HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-03-30, Page 1Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 30 1944 Chester L. Smith, Published, $1.50 a Year in Advance Tet the ds. in your local ................„++++++.4.+.++.„................: ,.., nntraI prat Aarrp Ityffinn u the qiir Atittravjo 5.:46.,.: (6.? -4 g s 4111n4loint 'Private Car Arnbulp.rice Service for the Conveyance of Sick ail&Injured.. '.'LiCexised..Einbalmer and • A.- ,. .. '.-flinefal..Directory Member of the Ontario Funeral Association.:': $ * Day or Night Telephone No. 70. it + Dashwooa .i., Ontario + W + COMFORTABLE GLASSES At f REASONABLE RUMS Co E. Zurbrigg, ,R.O. OPTOMETRIST ate EXETER n. Newest. Approved Miami Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? Have your Eyes Examined with ,he'..Loest Methods and Equipment at •'A, L COLE, ILO. • OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN 00,DRRI011 — ONT. Geed Glasses at Reasonable Prices ''--- •••'•••T .4:-.... - . •Used Oars • 1.. 4. •• 4. 1,937 enEy.. COACH, ABSOLITELY. LIKE NEW INSIDE. +. 4 • se 1938 CHV, COACH (2) Te Pick Er OM ?1.• 1938 FORD SEDAN DeLUX, Spotless Interior • - • til' 1989' DOD= CUSTOM, 5 -PASSENGER COUP. . _els .1. + . • • .. 4,7' '1933 POEM+ COACH: (SHOWS ,GOOD CARE) • . •,*. .1934 FORD SEDAN, EXTRA GOOD TIRES.. •+-4 le1. 1928- FORD HALE' -TON TRUCK. 0 +7'4 ee ' 1931 FORD COAC,H„ ALSO ONE COUPE . ;I! •'''' 1931. -, CHEITS; SEDAN AND TWO COACHES ' * 1929 °REV. COACH • ' -.•*. e. 1938'.FORD DeLI.LX COACiE $ ,1936 - PLYMOUTH COUPE 19$4 eCHEV. HALF -TON PICK UP TRUCK. RUTS ..4.ND, SELLS ' 4. + .t. + RD. FRITZ + Leariti's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135, Thurs., Fri., •Sat., March 30, 31st & April 1st, Saturday Matinee O 2.30 THE DESERT SONG , • ' -Special Tecnicolor Musical Feature,. with Dennis Morgan;.,IrneeManningj.,,---- Admission EvenifigS 256'611 "40ce Rev. F. M. Feist of Milverton de - 'Matinee 10c and 30c., including ,:pf:Oe',.;, livered a very able seimon at the Ev- -f Mon:, Tues, April 3rd and 4thee'' Two Features DANCING MASTERS e your Shopping Guide With Laurel and Hardy .NIGHT PLANE FROM CHING KING . . Starring Robert Preston • Wed., Thuile April 5, 6th.' Two Features': ,`. south of Drysdale, .left, for Windsor TOP MAN eiehere they purchased a home and in- tend to locate in that city. Their many Starring, • Susanna Foster, Donald friends wish them much success. O'Connor. and Peggy Ryan,..: • Mr. Leonard Steinbach and wife, DANGEROUS BLONDES •'ef N. S., who are ,visiting relatives in this vicinity for a fetV weeks were Mystery Comedy starring Allafl .accompanied by the former's parente Joslynn and Evelyn Keys. Mr. arid Mn. Henry 'Steinbach of • 'Zurich, are spending several nays at Russiae,e,04erileg Holly, Mich., with relatives. . Mr. and Mr. Milfred Schilee were 'called to .Stratford one day last week when their oldest son Ray, who is em- ployed in that city, took an attack of 'appendicitis and was operaten on. Ray's many friends will be pleased to learn that he is getting along as angelical church on Tuesday evening lat. Miss Joyce Mousseau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mousseau and •who had an operation for mastiods at :Victoria Hispital, London, is .progres- sing very favourably. Mrs. C. P. Bowden arid baby son, 'who are spending some time at ,the home of the former's mother, Mrs. E.- Turkheim, have as their guest, Mrs. F. Bowden Sr., of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Laporte and .ifamily of the Blue Water Highway, Corning—"Song of Robert Taylor. . . BOLD INSTRUCTIVE MEETINO,. Cost of administering the. price ceiling, including .' all • the ezpenses connected with ratipiti*iS apt*EiFy,,ell as can be expected. mately $1.25 per Ye41:14'0,eh':iiVel- ,Shere were 162 knitted articles son in Canada, or abotit'IO• densligi i'''An"-t. to'. headquarters from our local month. This statement was;ina,e' by 'Red Gross Branch last week The Mr. W. F. Mantle' of the 'Wartime ,knittin .; traitilteteht;„kesgre'at pleas - Price and Trade • Board's manage- ure tOgthea°1 that helped to ment service division .74 a meetin,g of knit for this worthy cause, to keep problem in the Zurich Town Hall, on tunate probably as we are. Hoping mankind warn‘i, who are not so for - retailers discussing their wartirrie Tuesday afternoon last.When we rt will reach its 'destination safely. recall that in 1920, the Canadian OVER THE TOP consumer was paying 22 cents a pound for sugar and about $1,60 for Is the words generally used by the parent that the advantages of price their campaign for funds, the past four pounds of jam, it becomes an- executive of the local Red Cross, in feweeks, the campaign proved a cdntrol outweigh the cost many times w Mr. Mantle said. The success which most successful one with an object - has been achieved is due m no small ive of $1,100, it exceeded the mark of by $580.50. This being the largest measure to the ready co-operation the great majority of merchants. cash donation ever received in the Warning, against unjustified optimism history of the society, and represents he declared; must condition our good organization and good team - thinking to a continuation of trying work. Cog-ratulations I I I conditions of short supply for many -ere-were- 1 months to come. AD available in- formation indicates that most retail -----seree- merchants in Canada have not stiff - erect financially during four years of war. In fact, many have substantial- ly improved their position, rie said, in answering retailers' questions re - it lacing to operating problems due to wartime conditions. 