HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-03-23, Page 2EDUCATION ON WHEELS When Johnny has thrilled to the last lines of Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn and when Jane has-' lived through exciting experiences of Anne of Green Gables, all they need do to get more literature is stroll. down to the eorner, take a street car, return their books and select others as they ride back home. This is the system which has proven such a profitable and popular innovation in the city of Edmonton, Al- berta. Thousands of books are thus circulated weekly among young, and sometimes older, Edmontonians. At left a group of youngsters are seen inside the ambulating library exchanging books. Another group at right is boarding the "educated street car." IIPr AT SCIENCE IS NM Plasma Miracles • Blood plasma, the foremost life- saver of wounded men in this war, has been split into a number of fractions, each of which is as mir- aculous as plasma itself. Some of the new developments were de- scribed to the American Chemical Society at New York a few weeks ago by Dr. Edwin J. Cohn of Har- vard University. One fraction, albumin, does all the work of plasma and only one- fifth the volume is required. A second, one of the globulins which protect man from marry dis- eases, is the best preventive and treatment for measles yet found and is in Iarge scale production for the armed forces. A third, made of two of the blood's clotting elements, is a new plastic, which looks like a cross be- tween nylon and rubber. and is in use in surgery where sheets of it have been substituted for lost lay- ers of lining over the brain. Two others are new substances that quickly . stop bleeding in wounds. A sixth is the substance which defines the different types of blood, and is in use in military blood typ- t ice&" x, 1 , tiie e re oonv snntp f n#ile discoveries. made, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What should one say if it is necessary to be excused from the table before the others have fin- ished eating? 2. Who should be asked to give the bride away if she has no par- ents or near relatives? S. How can children be taught t� be socially at ease? 4. Wouldn't it be better to have a home wedding if the invtiations are to be sent only to the immediate families and closest friends? 5. What is the correct kind of tie for a man to wear with evening clothes? 6. What is the correct way to serve and remove dishes from the table? Answers 1. "Will you excuse are, please?" A. She may ask an old friend of the family. 3. It can can be done by allowing them to mingle with adult guests whenever possible. 4. This is a matter of personal pre- ference, but a church wedding is preferable when many invitations are issued. •5. A white linen or pique bow tie, to snatch his shirt and waistcoat. 6. They should be served front the Left side and re- moved from the right. Have Y mg Heard? Docor: "I'll have to charge you twenty shillings for improving your hearing." Aberdonian: "What?" Doctor: "I say your bill is twenty shillings." Aberdonian: "A canna hear ye." Doctor, "Then I won't charge you anything." Aberdonian: "Thank ye, doctor." —0— Mulligan (to grocer)—"If 01 lave yes security equal to what 01 take away, will yes trust me till next wake?" Grocer—"Certainly," Mulligan — "Well, thin, sell me two o' them hates an' kape wan o' them till Oi call agin." Ole Olson rante into a Ntin- tieseita village one day and inquired tit a drug stor.i if they had any "squirrel" whiskey. "No," said the clerk, "but„ t ran tulip you a little'.:`Old (:roto." x. "Aye don't vont to fly." slur# the Swede, "Aye itt TWt .wan f,1 3limp around a. little." The Old Bromide, "All work and -no play makes Jack a dull • boy" was amended by one of the contributors to F.P.A.'s column in the New York • World to: "All work and no play makes Jack." —0 -- He was one of those drill ser- geants who make basic trainees quake in their GI 'brogans. One day -be bellowed to his flight: "Eye- right." Front