HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-03-09, Page 7CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES PLEASE NOTE! see$se see....seAs Army cooks are resourceful. Pte. Fred Howarth of Picton, Ont., uses an ordinary jackknife to carve a few handy kitchen gadgets from dis- carded tin cans. Cooks learn to make their own ladies, scoops, -largo spoons, muddlers etc„ from tin cans. They even make their own bake pans and large bake trays from the sides of empty petrol tins. 'Helve You Heard? A small boy carne panting into a western Kansas newspaper editor's office eay'ing; "Boss, there's a pian outside who says he hasn't had a thing to eat for ten days." The editor's face brightened. "Run back and find out how be does.it," he ordered, "and may- be we' can . run this paper at least another week." —0— Candidate: How did you like my speech on the agricultural problem? - ,.,Farmer: It wasn't bad; but a day's rain,' would do a heap more good. —0 --- "When I applied for a job the manager had the nerve to ask if ,my"pllnctuation was good." "And what did you tell him." "Field I'd never been late for work in my life." ---0-- Comes a. yarn from the -Ital- ian war zone about a group of British and "American soldiers who were gazing at the molten lava In Mt. Vesuvius. "Looks hot as hell," remark- ed one of the Yanks. Way," piped out a British- er, "you Americans have been everywhere!" ..-.— "Johnson is so conceited." "Yes, on his Iast birthday he sent a telegram of congratula- tions to his mother!" THANKS, FRITZ BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS If your back aches or if you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys slow up, wastes collect. Backache; dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and-there is a time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops. You will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops—packed in Canada. Get a 40c package from your druggist. s For Faster Relief of CHEST COLDS Muscular Aches & Pains Tired 13 ming Feet MASSAGE WELL WITH PRiCE 30c and SOc at ALL Druggists i RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTU ` ` E QUICKLY RELIEVED it you aro troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, du not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this itching or or painful pace- ae of stool i'tnd proper treat9enttureshoeldvberse ur lxed at once. For this purpose get a package ot Hem -Reid from any druggist and use as directed. This ,formula which is used internally to a small, easy to tape tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. ghlylUorecommended pleasant ituseenis hithe height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a tine remedy may be had at such a small cost. if you try tem -Bold and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your mnnev rifth Arrny engineers, carrying; out stn airport neer Nettuno, Italy, of a lot of unwitting help from e enemy. In the considerable desnolition work; necessary, they used hundreds of pounds of captured (Merman explosives, like the artil tury cordite charges shown above. • "MIDDLE -AGE" ENYrs, 38-5ol3 2l FEED THY,SADVECEI I If you're cross, restless. NERVOUS -- suffer hot flashes, dlzeiness---caused by this perlod in a woman's 11se-•- try Lydte, Ie., Pinkitain'e Vegetable Couipcund. Made especially /or toomen, Hundreds of thousands res Markable' helped, yo11oW label diree- tions. Made in Canada. HOED ITi. Maybe he isn't a jack of all trades, but Carl Cathey sure comes in' handy when a jeep blows a tire at Camp. Gordon Johnson, Fla. Cathey, former