HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-04-13, Page 1lalt:ihed 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 13 19 44 ..........._._ ... Chester L. Smith, Publishes $1.50 a Year in Advancal Let the ..ids. in your loca1 r .� �• a� 't �, s� X ., .� , 4.÷÷+++++++++++14+++++++444. 4. "I• arra . ffmrn jtneraI 1.kime r (SOUVENIR) to the Air AttlteMtgo 5.30, 0.X.4.5:. Tlingit It Private, CatAinbulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. :MEMBER „OF THE ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSOCIATION. DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE No. 70 Dashwood -- Ontario 4-. SOME FINE EASTER LILIES FOR SALE 'I' t'f^nreteeielee++++4- g • erei°•3'•I•++•I•+++++ Fair•l••'c•I••I•+•b+•S•+dF•I••i•+•!•++Oo•i~+++.10 (COMFORTABLE GLASSES At f REASONABLE PRICES 'Co E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Mood of Eyesight Testing Used. Op dewy Week Day Except Wellieeeday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? .2 so; •Have Y y your Eyes xxvnined with he Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODit1IRIOO — ONT. Good Glasses M R€iesonsble Prices 1937 1938 1938 • 1939' ▪ 1933 $' 1934 • 1928 1931 1931 • 19.29 1938 1936 1934 ere ars eee CHEV. COACH, ABSOLITELY LIKE NEW INSIDE CHEV. COA01 (2a' To Pick From -'FORD SEDAN DeLUX, Spotless Interior DODGE CUSTOM, 5 -PASSENGER COUP FORD CO.Aeeti (SHOWS GOOD CLARE) FORD SEDAN, EXTRA GOOD TIRES. FORD HALF -TON TRUCK. FORD COACH, ALSO ONE COUPE CHEVS; SEDAN AND TWO COACHES CHEV. COACH FORD DeLUX. COACH PLYMOUTH COUPE CHEV. HALF -TON PICK UP TRUCK. BUYS AND SELLS WARD FRITZ s = t i ..;iw§ OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well as grtitywhen at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our •slogan, and we .sti1 endeavour to maintain this standard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a positron to show you just the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', .and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the nib- tic in to see the many linpfi we have to offer re- gardless of the rather ,ditficuit conditions in pre' thing these items. menr e. tl 9 Pho>e your Shopping Guide LOCAL NEWS • Dr, Archie MacKinnon of Toronto spent, the Easter week -end with his mother, Mrs. M. MacKinnon, Mr. William Hay of London. was a week -end visitor with his wife and family. Mrs. J. Smith of Markham, , is visitingwith her mother, MTS. Men-` no • Steckle, Sr., of the .Bronson line for 'a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. Friedrichsen and son iSoenke of {Philipsburg 'are guests at the home of Mrs. E. Turkheim for a few days. NLrs. Elmer Klopp who recently underwent an operation at St. XTos- eph's Hospital, London, is progress- ing as well as can be expected. Miss Pearl Metcalf of London,,; .:is spending her Easter vacations at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stilton Truemner, 14th Con. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and da- ughter Mary Lou enjoyed several days at Toronto the beginning of the week. Mr. C. F. Bowden of Windsor vis- ited his wife and baby along :with other relatives at the home of Mrs E. Turkheim over the holidays. The maple sap season is now, in full swing and seems after all to, be a good crop, this is the first crop of the season for the farmers who are fortunate enough to have a bush. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber and Donnie, spent the week -end with their. daughter Clara - at London. " Mrs Weber and Donnie remaining in '"tiie city for the week. Mr. and Mrs. David Dacharmeeieve ited relatives in • London on E'ast.E Sunday and were eccompanre their children Doreen and Cyril Mass 'LaoA leaef: otr that ei. spent `,lie .treW-dud • at the cf home. Mrs. A. G. Edighoffer who has been spending the winter at Brant- ford, -was at their home here a few clays last week, and accompanied her husband, Mr;. A. G. Edighoffer to Brantford, who was also here over the week -end. • Some real nice weather was exper- ienced during the past week, but it turned to much colder and rough ov- er the week -end in fact to -day, Wed- nesday it feels almost like winter with that cold north wind blowing. Pte. Ed. Brenner and wife; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook and daughter Patricia of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hen- drick and family of the Blue Water Highway, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bren- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Rhineman Kalbfleisch of Detroit spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. C. Kalbflciach. The latter Mr. Kalb- fleisch has not enjoyed hus usual good health the past week, but is now progressing quite favourably. For his age, Mr. Ralbfleisch .Haus been a very 'active and energetic man.. Women's Institute The executive of the Souter Huron District of •the Women's Institute 'net at the 'home of Mrs. Jas. Pater- son on Monday eve. April 3•r L Re- presentatives from Zurieh, Hurau:dale Crediton, Kippen and Hensel]. were 1 present. Mrs. Glen McLean, Distr., ist President, assisted by Mrs. H. Schenk, Crediton,. •Secy-Tr•eas. After opening exercises the following was taken up: The most important. Inst- itute meeting during the year. Vari- ous plans and 'problems relative to Institute Branches were dlseussed. It Milli Ruth Brown of London, was a vr•,ee1-end visitor at the