HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-02-17, Page 8ZURICH, O1' TMUO CO CD CO CP CP CP CP quO 8 COP NOTICE We would appreciate a prompt settlement of all accounts owing to J. Gascho and Son, in order to adjust our partnership interests. All Accounts will be mailed within the next Ten Days. Men's Overcoats We have a stock of 35 Men's and Boys' Overcoats on hand. A few tweeds, others in fine Melton cloths and English all -wool Weatherwear. This entire lot now offered at Reduced Prices. Prices range from $ 1 8.00 to $30.00 in Men's Coats. Boys' at $9.50 to $17.50. Gascho Bros. GENERAL INSTJRANCE EXCEPT LIFE 'ire, Auto, Casualty FicIeIity, Eta 41 COP CO Andrew F. Hess, s Zurich Local Representative Zurich 110331117 {idNIRINF2Q+ • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Ways lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices... Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering M air:, of ��i�i'fIlfltM1l�u7n�1 ll�1.s �I BROODER. IOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chesemit Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House us:, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be ,?sed for that purpose orb,. STADEr.WEID% ZURi H _ O T, QUALITY — PRICE -. SERVICE f^lM4h 1 1 ZURIC i FIFIltALP 'Thursday, FebruaryHifi, 1944 uffll;lldlltutNlHlIU11lIllflll11111111111111111111Illlllllil»IIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIfHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUNIIIIIftcl+aIIIIIlIIIIIIIiIIIIIIINillllllllllllllll»ii•n n ZURICH'S Grocery Stor WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPCETTE. LINE Or MESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED)1EROM; THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING; TO' UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING1AN•Y EARirCULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE P'11BLIC..CSC OD) VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITiY( AND) P.it;I:GcES+ AT THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch a Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone NS 3l 11111111111 IIIIU 11111111111111111111111111111 1111 U 11 ll,i_!ifli(lt)l iullo l��I L�.11ry ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST were at! Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith London on Saturday. Pleased to see M•r. Henry Petal's out again after being com neu to his bed for about a week with a bad cold Mr and Mrs. Percy Weston of Hayfield were Monday visitors in Zurich. • Mr. Emanuel Sararas of the Blue Water uth has returned from,a few weeks holidays visiting with rfiends at Detroit and Windsor. Pte. Leonard Hoffman takes great pleasure to thank the Red Cross and W. I. for the useful gift sent to him at Christmas, and his thoughts will travel home many a time when he wears the same. Thanks, again. Our Fire Brigade was called to the scene of a chimney fire last Sunday at about the noon hour when fire broke out at the home of Frank Los - tell near Hensall, but quick'rwork of our men soon had the blaze under control. Master Jimmy Weido, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weido, of Waterloo, who four weeks ago had the, misfor- tune while sleigh riding at school,. to have one of his fingers badly smashed 1 and at first thought it would have to be amputated, but now are able• to l -=ave, as it is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Godfrey, the I former being superintendent, of the i "ohnston Construction 'Company, of • Brantford, have left for their home in Peterborough, after spending sev- eral weeks in this vicinity; the form-' er supervising the work at St. Joseph Air Port while here. They took up III residence at the home of Mr. and Mrs Herb Kruegar while. here. Keep Drains Clean Our local. Board of Health is mak- ing an appeal to people of Zurich to 1 be very careful in what thy dump down their celar drain:, as some of our citizens are complaining of gas fumes, smelling like gasoline coming up the drains. We do not know if this gas is inflamable, as seeming no line has ever tried it out, but it is disagreeable, and leaves a bad odor; in a house, and can be avoided by! keeping all kinds of uncalled for things out of the drains. If these practices are continued the local Hoard of Health will he obliged to call in outside assistance to ferrit :lown the cause, which will be a big .,xpense which will have to be borne by Zurich. KILLED TWO FOXES WITH ONE SHOT Foxes are said to be plentiful in Bruce and Huron counties this year, and many have been shot by hunt- ers. Mr. Verdun Rau of Drysdale, who was a visitor in town this week, reports having killed two foxes with ane shot last Tuesday morning on the lake front at Drysdale. During the winter, seven Dr•ysdal.0 hunter' have got SO foxes, he said. On Friday they gave a wolf a good chase and wounded it. It escaped, but Was crip- pled and bleeding. This is the'second wolf shot at this winter. It is believed the wolves come down from the north country on the ice.