the rear ranks came an unidentified draws, "Vo .liA is suh; you're a sergeant." First Cannibal (running into camp) : "Ts I late fo' dinna'?" Second Cannibal: "You is; everybody's eaten." Don't Blame Your DMIGGOST LAE THESE 2 'HUGS V —plus INCREASED DEMAND for Any Shortage of BUCKLEY'S ,1'''�'° {5S. When you ask for a Buckley Remedy .and your, druggist says, "Sorry, 1'al. temporarily out of stock", don't blame him. The ingredients that have made Buckley's cough and cold remedies famous, come from all over the world, and Hitler and Tojo sometimes delay their arrival,so that you can not always get the Buckley remedy you want just when you want it, So, don'twait until abronchial cough, chest cold or grippe strikes you. Get your Buckley's Mix- ture, White ]tub Cinnamated Cap- sules, Throat Aids or Cough )Drops. at thefirst opportunity and have them on hand to nip oncoming cqughs or colds in the bud,See your druggist at once! Skin Itc Stopued ht 1 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny seams and pores where germs hide and cause Itch- ing, Cracking, Eczema -like Rash, Peeling, Burning Skin Blotches, Pimples, Ringworm, Foot Itch and other skin blemishes. The new treatment Nixoderm stops the itching in•7 minutes and goes right to work curbing the germs and should quickly help make your skin clearer, softer, smoother and more at- tractive—in fact Nixoderm must satisfy you completely or you get your money back on return of empty package. Get Nixoderm from your druggist today—see how fast it money back t S l offer protects yolook, The RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED if you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, du not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful pawl - age of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a pacltage 05 Hem -Road from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Rem-koid is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a tine remedy may be had at Such a small cost. if you try Hem -Reid and are not entirety pleased with the results, your druggist %trill gladly return your money. if You Gel up *isi,'If, HelpYour Kidneys Do you feel older than you are or stiffer from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Nervous- ness, Leg Pains, Rheumatic Paths, Burning, scanty or frequent passages? If so, remem- ber that your Kidneys ere vital to your health and that these symptoms may be due to Kidney and Bladder troubles—in such d cases ("Telex usually gives prompt a joy - bus relief by helping the Kidneys clean out poisonous excess acids and wastes. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose In trying Cyetee. The iron dada -Loney -back agreement assures a refund of your money on return of empty package unless luny It,lp, Lia"rr, satisfied. Don't de - dot, d,lld( r1asgs(,-t..e1x.)ttordoam ,Y sitar How Can X ? ? By Anne Ashley Q, How can I store an iron 'so that it will not rust? A. Rub it with a little fat that dos not contain salt, wrap it in brown paper, and it will not rust. Q. How can I cut hot cakes and shortcakes without crumbling? A. Make a slight start across the top with a sharp' knife; then fin- ish the ctrl by working a thread back and forth in a see -saw man- ner. Q. How can I remove the odor from a medicine bottle? • A, Rill it half full .of cold water and add one tablespoon of dry mustard, Shake thoroughly, let stand,for half a day, and then rinse carefully in cold water. Q. How can I remove scorch stains? A. Onion juice is very effective in removing scorch stains from white materials, • Q. How can I remove white snots on furniture caused by heat? A. By applying wood alcohol on a soft cloth and then rubbing the spots with furniture polish. How- ever, if the spots are deep the only cure for then'; is refinishing. Easy to roll; delightful -- to smoky FINE CUT CIGARETTE T jealtit044 sr tat E 4¢ ag1N�1W1�:�A9QG .