HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-04-06, Page 1• •11,,,, Established 1900 • ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MO,ING, • dt; APRIL 6 19 44 Chester L. Smith, Publishes $1.50 a Year in Advance LA tile • dsin To •E. - • ci -i.44+4,4....H..V.H44-4.-i.÷++++44+4.+++++++++++++++++++++.14 °a.; rarni affinan lancrat C,jo-nte c) 4- (SOUVENIR) + Ott tlt gtir ofatttrago 5.30, (g.,16.3,A.4Virig1tam 3: Pt Private Car Armitycllance Service for the Conveyance I of Sick and Injured: Licensed Embalmer ,and 4. Funeral Director. + * + MEMBER OF VAS ONTARIO FUNERAL ASSCi.T.ATION. t. 1.0.e DAY OR NIGHT:.IEI,EPHONE No. 70 + 4, Dashwood ' e'e Ontario + .SOME FINE EASTER LILIES FOR SALE . + ril!./tlef.tt+14.-+++,,eeeetiee++++++++ +++ H•'++++++++++ • COMFORTABLE GLASSES At 1. REASONABLT.' PRICES CE. Zurbrigg, OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Io Neweet. Approved /Wailed sal Eyesight Testing Wed. Opole ovegry Dal' Except Wodsteedaye Are You Suffering Front Headaches? if so; Have your Eyes Examined wilth he Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R40. ' F OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO DERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at nable Prices 321111W .v:Jerikarar .-museorsinso"- "' Used Cars 1937 . Caiig1T Cries CH ABSOLITELY LIKE NEW INSIDE 1938 .O1 -IV: COACH (2) To Pick From 1938 FORD SEDAN DeLUX, Spotless Interior 1939 DODGE CUSTOM, 5 -PASSENGER COUP. .ee 1933 FORD COACH (SHOWS GOOD CARE) FORD SEDAN, EXTRA GOOD TIRES. FORD RALF-TON TRUCK. FORD COACH, ALSO ONE COUPE CREVS; SEDAN AND TWO COACHES OHEV. COACH FORD DeLUX COACH PLYMOUTH COUPE CHEV. HALF -TON PICK UP TRUCK. -4" 1934 ee le -1028 '1931 *I- 1931 et ' 1929 "le A.1938 4. 1936 `4. 1934 BUYS AND -SELLS ARD FRITZ 4jszesoommetts.vonsatrara t`..,; „V;11,A.6t OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well, as quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has Always beet:. our slogan, and we still endeavour to maintain this star dard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy`to be in a position to show you just the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies.. Practically everything you will require it" Wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc„ is here fe-kr 3; our inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to se.e the many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the rather difficult conditions in proc- uring these items. is MP manoter.manto NE: 11' Phone 140 .1111.112M1041.11.3.11SAMTRIME151,,,anrnresTreermeNo. , r 57 111 Sho 1 1 i ping Guide Leavitt's Thea Exeter, Ont. Phone 1. ` Wednesday, Thursday,April TWO FEATURES ' • : - TOp MAN.,1:: • Starring Donald O'Coniit. and S ana Foster; ; CHANCE OF A- LIFETIME Starling ,Chester Morris .ancl, aecgs Stone... • „„..2 • SONG OF RUSSIA - Special Metle Golden Mayer picture Starring Robert Taylor andITSai. Petol. Featuring the famous SCtliarkoWsky Friday and Saturday. Sat. Concerto Monday and Tuesday TWO FEATURES: • LET'S FACE IT! .. - Comedy with Bob Hope and Betty Hutton • TARSON'S DESERT MYSTERY With Jonny Weissmuller and Marcy Kelly. Musical murAolnine BORDER RULES RELAXED •. Ottawa — Native:baen` ,Canadian citizens will not require border-ere sing cards for temporary viethe United States efter Jan. 1, it was learned. Announcement of changes: in the U. S. regulations governing crossing of the border Nyhich will have this effect is expected shortly. Such persons however, will have to produce evidence, that they7were been Canacle. (.:*anatlian 'cititefis born outside Canada will still require doc- uments. • MAPLE SYRUP RATIONING. Special arrangements .are • being made for handling coupons on mail orders on maple syrup, according to recent information. These, will be an- nounced later. The Ina*. syrup rat- ion has been increased from 12 to 20 ounces per coupon effective March 2 This means eight coupons writ he good :[or one gallon. Announcing the increase the Board also announc- es D16, the last coupon of its kind in book 3, would be valid March 2, instead of March 80 when it is noe- nially HAY COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Hay met in the Town Hall, Zurich, on April 3rd, at 2 p.m.' The minutes of the regular meeting and the two special meetings were. read and ad- opted. The Reeve then called for a reading o the Engineer's Report on the Stephan Drairi. After a discuss- ion on various topics the following motions were drawn up. That the sum of $25.00 be grant-: (el to the Hensall Spring Show for 1944. That the Tax Collector be given until May 1st, 1944 to return the tax Collector's roll for 1943. That the fence viewers be given notice to make. an examination and award on the line fence between the properties owned by J. Mantey, Con. 11, Lot 9, and Mrs. Mary Regier, Con. 11, a.ceording to the Linefence Act. . That the followng be passed and payments made: Township Roads — LOUTS Zimmer $2.30; Milton Dietz 35,08; Peter Visenbaah 16.00; J. M. Ziler 1.75; WM. F. Jennison 118.30; Hay Telephone — H. G. Hess, sal- ary 235.65; Vi7m. Thiel posts 19.50; Northern Electric 174.89; V. GJ Hess ,act, —70.48; Bell Co. 178.85; '`. H. Hoffman salary 485.65. Relief' --- John Sublet 26.10; Morris Denomme 25.00. ..eneral Accounts — H. elt. Hess. 