Oakland, Ca1ife'physical .culture,,expert, on limited Army service, acts as a human jack when eight GI's; place the 2265 -pound jeep on his feet. Wins on Ch rcb UU Winston Churchill is an old Tory, He is an old Liberal. He is a rank imperialist. He is a fervent democrat. Bet :mainly he Is one of those men who cannot walk into the House ,,of Commons, or any house or place; without creat- ing somethning of an electric stock, says The New York Times. He does not do this be- cause he is Prime Minister, He is Prime Minister because he can dc' it. He is Prime Minister because he has made and projected an image of what the British people wish to be in this war: there he stands and t .ere they stand, in courage so sure that it need never plume itself; in faith as strong as the British earth from which it springs; in cheerfulness that passes smiling into the dark Val- ley; in honesty of purpose; in loyalty to even the mast mis- understanding of friends. .Protect your B0001$ ''and (ASU trent rinse and THIEVES, We have a size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any pureoge. 't'leit as, or write for prices, etc. to Dept. W, 145 T+'ront St. no Toronto Established 1ti05 J.& .TAVLDR umITEU TORONTO SAFE WORKS ALUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES MAKE ANY AUTOMOBILE OPERATE AS SMOOTHLY AS IN DAMPEST WEAT- HER. FEW CHEAP PARTS. FROM OLD AUTOS GIVE CONTROLLED HUMIDITY TO ALL THE AIR ENTER- ING 'CARBURETOR. CHEAP INSTALLATION COST GIVES PERMANENT SATIS- FACTION. SIMPLE COM- PLETE PLANS POSTPAID BY RETURN MAr'L FOR $1,00. ALSO MAKE MONEY INSTALLING FOR OTHERS. HURRY BEFORE DEMAND MAKES REQUIRED PARTS SCARCE IN ZOUR LOC- ALITY. FLEX ENGINEER, ING AND DESIGN, 90 CHARLES ST. E., TORONTO. UAtie Cltt(.;r CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS 20ME AvAILA)3LE MARp) . APRIL. Mixed and Pullets, B. Rooks,,14c. ,14c, 24c. N. Harries 18e,Ws. Leg- horns 13c, 21$e. A., breeder hatch- ery, all breeders': Governmen-t banded and blood • te`sted. \Vat'''s `- Hatchery, Stratford, Ont. 15 FREE CHICKS MTV Stil'EU1OR teitI t`I 1'1']r'•CUiCli:S "EXTRA ' PROFIT'S" A11 from inspected aplirdt-ed or certified blood tested btaedetes. Barred Rock Price pee '100 Mixed 90% Coeker'e1s Pullets Day old 14.00 24.006,00 1 week old 17.00 27;00 ' 9,00 2 weeks old 22.00 82:00 12.00 3 weeks old 26.00 37.00 15.00 To all who will buy -thioles and take immediate delivery We will give them 15 free chicks per 100. Send.order with deposit. ,Will ship C.O.D. by Express. Ask for our Price List for 2d other breeds. '%ILLFR D Lit FEMME 2025 .4m.herst Street - ttontreni I'•Q, LICIi'rl's I1)44 CHICKS FIRST HATCH I'IOB. 1. PRICE LIST supplied. .M1 birds for our 1944 hatching season have the iuter- estinR O.P,S. Governnrent. Baud. Culled and blood testbd• by De- partment Inspectors.! .' SOLO,t0N LICWL'I, Milverton. It.R. 1. Pilane 1)9-24 Ii17LSi'S STARTI D••; angles WHITE GIANTS, .BLACK GIANTS, Australorpe, 73au:ed Rocks, Rhode Island Redo,- White Leghorns. The kind that pay. Lloyd Helm, R.R. 1, Waterloo, Ont. A-1 BABY CHICKS FROM BLOOD - Tested flocks. Barred Rockselarge type White Leghorns, Barred Rock X White Leghorns, Sussex X New Hampshire, Red X Rocks. Write for price list, to A. H. Switzer Hatchery.' Granton, Ont. CANATI1:,N APPROVED CHI('KS for immediate delivery, Leghorns, Barred Rock, New Hampshire, Sussex and Hybrids. \Vrite for 1944 Catalogne and price list. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, Monkton, Ontario.. • W11 ATtn GEe.RED TO SATISFY most demands. While bookings continue heavy, eve can give im- mediate chick delivery, esperiai- ly if second choice is given. Most breeds available, Also 2 week Leghorns. