Zurich Herald, 1944-03-23, Page 53. i • •••• ZURICH, ONTARIO •••tr•••••••14** 4fi+ •tttlt••st1►•1ttt••••••••Rtt Huron Farmers' Co Operative • We carry a full line of Poultry Feeds, Hog Concentrates, Wes- tern Feed Wheat, .excellent quality. Also car of Western Oats r on order. Clover 'Seeds, Govt. graded. i • r Place your order .for FErt.tiLIZE:R and take delivery early. ORD4, BROODER COAL: IMMEDIATELY • Soft Coal, Shingles, Cedar Posts,,,and Motor Oils on hand at • all;tirnes:' • • JO MALL, Phone 115. • R. J...0Q•OPER, MANAGER R .r * t� Oe'efofl1•�,1 O *,••••••••ttt 8tJ$NESS CARDS 0.4•..x+ eco cos * •4t • : s...•.,,;,� WANTED A1S•H • 'FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser- vice `day or night. Phone Crede -I FOR SALE tO .+'47r15ollect. Jack VWiI _.•_- , C EXTRA GOOD SEED FOR SALE! 200 bushel~ Nobarb Earley, 1,000. NOTICE NOTE ---Some shavings for sale. Call Zurich Planing Mill bush. 40% Nobarb 00% of Alaska .VET'ERINARIA 1 Dr.. W. B. COXON, BS. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON 'lee with Residence, Main Street, OppositeDrug Store Phone --96. Zurich k. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. S,radtate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All dieeasea of domestic animals treated * the most modern principles, charges reasonable. Day or night tails promptly attended to. Also Bre- ,oder of Scottish terriers. Inverness ,' flannels. Office on Main Street, . envo+site .Town Hall. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET t.et US' Supply you with the • vreri Choice of Eresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on ,.hand. Kept guess in Electric Refrigeration f Highest Cash Prices tor- Woal, ,Hides and Skins H. Yung gut $01. PRODUCE Farms.:. Produce WANTEL Have your Eggs Graded scien- $.fically on our approved grad ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry, Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream • °`We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg -and Poultry department in (charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Prroopr'etor. INSURANCE •Western Farmers` Mutual Weather Insurance Co... OF WOODSTOCK F.HE LARGEST RESERVE BA.L .ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81st, 1936, $22,391,62'1.00 'Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,618.47. "agates—$4+60 per $1,008 for 8 'I''eare E. F. KLOPP•,-ZURICH PA.gent, also Dealer in Ughtin- lug Rods and all kinds of Fire PP ,k—.. a Anli`uran e Oats. Andrew B. Be11,.Rr. 2, Kippcn For Sale FOR SALE—About 12 • •tons . of good red clover and timothy Mixed hay. Also a quantity of buckwheat; Mrs. Mable Snider, Phone 98r2, Zur- ich. HOUSE FOR SALE 2 -storey brick house (Sparks), fur- nace, electricity, small barn, two lots, Hensall, 100 -acre farm, frame house, basement barn, silo, implem- ent shed, henhouse, bush, Hensall— W. C. Pearce, Exeter. NOTICE • The Council of the Township of Hay hereby notify the ratepayers of Hay, that on March 6th, 1944, the said Council passed a motion No. 25, '44 and By-law No. 5,, 1944: That henceforth no more ppultry loss elating through, killing, injuring or damage otherwise by Dogs will be Paid by said Township. •H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk. FOR SA• LE The desirable dwelling property in Zurich known as the Hy. Weseloh Estate, for 'sale, consisting of 7 1-5 acres of land. .A good frame house and other outbuildings. For'particu- lars apply, to Wm. Thiel, Zurich. • CHICKS FOR SALE Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Leghorn and Barred Rock, New. Hampshire, Rhode Island Red. ' Brumer's Poultry Farm and Hatchery Phone 54, • Lucan, Ont. FOR SALE CHICKS FOR SALE S_ C. IVt-Tir1.?I3 LL7ciLtOIr"NS exclusive- ly. :; Breeding Beclkheaded by C"OV1+RNIVIENT BANDED R C1.'' P. males, Incubating capacity is limited so we suggest that, to itivoid