HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-02-24, Page 7Invalueable for COUGHS—COLDS BRONCHITIS SIMPLE SOiRE THROAT Paw WHAT SCIENCE IS KM Automatic "Speed -Cop" An interesting invention, has been developed to act as an auto- matic "speed cop" to enforce traf- fic regulations. A special, indicator is mounted just above the instrument panel with a dial and a hand which tells stow fast the car is moving. . The indicator also is equipped with lights. At normal cruising speeds, a white light shines on the dial lace, but when the car's speed ex- ceeds the city limit, the • light changes to red. ' This alight prove sufficient pro- tection against speeding in popu- lated sections if all motorists kept THE REEL STUFF East London fireman, taking tough Commando course at Chigwell, has Ms hands—and feet—full as he snakes 40 -foot crossing on tight- rope, carrying four reels of hose. a 'their attention on the indicator constantly, and if they all would voluntarily ease up on their too- laeavy throttle foot and reduce ' their speed to safe and proper limits as soon as the warning red light flashed on. But because there seems to be ,'tome drivers who don't know 120w fast they are going or don't care about where they do their speed- ing, a special automatic governor has been devised. The invention is worked out in- geniously so that speeding on the open highway, while it lights the red lamp on the speed indicator, does not otherwise interfere with the car's operation. * ",lv But in build-up urbane sections where there is .likely to be heavy cross -traffic and possibly persons crossing or children playing in the streets, the device takes positive and active automatic steps to see to it that the car reduces speed, With the hand on the indicator beyond the city speed limit, a switch is closed making current available to a special relay. Then when the speeding auto passes over a magnetized rail laid in the high- way, the magnetism closes the re- lay, thus actuating an e1ebtric de- vice which autontaticalIy throttles down the motor, whether the motorist takes his foot off the ac- celerator or not. To be generally effective, it would-be necessary to imbed mag- netized rails in all sections need- ing speed control, and to acquire every motorist to install the auto- matic governor in his car. Have You Heard? Half -way down the quiet inky black and narrow street Paddy was suddenly pounced upon by a burly individual, wearing a mask. Thrust- ing a revolver into the Irishman's ribs, he snapped out: "Come on! Money or yer lifer" "Faith!" cried Paddy. "You can take my loife. Oi'm saving up all me money for me old age." —a— Myrtle:. "John's, got. h i s Horne Guard uniform now, and he's dying for a parachute - jumper to come along." Phyllis: "Well, why don't yo -u knit him one?' —0— Teacher was giving a lesson on the idiosyncrasies of March. "What is it," she agked, "that conies in like a lion and goes out like a Iamb?" And little Julia in the back row replied: "Father." —0 -- "So you're a young man with both feet on the ground, eh? What do you do for a living?" "I. take orders from a man with both feet on the desk." —V— The lady was complaining about the egg shortage to her grocer. "And," site went on, "last week one egg you sent ane was had. I demand that you make it good!" "Lady," said he, "l'm a grocer not a magician!" —0— He—"Woman is nothing but a rag, a bone, and a hank of hair.". She -"Man is nothing but a brag, a groan, and tank of air." British Transport Doing Huge Task Britain has organized "her war- time transport to such an extent that we are now moving one and a quarter million tons of freight every day of the year," the Lon- don Radio said. "This is being done with fewer ships, rail wagons, trucks and canal barges than Britain would have needed for adequate han- dl!