HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-04-06, Page 8TTT7Tv" ZURICH, ONTARIO tiV Ip ID hp Wall Pap!rs We have a fine lot of New Wallpapers on band for the Spring Season. Suitable Patterns for every Room of your Hoare. 85 different Side Walls, and 30 Ceilings to choose from. Prices Range from 13c to 50c Single Roll DRAPERY MATERIALS Let us show you our supply of New 1 Hom.esptinsr Rayon Damasks, Shadow Cloth, Monk's Cloth, Cretones, also a complete range of Tapestry Furniture Coverings. No advance in Prices on any of these Lines. en's Wear AGAIN REMINDING YOU THAT WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING., SUCH AS MEN'S AND 'BOYS' READY TO WEAR SUITS AND TOP- COATS, ALSO SAMPLES OF MADE TO MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS; AND A NICE RANGE OF MEN'S SEPARATE TROUSERS IN FINE WOOL WORSTED. FINE HATS AND CAPS, SHIRTS, AND EVERYTHING IN WORK CLOTHES. —OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT— Gascho TELEPHONE 59 rose ZURICH. G GEI E A INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fye, .\ntc, Casualty Ficlelity, Etc Andrew F. Hess, o -Zurich Local Representative Zurich EIaVEloamt73'txwove* latssa92042eSat @ugge cagteigonvilacwigew 0 1 1 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy 1.1':',t.. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional ! Values at Lower Prices... Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering �4010►iUll�141iIrIII ,..dilly NLila �`1-,rr, '1 11I��7nonra7uu' renu.>! 1■ �I[•,.11��111N!l1,��1 ' 8rlllrr_ o. BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. STADE dc, WEIDO ZURICH -` ONT. QUALITY ® PRICE SERVICE zU11cH HERALD 1001]111111101010011111111111111(111.1 IIIIiIiIIIIiIlIiI11iIIIIILIIIIIIli1 411111111110 IIIIIIII 111111111li.iki. ZE3R'LeWS Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COIVIF•LE TE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED) FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES.. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE. NOT:QUO'T++IE'QiG ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE: THE: PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH: QV1kI;.ITTIY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch,. Zurich PRDUCE WANT'EDI Phone 165 a I I ! hll (I I IHIU PLq;" i'' I i III . �,1 l j[j fid! ',V >��11.�: ,�.r,.al,l�.(��1� .�� I� I�II� I uJ IIlIIIIILIIIi!I1` RENEWAL. Ok ITATENIPL YPIENT INS 4, NCE BO KS w 411 Employers: All Unemployment insurance Books for the year ending March 31st, 1944, must be ex- changed! xchanged! for new books. Kindly cormuni.te immediately with the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office if you have not already exchanged your employees' books. There are severe penalties for failing to make Unemployment Insurance Contributions for your insured employees and, for failure to renew the Insur- ance Books as required. To NI Employees: -lit If you are an °zured person protect yaw benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been exchanged; UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION ION. HUMPHREY MITCHELL, Minister of Labour LOUIS J. TiROTTIER R. J. TALION ALLAN, I+#, MITCHELL Com,nissioners. PE ITEMS OE LOCAL iiffEREST Mr, Ross Johnston has returned home from Clinton Hospital. Mrs. Clarence Datars visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver at St. 1larys. 1lrs. Lena Lawson of Exeter, is visiting with her daughter, Mr: and Mrs. Stewart Thiel. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mallett and, dau- ghter Beth, and Mrs. Singular spent a day at London the beginning of the week. Mr. Neil Gingerich has purchased. the farm of Mr. William Hey of the Babylon line, and will get possession. this spring. Miss Florence Mittle noitz, of London spent the week -en(; „tat` the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mittleholtz Mr, and Mrs. G. J. Thiel, Zurich, wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Alice�•Oath; arine to Charles Wesley Hugill, son of !Mr, and Mrs. J. Hugill, Seafoi th, The wedding to'take place in April.. The very cold and winterlike weather seems to stick )sight; to 'us with little signs of the worn' spring: days that are always so welcome at this time of year. Many are ':.:of the opinion that after Easter, if that has an/thing to do with it, it Will. be better. Here's hoping! The auction sale of the effeets of the late Wm. Meidinger on Saturday brought out a large number .