Iridian girls who have train- ed as nurses -with the Canadian Iviothercraft Society, is now tatting her general training in the Victoria Jubilee Hospital, 13. The letter from I3(:r Majesty's secretary reader in part: 'The Queen was particularly interested in fire article by Ninaki; she inuet be a very remarkable young woman. It hi a great tribute to your work that you have been able. to .'interest the Indian girls and train them. in Mothercraft ser- vice." 'tittle" Man Made First Sten Guns The Empire's largest Sten gun factory is in Canada, But the story of the Sten gun began in Britain's small factories, tiny workshops in the side streets, of the garages, even of the sheds boasting a lathe and a drilling machine. For the making of Sten guns in tens of thousands at a time of great peril, Britain a\\'ed much to the little man -and his wife and daughters. It's de• sigh and devetpptnent are strokes of British genius in acute etner- gency, and its .name; .derives from the first letter of the names of the two men most closely associated with the design --"S" for Major Shepherd and "T" for Mr, Turpin, while "EN" stands for England. The first woman to fly' ascended Lyon, France, in a balloon in fT84; she remained aloft for three- quarters of an hour. xr �r ft i '.�xP. 1,+tP = r."whR Easy t,;:oll,,.de!ightful -T to smoke FINE (CUT EP AGENTS WANTED WANTED IN YOUR DISTRICT.., some one to take orders for day old chicks in spare time for a large Canadian Government Ap- proved Chick Hatchery, No in- vestment required. liberal Com. mission paid. Write for full de- tails. Box No. 130, 72 Adelaide W., Toronto. AIt'1'ICLI.S W_(NTE D RIFLES WANTED - Gt'NS\LITHS will pay 215.00 cash for Ross, Lee -Enfield or Hauser unaltered military rifles. Write Modern Gunsmiths, 125 Dawes Road, To- ronto. • r1.tov CRICKS SI'LECIAL PRICP•.s FOR JUNE ANO JI'L'L' Barred Rock Mixed 10c New Hampshire ielixd'd 11c White Leghorn Mixed . , i.mo Barred Rock Pullets 170 'White Leghorn Pullets Don't delay. $1.00 hooks your order. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ontario. BABY CHTCKs, 313.00 PER 100. After May • 1., 21.1.00. Thrasher's Hatchery, Harrow, Ontario. PLAY SAFE NEIGHBOURS, BUY Government approved Chinks bred to lay and bred for quality, Leghorns & Barred Rocks are our specialties, Write now for price list, aur orders are limited. Waterloo Chicle Hatchery, Water- loo. Ont. , QUALITY CRICKS, ALL OUR. • breeders selected and' e, and'blool,e4 -:..-met..cnit. arrea Roca,r.•N1ewaIiampslres, Light Sussex, White .Leghorns, Hybrids, Hamnshlre X Barred Rocks, Sus - •sex X Hampshire. Also hatching eggs. Immediate delivery.Write for prices. Paul W. Dobrindt Sc Sons, Route 3, Smithville, Ont. 0. B. 8. BARRED ROCK CHTCICS from Pnllorum-free, government ei m•oved breeders. Send for price 11st, Hanes Poultry Farm, Jersey - vine,. Ont. .APRTI. CTTTCICS, RAISED RIGHT, should be in nice production when new primes start rising. We have the chicks for immediate delivery. It you want later chicks:, order now too. If near our plant, drop In and see what you want. Bray rrntehery, 180 ,Tohn N„ Ham- ilton, Ont. BUY PAYWELL CHICKS IN MAY ANT) JUNE. THE QUTCTC growth and early maturity of Pro -well Ohielcs will assure you of plenty of Fall eggs. White Leghorn.% Barred Rooks, New Ha.mpehires and ITybrids avail- able. T.or eerhy Lea Pnnitry Farm, Box 20, •Lorne Park, Ont. INDIVTDTTAT,T.Y R.O.P. SIRED Rocks, Lee:horn N Rnek, Sussex Leghorn, Reds. 10c;, rlisenunt on Fall (Thiele orders now, Untching Tees Tete. Brunner's Poultry Farm, Teinan. Ont. STARTED CHICKS, SUSSEX, Etc. FROM 1 WEEK' OLD TO 2 MONTHS old. Several thousand available now.. This is not a sideline, These chicks are rattled under ideal conditions from Bay -old to 10 days In battery brooders in a large moist basement room and trans- ferred to a spacious 70' x 40' building under electric brooders. Order Now fns started chicks and pullets won't be available a little later on) and buy from a real Poultry Breedinz; Perm of 15000 Tereed ere on ONE Plant. Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein. Bros„ Eleter, Ontario. IT'S ALMOST AS EASY TO STTC.- cecd es fail. To succeed needs only a little more cam in select- ing the chimes you st.ert; a little mare attention paid to the birds' "Irving quarters", o little closer supervision in •feedindv . . . the result is all the difference be- tween just "getting by" end mak- ing a real DIM tit. 'rep Notch C1ii0lreries will an their, best to get vols ort on the right font. All eh10ks are Government Approved from blood tested breeders. We CAM give immediate delivery on da•y • nick, two end three week aids In ' non -sexed. pullets nr cockerels, Send for.free entelogne and prtnellst. Top 'Notch Chick - tries, Gttelpb, Ontario. LAKEVIEW OFFERS YOU I3ROAT} 13 R EAST 1 P SUSSEX cockerels if you want n real henvy breed cneiterel. Hybrids or New Ramps. if you want 501n01111ng. in a fast maturing . bird for broiler or up to 5 lb. cit sexed roaster. Several thousnndl ,1\•i,ilehle for immediate delivery if yon net quickly, I eleeviow Pmlltry Ten rut, Wein Ilros., Exeter, Ontario. CHICKS FROM A BREEDING FARM OF 5000 LAYERS DUE TO HIGHER EGG PRO- duction RO-duction and hatchability, Lake- view' offers you limited number of day-old chicks, cockerels and pulletsfor immediate delivery, also .limited number of started ehlehe 1, 2, 3, and 4 ~reeks old and & ;few lots up to 6 and 8 weeks old. Act now and don't be disappointed. No started chicks availalzle later on. Large Type White '.Lrahorns, Sussex, Sussex Naw 11'amp., Susses X Leg- horn, and Rock X I c.g is rn. Book your order for May and June chicks NOW. Only limited num- ber left for May delivery. Send your order to Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wetr, Bros., Exeter, Ont. R,OI ; AND R.O.P. SIRED BLACK .AL'STIt.ALORPS .AND BAR - red Rocks, Donley Poultry Farm, R.R. 6. Landon, Ont. BUSINESSES FOR. SALE.: FOR SALE, COLTNTI%Y STO1US AND service station, complete equip- ment and stock. Good location, Pike Roai, Busy Bee Corner. Raymond 1leslippe, Amherstburg, Ont., R.R. I. 0A1.77.13 FOR S A.I.I1 ESSEX -KENT GUERNSEY ASSOC- iation offers Heifers, Bulls, R.O.P. Breeding. Write , A. Kendrick, Essex. DYEING & d; LEANING RAVE YOU rCANYTHirm NEEDS' dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad, to answer your • questions. Depart- anen a H. Parker's • ,Dye Werke ='>7?wted. 7'I oma 'Y a Street To- e GLrI;'1`I'i.IUi1t...LTQtie ttet 0N'' ELECTRIC \fOTUCtS, NEW, t;S12U, bought, sold, rebuilt; h e•i,ts, pulleys, brushes. Allen •.. Electric Company Ltd.. 2826 Dufferin St.. Toronto. ' USED EQUIPMENT FOIL SALE] GRINDER -Greet', fifteen inch, double action, hobbit bearings, workable condition. Pulleys, shafting, hangers, belting elevat- ors. Cheap. BELT -Fifty-eight ft. two piece, extraheavy 3". Twenty Dollars. BLACKSMITH'S WI'IEEL PI.ATE- Eight dollars. JARDINE T I R E UPSETTER - Twelve dollars, Equipment in Orono. Contact Rowland Smith, 16 Wroxeter Ave., Toronto. F 1111'i' L3 ALM BAU\iI9EI A GOUT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman liras ternre (ft tatva FOR SALE EGG BRUST3ES - DIRTY EGGS made 'clean with a few strokes. Brushes, 50c. Refills, 7 144c. post - pard., Special prices to Egg' Sta- tlons,;lA,l i, Reichmuth, March - well" S,ask.atchewan. COMBINATION PROOF PRESS and rl.atrix Roller, also Job Press and Type. Pickering Press, Galt, Ont. ,rt BEAUTII?Y AND PROTECT YOUR home, plant this spring, fast growing white, red and golden willow cuttings, 500-21,00. post- paid. Fred Smith, Netook, Alta. A1131Y nooTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed forces in perfect condition. Special $2,25 delivered. Money back guarantee. State size; settd money order, Ruskin Co., Peterboroug'h, Ont. FEMALE HELP WANTED 640 RELIABLE GIRL FOR GEN- eral Tiousework, two adrllts, one child, live in. Box 134, 73 Ade- laide W,, Toronto, FUEL WOOD WANTED MAPLE, BIRCH A N D' MIXED cordwood. First or Second growth. .AIso all kinds of Millwood. Give full partinulars and lowest prices en cars. Walter Schiess. 