•ig by ',eacetin.e service and with less manpower," continued the broadcast. "The railways alone forex- , ample, have lost 110,000 employees to the forces, but they 'ars moving twice as much merchandise as they did before the war, while through trains for troops and other Gov- ernment traffic average 2,000 a week, All this is beim• done by cutting out all waste time and us- ing every available means of trans- port. Ever; horses have been mob- ilized: Ten thousand are in use at one British port alone,. No wagon or truck can be allowed to stand still for longer than it takes to load or unload it, "America is helping by sending prefabricated wagons for British re ihvays, They arrive le lig t parts and as they- are unloaded they are put together, then loaded inlpO with other rt3 and. dispatched p the le 1'ailt4'ay9 r Red Goss Head MRS. A. D•. McICELVEY Announcement of the appoint- ment of Mrs. A, D. McKelvey as Supervisor of the Women's. War Work of Ontario Division of the Red Cross is made by Mrs. John C. Fraser, Chairman of that Com- mittee. Because of her splendid back- ground of Red Cross volunteer service of three years, in close touch with all Branches of Wo- men's War Work, combined 'tial her office training and executive ability, Mrs. McKelvey is especial- ly well fitted to fill this position. A. son and daughter are in the. Service, Dr. A. D. McKelvey in the Army Medical Corps at Bord- en, and Wren Peggy McKelvey a W.T, stationed at Ottawa. "They March Better On Tea" Commandos march better on tea than on water. This fact has been demonstrated by an official test re- cently carried out in Great Britain. A Canadian battalion was under- going a 12 -day course of battle training. The last six days were devoted mainly to marching, and during the period the foot -sloggers covered more than 280 miles. As en experiment, three out of four platoons were allowed to get all the water they scanted. The mem- bers of the fourth platoon were kept entirely off water and .were served only with tea. The "water platoons" made good use of their water bottles, but the "tea pla- toon" was the only one to finish the course intact. Which only goes to show •that there must be some- thing in the soldier's traditional liking for a cup of rosie lee." Improve Your Health by Correcting Sluggish This Way is Swift, Ecoiiaricai Few conditions can wreck your health faster than disordered kidneys and inflamed bladder. Your back aches miserably. You have restless nights. You suffer leg cramps and rheumatic pains. When these things happen your kidneys need help in filtering out acids and poisonous wastes that are undermining your health. Give them this help—quickly—with . GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules. GOLD MEDAL Capsules contain accurately treasured amounts of the original and genuine Haarlem Oil (Dutch Drops). You will be gratefully surprised at the way they relieve clogged kidneys and irritated bladder. Go to your druggist now and get a 40c box. Be sure you ask for GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. 2 HOW TO RELIEVE PILE., TORTURE ORTU E QUICKLY AND EASILY It yuu are Ll'.Uelee With analog piles el rectal sureness, du out de- lay L1'eatlnellt and run the risk of letting title uundmteen tmeetlle chron- ic. Any filching or eel tames ur 9la1111(11 passage 01 stool is ualure's warning and pr 0 9 e 1 treatment should be seuured at once, Per this purpuse bet a paetcagu of Rein -Real Crum ally druggist and Use as directed, This rurulula which to used I1iLe1'lial)y Is a ,Miall, easy to talcs tablet, will quickly relieve the ILum eg Laid sureness and aid lu heallug the sure tender sputa, Fleur-leord is pleasant to use, Is highly 1 euoulmandod and zt seems the height 01 folly ter any ons to risk a painful and chronic pile 0011- ditiun when such a flue reniedy may be had at such a small cost. 1t you try Hem-J.•tuld and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist w111 gladly return your money. t �D1sseS• SirOtae 0YSsv {citfeet, etc IDD LLE AGE WOMEN C rs o d) HEED 'THIS ADVICE:1 1'f you're cross, restless, NERVOUS— suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a wonuuz's life— try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Made especially for wolaca. Hundreds of thousands res markably helped. Follow label clime mons. Made in Canada, 'AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES i12A.KE ANY AUTO M013ILE QPERATE AS SMOOTHLY AS IN DA M PE ST W E AT - HER, FE\V CHEAP ].'ARTS FROM: OLD AUTOS GIVE CONTROLLED ET HT'.MIDITY TOs ALL THE AIR ENTER- ING• CARBURETOR, l.:kli;AP INSTALLATION COST GIVES PERMANENT SATIS- FACTION. SIMPLE COM- PLETE FE I'I.A\S POSTPAID I3Y RJ 'I"l'R\ 11.171.. 