� , Gets $2,000 Bath Every 20 Years Nelson and his famous Column in Trafalgar Square get a good bath and overhaul normally about every 20 years, at a cost of be- tween £400 and .500. There are usually $ome repairs to be done. Ori one of these occasions huge cracks in elson' s arm, as long as eight inchcs. and four inches uecp, had to -be filled in with a special cement, . The increase of heavy traffic and vibration from the tubes were not supposed, by the of?ire of works experts, to be doing the column any good, and duringthe air raids of three years ago it ]mist haye had a further shaking. More than 10,000 training air- craft are ' in use by the British Commonwealth Air 'Training Plan. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE 71 HEAD OF REO; Holsteins supervised and blood' - rested on April .5 at one o'clock. at John W. lirisco, Renfrew, BOILER. FOR SALE. FOR SALhE BOILER, ONE 11.11,T. 1.00 h.p. Complete. Borsehke and•: Borechke, Ir'irst Concession, Leam inu•tope 8:al$V Ce-1HCItS BABY CHICKS I3.1T1IU D RO('Tc T3LOOl) TESTlD• ('11X1:::, 1-•1 dee* unsexed $1?.9-0' hundred, Pullets 526,08. :No wait-. 7. tag. E. J. 'aL1r , 226 Brid a Ave., - 1Vindsor, Ont. so MIeCIT 1)E1'NNUS ON THE 1•ih: start ;Haloe sure yea re right: St; 1t with Top Notch. chives,. Top Nntr11 ehleks are' h:"t he l from floeles carefully s,1i•,'t,•,l ler l,iali production and high virnr, care ;',illy culled, r,are- fu11y 3heat: esFr,3. The demand far Top Not, -h ,•hides is greater` than • v•.r. 1 f.,re. IVe foresa'ty. this ,1, 111 n,1 ends prepared oneee- ielvee 1,, 11t , ,aro of the demand.;',,: We can give ,prompt delivery Cu.. 811 til,• i i,pu 11• purehr'ceds ante, hybrid ern c.' in non eexed, pial, lets 1.11• eockr•trl chicks. Aisoe thour:1tele tayeileble for later dee ]seem•. Free ,•ntrile ue. Top Notch' 3'ha•h rice. Guelph, Ontario. 1944'e T.1*T ca SIT CROP WILL BE poultry nn(1•::. Neither droutb nor flood canbringdisaster to the Mara who sucressful]y raise: poultry and produces eggs tr meat this year's world -w ,a Mend Your nutin veepo l onul se., is to start v. rit.ht :tiwk. Tweddle li 0 supplying the right 'stoc for nineteen years. All chicks ere GoVerumen t A par o v e d from • bloodtested breeders. Join the thousands of suecessful chieken raisers who start with Tweddle .• Chicks year after year. We ran ' give you immediate delivery an day old and started chitties. We will also have thousands of day olds ayeilnbl8 for April, May -and .Tune delivery, Free catalogue, Tweddle ('hlrlc Fenteheries Limit- ` ed, 'Fergus, Ontario, HIGH (,RADE BLOOD TESTED • Barred slid 'White Rneks, Red and Leghorn Chicles immediate delivery. Eleven other breeds for later deliveries. Order at once. -, Dufferin Hateherlaa,, 2048 Duffer - in, Toronto 10. ar PLENTY OP' BRAYil CH1l"TSS, S0 don't hold back, send your orders and we'll fill thein with breed and delivery to the beat of nur ability, 'Gray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. POTilLTIlT-KEEPERS, BE SURE of n gond healthy bunch of baby thioles this neming season. Good chicks mean good hens and more eggs. Tmmerlietc delivery on day- nld nhteics. Write for 1944 rat- elogue and prices on our Gov- ernment Apnrnved chicks.. MONK - TON POULTRY FARMS, Monk - ton. Ontario. 15 FREE CHICKS reale SPT'ER3()R QV AT.ITY CHICKS "EXTRA PROFIT" All from inspected approved or certified blond tested breeders. Barred Rock Price per 100 Mixed 11ne3, Cockerels Pullets Day old 14.00 2.4.041 6.00 1 week 010 17.00 27,00 9.00 2 weeks old 52.00 32.00 12.00 3 weeks old 26.00 37.00• 10.00 To all who will guy Welts and take immediate delivery. We will give them 15 free chicks per 100. Send order with deposit. Will ship C.O.D. by Express. Ask for our Price List for 20 other breeds. *WILFRED LEFEB1VRE 2025 Amherst Street - Montreal P.Q. LICRTI'S 1944 CRICKS' FIRST HATCH FEB. 1. PRICE LIST supplied. All bit'ds for our 1944. hatching season have the inter- esting O.R.S. Government Band. Culled and blood tested ' by De- partment inspectors. SOLOMON LICLI'1'I i111veetmi, R.R. 1. Phone 00-24 BABY CHICKS AND POTILTS, Barred Roclt