disap- pointment you let us book your or- der now. —Twinmaples Poultry Farm, • Bruce J. rttopp, rrop. NOTICE INSULATE your home wnzle •neat; erials are available. Blown :R,ockwool insulation applied to walls' and dell- ings of your home will save £ue'l and give you a more cornfo tiabl,e home summer and winter. Trained crews apply all materials in latest 'scientific Methods. Material is firepreor, vermin proof and permanent. For free esti- mate phone Dashwood Planing Mills, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thorn- ton Ave., London. Our equipment will be in Exeter, Dashwood, Zurich, district, soon. CHIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine end can serve the public now atter than ever. Be sure and give us a call. • MRS. 'FRED imam, Proprietress Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS ' The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our, years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE UUS A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. MILS. EDW. GASOHO, Zurich THE ROYAL NAVY In Great Britain's air and sea front against Germany, the Royal Navy has played a tremendous part. its task was to out off the German war machine from vital supplies, and it accomplished this bystopping the following percentages of German imports from pre-war sources: oil 8 per cent; cotton, 48 per Cent; make •')9 per cent; natural phe;e.ph•• .ate:, 95 per cent. ..+....-.w .. ._.. . . ._... d I ..., T..+e. war L� NEWS Mr. ,`. W.:Merner anade a' business trip to London on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. P. ', O'Dwyer were at London on Monday. Mr. William. Witmer has taken a position at the Williams Flour Mills. Mr. 'Clayton Pt le of Dashwood, was in Zurich one day last week on business. Mr. Andrew dr w Coxon of Milverton, visited a few days at the horde of his son Dr. and Mrs. W, Coxozz, Mr. Jack Snyder of Clinton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. L, Schilbe, also attending the funeral of the late Peter Deichert. A pot -luck supper will be a feat- ure at the last meeting of the season of the Blake Farm Radio Forum, at the home of Mr. Roy 1VIel3ride. Our mailing list has been corrected, up to March 22nd, and the month and year to 'which your sub. is paid is donated on your label. Look this up and see if it is correct. Owing to scarcity, of time we will not correct the list for eight weeks. Rip—Reynolds Aninteresting wedding in Windsor last week was that of 'Miss Julia Reynolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Reynolds, to Lieut. Gerald Anthony Rau, home from overseas, where he was aide for more than a, year to Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton; Lieut. Rau is the son of Mrs. Henry Rau, of the Blue Water Highway, north of Drysdale. Thank You' The members of the:Weinen'S In- stitute wish to take "this opportunity of •expressing their deepest appreciait- ion for the many donations received both in cash anis .eats, at the Joint Farni Forum on Monday evening. A special vote of thanks to the farmers for their wonderful co-operation, as we collected over $ 51.00. • This will greatly help in sending boxes to our" boys overseas. It may be of..interest to know that there was only. "one" pie brought and which was sold for •$1.40. OH! Had there only been more. more pies. Again we sa ',thanks to all who helped to make this a great success. RED CROSS BLOOD DONORS A number from Zuricli attended the sixth blood donors clinic in -E' ter recently. Rev. C. B. Heckendorn,r Milton Oesch, Leroy O'Brien and E. -.I. Degg received buttons for their third donation. Mrs. Walter Eckel, Mrs. Thos. Meyers, Mrs. E. WI', Dagg and Miss Kathleen Hay gave their second donation, ,, and the following were new donoes: Mrs. W,, B. Coxon, Mrs. 