1 OR 81,00; ALSO l\fAK1; MONEY INSTALLING FOR OTHERS, HURRY BEFORE DEMAND MAKES REQUIREI.) PARTS SCARCE IN YOUR LOC - FLEX ENGINEER ING" AND DESIGN, 90 CHARLES ST. E,, TORONTO. NTO. u,aAa 4 1.111 V lib CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS SOlf1JJ A\'ALL.<113L1, 9iAits, lY, si,P1tI1.. _Mixed and Pullets, J3. Itool.s, Loc, 24e. N. ]Lampe, 13e, 24e. W. Leg- heries. 13c, 28c. A breeder hateh- • er'y, .gall breeders Government bauded and blood tested. Way's I3atchar'y, Stratford, Ont, A-1 BABY CHICKS FROM BLOOD - Tested flocks. lltu'red ltoeks, large type White Leeghorns, Barred Bock X White Legherus, Sussex X New Hampshire, Red X Rooks. Write for price list to A. H. Switzer Hatchery, (Greaten, Ont. H1Gkl QUALITY BREEDER HAT- ehoz3 _ Chicks, blood -tested. Or- dinary. prices. Pop alar breeds. Nelson Hatchery, aim i..espeare, Ont. Y'O'U KNOW SOW' WHAT Qt?AN- tity and breed of chick you want. It niay be we can' give You Just what You wont, it not exceptional returns from hatching sets will enable us to come pretty close to It—hut order now to avoid dis- appointment. limy Hatchery, 130 Jlenn •N., Hamilton, Ont, BA1t10E D 1tOUK.S AND .LARGE English White Leghorns. All mat- ings bloodtested, bred to lay and extra quality hocks mixed 1434e. White 'Legborns mixed 120. Pul- lets 26e. Roel. Cockerels Feb. 4c, March 5c. Coc1u'ane's Poultry, Farm, Ridgetown, Ont, MORE. PAY FOR THE SAME ' work—that's what you should get when you start your season with chicks of known breeding backed ,by a hatchery that keeps its customers—and gets new ones— year after year. That kind. 01 a start .lessens risk, saves waste of feed and work, gives you a better chance . to get good pay, for your labour and a just profit on your investment. We offer all the best -liked breeds and excel- lent cross -breeds. Hatches five :days a week. Send for catalogue and ehlplilug dates. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for im- mediate delivery.. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. • SPIi.UIJELEIGIL WHI'L'E LLIGJIORN HIGH I'A.Y ABILITY BABY CHICKS THIS .,STRAIN IS A PRACTICAL, proven egg -producing type, with twenty-three years of steady production back of them. They will pay well for good keep and care. This is certain, because they, are doing this on our own farm— one of Canada's largest egg -pro- ducing farms. You get exactly the same breed, strain and grade as we raise for ourselves. Poul- try management handbook "High Pay Ability" sent FREE on re- quest, Get our price list. We. ad- vise early orders. — SPRUCE - LEI OH. FARM LIMITED, Box 35033., Brantford, Ontario. LAYING AND READT TO LAY White Leghorn pullets at reason- able prices for immediate dolly - era. Also 13a1'red hocks stud Hy- brids. Free catalogue. _Alai Clay old cbicl.s fur immediate deliv- ery. Tw+<ddle Chick H:lt,:hr'ries Limited, Fergus, Ont. STARTED PULLETS, BARRED Rucks, 1 week old, 43 'csts; 2 weeks, 26 cents, White Leghol'ns, 1 we k.. old, 20 rents; 2 (reeks old, t. cents. February anti March pullete only. (a1Ieton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont. FLETCHEJlt BRADLEY'S FAMOUS Australian White. Leg.torn baby chicks, nearly alarge as Bar- red hocks, will lay 3 eggs to their 1, extra large eggs, World's 1'ecord. layer's at contest. Reduced from $25 per 100 to $16.50. This will be as record year in chicks. .Book early for delivery when wanted, Over 200 late orders last year were returned, sold out. A e2.09 deposit will book your or- der. Delivery when wanted. Write 160 Batik St., Ottawa. GOVERN al l?14T Al'"ROVI+7D, 'blood -tested ,chicks from High Productive strains. Ten Thousand chicks available weekly. named- ' late delivery' on day-old and started chicks. Gayly -pod Farm, Mount Ilaniilton. POULTRY-IK.EEI'Ens, 13E SURE of a good healthy hunch of baby chicks this conning season. Good chicks mean good hens and more eggs. i.mmcdiete delivery on day- old ehieks. Write for 1944 ,sat-, aloe:tie and prices en our Gov- ernment Approved chicks. MONK - TON POULTRY FARMS, Monk - ton, •Ontario.. 