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. NO ITATCHERY IN TIIE WORLD is more desirous of helping you to. succeed in the chicken bus- iness than Top Notch Chickerie.s. Our stock is Government Approv- ed from blood -tested breeders, but that's only part of the Top Notch policy. Our steadily in- creasing business is evidence that people who risk their time and money in the chicken bus- iness like Top Notch methods and Top Notch treatment. Send for catalogue. We can give prompt delivery mi most pure breeds and hybrids. Top Notch Chickerics, Guelph, Ontario. IF EVERYONE LIVED BY THE Golden Rule—there would he no crime, no war, no poverty. Here at Fergus we try hard to prac- tice the golden rule. We know St pays. Every hatch and every shipment gets the kind of atter- tion as if we were going to raise the chicks ourselves. Because the demand for both chickens saki eggs will break all records this year, we urge you, to get the right start. We have hatches five days a week from now on. We can give you prompt delivery on non sexed, pullet or cockerel chletcs in all the most popular breeds. f'an also take orders for thousands of chicks for April, 1,fny and June delivery. Also lay- ing and ready to lay pullets. for immediate delivery. Free catal- ogue. Tweddle Chicle Hatcheries Limited, Iror„ua, 'Ontario. zaxGH QUAT.,ITY BREEDER HAT - envy Chicks, blood -tested. Or- dinary priced. Popular breeds. ,Nelson Hatchery, Shakespeare, Ont. BARRED ROCKS AND LARGE English White Leghorns. A11 mat- ings bloodtestrd, bred to lay and extra lre xed Wite quality Legt ornsbe'mixe 3l lea.1 Pul- lets 26c. Rock Cockerels March Cochrnile's Poultry Farm. Ridgetown, Ont. TOO LA7't0 -- 'POO 1A'V10 NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT 1110 Wild "too late." Send for ern price list end order your baby ehirlte tow. One dollar books your order. odd'ard Chtelc IIatebery, 13riten- ttla Ifelghte, Ont, SI'RUCELEIGB WHITE LEGIIORN won PA'Y ABILITY BABY CRICKS THIS STRAIN IS A PRACTICAL. proven egg -producing type, with twenty-three years of steady production ;• back of thein, They Will pay )yell for good keep and caro. This is certain, because they are doingthis on, our own farm— one of 'Canada's largest egg -pro- ducing farms. You get exactly the same breed, strain and grade as ewe' raise for ourselves. Poul- try management handbook "High Pay Ability" sent FREE on re- quest. Get aur price list. We ad- vise early orders. SPRUCE LEIGH FARM LIMITED, Box 350B. Brantford. Ontario. . FLETCHER BRADLEY'S FAMOUS Australian. White Leghorn baby• chicks, "nearly as large as Bar- red Rocks, will lay 3. eggs to their 1, extra large eggs. World's record layers at contest. Reduced from $25 per 100 to $16.50, This will be a record year in chicks. Book early for delivery when wanted. Over 200 late orders last year were returned, sold out. A $2,00 deposit will book your or- der. Delivery when wanted. Write 160 ]Sank St.. Ottawa. BLACKBERRIES T..VERBI0ARING BLACKBERRIES, very hardy. Have been success- fully transplanted on Prairies— well packed in moss. Heavy crop- per fruit, large, sweet and in clusters. Order before April 10th. 4 vines for $1.00 Prepaid. A. Klein, Agassiz, B.C. CORDWOOD CONTRACTOR . \t' N ED WANTED—CORDWOOD CONTRAC- • for to eut and put on railway cars 1,500 cords ot egged in Hall- burton County. Clese. to roads and railway. $7.50.