13 Mel- inda Street, Toronto. FARMS. 1013 SALE' 50 -ACRD Ir'AI111M, GOOD BTJILD- ings, tvater 'in barn, hforntngton Township. Price only 22.300. 7T. J. Catty & Co„ 103 ilownio Street, sir:Word, Ont. }FIVE IlleN7111111) ACRES, BRICK house, three baths, .'achine eenee, shod roofs and 'fences. enable, fifty-two cattle, nine threes. Rural mail, telephone. Herbert Campbell, Route No. 5, Smith's. Ont, ;ii•Ni1111•ll) A011118. 8. THiP'r'1 1t•SIr. 111(0 ''011I alta, rich 00i1, Miele nm house, fruit near Elsinore, y-t•ive Hundred, five him - .- d down. dinoi'ge rirrll)nnendl, n ,Sound, I -ET MC FARM HELP WANTED RESPECTABLE, TRUST\'YORTIIY, man without children to operate 10 acres asparagus, raspberries, orchard, On main highway, 9 miles west of Toronto. Separate house. This would suit active re- tired farmer. Write fully stating lowest wage wanted. Box 122. 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. ALADDIN HOMES ALADDIN HOMES, 81,200-27,500. Pay like rent. Send 25e. for 32 - page book, Howard St., Reming- ton Park, Windsor, Ont. HAIRDRESSING 91111OOL LE A RN HAIRDRJSnSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. HAIR GOODS W I G 5,TOUPES, TR ANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue, Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 523 Bathurst Street, Toronto. HARNESS DRESSING SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING - Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Siipit also has many haueshold uses 25c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. II1LF WANTED zi- r Q �Q� sit SUGAR BEETS by o _- .`r _.Y .lob r-t>•,e. carr ^�?brlc an tobaaeo harvest. Will furnish house and garden. Apply Alex. Bus, R.R. 4, Aylmer. MAN TO WORK IN CONCENTRAT- ed milk plant in Western Ontario village. Good wages. Apply near- est Employment and Selective Service Office. War. Workers in- eligible. Refer to 0.71867 BACHI'7LOR REQUIRES MARRIED couple for farm near Carleton Place, live in. yearly contract, good hnone, stare wages expeeted, number of children. Box 133, 73 Adelaide 'tV'., Toronto. OFFER TO INVE TORS AN OPFERR TO 17VERV' INVENTOR List of Inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 277 Renk Street Ottsive. (Tannda. LIVESTOCK 'FOR SALE I3Te,REF ORD -BULLS AND FE - melee, open Heifers, and 7•'t•males bred to goc,d Hazlett Bull "Ring- wond Miner TrMP." C. Gnorlt, R.P.. 3 Dundee, Ont. STANDARD BRED STALLION, foaled 1840. black, weight 1200, 16 hands, quiet, fast, real rare or breeding prospect. J. 0. Simmons, .Aylmer East, tette. LANDS WANTED WANTED FOR. ("ASH. WASTE lands, cut over lands, on lake. river or highway. State lot and concession numbers. township and all details of interest in first letter with lowest cash price. P.O. Box 43, Postal Station IC, Toronto. MACIIINl•,RTi DeWA.LT SAWS AND WOOTW'ORIC- • ing'lliachines. Newest types evntl- able from direct factory repre- sentatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on appli,•ation, De\Vslt "nigher Corporation Ltd., 402 West Fender St., Vancouver, B.C. MEDICAL SATISFY Y01-I(ST LF - EVERY sufferer of l0heuinatin rzflII nr Neuritis should try Nixon's Rem- edy. Sold only STunro's Drug Store: 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid 21.00. ST()MA1'I1 AND THREAD Wtilt31P often ere the cause of i11-he'itth in hum'1ne all :ores. No one 'm - mune! Why not find 001 If title is your trouble? Tetereetina ver- t culnrs-Free! Write ATnlvenev's Remedies, Spee)clista Termite 8, Ont NURSER 1' STOCK b" it 11 T) - C'(11d111P111 NCI:e OTRV c'ottninguo. 