HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-03-30, Page 8ZURICH; ONTARIO t�t1b 400 $ 8 8 8 60D kSOP a!D MSD Wall Papers We have a fine lot of New Wallpapers on harict for the Spring Season. Suitable Patterns for every Room of your Home:. 85 different Side Walls, and 30 Ceilings to choose from. Prices Range from 13c to 50c Single Roll DRAPERY MATERIALS Let us show you our supply of New Homespuns, Rayon Damasks, Shadow Cloth, Monk's Cloth, Cretones, also a complete range of Tapestry Furniture Coverings. No advance in Prices on any of these Lines,. Men's Wear AGAIN REMINDING YOU THAT WE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING; SUCH AS MEN'S AND BOYS' READY TO WEAR SUITS AND TOP. COATS, ALSO SAMPLES OF MADE TO MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS; AND A NICE RANGE OF MEN'S SEPARATE TROUSERS IN FINE WOOL WORSTED. FINE HATS AND CAPS, SHIRTS, AND EVERYTHING IN WORK CLOTHES. —OUR •PRICES ARE RIGHT— Gascho Bros• TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH IMNIM GENERAL IN STJRAN GE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Aute, Casualty Fitelity, Etc; Andrew a Hess, Zurich Local Representative Zurich ,rs mw•asa+>sms10614,-Tr*G - et+ca evfg HARDWARE — SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices... OI oov 1 and FURNITURE. Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering �. dt;iui,'II'ti 11:4:11,0101 Y, iNi010 V114i iq :.1.tyr3 h,,,lrp... ZURICH -1 HEILD- 1,el l'l !il !liipg11,1.4ll„ .!IlIiIIIII11Nl11111!I!IIP!It 1IIIHIIIiIIIHIII!IIIIIUIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIilliillllf!t,tllilll!illl!!"" ZCRICI-I'S Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRE'SR1 GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD • ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED, CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY (PARTICULAR. PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES' • Aril' THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 hell llillllillllllll it lUllllhl llllllllllltHlllhhhhhtIlUllUU!l 11 it nut t !lI m it y `1001;1 6I ;lt►I I Ilp lullllllll�illlllliillalllll LUCAL tiUER T NOTICE TO CREDITORS' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ➢leyers of THE ESTATE OF WILT,PAM town were Sunday guests of MT. and 'liN MEIDINGER, late of Zurich, -Ontario Mrs. Mervyn Stelek • in theirnew home on the 14th concession. :Gentleman, deceased. 13e sure to see the new stock of Millinery be:fore buying your Easter Bonnet at the local Hat Shop, which is open every • Saturday, Clinton's -annual spring • show will be held on Thursday, April Gth, and will be officially opened.* Lieut - Governor Matthews. • iRev. Flt. Lieut.. Victor"Monk, Chaplain of Centralia Air Port prea- ched a very interesting sermon in the St. Peter's Lutheran church on .Sun- day-evening. Sun-day evening. Augastine, who has been tea- ching in No. 12 Hay, 14th eon., since September has discontinued and left for his home at Aylmer. The teach- EMMANUEL inn is being taken care of by Mrs. A. A. Oestreicher. Messrs. Joseph and John Brenne- EVANGELICAL CHURCH man of Detroit were week -end visit- ors in this vicinity, also visiting' their C. B. Heckend'ora, Pastor sister, Mrs. Amos Gascho who is in Mrs. M. Oescb, Organist the Clinton Hospital, her many fri SLJNDAY SERVICE; ends are pleased to learn that she is inlprovirtg nicely. 10 a.m. Divine Worship, Engagement 11. aim= --Sabbath School:. Mr. and Mrs. •Israel Witmer, Hay 7.30 Divine Worship. Township, wish to announce. the en- gagement of their youngest daughter Ellaretta, to Frederick:John Knott, of London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jain - es Knott of •Beachville,_the marriage to take place in April. • - Mrs. Henry F. Weseloh' of the south end of town sold her dwelling property and .some six acres., of land to Mr. Fred Regier, who gets posses-, 10 a.m.--Divine Services. pion• this spring. Mrs. W eseloh is I School. �1 15 a.m.—Sunday Sehaol. having a sale of her effects on March 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. 15tH., and in future will drake her Everybody Welcome to alt Sorviees. home with her daughter, Mr. and .Mrs William 'Thiel. 1 , Very cold weather is still with us' Misses Vera Decker of Exeter, Dor- for the end of March, or spring as othy Rader and .Norma Steinbach the season goes. :We had a consider- "were Sunday visitors at the home of able fall of snow on Saturday which the former's mother, Mrs. Clara is :=till on the ground, and to -day, Decker. Wednesday, there i; a terrible High; bI1s. Norman Ileischauer who has and cold wind blowing from the east.1.. Another week or so and we will be been occupyingpart of Mrs. Hy. F. celebrating Easter, and we trust the Weseloh's house, is moving her eii- -Weatherman. will warm things up a ects on. tele, upper part of Mr, Herb bit. The roads in the country are j Krueger's block where she will re - not any too smooth. The graders side in future. had been working last week and a vast improvement was noticed, but the wet snow did plenty of damage to these roads. ALL PERSONS having claims, against the late William Meidinger. who died on or about January. 8th3, 1944, are required to send'. particu- Iars of their claims duly verified. to. tthe undersigned Solicitor for the Executors on or before April 8th; 1.944, after which date the•assets;will. be distributed. DATED 11Iarch 21st, 1944.. Leo Mittleholtz, and Theod nw Mitt1e-• holtz, Executors. W. !Morley, Solicitor for:•Exeeutors;. Exeter, Ont. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. Rev. E. W. Heir Crich, Pastor • • • 'keel;►y, Marcie 30th, 00141, •••+1j••+.++'••+wrw• . YOUR ; Hardware and Furniture STO E PAINT IJE GIME 4 I. '4. .., 4.. 