-,a cord. A. C. Conway, 45 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. tet gest t, IIN VOINI'OLtS AN OFFJ2B TO EVERY INVENTOR List of .inventions and full •rnrer- matiurr-'senh free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 ]Sank Street, Ottawh, Canada. Ut.EtNo .e CI,Peeeti NG B.AVN 1'r1U ANYTHING N10b'DS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us . for iurormation. We are glad to answer your eilestions: Departs. ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Strset. To- ronto. PATENTS FE'rkuliltirI';NBA U1317 & CU\LPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 18911; la Icing West, Toronto. Booklet or information on re- qest r GGs w,SN'I'1Ji11 HIGIIEST PRICES PAID FOR EiRlee LIVE AND DRESSED Poultry. Payments made prompt- ly. )•.astern Farm Products Co., 423 St. Pau] east, Montreal; Que. 1•JLh!"I'1ULOAi, lielei 'elenC't• ELECTRIC elOTORS. NEW, t]SI:U, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s. pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2826 Dufrerin St., Tornnt(' 0001' 11A eel BAUMJ 1613A Ft)UT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent„ Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. FOR SALE ' KNITTING, WEAVING W 0 0 L yarn, two ply, white, blue, red, khaki, klaok, green, brown, $1,59 per pound. Guaranteed. Refund. S. Goode, Si. Jerome, Que. FARM II17LP WANTED EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN, trust •ferin, yearly employment. House, usual privileges. State family': 'age,' wages expected, references. H. 3, 111. Fiske, R.'I1. 2, St. Catharines. F A R 11 E R, EXPERIENCED, knowledge of beef cattle and sheep, married man, hotrse avail- ' able.., Apply Yellow Briar Farm, Mono 11:1118. ELDERLY MAN 011 STRONG LAD for general farming. near To- ronto, good milker, teamster, small dairy herd, good • home. Bos 8 Nashville., FARMS FOR SAVE 50 AC'12ES TOBACCO LAND, BARN 88x50. No house. $1000, $750 cash, balance terms. 62 acres clay loam, brick house, two barns, $3000. Terms. balance terms, 100 acres. wrath farm,,,good build- ngs, $7,000. Terms to suit. Tourist Camp 'including (Ins Sta- tion, Store, Dwelling and 5 Cab- ins eonipletely equipped No. 3 Highway New :Rodney $11,000.00 Cash, alto Permit to operate. 10 aerrs tobacco land, 7 acres hush, new 0 room house, Large barn, $4,000. 22.000 cash, balance terms. CHARLES W. MARTINI, Rodney Onl l='hone 40. 150 ;:e ep-,I0Z.CSTLL:NT 501x, GO sc 9 pintved, 12 acres xvheat; balance 10 lugr and testate; barn Ogee on Wall, good stnbles for 80 head, Hydro dad water in barn, litter carrier; silo, drive sheds, mill Por :grinding feed, drilled well. Brick house, 3 -pc, bath, full basement, furnace, laundry,.water err tap, hydro, and gas. (711 74 'fflr;letvey eleSe to Belmont (I1or- den'e) near Contintiat!en yehool, ebtirr10 5 12 Miles' emu London acid St. Thomas- 67, `, Ilar ente, Iulment, Ont, ;7,500.-1 Buildings -5,000 ACRE, f6-1100111 et i floor space, Hydro and Water in all build- ings. On Railway siding, Toron- to Twenty Miles. I11 health rea- son for sale. R. H. Kane, Rich- mond Hill. 100 -ACRE FARM, GOOD LAND, good buildings. 11 miles from Stratford, lot 42, con. 5, S. East - hope. Apply Philip Petrie, R.R. 3, Tavistock. WESTERN LAND 160 ACRES IN NORTHERN SASK- atohewan, all under good cultiva- tion, good mixed farming district, 3 miles from town with 5 ele- vators, on good highway; price 225 per acre, $18 per acre cash, balance arranged. Box 101, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto, HOME KINDERGARTEN MOTHERS! YOU CAN AID THE early education of your pre- school child .with our creative handwork displays now available for home as well as school use. They include cut-outs, silhouettes, borders, window decorations, etc. —instructions for construction with