home of her prents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno Brown Mr ' .Simue1 Miller of London, was ti :Sii.!lay visitor at the home of Mr. and'' is. Sylv. Witmer. Mme. Wm. C. Wagner visited at the hpnie of her sister, Mr. and Mrs W R.:.Bender, Grand . Bend for a weep, Mss Ilene Miller of London was a y„ elk -end visitor at the home o f h'e ;': `'e rents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mil- ldOri Ruth Church of London and * Bruce Church of Ipperwash, e week -end at their nome in 11I»t!: Milton Dagg who is attending Univa e ty at Toronto, is holidaying witnis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Dagg• Mary r y Meiner of Elmira en - Jo ed: pleasant vacation at theh me of,het Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merit T " >irany friends of Mr. Fred C. s'isch will be pleased to /earn _is progressing quite favour- NIrs. Harry Cole, R. N., of ,,. is in'attendance. Mr land Mrs. Frank Siebert and •ehtih;i of Detroit, Mrs. W. J. Maj- aronto, were week -end visit I+tr a •-former's mother, Mrs. , and their brother Mi niext of teen. ; t rate r. F. Finkbeiner Arid 'claiigli-' ter, leffee Hazel of Stratford; Mr. Samuel 'E. Faust of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and son Bob and Mr. Clayton Hoffman of Galt were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. The Zurich Women's Institute will meet in the Home Economics Room, Zurich public school, at 8 o'clock, Monday evening, April 24th, and not April ;17th as previously announced. This will be an educational meeting. So we are looking for you and you! To attend. MANY FISH AT BAYFIELD The fishing season at Bayfield is in full swing and the local fishermen who set their nets for the ilrst time of the season, are getting heavy lifts although they go five miles out in the lake to do so.- They are two weeks earlier this year getting on the lake than last, perch and herring eomprisa the rain catch. OBITUAR'` MRS, G. S. HOWARD PASSES The death occurred at her home in Exeter on April 7th after a brief ill- ness of Mrs. George S. Howard, in her 70th. year. She was formerly Mar- garet Allan., daughter of Mr. and Mrs Robert Allan, of Hay Township in the Blake district where the family grew up.. Mrs. Howard was a member of Main St. United church, Exeter, =deceive in its various organizati- en& She is survived by her husband; n daughter, Miss, Evelyn of Ottawa; font sisters, Mrs.. F. Hess, Hensall; Mrs. C.. Haugh, Brarcefield; Mrs. Jas. C'arnie, Stanley Twp; Mrs. Allan Es - Ter, Lloydminster, Sask; a arother, Robert Alia» of Bruce -field. The fun- eral was held on. Monday from the residence. Burial followed in the Bay field cemetery. Rev. N. J. Wood Ii`albfl that ab1i Exete was disclosed that the District An- p was in charge of the services. nual, S. Huron is :scheduled to take place in Hensel' on. Tuesday, June 13th„ 1.15 afternoon session. Music to be provided by Zurich and Huron dale. Fuller particulars later. Mrs, A. Rundle, IJurondaTe, was then call ed upon for a few remarks. She gave a few interesting highlights on board *teetings which she attended. Sh !list) outlined other important phases ,.f Institute week-. The following nominating committe: Mrs. H. G 'Tess, convenor; Mrs. A. Rundle Mi r. Paterson, Mrs. Geo. -Glenn, Rundle, : if Detroit; four brothels, William of earned to prepare a new elate al Dashwood; John of Buffalo; Louis ricers for 1944-45, This report ter 4 ef. St. Agatha; Anthony ef Vancoue- ',e presented at the,,district annual or• Requiem mass eves sung in ;fit. The meeting was then adjourned, of ' er which dainty refreshmentsever, served by the hostess, assisted ba ','Cis. McLean, Mrs. I(ei•slako, Miss G 1 Luker and Mrs. Roy MtIOTAVQ11, The Elco "ORCHID" There's chic styl- ing in this ultra smart "spherical" rnodeL Practical tool Dependable .11 A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL 11so : Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid far Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel' soso6r 000eoeeesooa000s!!oN0000so•e000000•O000eosrN PUNEP A L & AMBULAkez • SERVICE • IComfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich a �c'y,.v��a.vesoe:vexuvsvt�eM•>!a�e:,ye�Gsa�3 �Pr�Q?i�®@9A1J1������A®�t@h9�Q�'�Q6id1� Late Alex. Zimmer Ilex. Zimmer, Dashwood blacksmith and machinist, passed away at his residence after a short illness. He was born in St. Agatha, near Kitch- ener and had been a resident of that place for 43 years, and had reached ';he age of 68 ye T -T ny his widow; four sons, Harry and Untie of Dashwood; Ebner or Grand lend; Earl who is „an lag in ti.•:: .cavy; a sister, Mrs. Libby Stechley 94000406Ca1961111000;891106406480. 002111000016641 06 0,121 tllOO6?t9gF,}Ot'I00 0140411 : w On Mutual Network --- Sundays •Local Station—C.K.L:W., Windsor • et ;a> CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, 1 LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA a! ®eeeylP®testweeeassosseasao-osetveat; eese~oesessen+ owas TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour '7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich en Monday morning at 10 aan. In- terment fol awed in the adjoining emetery. I w. Father Ti 'lel` offic- iated. USERS of GASOLENE LAMPS, STOVES AND OTHER APPLIANCES • Uniform High Quality e Kp. Ape Generators Cle a *Recommended by Coleman Lamp and Stave Company THE BLAKE STORE Ed. Schwartzentrub r, Prop. t 1