HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-04-06, Page 4*W 4, ONTARIO
Applicants are now being
selected for entrance to
training in the following
Mental Hospitals:
New Toroth
A two years course of trainin
is offered in the home hospital,
followed by one full year 'in
affiliation at epeciaHy selected
General a.., ^ . aghoiit
the pro, I' course
leads to I .I, •° .xdtionr
During t : full t e ee years
training, a eeeereus Monthly
Allowance is given.
For detailiforrn diol
apply 30
at One et Canestkisted
Mr. W, G, Deli. 'well knownw th
trict ?antes is it at his home
plutra pneumenta, and a trained
nurse in attendance.
Miss Jeaxa Sheddon of Clinton was
a week -end guest with Mr. and Mrs
James W. Bonthron.
Donna Rigby of Blenheim is visit -
lag with her grandparents, Mr. and
•Mrs.. 'Stewart McQueen.
Mrs. Elizabeth Ecles of New York
Mrs. James Gardiner, of Maiden,
-mother of Hon. James Gardiner,
were guests last week with Mrs. E.
Kennedy, and Mr. Ira 'Geiger.
Mrs, Fred Howe, Billy and Betty
of Toronto are visiting with Mrs.
Howe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johan
Miss Norma Cook, a student at the
Western University was a week -end.
14 iDurhant and Herford elves; 20
head of grass cattle) stelers kind hei-
fers weighing 800 to QQQ pounds.
implements Deering binder
cut with sheaf 'carrier and %ruck;'o,ne
Cock:shu:tt bean set.;le'.tt, 1 in -throw
team dise; one International farm
wagon with gr'ave1 box, quantity of
feed beans,
Walken 11'. Alexander, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. '.
of S at Not.
'Grain I& Seeds '-- A quantity of
Alaska seed oats, a quantity of 'red
clover, alfalfa and timothy seed.
Feed ---A quantity of hay, a quan-
tity of bean straw, a quantity of
turnips on lot 25, Con. 1.
Tractor—Case tractor, model "D"
rubber in front, steel on rear, 2 yrs.
old, (good as new) ; Note. Traetor
will be withheld from the sale, the
necessity warrants it to op
flax mill.
Truck -1 'Chevrolet Model "T"
(1920) with delivery body; 1 set of
35x5 tire chains, 2 spare tires for
front truck wheels, 1 set bench seats
for truck body.
Implements--IMdCormick - Deering
binder 7 -ft. cut with sheaf carrier,
has '2 knives tractor binder tongue,
set of truck wheels for above binder
to. be used in place of a tongue,
extension binder dividers for lodged
grain, McCormick fax pulling mach-
ine with 4-h:p• Cushman gas engine
00 cod
Of ibiisehold Effects
'S:A.] DAY, APRIL 15th,
;Aft 1.00 o'clock, p,ni.`
5 Wta'ckers, Carpet Sweeper,..2 •par-
'lor rugs, coal ,oil hanging lanip, drop
:Singer sewing machine -with ;all
attachments, (parlor table, hall rack;
l and ;mirror, Good Cheer kitchen
range almost new drop leaf table,.''6
plank ate., in oak elm, hemlock etc.
2 onion crates, cement blocks and
bricks, 2 cement window sills, to-
bacco slates, several coal oil and gas
stoves, several tables, other articles,11'
of furniture, etc. Everything
be sold without reserve with the ex-
ception of a reserved bid on the
hog's truck, clipper cleaner, fax ail and dipper,
puller -with engine attached, big giant i steamer, water pail, pp r, tub,
Deering mower new and tractor. wash board, lard can, kettles, "drying.
Terms—Cash pan , other baking pans, dish pan,.
Owen Geiger Estate, Proprietor. kitchen utensils, lantern, jugs, pails,
Ira Geiger, Dr. Win. Geiger, Mrs. E. flower pots, paper rack, tea 'kettle -7e
A. Kennedy, Executors. bake board, rolling pin, lawn mower,
Wm. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, garden rake, hoes, snow shovel, spade
AUCTION SALE 2 sprinklers, coal oil can, pr. sad•.
irons, cans, curtain rods, wheelbarr -•
OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ow, axe, scythe, cedar posts, hand
At ZURICH on saw, bucksaw, ironing board, electric,
SATURDAY, AIPRIL 8tIi. iron, coffee grinder, curtain stretch-
ers, ladder, cedar posts, verandah
step new, a few barrels, wood box,
lawn shears, spinning wheel combine
ed, and numerous other articles.