coloured papers, crayons etc. These are inspired by tested •educational ideas. Ten seasonal titles in the series—one for each month, complete $6.50. Single un - 75e each. Dominion Teachers Service, 23 Seott St" Toronto. HORSES POR SALE REG. PALOMINO QUARTER HORS - es and reg. Palomino Tennessee Walking horses of grand cham- pion blood lines, Stallions from weanling colts to serviceable ages: mares from weanling to brood mares in foal to our out- standing stallions; 3 good Pal- omino stock horses of quarter horse breeding; 5 reg. Palomino geldings, real pleasure horses, very gentle, safe for ladies, chil- dren or inexperienced riders: several reg. Tenessee Walking show horses. Let me know your requirements. Send for our lat- est descriptive price list. World's largest breeders of Palomino horse s. FISHER PALOMINO FAR5fS, Souderton, Pa. FIAIRDItIFOSSiNG S(:UOOL LEARN [HAIRDHLr45]NG THEi Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad. -- my 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. HAIlw TREATMENT GRAY HAIR may be caused by lack of VITAMINS IF,• YOUR HAIR IS LOSING ITS color it may be bedause you aro not getting enough of certain vitamins. Unless you are getting adequate amounts of these vit- amins your system may not be able to assimilate the calcium and other minerals you need for healthy, • colorful hair. If your hair has prematurely turned, or is beginning to turn gray, you should take the RANDOLPH • SUPER )3 TABLETS to aid to building up the health. These tablets aro prepared to a special formula and are sold with our booklet "Diet, Hair, and Health", which shows how you nray eat your way to vigorous health and beauty. Sold exclusively by the RANDOLPH CO. SALES DEPT., 25 Howard St., Toronto. Special introductory* package $1.00. Send money with order and we pay delivery charges. IIAIR ROODS W 1 G 0,TOUPES, TRANSFORM- atone,Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. IIA) DW1t1TING DISCOVER YOUR HIDDEN TAL- ents. Complete handwriting an- alysis, $1, Use ink, unruled paper. Send any fifty words to Caroline Sims, 640 Burnaby Blvd., Toronto. PETS WANTED WANTEDCANARIES, PUPPIES, Persian, Kittens, Pigeons, other Pets. Send descriptions price to Seeds & Birds Co., 1280 St. Cath- erine lee, Montreal. .l'Hrr9'trr118API) v FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Some pictures can never be taken again. Don't risk losing yours. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service for developing and printing. Canada's largest finishing studio does the finest work at lower cost. Any Size Roll ---6 or 8 kxposures, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c "Your priees for such quality work are really, economical," writes a Customer at Peterborough, Ont. "1 ala particularly fascinated by the coloured Metered,. i annreeiai,' volar prompt and reliable service and In future will send all illy roils to you." 3 MOUNTED 'F'NI.ARt;d;\Il `'V:1 25c Size gee" in 13eautifui E'sel Slounts :EEnlareeveents 416" au) ivory tinted mounts 7x9" )1 (Iola, Silver, Clrens- sian Welnnt er 'meal( Lhony finish trainee, ere (nide If (01F,ra,m -nt eolau., d. Tae• eeee. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ilex 120. l'„si:,l '1'.•rnri1:,1 A. 'I.n.,010 Print Your '`•:,a11,.. Plainly on All enders. , INSECT KILLER FIGHT THE WARBLE FLY W1T.H McVeety's Warble and Louse Killer. A dry Powder, needs no water. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price per Ib. sixty cents post- paid, Apply t.plyNorman McVeetY, e MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL FOR QUALITY, service and satisfaction. 