1'.00 LATE — '1'110 L,:A'L'I NEXT-Sl'RIN(n IDUN'T LET IT 1310 • said "too late." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks. now. One dollar books your order. Goddiil'd Chid: Hatchery, 13ritan- ni+s T1eli:hts. (3111 III A:CK11r?:CRRHIS EViOIOIIE.&R1NG BLACKBERRIES, very hardy. Have been success- fully transplanted on Prairies -- well packed itl moss. heavy crop- per fruit, large, sweet and in clusters. Order before April 10th. 4 vines for $1..00 Prepaid, A, Klein, Agaesiz, B.C. OFq'1+lli 'I'.0 INVI7N'L'OltS AN mann TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full hilar - Illation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Pa tent Attorneys, 270" flame Street, Ottawa, Canada. PAT NM'S 'ETLHISESTON HA U 111.3 & COMPAN Y Patent'. Solicitors." Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re• quest,' DYEING AL Qhi11ANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING N51E132 dyeing or cleaning? Write to Lia for tnfortnation. We are glad to anseeer your'.queattons, Depart- ment a, Porker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. iilt,CC'rU.i CAI. EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Alien Electrlc company Ltd., 2329 Dttfterin St., Toronto. B OOT BALM C3AUMEEJL1\ FOOT BALM destrOys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, Domain L)rut, Store, Ottawa. FARM III2I.1' vtlseNal45P EXIT R1IJNCLD :11'Al1R1ED 21A1' fruit farm, yearly employment. }louse, usual privileges. State firmly, age,.. wages expected, references. 13. J. Ito, 1'talte, .16,1.1, 2, St, Crttharines. 1 All FIS FOIL SALE ONE .9131.10 LA.N:O, GOOD 31011230, barn, garage, Greenhouse and. equipment Box 192 Wiugbam, 'VALUABLE1 3,11\l IN WATERLOO County for sale, cousisting Of 214 aures, iueltidiag 12 aures cedar' swamp, 32 aures hardwood bulb, 3 acres orchard, balance all Limier etutv,.atlou- $ltuated 2 Miles 11'Om Waterloo, 3 miles from IS,itelzoner; 11 -room brick house, large bank barn, 2 Im- plemetlt sheds, also equipped with hydro, Per full particulars apply to Harley C. Stauffer, R.R. No. 3, Waterloo, Ont, s7,6U0 =1 ACRE, 6-1-1001.1 HOUSE, Buildings-5,000 feet floor space, alydr•o and Water in all build -.a ings, On hallway siding, Toron- to Twenty Miles. Ig health rea- son for 'sale, le, H. Kane, •Rieb.- lna d Hill. 100-AC1.t1,1 LAkLII, (1001.) LAND, geed buildings, 3 miles from Stratford, lot 42, con, 6, S. Bast - hope, Apply 1'hilip Petrie, 12,11, 3, T ayistoulc. 160 ACHES GRAIN AND STOCK land cheap; adequate water and building's. Hya1'o available, Near village and station. Mrs. Charles M. Straughan, Auburn, Huron Co,, Un tarso. 160 ACIUOS CLAY LOAM, SMALL bush, buildings, lialdiniand Coun- ty; $2,aUU terms, 130 -Acre farm, Welland County, good buildings, free gas, 24 acres wheat; 06,500, terrns Wellington Gilmore, 57 East Main Street, Welland. TOBA.000, DAIRY FARMS, LOW priced—small down payments, some equipped. Crus Campbell, 111t, Brydges. ls'OR SALE CAS/ L 0 T S CHOICE, SOUND, straight cedar fence post, grape peat and telephone poles. Phone " or write E. A. Edwards, R. 2, Medford. GRAIN POR SALLI ASSORTEL UARLUADM U.6' BAR - ley meal, ground wheat, whole oats and other grains for sale. Carlota only. The Atlas Grain Company, Board of Trade Build- ing, Montreal. HELP WANTED MA1D GENERAL WANTED, FOR farm. All modern conveniences, wages $30 per month. Mrs. Bower Henry, Britannia Bay, Ont. IIAIRDR19SSiNG euelOOL 13111A H N HALLtwltlfissiNLi THE Robertson method. Information on request - regarding olahiaea. Robertson's /Hairdressing Acad- emy, Lite Avenue /toad, 'Toronto, HARNESS DRESSING 2LIPLT HARNEeS DRESSING— Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many household uses 25e up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. tILiIR