4.. 4. i.+ 4. :+ 4. 4., 4' The Season demands to.:,PAINT' UP in order to Preserve the Surface on; your I3`ildings. It is poor economy to try to save OW Paint. We have a good stock of all called' for;.. Palms, Varnishes, and Paint Supplies.....See theseJlines. New Felt Mattresses. We were fortunate in securing; a' good supply of New Felt Mattresses which. we: ' are offering the public from $8.00 to $15.00 each; and can assure they are big value for the moneys. Be sure and, • see them! FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches an'd Dinnette Suites A Full Line of all the Home:Requirements Johnston 8c Kaibfieiseh Hardware & Furnitaase. Phone 63 ++++++++++++++a++•++.+++iV•+.e +4+++++s•++++++.+0++++,++ ÷÷4444+4 4+++i++++4.444+1...£^++4.44f44++4, + + + : 4+ + ..g. 4. 4. + 4 ,+ + + + + ai.✓++ 3NF i++f++b+ + 3 44.44.+h+i,44, 3+4.4✓ +44++++44+++4+4+»!++1.'4 . BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which wA ?,re selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. o STADSTAML ev. &WEIDOI ZURICH - O T. QUALITY PRICE - SER VICE s YOUR INCOME TAX PAPERS< This year, more stringently than ever, the Government urge's .the peo- ple to make out income papers. Most of us have had a pretty fair year of it and should know how we stand,' and if your income is such that you come under a taxable class you are requested to make out these papers and send in your returns, whether the Govt._ askes you or not, hut if the 'Tax Dept. sends you notice to make out papers and you neglect to do so, well, it may be, toe bad for you. Forms are available at, your local post office, and the time limit is April 30th. But according to •a re- cent report a portion of the payment naay be deferred till August 31st, but the .returns must be made out by April 30th. DiED IN THE WEST Mrs. Louis Wolper died at the home of her son Mr. LouisWolper, at Cavell, Sask., on Wednesday, ,March 22nd in her 86th year. Mrs. Walper wk; a former resident of Hay Town- ship most of her lifetime, where she •Ind her husband farmed on the Bron- son line, and where the family grew no tin they retired .to Dashwood ror-n» years 'r'0. She was a member .i' Zion Lutheran church Dashwood 'l+rring her lifetime, her husband hav- ii: l•;•,leee;t<ed seven ;-ears ago, al - .O .two daughters and one son have :,e, , en h `ore. fla ,riving besides her son Lous, is one daughter, Mrs. Malon P,,c;temoyer, 02 Cat'alier, N. Dakota. The body is resting at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral home at Dashwood; tilt Thn r .d a1. at 2 n.m. When the fun- eral will take plat ' in ,the Zion Lu- theran cemetery, Bronson line,, with the pastor, Rev. T, tuft ofCiciatirig'• g6 0 1 TiRY ECKEL'S la Tau( alio) CHOICE VARIETY 0£ CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET' GOODS. All Ingredients Used . an ' of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS , -- • ICE CREAM Our Store will be close each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery -- Zurich. Telephone 100 • !! J. EDGAR HOOVER WARNS ON Postwar Crime Threat Will postwar readjustment spawn a new horde of desperadoes whose ruthless defiance of law and order make Baby Face Nelson and John Dillinger seem like mere beginners'? Edgar Hoover.. writing in The American Weekly with this Sunday':•', (April 2) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times, .reye,als the threat of a new postwar gang era. Get Sunday Detroit Times! SAVE YOUR WASTE Waste paper and rags are the most irlportnnt salvage :articles this year. Waste paper includes newspapers, cardboard, kraft paper, catalogdes; corrugated and magazine,, A mini- mum of 20,000 tons is necessary this year. Cotton and woollen rags -are vitally necessary for grease wipers in war factories and airplane service depots. Canada's imports of rags from European countries has been cut off, and salvage of rags will help solve this problem. Fats and bones, bottles. of abl kinds, and iron, steel, alumi- num, brass and other metals are also important. Do not forget rummage artiiles. They will be re -sold and War Charities will receive the benefit. VICTORY LOAN CHAIRMAN Rev. W. A. 'Deacro.ft of Wingham has again been named chairman of Huron County for the Sixth Victory Loan, start.: on. April 24th, it has been announced by tee Loan headcua,t::s. The initial meeting was held in Clinton on March 211th, and plans ;, a :.rc the forthcoming campaign Huron Co. ,Headquarters will be located in Goderich and the organisers will again be H..1. Van- do water, I. 11. Lumsden and B. K. Marshall A large number or the dis- trict workers were present. r • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • •4. 4. + +- + + 4. + + 4. a 4. + To the Men ' who TIMI the Soil With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. "How 'about your work shoes Or this occasion.. - You should see E. H. Edighoffr about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxforels are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edig'hoffer has them. in Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can' buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. H. EDIGHOFFER ss••s1*Fi,i**Oeive*** ls.sssss) i**f*'*dsAlsss**IM*s*ssQll 09 � 'Bonerneal f 1 1 $ s •• s • a s 11 5 a 1 1 We wish to advise the public that we carry a good supply of Bonemeal for your Stock , and will be pleased to supply your requirements. COLONY • HOUSE CHESTNUT We have Received a Cm of Chestnut Coal ofr use m Colony and Brooder Houses, which we will sell for such purpose... Your Chick. Fe€ cis The Chick Starter Season is' with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char, coal, Etc., Etc. L. Schilbe & Son