6 or 8 exposure films 25c; reprints 8 for, 25c. Imperial Photo Service, Sta- tion .1, Toronto. MACHINERY AND ELECTIRIC MOTORS ELECTRIC MOTORS ALL SIZES 25 or 60 cycle—also air compres cors and machinery. E. Hoffman Machinery Supply, 181 King St. East, Toronto. IIfh.DICAL EXCESS ACIDITY FEEL TIRED, LAZY, RUN DOWN all the time, lack energy this may be due to excess acidity. Fermol tablets quickly help re. lieve this condition. Fermol regu- lates and makes you feel better. At all druggists or 2 months treatment $1.00 postpaid. Fermol Distributors, London, Ont. DIXON'S REMEDY—FOR NEURIT - is and Rheumatic Pains. Thous- ands satisfied. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Post- paid $1.00. NURSERY sTOCIc FREE — COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of l'rult •Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; R o s e s; Brookdale-leingsway; Nurseries, Botvrnainville, Ontario. RHEUMATIC PAINTS READ THIS—EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should t-ry Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 315 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid- $1.00. SEED CORN . WE ARE GROWERS AND MARK- • eters of the famous Truck Load Ear Brand seed corn. Order earl„ and save money. Belle River Grain & Seed Conopuny, Bella River, Ont. SEED!] FOR, SALE' THOROUGHLY RECLEANI':D C'OV- er'ttnletlt graded Clover e ' 1crds, Timothy and Cos ick A1f,cUa. Write for prices. J. E. Muir, Cey- lon, t:)ntnrio. FOR SALE AMERICAN CREAM SEI AIIATLOIt. Sales and Service new and re- built machines. American Sep- arator Sales, Godericll, Ont. STO'S'E REPAIIe PARTS STCVE REPAIR PARTS WE CARRY A COMPLETE L,l Nan of stove parts. Specify name . nd number and what needed. We tilers have reeonditioued stoves, a.11 make s. Enquiries welcomed.. Lake -hare Stove, 43e Queen Wesr, Toronto. S'POyen; STOVES $12.135 CLEARANCE NEWLY I1Ei'UNDITIONIJI) tal'Ait- anteed coal, wood cottage Ct.o. es, 4 -lid, oven, $12,95. tenebec cater. stoves, $19.50; cast cook sties. 6 -lid, $15.511; enamelled warming oven 0s1 reservoir, 85.00 extra. Late model range, enamelled, good country stove, 0001 or, wood, large fire box and oven. 6 large lid:, steel body, enamel- led warming oven and reservoir, special 839.50. Send money order, Lakeshore Stove, 4111 Queen West, Toronto. TR_iec'roilS FOR SALE McCOil3illt'1i lll:ilitlN(1 T1tAC 1111, fifteen thirty, new rink's, wrist pins, radiator. Excellent condi- tion, $600; 2 half horse ele,•irio motors, 3 phase e20 volt ca1'h 825, 111 Al shape. Fred Robineon, C'o1•byl'ille, Ont. • TOIUATO IeS TOMATOES FROM SEED THIS YEAR 19NJOSr '11.110 IN1'e1SY- parable flavour of America's must perfectly formed tomato. Unexcelled interior solidity, tin - usual size, perfect synlmetll of appoaranee in the new 'Sia, ter Marglobe Tomato ensures its wel- come in Canada. A 39.14 seed in- - by W. W. Hick & Sons Limited, Lindsay, Ontario. Send 15c for Special pict. o1- 210 for i„S oz. pkg. to Dc pt. R. s O \'t: 1't1I, Ft S WANTED iI'2l011 '1'O 1010 til 1 T,1 'tiL sone. Send poem tar iuuuc,li ik e,n- sidera Om ), 1 ,t, Soar \lois. \t .st- ers, 514 1; .,con Dedes, laiehoe Masa. '3'Ai'1•IWOIUII STOIIAt'H AND THREAD 4tt)li'iiS often are the cause o' iiiiiheenn to humpne all ages N) 0110 lru. niutlel Why nut find out if dilly is your trouble? laic cs%dl,g tier- ticulatt•s—Fr0.e! Write elel r se's )Remedies. Specials, is . e .ate 2, 01')'11110 hi PP1.l('.. ANI\MAl. Sgteens! 0:e•0.3 eel`.e, look, 11 v, ) box 8. 0.6 $i.n' dozen prepaid (-tr r ,i`. ,n nee ent.•au110011 tII.th,,,1. -.t +s, 1, ' p,,•. 131- Ii.,tlnlAss. ..tr...;•+1,. Ids In.