'lee, act. 11.51; Win. H. Ildighoffei 7.estage. $9; D. G. 'Steele M.D. $'7 K.'teLean re: Spring Show $25. .„.:1:tors 154. :0, fleece]. Ilerpooltor ads. 1.47; Mun Week) supplies 56'?, The .Council adjourned te meet a. May Lt, ") . i' the town hell 7,nrie1i T1- Ty l'el,,l.„enseiee 01,st1;•, Klopp of London visited hoMe for a few days. to'Pasve;,itZlonaydonspent bSunday with sBertha Singular of Detroit, $t. A.iting for a few weeks at the '1 4141' 4.11er sister, �r. and Mrs. All • n 1,40. Daureen O'Dwyer from an In Coast is enjoying a few furlough' at the home of her : Dr. and Mrs. P. S. O'Dwyer in of Mr. William Wein of the line and will soon receive .zionhiel has purchased , Stuartt !L.* -1rtt Lena MeAlpin of Woodstock ' with her brother Mr. Andrew `the past Sunday, also with relatives. Herb Mousseau is staying wi.lier daughter Joyce, W110 is at Vic aria Hospital, London, and her many friends are pleased to hear that 3,oyce is progressing real well after lier recent operation. The urich Branch of the Women's Instittte will meet on Monday even- ing, 4prii rith at 8 o'clock instead of A.pi1 Ilth, in the home economics room in the:Zurich Public School. • .&,7.49.sical Program consisting of ladies',Ioctette, Men's Octette, Junior Leag,u4 Chorus, Playlet by the Young 1PeoP1p1 will be given.in ithe,Emman- uel s ngelical &lurch on Sunday even April 9th. M. MacKinnon • of town has reei.`v, word that hei son Lieut- enk, .iander Hugh MacKinnon ha'sfainett tiv-rettime WATCH 75 $2 The Elea "ORCHID" There's chic sty], ing in this ultra smart "spherical" model. Practical tool Dependable v 4.; e A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. 1 For positive identification a tne WGrld's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL - ‘lso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals. Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fat Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall I Westlake - Brokensilire 5 • FITITERAL (74 AMBITLAITC1' his work there in the Canadian Navy. giati After taring a special course in , England. SERVICE The County of Huron is distrib- uting a large number of young trees Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent for planting .perposes, arid anyone interested should at once get in dir- 2 Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich ect communication- with your Town- • ship Clerk.For Hay Twp,,call Mr. oese,pe„„e„00.4,,,„eeeesgeoemeeeeetescep 41,660,3600,0666 secemoo R. W. Brokenshire, Zurich. The local Ration Book Board sat in the. town hall on Friday and Sat- urday of last week, and hundreds of books were issued. As not flaying a ration book means going without eating many things we are used to having. Mr. and Mrs. SylvanuS Witmer, who have for Many years been resi- dents ef' the Babylon line, Hay, a nd who spent the winter months in God - elicit and Clinton, have .purchased the fine dwelling property owned by the late Jacob Howald in the western part of town, and will get possission after the auction sale to be held on the property on April 15th. There. passed away at his home. Dashweod, on Tuesday, April 4th,.a well known citizen, in the person of Mr. AleX-Zimmer. The body is rest- ing at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Horne, Dashwood Sunday. Re puiem Mass at St. Boniface Church, Zurich en Monday, April 10th, at 10 Web& a.m. Interment will foll- ow in the. adjoining cemetery. Half -Loads For Trucks ,The half -load season for trucks is now in effect according to Provincial officers and will remain so until the end of April. This law affects high- way No. 21 from Forest to Owen Sound; The highways from St. Joseph to Hensall, from BrOwster to Exeter north, etc., and truckers are asked to observe these laws. POLITICAL BROADCAST Ottawa—The 'Canadian Broadvaet- ing Corporation's revised editiae of its policy on political and controver. :dal broadcasting contains a "clearer aefinitiosi" of what requirements p0! - al eno-ies will have to meet in or- der to be considered national parties it was revealed. In the event that 'there are only two qualiflying polite - d parties, the leaders will be allot- ted equal time, but when there are more than two qualifying parties, the time will be divided in the fallowing ratio: "1. Two perode to the party in power; "4 Three periods to be. divided among. qttalifying Opposition parties, AnaliKti......•••••••••••••••• ereazosseasaaaaaaaaaasasesee.,-seaaaassaocaa4ma,c,,eactic,,at,za $ TUNE IN ON a a a Old -Fashioned Revival Hour a 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. a -....,.> Pilgrim's Hour ! . 2 to 3 P.M„ E.D.S.T. es On Mutual Network --- Sundays Local Station—C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA I.eassis iliO4)**000 1 a a tika041111041111141%644•40411.1/860.04104Maaaamegea USERS of • GASOLENE LAMPS, ee! STOVES AND OTHER APPLIANCES 4404 *LI ;!-FF Me NAPHTHA e Sufe Econamicol 41. Uniform High Quality • Keeps Generators Clean * Recommenclet1 by Coleman Lamp and Stove Company THE BLAKE STORE Ed. Schwartzentruber, Prop. „,„,,,6,000.kimmiteketewne..40e4seeepteriereeeleakerieeriemei4.4.4e44memanne.44.4444.44444... 'd1 4 a .4 .4 4 4 • 4 .4 4 • 4 4