=Sea£orth News. RESIGNED AS ORGANIST Mr. W. R. Goulding, -who for over twenty years, has been the organist and chrir director of Tames :Street United church, Exeter, has tendered '•is resignation and has accepted a i�nilnr nosition with the Talbot St. l3antist church in London. Mr, Goul- ding will assum0 his new cl'ut?es the first Sunday in March. He will con- tinue to 'ate his home in Exeter and for the time being will carry on with his pupils and music in the schools. During the 20 years and ".:,t be has been the organist ++. •77+t1n,:. .S'{,}•eel ehnvch. he has ,riven '••,:thfni and efficient service and at a meeting of the Official Board his resigration was accepted with regret. Mr. Goulding has boon the musical inst"'net,r of 7.11, (1., m.lblrc, school .rrs and has been it groat 'seet to the pupils in the community. LOCAL.. MARKETS �+wM i► . i►w•1,4•!a►4,41,#4.,►' .1144441140 1111111114.11.1141~41444144.41 41 • YOUR iil Hardware and Furrnture Y STORE P-fiINT UP TI31E (Corrected every Wndnrsday) Eggs• ......................., 4!@,, $% 35, 30 Butter. per Ib'.................... 38 Chickens;, dlesserl? ..........• . , .. 30 Wheat,. bushel ............ .... .. . 1.12. Oats, bushel .................. &Uc Barley, bush:. ........, ...... , .... 73 Buckwheatt. (lush:. 70 Flixur, swat. ....... . . 2.00, 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton 30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 STORIES OF CANADA Boin in.the Maratimes with a thirst for adventure and a taste fer story- telling, John Fisher is currently being beard over CBC's Eastern and; Midwest Networks in a series of - "Canadian Yarns." His broadcast "Canadian Yarns." His broadcasts are Sunday at 12.15. ..10OS..n Mr. Wes. Hughill enjoyed Sunday at the home of his parents near Var- na. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer motor- ed to London on Wednesday, the for- mer attending a medical lecture in that city. Will all those ladies that nava sew- ing for the Red Cross please hand it in, as they intend to .snip in the near future. Mr. Jack O'Brien and boy friend, Mr. Wilmer Wein of London, spent the week -enc( with the former's par - lents, Mr. and Mrs. Lennis O'Brien. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowan and children of Exeter; Mr. and 'Mrs. Har old Kellerman of Dashwood, Miss iiPearl Wurtz and Mr. Char. Fritz were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz of town. Mrs. Wesley Sararas of Detroit, visited her mother, Mrs. Caroline Price last week for a few days, who is at present spending some. time at the home of her daughter, Mrs, F. Koch.ems. Rev. Lloyd Kalbfleisch of .Elrnira, and his brother R, 7, KilIbn,isc, ac- tolnpan ed by his uncle, Mr. A. Kalb- fleisch both of Detroit spent a few days last week at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kalbfleisch of Zurich, Mr. Chris, Gascho and son Clar- ence of the Bronson line last week attended the funeral of the late Rev. Peter •Kopp at Imlay City, Mich, The departed Mr. Ropp's companion, is a sister to Mr. Chris. Gascho and Mr. Joseph Gascho of Zurich. Spinning Wheels In Vogue Rural families of ()lichee Province Canada, cling to old customs and modes of work. many still using spinning wheels and the outdoor ovens. A QUIZ: HOW GOOD A t ARE YOU? If you are a mother .fr a father and you don't want your offspring to be a problem child, it is wise to guard against being a problem par- ent. A Judith Chase. Quiz, ,in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (Feb. 20) issue of The Detroit, Sun- day Times, .raveala bow much of a risk you're running. Cot Sunday's Detroit ':l1itnes.1 4- 4 4 The Seaso:cx, demandil to PAINT UP in ordir to Preserve:: the• Surface mit your Buildings. It~ is poor•.economy to try to) save. on Paint. Webaace a good; stack of all ca leei for.. Paints, Varnielile , and PaintSupplies......See these lines. New Felt: Mattresses We were: fortunate in; securing a good supplk oaf New: Felt Mattresses which we are offering; the public-: from : $8:00. to $,T5.00 each, and can assure they are bii ' value for the money. Be sures and see thearrf FURNITURE 1 1 See • Our Studio, Couches and Dinnette Suits A.. Full( dine• of ail:' the Home Requirements, u Joflnt�ii acrd: axe. & miture Phone 63 {*****•d..u1+.;.,r4:4**•,?,•** Y*K-5s, ,. e., ,. ,... s a.,:-a.s , ,,-,.?r,r.y„a.'-t'-v0, 4144+4+ 4+ ++4•1•4 • 4 4, 4 4- Z. • 4. o •0 5. .i. 417( TRY 'eCKEL'S Taik" read also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS. AIL Ingredients Used are of theTolighest t Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed each WeibesRlay Evening Eckel's Bakery Zurich fit •. •4+++•3•4•@•3••i.•F•i••.3•d•.j••F.•iA4.4 #4.44+•N•h•F•F+.1. t*++ ++ Telephone i O1 • • ••• • • • •• • • • • • • r 4. 1• 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. To the Men who Till the Soil With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famousc line of Greb Work Shoes for rnen. This line lots stood the test for years. At moderate prices, uon- sidee'•ing quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy, Give us a call, our prices are right. E. H. EDIGHQFFER mistimemesthttIP***909011011 .119,10411.01109110009119110••••• our Reduction IN ORDER TO SECURE OUR SUPPLY OF MILL FEEDS FOR FARMERS' STOCK, WHiCH IS SO ESSENTIAL, WE ARE OBLIGED TO TAKE A LARGE QUOTO OF FLOUR WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES. ALL HIGH GRADE FLOURS AT $2.65 PER CWT. COLONY HOUSE CHESTNUT We have Received a Cat of Chestnut Coal ofr use In Colony and Brooder Houses, which we will sell for such purpose... Yc�iir Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. L. Schilbe &