T1ui4,T11EN'r GRAY HAIR may be caused by lack 01 VITAMINS TF TOU31HAIR IS LOSING ITS color it may be because you are not. -getting enough of certain vitamins. Unless you are getting adequate amounts of these vit- a linins your system may not be. able to assimilate the calcium and other minerals you need for healthy, colorful hair. • if your hair has prematurely turned, or is beginning t0 turn gray, you should take the RANDOLI'H 31311//1 13 TAIILETS to aid in building' up the health. These tablet( are prepared to a specla:l forinul.t and are sold with our booklet "Diet, Bair, and Health", which shove how you may eat your way to vigorous health anti beauty. Sold exclusively by the 1L9,N 11(Ih1.'I'l CO. SALES DEPT., 25 I-lnwerd 8t., Toronto, Specs i.l introductory package $1.00. Send money with order and we pay delivery charges. 'Ns -after Li1L.Li91t FIGHT THE WARBLE FLY WITH Mr.Vecty's \Warble, and Louse Killer. A dry powder, needs no water. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price per Ib ixty cents post- paid. Apply Norman aloVeety, ltestoule, Ont i 04:11A I'M SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Einlargeineuts 4x6" in Beau- tiful easel mounts, 3 for 25e. Fram- ed in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Iliad: Ebony finish frames, on ivory Mots 7x9", 59c each, if coloured 70e each. ANY SIZE ROLL U or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AN1) PRINTED 25c Get prompt mail service on quality work at love cost. Satisfied eustoru- ers all over Canada will tell you that Star Snapshot Service does the best work, DON'T TAKE RISKS • WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never bo taken again. Send your rolls to Canada's largest and Linust finishing studio— STAIR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Nacre and Addrese Plainly on sill Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO LID el:1.RIAle FOR QU.\LITY, service and satisfaction, 6 or 8 exposure filial 26c; reprints: 3 for 26c. Imperial Photo Service, Sta- tion Toronto Al ED WAD BANISH 11:119 'iul sUU;NT Ole ITCH- leg- e0501nt1, Paul iasis, acne and pimples. Posts Eczemua Salve will not disappoint you, skin troubles respond readily to this stainless odourless ointment re- gardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may "Seem. Seat post free. $L00 .per jar. Posts Remedies, 8210 Queeti St. E., To- rorlto. DON'T \\ A1T--•---lr \Lit L- bC. I 1 E/ltl�llt. of Rheumatic Paine of Neuritis hauld try 11i:uon's Remedy, unro's Drug Store, 326 Elgin, ttawa, Postpaid $1,011, CONSTIPATION Pont D.IILY 1l1I(.l'L RI l .\N1) better health, itNk for 1'eniaol tablets at your drug stote--ac- eept no substitute. Mild yet ef- fective—nun-habit-foeming -- no dreaded after streets (Sluggish bowels) kidney ult,u il,tesist'd, At all druggl to or e months treatment $1.,051 111 stpuul 1 :Irnei Distributors, Lur,+luc, Unt.. 11MAOIIJNI IL7" .t » ELEC1'III0 0'VOR I71 LF3CT3IC MT111OTOIISS ALL SIZE24• 26 or 00 cycle—also air colaDDres- soz•s and znaehlncry. 1 Hoffman Machinery Supp1Y, 1.81 King St. East, Toronto. 22,&147 HELP W.4Na'I:1J MARRIEi3D MAN, EXPERIENCED, for fruit ]'arm house, lights, mill( supplied. Fruit and vege- tabi.es in sason. State age, fam- ily, wages. Give references, Apo P)Y W. C. Nielserson, It.lt, 2, St, Catharines NURSERY STOCK L' la E I!1 — COLORED NURSERY Catalogue, Full lino of Fruit Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Sht:ubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; >1 o s e s; l3rookdale-Kingswe3; Nurseries, Lowmanville, Ontario, PERSONAL " ELIJ AH 0 0 Al 1 N 0 BEFORE Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. POULTRY GRIT POULTRY GRIT Soluble or Insoluble Analysis guaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shells by, using "Sti'esco" white poultry grits for healthier birds and more eggs. Available immediately in 100 lb. bags in any quantity. Write for, samples and prices. DEALERS WANTED sT1NIIO 11E1±315 SUPPLY CO. LIAI II'EJJ 5585 J3elorintier Ave., Montreal (QUILTING PATCHES QUILTING