Arthur ,Weber, Auctioneer..
R. F. Stade, Clerk.
Mrs. Henry ;Weseloh, Proprietress.
Thursday, April :.6th, 1 J4 •Y
practically new, 2 garden stands,
rocking chair, chamber set, 2 hang-
ing lamps, 3 lamps, 2 large cedar.
chests, pictures, high chair, 2 other
stands, 1 tea set of dishes, odd plates
and cups, arm chair, hall tree, valise,
cellar table, saucers, glassware, some
silverware, odd knives, and forks,.
At 1.30 o'clock, p.m.
3 beds, 3 springs, 3 mattresses, 2
dressers, 2 'wash stands, bureau,
wardrobe, dining room table, glass
mounted on rear, cost $600. well j cupboard, sink, 2 kitchen tables, 2
, new; big Giant Deering mo
Miss i ,
1 ,:e kitchen mode' - • 3 locker, 2 odd chairs,kitchen stove
�.� �";"t1,edres- New Ideal Drg. moiler 5 -ft. cut,
knives • Mcar hay tedder; Deering mow
visitor at her home here. kitchen chaos kitchen cabinet 5 as gmall tables (1. dozen kitchen chairs,
h 3 knives • B.G.BG,
C. B. Heckenndorn, Pastor
Mrs. M. Desch, Organist
10 a.m.—Divine 'Worship.
Reception of Members.
11.15 --Sunday Seh eil
7.30 pan.—Musical Program.
M s E leen Hunter of Exeter was as parts; lounge, couch, parlor rug, leather
a week -end guest with Miss Jx�sie cods oil lamps, new.
'yes kettle, itch s, (new), Mower 6 ft. cut for repair par g
'pots, pans
ennedy. utensils, •
Mr. and Mrs. A. IW. E. ii'emp'liill
are spending a few weeks vacation -•'stirs
ing with Mr. an,i yrs. Douglas eel. o '
Evangelical Lutheran Church
mimic 4 — ONT.
Cpl. Fred Beer of Tandem, LAC. I c -''
John Beer, of Guelph, were ~weereeen..
visitors atth 12 home here.
u.. .
I ,circ
getting settled in the home `they leiidle, rei
Mr. and Mrs. James :Simpson 'are ectric
Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor
10 a.m.—Divine 'Services.
11.15 a.m.—Sunday -School.
7.30 p.m.—Divine 'Services.
'Everybody Weloesne 'to all Services.
recently rented from Mr. George! , chair 2 bete.
Ross Kennedy of London was a
week -end visitor at his home 'here.
Mr. Eric Kennedy of Flaniiiton is
spending a week visiting with 'his
wife and family.
Miss Ada Gram of Lansing, Mich.
was a week -end visitor with rex par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. George Gram.
Miss Barbara Shepherd of Clinton
spent the week -end at her home here
Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood of
Kippen moved on Monday of this
week into the home they purchased
from Mr. and Mrs, James 'Simpson
and are getting nicely settled.
. ons3` (lasers' power lift tractor cultivator 11 shov-
" ala- els; Frost. & Wood steel land roller,
co • e -d. ums,9-ft; wooden roller 2 drums,
•eh xie Ohio cultipacker; tractor disc 9 -ft. 16
•son ng plates, one out -threw and one .inthrow
rap, el- 2 single horse discs, 2 one horse scu-
d; man, filers; M. -H. broadcast sower; M -H. I
a ;Sew fertilizer drill, with grass seeder at- ,
office ta:ched, 13 -hoe; 2 sets' 3 -section dia- ;
mond harrows; 4 -section harrows; 4-
e. kettle, stand, Setion peg tooth harrows; 2 M -H.
trussels, boxes, •2 cellar tables, 1 doz- rootpulpers; Brown &Clark wagon,
en gallon eioel a, large quantity em- McC. wagon, Eaton wagon; 2 16 -ft.