and White Leghorns from Government approved and bloodtested stook, all eggs set tram our own stock. Also White Holland and Broad Breasted Bronze Turkey Poults. Send for price list, The Wright Farm, Brockville, Ont. CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS for Immediate delivery, Leghorns, T3arred. Rock. New Hampshire, Su ex 3010 Hybrids. Write for 1944 Catalogue and price list. MONICTON POULTRY FARMS, Mnnktnn. Ontario. R,O.P. AND R.O.P. SIRED BLACK ATISTRALORPS AND BAT3- red Rocks, Donley Poultry Farm, R.R. 6, London, Ont. I)LACKBt,rtRSIIiS lxvmitI3I ARINC4 13LACKI3ERR IES. very hardy. Bove been success- fully transplanted on Prairies— well packed in moss. ;Leavy (Irop. per fruit, large., sweet and in e tt� e1 t •5 I Order before o O April 10th. 4 vines for $1.00 Prepaid. A. Klett), .AgaasIz, COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE 40 HEAD " SELLING ON TUI:>DAY MAIOCH 28th, 1944. Accredited Herd Scotch Shorthorns:, Headed by • Blythwoad Master Model. The of- fering includes 11 top .qualty fe- males. and 7 really choice young Bulls, sited by the International Grand Champipn Campbells Com - mond Imported; and Blythwood Master MudeI. 4 Grand -daughters Milhiil's Ransom and 2 Grand-• daughters Collynie Royal Bar- rage, Sale at Erneline Farm situated between Cheslcy and Desboro. For a catalogue write to H. 5, Ethel, Desboro, Ontario, Proprietor. Auctioneers: Robert T. Amos, .7. E. Kuhl. Red Cross - selling lunches at Farm, DYEING & °L ANING HAVE YDU ANYTI-1INl; NEEDS dyeing or. cleaning? Write to us for, information. We aro glad to answer your questions. Depart- ttirent H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- rn"tn ' EGGS WANTED I1IG II.I:ST PRICES P:t.ID FOR EGGS LIVE AND DRESSED poultry. Payments made prompt- ly. Eastern Farm Products Co., 423 St. Paul East, Montreal, Que. i0I,ietel` Bice. I. Ell tenets ENT ELECTRIC SIOrORs, NEW. USED, bought, sold; rebuilt; b e 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St Tnrontn FOOT BALM 11iamii FOOT BALM destrbys ,fensive odor Instantly, 450 eettle. .Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. FAR/11 EQCU'HEN'r FOR SALE USED THRESHERS AND TRAC- tors of various sizes and makes for sale, wholesale and retail, For particulars write Huggards' Sales and Service, Wilson Avenue, Essex, Ontario, FARMS FOR SALE FRUIT AND POULTRY FARMS for sale, 5 to 50 acres in Niagara district, Easily financed. R. C. McGhee, 90, Jackson St. West, Hamilton, Ontario. FOR SALE, Z'TINE MILES FROM Galt, one-third mile from 97 highway, Vaelens. Farm of 112 acres, eighty acres cleared, bal- ance bush and lot of good cedar. Good buildings, land in high state of cul tivation..Forty acres in hay and wheat, remainder plowed, close to school and store. Old age reason for selling'. G. 1V. Lanbier, R.R. 3, Pusiinch, Ont. - 0 -ACRE FARM, GOOD BUILD- ings, water in barn, - lefornington Township. Price only $2,800, H. J'. Cotty h. Co., 108 Downie Street, .Stratford, Ont. 100 ACRE FARM, NO. 8 HIGHWAY, close to Seaforth, good buildings and land, 4 wells. Apply to E. C. Chamberlain, Seaforth, Ont. FARM, 50 ACRES, WELL BUILT, with or without stock, one half mile school, village two miles. Box 106, ?3 Adelaide W., Toronto. WE,STERN LAND 160 ACRES rN NORTHERN SASK- atchewa)l, aii under good Mettivn- tion, good mixed farming district, 3 ernes from town with 5- ele- vators, on good highway; price 325 per acre, 318 per aore cash. balance . arranged, Box 101, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. FARA' IIELP WANTED RESPECTABLE, TRUSTWORTHY, man without children to operate 10 acres asparagus, raspberries, orchard. On main highway, 9 miles west of Toronto. Separate Houle. This would suit active re- ' tired farmer. Write fully steting lowest wage wanted. Box 122, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. FARMHAND. SINGLE. EXPER- fenced 'mixed farming, milking Machine, good with stoelr. Good Job for right man. A. 0. Hoist, Ridgeville. MARRIED MAN FOR le 11 13 T T farm, separate house, hydro, yearly engagement State number of family and wages. .1. R. Stork, B,R. 3, St. Catharines. FAXt;FI MACHINERY WANTED , DEERE, POTATO JOHN D7 T:RI' O ''FVAN T1,D Seed Cutter, tter•. Will pay same prleo as new one. _Also two row Potato Planter, fertilizer attachment. r Cameron, R, 2, R1r te, Dmlald , Ont. II0311J KIND Ell GARTI.N' MOTHERS! 