'Charles ` Thiel;• also .Miss 'Sally Manson and Miss-'Vlar.garet Glenn of Hensall . The clinic was about the largest held in Exeter, there were 155 donors, March 1944, So little is this pint of blood to *give, Ncila Etue, Zurich. That far away a dying man may live; Alexander Challet, R R, No. 2, 'handy,: . M'arch, 1 3;rtl. School Shoes Good reliable School Shoes in a wide range of sizes, Let us fit your child with a pair. Best quility, Lowest Prices. NEW FALL SHOES For Men, Women and Child- ren. ..A large stock on hand. Come and see! ED. ,$- DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES EMMANDF.L EVANGELICAL CHURCH C.' L riacl:andorn Pastor Mrs. li° Oasola, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES • 3.0 a.in. ifivcne Worship 11. a.m.--Sabbath School 7.30 Divine Worship. ST. PETER'S avangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. Rev. E. W. Heimrich, Pastor 1,O aan.—Divine Services. 11.15.' a.m.-Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—Divine Services. Everybody Welcome to all Services.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'IN ;;IlHE MATTER of the Estate of ,AiLEXANDER•_ ETUE, late of the Village of Zurich, Retired Fanner, deceased. ALL 'PERSONS having claims gainst the Estate of the late Alex- ander Etue, who died on the 26th ,clay of December 1943, are hereby notifi ,d to .send them to either of the undersigned, duly verefied, on or be- fore', the 5th day of April 1944. AFTER the last-named date the assets. of the said Estate will bedis- trib tted among the person, entitled .thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Exeter, this 10th day of Take•this my blood; slid"know a.3par of, me µ_ Has gone, to keep my homeland free: HENSALL Mrs. Annie Logan of Hensall, has returned from a week's visit at Win- dsor where she -was presented with a Lite: Membership Certificate of Windsor •Shrine No. 2, Order of the White Shrine • of 'Jerusalem of which she has been a member for over 25 years. Ann Forest, three year old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Coijier Forrest of Hay, is ill at her home suffering with double pneumonia incl measles. 3Irs. D. H. Peacock, the former Pearl. Harpole; has accepted a posit- ion at. Sky Harbor. Her husband Lt. D. H. Peacock of the RCAF has been stationed at the Eastern Coast. LAC Al. Pearson of Trenton was a house guest this week at the Sa- undercock hoarse. Pte. Ray Foster who has been ov- erseas' for the past two years arriv- ed home Wednesday eve last, and will enjoy a 2+8 day furlough at his home. Ray received a fractured leg and in jury to his hand when he was injured in a motor cycle accident in England. Ray says he is glad to be back home again, and that Hensall looks good to him. .Mrs. Minnie Little .of _town attend- ed the funeral of her brother-in-law the late Edward Seim at New; 'Ham-. burg on Monday Feb. 28th, • ' The play, a three act drama. 'Clos- d Lips" was presented by the • Young People's Union of James :St. United 'church, Exeter, to a ,capacity house in the town hall, Monday evening, the play was exceptionally well 'given each member of the cast showing Marked ability Rev. Mr. 1 rook in- troduced Miss Vera Decker who dir- ected the play, and Miss Decker in. traduced the cast. DASHWOOD Miss Verno Birk, ,of Guelph, :and. formerly of here, recently had the misfortune to fall on ice and fract- ure her ara, she is again attending. to duties, but has her arm in a sling. A community quilting will be held in the basement of the Evangelical church on Thursday afternoon and evening, March 80th. All ladies are cordially invited, the last quilting of the season. A. C. I'. Theodore Luft of Ncw- foundland is spending two weeks furlough with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Luft. Miss Isabelle Rowlett of London, spent the week -end with Mr. and MN Zurich, Executors: F. W. Gladman, Exeter, Solicitor for Executors. \OTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM MEIDINGER, late of Zurich, Ontario Gentleman, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the late William Meidinger who died on or about January 8th, 1944, are required to send particu- lars, of `their clai'nns duly verified to the undersigned +•:,Solicitor for the Executors on or *before April 8th, 1944, after which date the assets will be distributed. DATED March 21st, 1944. Leo Mittleholtz, and Theodore Mittle- ' holtz, Executors. 