t; 3ed�l iup «:hue a, hook ladder, racks; 2, democrat wagons, buggy,
chicken wire and chicken fence, 5 Mt. Forest Carriage Co. high back
cedar posts, good wheel. `bars�ow, axe, cutter with chimes. (good as new) ;
ditching spade, shovel, 'cedar tub, farm cutter; 2 Brown & Clark sleighs
pails, step ladder, trussels, potato . other sleigh, flat bottom rack; clover
fork, garden rake and hoes, - lawn bunches, pea harvester or butcher,
potato plow, forecarriage, a, M -H. bean
mower, with grass catcher,, -feed boxes harvester (new) ; buzz saw, frame
and numerous other articles... and saw; light sleigh, equipped with
TERNLS—CASH " pole tongue ands ,
Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer,
-: r
R. F. Stade, Clerk.
Henry Howard,
fo. all rain Louden hay car for
late Jacob Howard Estate. steel track, hay fork rope 150 -ft;
well makers outfit, windless, bucket
CLEARING and drills, set of well curb forms; 3
EXECUTORS'walking plows; 2 -furrow tractor plow
P. & 0; platform beam scale 2000 -ib.
Of Farm Stock, Implements and capacity, like new; 1 Aylmer wagon
Chattels, at the Flax Premises, 2 scale:; 6 ton; ,Ohio pony straw cutter;
Of Farm Stock, and Implements., on
Lot 26 Concession 3 Hay Township,
114 miles west and 11/4 'Miles north
of Hensall, en
FRIDAY, APRIL 14th, 1944
Commencing at 1 .p.m.
Horses -2 Geldings rising .3 years
old; 60 head of cattle, 14 head of
Durham cows all due in April and
May, 1 Holstein cow, Ione 12eyear old.
Herford bull, 4 head -Dedham and.
Herford heifers due in Maar; 41. head
Durham heifers rising '2 ;.years etild;
et of shafts; Tem-
{ plin fanning mill • with bagger and
. sieves of flax, beans and peas; Clin-
ton fanning millwithcomplete sieve
Herbert Howald, Executors of the g
blocks south of the Post Office in the
Village of HENSALL, on
TUESDAY, AP:RI'L 11th, 1944
Dead and Disabled Animals
Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15
long ladder about 30 -ft; feed wheel
barrow; Sling chain with tree, rope
attached (new) ; feed box; 2 hay
Commencing at .1,30 p.m. forks for hay `car; several hay fork
Horses -1 aged .team of grey geld- rope pulleys, several oil tanks; 2
ings, 1 bay tears,, rising 7 and 8 yrs. hay knives; .Gig; Wooden wagon jack
oldfarm tools and other articles too
Harness -1, set of general :purpose numerous to mention. :Steel water
harness with collars, 1 set of breech- tank for stock; clipper cleaner No.
ing harness with collars; 4 collars 16, ,with 7 sieves (subject to prior
good as new; several sets of tugs sale); fence wire tightner, set of
with,hame5, hames and h irnees parts; blocks, bagger for a Chatham faun -
1 set of single driving harness, no inz mill.
, lines. - I Chatters—A quantity of clay tlie,
Hogs -23 shoats 1 sow with litter red cedar posts 8 & 9 ft. lumber,
A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in
inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 1'. kinds. .
of Crease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car andi*ee
how Trained Attendants Grease Cars
Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -to -data
Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up"" your Car - for
the Colder Weather and Heavier Roa
C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection
• iSYaro904.0s* •""" #tee
The names in this newspaper that
interest you most are names of boys you
know who are on active service ... boys
from this community. You used to read
their names in school, reports, in church
and Sunday school items, in news of
sport. You read these names today in
news from the fighting fronts. So often
now these names make sad news.
Let's do all . we can to hasten the day
when our newspapers can tell of happy
Yes, we can do something to hasten
that glad day.
When we do this job we help to win
victory sooner. We help to end the war
sooner. And we do something to benefit
The job that we are asked to do is to
'save our money and lend it to our
As each new fighting . front is
opened more money is, needed. More
people niust be ready to furnish this
More Victory Bonds will be issued.
Those who have not bought Victory
Bonds before must buy them. Those
who have bought bonds must buy more.
We are not asked to give ... we are just
asked to lend. We will have money for
things we plan to do, after the war.
Dedicate yourself to this war effort .
something you can do ... one thing you
must do. Your help is urgently needed,
*(A Newspaper saying --"Names Make
y IF"•
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