Zurich Herald, 1944-04-06, Page 5ZURICH, ONTARIO ZURICI I HERA;L1) 40 404040••♦•••••••• v4040410o**r•****•.o+40410`4444440•4044 • • • Huron Fanciers' Co Operat1Te • • • We carry a full 'fine (of Poultry Feeds, Hog Concentrates, Wes- • tern Feed Wheat, excellent quality. r • TWO CAR LOADS OF WESTERN OATS JUST ARRIV9D. • • 41• Place your order for 'FERTILIZER and take delivery early. • • ORDER BROODER COAL IMMEDIATELY • • • Soft Coal, Shingles, Cedar Posts, and Motor Oils on hand at p tall times. • H'ENSALL, Phone 1.15.. R. J. COOPER, MANAGER * •41.404044.40***** D 44.4►O r1' Q+0.004;0.4•.0Q ov>0344>4u1*..+'.0.4,c BUSINESS CARDS WANTED CAM FOR FOHORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser.- vice day or night. Phone Credi- ton 4.1,r15, collect. Jack Wil- liams. Zurich A.N ',70X014: B.V. Sc. Ir y .SURGEON R 'donee, Main Street, ,asst".a: Drug Store fir. • R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. graduate of Ontario Veterinary eter n All College, University Obsesses of domestic animals d h the most modeDayprinciples, or night Charges reasonable. rolls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Kennels. Scottish Ofce on terriers.Invernessn Street, apposite Town Hall, • bush. 40% Nobarb 60% of Alaska Oats. Andrew B. Bell, RR 2, Kippen • • • • • CATTLE WANTED ;,For pasture for the coming season. ,apply to W. J. Davidson, Hillsgreen p�3Ane 99r4. NOTICE Oue Store will he closed every Monday, Wednesday • and Friday' ev- enings.--.•Eckel's Bakery, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE Half -H. P. Gasoline Engine, good condition. .L, Etue, Phone 95r5. • FOR SALE 3 Milk Cows due to freshen soon. A. A. Oestreicher, Phone 57110, Dashwood. NOTICE NOTE --Some shavings for sale Call Zurich Planing Mill FOR SALE EXTRA GOOD SEED FOR SALE! 200 bushels Nobarb Barley. 1,000 BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with very Choice of Fresh and Cur- --ed Meats, Bol9gnas, Sausages, Ect., `always on hand. Kept firesh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hide` and Skins • K, Yungblut & Son PRODUCE Farm Produce WANT 1-Iave your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry. - Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery For Sale FOR SALE—About 12 tons of good red clover and timothy mixed hay. Also a quantity of buckwheat. Mrs. Mable Snider, Phone 98r2, Zur- ich. - FOR SALE CHICKS FOR SALE S. C. WHITE LEGHORNS exclusive- ly. Breeding flock headed by GOVERNMENT BANDED R. 0. P. males. Incubating capacity is limited so we suggest that, to avoid disap- pointment you let us book your or- der now. —Twimnaples Poultry Farm, Bruce J. felopp, Y'rop. Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg And Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. lielick motored to Kitaiener for a few days. Mrs. Morris Brown of "I'eeswater Vet :a tew days visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Theil of town. Mrs. Peeer Mclsaac. of Dashwood, is visiting eat the home of her'sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer for a few days. Mrs. Lewis 'Thiel has received word from her bri:tber of the RCAF., a.rriv ing overseas. He had been stationed at Centralia Ain' Port. Pte. Bruce ;Baker of Chatham spent the week -end at the home of his parents, MY, and Mrs. Robert Baker of Blake. Bruce is the third' son of Mr. and Mrs. Baker to joi up, two other .sons axe serving over seas. Farmer; with a good herd of;•stoek and making sale at present are real izing well for the same sows at $150 and calves at $30.00 are usual oc- currences, and it makes the meat prices rise over the counter as well, as most of us who buy our ine`at On- ly know too well. The auditor's report .of- Hay Town ship and Zurich Police Village has during the past week been printed,* and some copies are available ..for distribution. ' 'The finances -a$ a whole are in good condition, and. e. very good' year's management shows up in these reports. Hay Council met on Monday for the April meeting. With tha_continued cold and al- nost mid -winter weather there is very little maple sap running . and, those engaged in its manufacture are having a long wait for the .time when it really -will run, which we 'hope will be soon. But those who have been fortunate in getting their supply, THERE IS A surely trnjt)y the "Sweets" which ase ee scarce at present. NEW SPRING SHOES AT DATARS NURSES SHORTAGE The shortage of trained nurses in FOR LADIES, GENTS AND CHIL- Ontario has reached such a pass that some hospitals have had to reduce DREN. BE SURE TO COME IN the accomodation available to patients. The' authorities are scour- ing the country in search of helpers, and will probably do anything but correct one of the causes of the short age—the closing of classes for would be nurses in the smaller hospitals of the Province. DASHWOOD 11VIrs. Lovina :Kellerman has re- turned. after spending a few weeks in Chatham. Mrs, Lucinda Mclsaac has returned from Windsor and Detroit where she has spent the east four months and is ,spending a week with her seeter in Zurich. ;Mrs. E. E. Tiernan of Barrie, is visiting with Mrs. E. Tiernan and other friends. Miss Catharine Fsinkbeiner who spent the winter with her sister in Sarrnia, has returned home accomp- anied by her sister, Mrs. Humble. Gnr. Donald Restereeyer of Viet -1 Oa has returned after spending the past two weeks with his parents. 