'Morley,Solicitor for Executors, Exeter, Ont. T. Harry Hoffman. Mrs. Harold Kellerman and son have. returned home from Victoria ,Hospital, London, 12iSs Christine McCrae of Exeter, spent the week -end , with Mr. smd Mrs. S. Currie. • Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Francis of Tavis- tock were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. :T. Harry Hoffman. 'Mn. Ezr°a Bender spent a few days hi Toronto la'sil• week. Miss Jean Held and friend of Lon- don spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. M. Watts. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender of Toronto were Sunday -visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. -Bender, 'Mrs. Lovina Kellerman is spending a few. days in Chatham this week., Mrs. &eclrer attended a W.M.S. meeting in Roseville last Wednesday ;Gnr. Jack., Huffman of Lachine, Que., spent a few days with Mrs. Huffman. Mrs. Becker, Mrs. M. Ticman, Mrs C.• Snell and Misses Myrtle Gaiser, and Belv4•z Truemner and Carl Oes- treic'her attended a meeting in Kit- chener On Saturday. The St. Patrick's tea held at the home of Mr. D. Tieman last week, was well attended. The home was beautifully decorated with .carnati- ons and shamrocks. ('residing at, the -tea table centred with green Candie sticks in silver hoidens and shamro- eks was Mrs. S. Currie and Mrs. l9. Merner with her daughter Joyce, dressed in green attended the door, The proceeds of the afternoon amo- 1 unted.to$115,21i which will go toward the Rad Cross Unit, 4 4 2 BUILDING MATERIAL We are now in aposition to supply and .Material for Local Building +4 We still have a large quantity of Lumber, Chita rock, Wallboard, Flooring, Nails, Etc.., on hand. LET US SERVE YOU! F. C. KALE F L ;I: CFI & SON Phone 69 • - - - - ZURICH .14 10444 444.+++++++40404.4.4.444++++++ •+ +4•++✓r404.4.4.444++i"++++ +++ II+4+. +++4•J.++++++..4 -*.a ++d+ ACT AT ONCE! HAVE NEW TRACTOR AT SHOP FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 102 G. JINIOR. CAN ALSO GET ONE GENERAL ROW CROP ON RUBBER WITH SCUFFLER ONE 11 RUN FERTILIZER DRILL NEW AND ONE USED ALSO 3 -SECTION SPRING TOOTH HARROW. MAY SELL, A FEW CREAM SEPARATORS. SERVICE ASSURED FOR LIFE OF MACHINE 400--450-1b. Size for $59.50 ....550-600-1b. Size for - $70.75 850-900.1b. Size for , $82,74 ORDER YOUR SPRING REQUIREMENTS. FOR REPAIRS .EARLY. M -H. PARTS FOR M -H. MACHINES Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. t,`ot tH6 Ri y Op FRF d IktS F �O o4f di✓1 vt-reme Trgn. roofrataageof 70/ eui.oge,,, TO SAVE RE NET Even in war -tinge, when saving is the stern order of the day, borrowing may also be in order. There may be opportunities to make or save money by having cash obtained through a personal loan. There may be emer gencies when ready money will prevent avoidable loss. If you need money for thrifty purposes, do not hesi- tate to talk over your needs in confidence with the manager of our branch in your own locality. Every day we are making personal loans to wage- earners, salaried men and women, business and pro- fessional people, executives and other persons having a steady Income. Our rates are kw, oarr terns are fair: The cost is $3.63 for each $100• repayable in 12 monthly payments. BAN({ OF MONTREAL POUNDED IN 1817 4 Million Depositors Enjoy Oar Booking Service Hensall Branch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager Zurich (Sub -Agency): Open Mon., Thurs., and t+l:at. 1 1