(if peo- ple who attended the sale. On Sat- urday of this week, April 8th Mrs. H. F. Weseloh is having a sate, of her effects, and then • ;' Lor, April 15th the household effects of the late taco') Hotiaazld ,3:71 1''• 1-'40_ in Zurich. WHAT IS THE WAR DOING TO WOMEN? While millions of American women toil valiantly to .7i 1 the, war effort, some "weak sisters'' 44eek dangerous fun. FBI Chief ;I, Edgar Heaver. writing in The American Weekly with this Stinclay'•s (April 9) issue. of The Detroit Sunday Times . . ex- poses an evil situation and proposes what should be done about it. Get Sunday's Detroit Times, Thursday, A viii 01;113, 4 ,. YOUR is Hardware and Fur,, •- re. 14 c,> ST RE PAINT TJP 2'IPdE The Season. demands to PAINT UP order to Preserve the Surface on your Building$;, It is poor economy to try to save on Paint. We have a good stock: of all called for.. Paints, Vhr'ni"sfles, and Paint-Supplies.....See these lines. New Felt Mattresses We were fortunate in securing a good suppl'i of New Felt, Mattresses which we are offering; the public from. $8:00 to $15.00 each, and ;can, assure they are big; value for the money. Be -sure: and see them:!: FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Hill's Line of all the Home Requirements johnston Ka1bfleich Hardware FC Furniture. Phone 68 • •.1•4.4.a•y-,..t.++++++� • 4.4.+4'. : TRY ECKEL'S 4. 4. CSI Talk" Br ad , + also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE,NES, AND 4 SWEET GOODS. ; All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ' ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM ++{ UR STORE IS CLOSED MONDAY., WED), ?k FRIDAY NIGHTS Eckel's Bakery . Zurich Telephone 100, , St. Joseph. and Beaver Town Mr, and Mrs. Len'Serums and da- ughter Marjorie. spent the past ,week in Windsor and other points, Mrs. Rachel Dendmme of Windsor is around here where ;he will remain ter some time. •Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Charrette of the Blue Water south, were Sunday visitors with ,Ntr. and Mrs. Chas. La- porte of Drysdale. Mrs. Ross Hewitt of Windsor and Mrs. Joseph Cantin spent the week- end in Beavertown visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme and Mr. and .Mrs. Emery Bedard all of Drysdale called on Mr. and ,Mrs. F. Ducharme on Wednesday last. The auction sale held on the farm of Mr. Albert Hendrick on Wednes- day last was a good success. Even though the day was disagreeable, the good. stock kept by the proprietor drew -the attention of farmers from afar'off and good prices were realiz- ed for all stock sold. Mr. Frank Jeffrey of our burg who has not been feeling his best of late, is now improved so that he is out and around again. • • To the Men who Till the Soil • • • • • • • • tiv • Comment—This has been a somewhat upset spring for the maple syrup business. The chilly weather of the past week has started the flow of sap and unless the weatherman grants an unusual period late in April, the supply will be cut nearly half! Oh yes, early. spring; at time of writing there are not less than .six inches of snow on the ground and more foll- owing, Those that have made special b. 0 rc.astin the weather, '77 fy s tug ie5 7 g the shifting of the wind, or other signs, better resign ,their past and give some one else a chance at it. Even though they would be only am- ateurs,. they could not go farther as- tray•in their predictions than the old heads. Oh, Well_ There is no use of being crabby about it, the weather. will be nice when it will be, and not before. s 4 4 4 a With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf . also in black Vici Kid, These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has therm. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. H. EDIGHOFFER +1 • ases••®3ZOGICCPSla12s0aoeeeeen 1110111•11100011M11011111 1 1 1 Bonemeal 410 11111•10, We wish to advise the public that we carry a good. supply of Bonemeal for your. Stock and will be pleased to supply your requirements. COLONY HOUSE CHESTNUT We have Received a Cak of Chestnut Coal ofr use m Colony and Brooder Houses, which we will sell for such purpose. Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have allthe called for Feeds h such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. L. Schilbe & Son