'SFU CAN J T1) THE early rcitication of your pre- science' nhiid with our creative handwork displays now nvailnble for l'on'e n well as SO110o1 1150. 'they inclluln cul -nuts, silhouettes, borders, window decnrationS, etc. -_Instructions for cnnstruelIon with eelnnr'0d pe pore. ernVrrl1$, ere. 'Thee') err. Inspired, by tested educe t1onal icle;,n. 'Ten pea semi 1 titles in ills .,rile r1n0 for 'e'1e1( en rnCillrh, rttm111 eta S 11 , ,. ., ,, •te aln- its Ile erode 1lotninlr .' Tee Service, 23 Scott Si., Torrent°. HORSES FOR SALE REG. PALOMINO QUARTER 110118 - es and reg. Palomino Tennessee Walking horses of grand cham- pion blood lines, Stallions from weanling colts to serviceable ages; mares from weanling to brood mares in foal to our -out- standing stallions; 3 good Pal- omino stock horses of quarter horse breeding; 5 reg. Palomino gelding?, real pleasure horses, very gentle, safe for ladies, chil- dren or inexperienced riders; several reg. Tenessee Walking show horsee. Let me know your requirements. Send for our lat. 'est descriptive price list, World's largest breeders of Palomino' horse s. FISHER PALOMINO FARMS, Souderton, Pa. LIAIIIUII3SSING SI)Y$OOL LLA 11N HA1Hl)HC::3SIN(I THE .Robertson method, Information .onrequest regarding classes. .Robertson's Hairdressing. Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, -Toronto, HAIR GOODS,:. W I G 5, TOUPES, 'TRANSFORM- ationa, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods, Write for illustrated cat- alogue., ' Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto, LIARRIS TWEEDS GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AND. 4 YARD ENDS AT 32.00 PER yard HighGeode, half yard Suite Ings 'er: Gabardines spitable 'for children's. clothee 811ac;;each, Post- age extra. Louis Rice, 261. Spadina AvenuG,:..TeraeltO, HANDWRITING. DISCOVER YOUR HIDDEN TAL ents. Complete handwriting an- alysis, $1. Use ink, unruled paper. Send any fifty words to Caroline -Sims, 640 Burnaby T31wd., Termite) HARNESS DRPSSING SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING — Finest leather and harness pre- . Jeerva ive. Siipit • also has many houeshold uses 25c • up at most ggropery, hardware and chain stores. A. product of Lloyds .Lab - ora tdl'•ies,, , Toronto. - loqns0S•, run.' SALE FOR SALE es, CARLOAD G 0 0 D horses, fourteen 'to eighteen cwt. Correspondence invited, , T. E. Murphy, Chaplin, Sask. 1)PPER 7`() INVENTOIRS AN OPFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full ?nfor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Beni: Street, Ottawa, Canada. 3IOTORS FOR SALI•, NEW MOTORS FOR TIUIIEDTATE delivery, all sizes and electrical specifications. Large stock of re- built motors, machine shop equip- ment and wood -working machin- ery. Macy Mnrhinery Co,, 109 King East, Toronto, i1110DWAL GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFIS ER- er of Tthetanntic Pains er Neur- itis should try T)ixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid NI.'TtSIOnv STOCK F P e3 P — COI.OTIED NURSERY Catalogue, Pull tine of Fruit Trees; 10vergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; R o s e s; Tlronhriatle.-hingswny i'tIrseries, Pmvm5nv1110. (Mtn r1 . 1'ITII'I`41:i'IiIAl'Iry SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED • ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x6" in Beau- tiful easel mounts, 8 for 25c. Prim- ed In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames on ivory mats 7x5", 59e each. If coloured 19e each, ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTL+D 25c Get prompt mail service o{1 quality work at low cost. Satisfied custom- ers all over Canada will tell you thatr Stn Snapshot Service does the. best work, DON'T T.ARI, RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken again.. Send your roils to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio— STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, T6rOttto Print Your Name and Address Plainly 011 AI] Orders, MAIL YOUR FILMS TO T111 PIM) At, PUB QTUALITY. service and sntisfnetion. 