10011 line ,1f 1'ttiit Tries; I.lr..'geeens: i"loavrr'n„ Shrubs; 1' renl,iels; S11adr, 'l''.oes; 11 r) s o s, 1,t.1c.1Qd:110-El's v:nv Nttraerir., Tlnlcmnnville. 11111',tie, PI -lire It:t:\'1'14I) HEAL/CRY 1'11''1'11'- ALJ, 1:11! 1'1rz else Persine teete.lie .I tt•tots, 1i e1t, -1 r, ee,' psi e. emote e 1 ' , , r ,,4 1r t. ltitdv d 1.011 lx. St. , h .:d lien t real. FOTLTItY GRIT POULTRY GRIT Soluble or Insoluble Analysis guaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shells by using "Str'eseo" white poultry grits for healthier birds and more egg=, Available immediately in 100 lb. bags in any quantity, Write for samples and prices. DEALERS WANTED STINSON 13I/LIi SUPPLY CO. LIMITED SUSS Delorintier Ave,, Montreal PHOTOGRAPHY PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Bend your film rolls to Can; do's largest photo finishing studio, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Re11-6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 2iie A customer at Berwick, N.S., writes "I want you to know how; pleased 1 am with your wonder- ful work and prompt service." We have such letters from all over Can- ada. ENLARGEMENTS 8 for 25c 4x6" In Easel Mounts. .SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x6" On ivory tinted. mounts 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Circav- eian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement coloured, 70c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Print Your Name and PlainIy.' on All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO 111I1'IIIIIAL IOUR QUALITY. service and satisfaction. 6 or 8 exposure films 25c; reprints 8' fol'' 25e. Imperial Photo Service, Sta- tion J, Toronto. PATENTS FETHIIRSTONHAUGH & COMPANY' Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PERSONAL GAIN W1SDO1I-1:NCLOSE BIRTH date. Stamps accepted. Voluntary, donations. P.O. Box 801, Ottawa. Canada. RUILL'MATIC PAINS IT'S PROVEN --EVERY SL I Ft:1R- er of llheumetic Paine or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Soid only Munro's Ill'ug St"re, 135 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 21,10, SEED CORS WE AI:E t;ROWERS AND \1ARI4:- eters of the famous Truck Land Bar Brand seed corn. Order early, and save money. Belle River Grain & Seed Company, Belie River, Ont, HICK'S KITCHEN GARDEN TILT) 11?1 \L t'0111.,'I'ION 10' R this year's Viet.'1\ t;nrdene». En- ough stied for n rd en 18 x a0 ft, for one,' 21.00, includes Car- rot, Peet, l:ndisit, '''uc:mbcr, Bush Mean (green and lets), Lima Bean, Sweet corn. Lett0''e, Parsley, Onine, Turnip, l',us. Parsnip, Pumpkin ---15 l u i tied In all. (81.+511 Thine) sent peel - Paid far $1.00. I1cpt, 11', - see W. T3tck sold :ions himi ted, 1: mina'. Ontnr10. ;Seeds of Merit." 5tetieu•lit tih0'1'oBi'I' wA:.'1't:I) NA\T1'.D TO 01'1' '11)117) PAYING Summer l.o ,ort nit 'Hotel, coed cash mein -none Robert 'Nicelhee• 06 Jeresoh Street West, Hamilton, Odin rice I'l?.'tCI6i els Se A1. '3-1l) TI \d'1T1ettS \1'.tNi'1oi'. I'!terne:5T- am. for sehooi term 11' 11 -4.1. with d len dl=i:st'} or iluel'111' dl ..r, di- plomat,: salary 3110, to t te, ,' sehn1,l ierm. fiend nilnl: 1 z to Scheel ltonrd ,,f .\yl\vii, Nd•'. Lei„11 11 ''nine il. -'sires., hn 111'. r l . t; ur. t.lii l.; ,ttlnli- A'1"1'i'\'L'I0\t 11 (1d)), (.Roil I;IIS MR. WOOL GROWER TIlis rli,i' 1..-t1'.\t 1 ;. 1Ii:i, t\'nd,11.- 1(11 11t1f til+ fe,, /II:. 111, 01. \ o 1 1 *• .t I 1.s •.t • „!.ri 1 h1', Nt W r,+ l \\'•,t': teeete Ned ere eeer,.,'(l pinediese this Seeee 1111 ,,1 . ri, .L ,t.s:� 'rig . ,q•.1 .1 a' 1`1;i' w, ' 'r11;t'1' 'Wee 117,i 1,.:!', ,'''Yid\'ii1Pf1'r.