'Besides Mr. Mantel whose headquarters are in. Toroeto, Mr. A. Herbert acted as chairman and was assisted by .Mr. Clair Dunlop, both from the. Board at London. A good representation of merchants- from the district were present and the discussions were very interesting. 39th ANNUAL SPRING SI -IOW, CLINTON Thursday,- 6th, 1944 OUR GR.00ERMS Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in • quality as well as quantity when at all possible. Selling "Tke Best for Less" has always been our slogan, and we *tin endeavour to maintain this star dard. • CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a position to show you just the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves of suitable 'Dry Goods, Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re-. ga.rdless of the rather ,&ifficult conditions in proc- uring these items. -1RNE Fuze 1441 1 live:teeing Horses, and Baco. Hogs. $1250.00 prize money. Exhib. always prevaiPs. of Dressed bacon hog carcasse4 Junior Farmers judging competition f On Miendav evening the Babylon Beef PLANE CRASHES WATCH $2675 A member of the RCAF making a' routine flight from Quebec training station In a single-engine Ilervard trainer made a. crash landing four miles west of Dashwood at 5 o'clock, Saturday afternoon when caught in a thick snowstorm. The plane missed two teees,but hit a fence and was badly damaged, but its occupant. whose identity was not divulged, es- caped unlmet. The landing was on the farm of Mrs. 'Jacob Wolper. The airman was headed for the Goder- ich ,airport. A crew front Goderich field took charge of the damaged aeli ire; Farm Forum The Brake Farm 'Forum concluded this season with •the record attend- ance. of 61, at the home of Mr. Roy ,McDri'de. Mr. iClarence Parke con- ducted thediscussion on Forum plans for next winter. A pot -luck supper enhanced the good •fellowship which Loud Speaking System The fair will be officially opened be the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Honourable Albert Mathews, who will arrive at Clinton, '12.03 noon Mrs. Matthews will accompany his Honour. Middlesex Huron reghnent will furn- ish guard of .flonorir. No. 5 RCAF., station band will he in attendance accompanied by different R.C.A„ units for the opening cere- monies, which will b1* broadcast over CKNX., Wingham. This promises to be an outetneding Stock Show A cordinl imitation is extended to all citizens President, :Tohn Innes. Gnorai ntiger, J, McMurray, The Elco "ORCHID" There's chic styl- ing in this ultra smart "spherical" model. Practical tool' Dependable A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification al the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL \lso: Rose Dale Alberta and, Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensell smosiesemeeeserimeesitemeesseemeeoessemoseases• Westlake - Brokens,lire • • I FUNEBIAL &AMBULANCE SERVICE Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent • Day and Night Service • Phone 158, Zurich moodeed....dAvodmedadpooyoodreedosessuseee••••Booesooeeoeos000 neat)** 9 teit. sest000seraeoessisiooseecoseetwieeeameaseemeesoo • O 0011110110•000 .n" TUNE IN ON' Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrixn's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network --- Sundays Local Station—C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA Sit 4* a 11100111.4004.41011114t0•••••••••••••emiefmte4ws4s Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and' litm. Arnold Merner to end up the meetings for the season. Af- ter ,ansveseing the Farm Forum Ques- tionairte a social hour was enjoyed. The latter part of the evening was .1pent in a taffy -pull, so until the -tesietiseg start again let this be our motto: 'Together we stick, divided ,se're stuek.". On 'Monday eveniee, March 27th ,3. morels:re as the eelique lorum. met at the home at Mr, and rrs. Thos. Meyers, Zurich, for a ra- How discus:ion of th' 'erin Forums. lies :eta, jorie Klee') g,i,Ao a very In- uvesting talk on tle topie and then Reive. Truemnee \vs.,: in oharFreMirf 'ley had group dieeuselons. eecreation. As this 'ea:, tar last rree.' ting of the season, the ladies ;,;(7tv, d a bUts-up sprprist supper. USERS of GASOLENE LAMPS„, STOVES AND OTHER APPLIANCES 4,L4 *L!GHT • Safe • Economical z FLA • Uniform High Quality • Keeps Generators Clean *Reteseertended by Coternan Lanip and Stove Company THE BLAKE STORE Ed. Schwartzentruber, Prop.