1 Mrs, Chas. Fahner of Michigan at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Harry Fahner last Sunday, also i spending a few days with her par -1 diets, Mr. and Mi•a. D. S h cI •I c roe et. Leonard .Leonard Schenk of Walker. -Eon, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker, L. A. C. Lorne Kleinstiver who has been stationed at Oshawa, spent ee last week with his mother, Mrs. E. Kleinstiver. Lorne will spend a few dayswith his sister in Bowmanville before leaving for Camp Borden. .Mr. and Mrs. George Becker have e. moved into the residence they recent- .g 'W'purchased from the Stephan Est- ;ate., st-ate.. Mrs. Joe Bruce of Windsor and Mrs J. Snyder of St. t;atharine- spont'the past week with their moth-' er Mrs. B. (Hayter. RVIrs. Harold Kellermani and son are sending a week with her parents in 4. Hanover. _. 'Miss Pearl under the /404`'s care improving 4 as quickly .as her many friends would like to see. BAYFIELD A sudden death occurred on Friday eve last when James Wamsley passed away from a heart ailment, he was in his 77th year and unmarried and is survived by a sister, Mrs. Wm. Ell- iott and some nieces and nephews. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon last from his late residence on the Varna Road. Rev. J. Graham conducted the service. Interment was in Bayfield cemetery. Kraft is still and is not [HIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress pring Sh es FIND SHOWING OF Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. • MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK !RHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,618.47, g*ttet--$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. Fs KLOPP. ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Cightn- ng Roils and all kinds of Fire Insurance AND SEE THEM. ALL VERY REASONABLY PRICED FINE STYLES AND GOOD VALUES ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MENNO D. ST'ECKLE, late of Stanley Township, Ont., deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the late Menno D. Steckle, who died on or about August 4th, 1941, are required to, send particu- lars of their claims duly verified to the undersigned Executors on or be- fore April 22nd, 1944, after which date the assets will be distributed. Dated April 1st, 1944. Daniel Steckle, Menno Steckle, Allan •Steckle, Executors, Zurich, Ont VOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM MEIDIN'GER, late of Zurich, Ontario Gentleman, deceased. A.LL PERSONS having claims against the late William Meidinger who died on or about January 8th, 1944, are required to- send particu- lars of their claims duly verified to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executors on or before April 8th, 1944, after which date the assets will be distributed. 'DATE() .1Vlnrch. 21.st, 1944. Leo Mittleboltz, and Theodore Mittie- holtz, Executors. W.hinrley, .Solicitor for Executors, t Exeter, Ont. Harry Waznsley of Niagara Valle and Wm. of Stratford. attended the funeral of their uncle, James Wehrle - ley •on Tuesday last. Miss Manson has left for London to attend the funeral of the late Wal., ter Kelly in that city: The other evening from 4 to r o'clock a pancake and maple syrup lunch was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Thos. Bailey by a fair attend- ance. Proceeds in aid of the Library. Mr. John McKinley of Winnipeg attended the funeral of his uncle, the late John MacDonald on Thursday last. BUILDING MATER'ALS We are now in aposition to supply and Material for Local Building We ' H4-,1-ge quantity of Lumber, Chip - rock -7" -rt.. Flooring, Nails, Etc., on hand. LET US SERVE YOU! F. C. NALBFLEISCH & SON Phone 69 - - - - ZURICH AOT AT ONCE! HAVE NEW TRACTOR AT SHOP FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 102 G. JUNIOR. CAN ALSO GET ONE GENERAL ROW CROP ON RUBBER WITH SCUFFLER ONE 11 RUN FERTILIZER DRILL NEW AND ONE USED ALSO 3 -SECTION SPRING TOOTH HARROW. MAY SELL A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS. SERVICE ASSURED FOR LIFE OF MACHINE 400 -450 -lb. Size for -.. $59.50 ..550 -600 -ib. Size for $70.75 850 -900 -ib. Size for $812.75 ORDER YOUR SPRING REQUIREMENTS. FOR REPAIRS EARLY. M -H. PARTS FOR M -H. MACHINES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klapp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. i 's2 C D N the past, wars have brought with them a high cost of living, ending with inflation. This sapped the strength of nations and added poverty and injustice to the other tragedies of war. Later it has led to falling prices and unemployment. In this war, we Canadians are determined to head off this danger. We have done much to avoid a repetition of the disastrous price rises of previous wars. We have paid higher taxes. We have bought Victory Bonds. We have severely limited profits. et w We have put a ceiling on prices. And to snake it possible to hold the ceiling, wages and salaries have been controlled. tter In one way or another most increased costs have been ab- sorbed and very few passed on to the consumer. Holding the ceiling has been a struggle. But the results have been worth while. From 1914 to 1919 prices rose 60%. From 1939 to 1944 the rise has been only 18%. -10 This effort of the Canadian people has been successful enough to be noted in other countries. But we must continue to hold the line. We need not let history repeat itself. We can do better. We can all help— By cutting down unnecessary spending, and buying Victory Bonds instead. By not hoarding or buying in black markets. By not faking advantage of the war situation to press claims for higher prices, higher wages,, higher rents or higher profits. t rt (This advertisement is and of et series being issued by the, Government of Canada to emphasize the importance al' preventing a further i ncreaso in the cost of living now and deflation tater.) w..