G PATCHES F13U YJ llltxll Gl{ADE 1 .SNI l TUP- cOaLinb x0001 6 x 19, tlu piece/- 02.50 ieces02.50 postage included, Also suit- ings U n lb, 6 x 9. Hall yard lengths for buys' knee 'pacts. Also remnants ter ladies', 171e11'8, children's clothes. LOUIS RICE, 361 Spadini Ave., Toronto. RABBITS F'Oit SALTu PEDIGREED ANGORAS, UtiRE- lated bucks and does, breeding age. Finest stralu ter wool and SALW, Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. E. Mooney, Little Current, Ontario. PEDIGREED N 33 W ZEALAND white or red rabbits for sale. Quick developing meat and fur producers. Herbert Cossey, 36 Ashland Avenue, Toronto, RHELTIXATIC PAINS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED — k1V- ery sufferer of .Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1,0e. SEED CORN WE ARE GROWERS AND MARK - eters of the famous Truck Load Lear Brand seed corn. Order early; and save money. Belle .River Grain b Seed Company, Belle River, Ont. STOVE: it1i'AIlt 1'-iit'r3 STOVE REPAIR PARTS WE C'AJt1RY A COMPLETE LINE of stove parts. Specify name and number and what needed. \Ve also have reconditioned stoves, all make s. Enquiries welcomed. Lakeshore Stove, 439 Queen West, Toronto. STOVES • STOVES '$12:95 CLEARANCE Nkl\VLs: RECONDITIONED ''UAii- anteed coal, wood outrage stove. 4-11d, oven, $12,96. Quebec cook stoi ee, $19.5e; cast cook stoves, 6-110, 019.50; enamelled warming oven or reservoir, 05,00 extra. Late model range, et1 good c0Ulltry stove, co.lI 5'r wood, large ]'ire box and oven, 6 large lids, •Steel body, enamel- led warming' oven and reservoir, special 019.60. 3011(1 Moms t i de t•. Lakeshore Stove, 4311 West, Toronto' SEWING eletcHINLS SEWING MACHINES $8.S5 NEW WILLIAMS C)13 KaYletteX .'3. upright models, with two dra.v- ez's, 4,48.96. Latest models, 011.30. \Villiulus, 1{aynrouds, .E01uu's dropheads, with 2 drawers, 017,31. Later models with 4 drawers, $20,91. Singer's eerie -lit, 012.91: later mediae, 014.9:1. ei119dr drop - heads with 2 drawers, your ctluice round or long shuttles, $28.95; later models with 4 drawers, $32.05. Very latest, $39.00. Singer Hand Machines, without cover 011.95; with cover and luetc $16.93. Crating extra $1,00, All abovenlentiened machines a r e re-conditiuueci. in our nillelrine shop 011.1 are guaranteed to l,8 in best working condition. Send mune)• order in lull Lir $6.00 de- posit, balance puyllble '111 deliv- ery. CANADIAN 81'i V1\lG 31A-. CLONE CO., 117 Elm Ste, reroute. TOM ATO LS TO;AATOES FROM SEED Tall; 1 I \11 J. NJU1' Title away. parable. Harem' 01' .\m, , 1 t'. most per lee lly f 1.11.11.. Unix' .•1100 interior set:tiir ma. usual size, perfect 130111 sly er appearance 111 the 11Cw Masiu7 Mnrg9obe Tomato ensures is (et.l- CU111e in Canada. .1. 11141 seed. 11 trodu,tiuu by W. W. ifit'k d;, Sons Limited, Lindsay, thitart' , Send lee fur Special p1et. or 2. e for 's oz. pier, tet Jlcirt. \\ Tli.tt:'r()RS \\'.AN'1'J;1) WANT1'.U---LATEI MOl1t i 'ritaC'- tor 011 rubber vitt lights. 8 I11V''• Size.; also Ford tractor on 1•Ohher wi tit Pei.'g08051 plow. Phil levee nellc, leeptiskasing, Ont, STUil.1AUI1 AND Tl1lu'AD IVURI'l$ often are the cause of ill-itealt't musie! Wshydnot fit d out if im- that is your trouble? lutersstieg 9u: ticulars—Frees Write 1lutvemey' Renmedies, Specialists Toreato a, Ont. A'1 L 1 11L'1014 Tie it 1'Ina, $1 WOLi+' - FOX - COYOTE 1' 13 .A i - pers, vvilb 9508 elft 'slid 111tH; .• high fur prices and -reslll, Int Ye :t wuhdc.l lel • h un''. Pisher'm 51)011 Uric tonne, 11..1 gland s-.ehl5 hvi11 tOuch, ;leu 300 Kl11 ever ±,''l to Icu..Vv qtr beco1ie a tillOovs6t1.11 trappee. Al. the beet trappt a today u1 U ill W system 11O' LO 15.503, and ttee traps tett no animal 1•551 delta:, the gland 1c'ruts lures. ±15111 w 003, st14ph.i'i11 No j‘..Ller lneltt could bt, u1•lde 11„w nit ;1 this. $tamp t u t 1"lsh(°r, I101livarn sash. 'I'l0 9Plat al ea si last les A.NIIL\1, St \111±31- (Steel 5.51.. h, •;u'1vel5. ]FON 1.1,E 0: tet $4.'i dozier 1 loc pi ],a'a1, 1.41 Ill i Indian It:hppnl , 111r111.10111r •, hu•t•s, ,•i,•. 11111 11,.i'fits i±, 11tis, i;l,