6 or 8 exposure films 21e; reprints '8 for • 9.5e. 71nn0rinl Photo Service, Sta- tion J, Toronto, I'IdTS WANTED WANTED CANARIES, PUPPIES,.' Persian Kittens, Pigeons, (infer Pets. Send descriptions price to Seeds ,l': Birds 1,10., 1230 St. Cath- erine \V., Montreal, 1'ATPieta's FETHLRSTONHAUGPH ea COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King \Vest, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PERSONAL GAIN WISDOM—ENCLOSE BIRTH date. Stamps accepted, Voluntary; donation:. P.O. Box bel, Ottawa, Canada. QUILTING PATCHES QUILTING PATCHES PANC1 TOPCOAT1NGS AND HIGH grade Suitings, serge Scotch Tweeds, Gx18, 60 , `pieces 52,50 Postageincluded. Louis Rice. 361 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. ItRIL:DIATIC PAINS ITS IMPORTANT—EVERY •',-517.2'- ferer of Rheumatic'\Pains or Neuritis should try, Dixon's Bent- - edy. Sold Munro's Drug Store, 035 Elgin, Ottawa: Postpaid $1.00. SONG PUE9IS WANTED TO 1310 SET TO MUSIC. Send poem 501• immediate ton sideration. Five Star Music Mast- ers, 544 ]Beacon ;Bldg., Boston. Mass. - - • SEED CORN - WD•ARE�GIU LhS Av%r rx\tic- eters of the famous Truck Loan Ear Brand seed- cern. Order early and save money.: Berle' River Grain & Seed Company, Belle River, Ont, STEEDS FOR SALE2 - THOROUGHLY RECLEANED GOV- ernment graded Clover 'Seeds, Timothy and Cossack Alfalfa. Write for prices. J. E. Muir, Cey- lon, Ontario. SEEDS 1944 FLOWER NOVELTIES . THIS YEAR GROW A GARDLNFT_'L of rainbow colours, hick's- 1044 Introductions — Petunia Cheer- ful, a free -flowering clear pink beauty; Marigold Mammoth Mum with huge, lemon -yellow blooms: Pinwheel Gaillardia a picture Al' colour tints from Intense wine -- red to cherry pink. Send Ole :(:- day for 3 pkts, of theotf AllAm- erica Winners (Value 75() 5.o Dept. W. W. W. Hick and Sono Limited, Lindsay, Ontario. S.3.as of Merit." - 53011)5 de STAMPS VEGETAIILE & FLOWER SE; .'.1 and Plants, price for stamp: • 811 swap for used stamps too. 11 i, Plant Co., T'7nlnnraan° 54. 10OR S'11I1 A.MrnlCAN ('I177 \.lI a t'.AII.A`1''Jli Sales and Service new and - built nllaehinr.e. .\rn, 1.10911 nr^int• 1n10s, 00(101i,•h Ont. FOR 5A1.11 KNITTING, WEAVING \\' O «• G yarn, two ply. white, hluc, khaki, hln0lr, 41.1r"(1, lana n. Per pound. 310111v1n1erd. 1:• 1',1+'a. S. (111.410.. Lf• .lr•1'3,,ltll0. Q(11. ST'MMER ltllv41i1'1' WUNI'('i) WANTED TO L'1 1' 110on1 1.1 VI .'') Summer Resort 87 14810 1. cash payment. Robert :111(117",. !ii Jnrksnn Street West, • T188131'•'11, Ontario. fru ACTIif0 1.'011 SALE.) ' i.IcCORMTCH flr0ilR] NO TR fifteen thirty. new ren •5, 'WC I.15 pins, radiator, Mee],1(31 'coital - tion, 35(1(1; 33 half -horse electric motors, 3 phase 2211 vnlr 0:1'011 $25,, in Al shape. Need Robin, -n, Corbyv llle. Ont. • 'i'ItAC'rOR wavelets $V• ANTE]) --1 AT]. MODEL 4-P;.OW1 Tractor on lubber far cash. Box 10 TIr air n, Sask. TAIrleAV0 net S'r"t)AMA('l-1 AN1) Tel elNAI) eeliig111 often tyre the cense of (Il-heelfY, in hem'111e nil ft V. an0 Im- mune! Why nal I .id nut if this is your trntrhte' rnierekl (l1) oar- tiel11nrs—Prnel Write efulvertey'e Remedies, Speele nets T ereeto 8, Ont. AFTrrx rroNt woof, Glli:r'tt'Mites MR..' iyOOL GROWER 'I' T I1 S . O 1.1) 1,I$'T,t 1 1.1 N 111,1'1 1','l 10 L. 1015 71i11 is under new men,ge- rne'nt. We opera to n„''I„e,ir1st erect (lover nnlenl Wool \l;aeehonoo andare pr8TTr(1,3 (1.- to ptti'ehrra'`e [lits Reason's want° e1611 on 14 (1,u- ment fir'adirrl; standards. ar1il at Gov ertln eat 1(ipnlaited pile 01. 'h'TTT/ STII \"i'1T1ROY)' \Vcu)1,1,1 N • 7TIT T.5 %tail'.l'T•,i). 1 Tlt.\'I'liIrOY, ON'r.\ ltIO.