Zurich Herald, 1944-02-17, Page 2.^1.2.,seS The Pick of Tobacco .0 .fitt-"" ze WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Snake Bite Kit One of the most ingenious uses to which plastics have been put is In the snake bite kit, army issue to American servicemen fighting in the tropics, relates the Financial Post. Snake bite is a serious menace to men fighting in these regions, and quick 1:twee-ores have to be taken if the victims life is to be saved. Main requirement is to suck the venom from the lymph capillaries of the pere,:.t bitten by a poisonous reptile, i.'(cath or serious illness is to beatertsti. The I:. S. .'-rn_y Medical Corps has provided :American army men with a handy snake bite kit, small and compact, and containing ma- terials for quick treatment, In it are a 'tourniquet; bandages, iodine and ammonia capsules, in a plastic ease which is dustproof and water- tight. There is also a small knife for opening the wound, and a pump to suck the venom from it The pump was originally made of aluminum, which was a great improvement over the rubber bulb suction pump formerly used. When aluminum beanie scarce, the pump was re-de4etti d in plastic, which has proved s perior to aluminum. The thin walls of the aluminum pump bent ie Lite easily, thus de- ,tx, oe re ineeleod ^.arts 1st the kit. The new double defence eippinstcotds, grippe end b"onchifis Is to #aid "immunity with VitaYax—a small tasteless capsute combining COE.;r VACCINE plus VITAMINS N catching cold, take VitaVast to reduce severity and speed recovery. if you've, lust had a cold, take Y.liaVax io **rename fatigue and increase vitality. roe scientific precautions against future colds, grippes and bronchitis, protect ail the family with VitaVax Capsules. Only $2.50 for east to two mouths average requirements. Mk your druggist, or for details write to— &abort7e Biologkal Laboratory, Toronto There are 11 components in the complete set, each of which "trust be a perfect fit in its matching part." The ,pump also had to be designed so it could be taken apart quite easily in the field, cleaned and then reassembled, The pump, as described in Mo- dern Plastic, is "very ingenious me- chanically, as it will maintain a constant suction without continual pumping:" One of the tests to which it was subpected ,included lifting a 4 -lb, weight by the vacuum created and holding it suspended for some time without activating the plunger. .tiou) Car 1 By Anne Ashley Q. How should brushed wool be washed? A. 'take a suds of pure flakes and warm water. Squeeze the gar- ment in the suds, changing the wa- ter frequently. "Rinse thoroughly, adding a few soap flakes to the last rinsing, Spread outflattto dry, turning the garment when one, side is. dry, Q. How can I improve the fla- vor of apple sauce A. Add a few drops of .lemon juice, This addition will be a great inlprovetnent if the apples have a flat taste, Q. How- can 'I remove ink 'front' a piece of linen that has been in the laundr3 and returned with a number on it? A. Apple a saturated solution of cyanide of potassium with a camel's hair brush, Wash in cold water immediately after the, niark is removed. Q. How can I take good' care ,of furs? A. A fur will collect dust and dirt just the same as any other article of apparel, and it •:should be brushed, combed and aired oc- casionally. Q, How can I remove blood stains from .garments? • A. Hold the stained material under cold running water and then launder in the usual manner. For common <ordinary sore throat OSI If Back Aches HeIpKidneys Do you feel older than you are or suffer Wrom tletting'Up Nights. Baei ache, Nervous- ness, Leg Pains, Rheumatic sins, Burning, *My or frequent passages? If so, remem- r that your Kidneys are vital to your alth and that these symptoms may be due to Sidney and Bladder troubles—in such eases Cystex usually gives prompt and lo- cus relief by helping the Kidneys clean E; poisonous excess acids at d wastes. You helve everything to gain and nothing to lose trying Cystex. The iron clad money -bade agreement assures a refund of your money en return. of empty package unless Sully satisfied. Don't da- yslay. Get Cystex s `+ (Btss-tex) from your Mu r von tem, druggist today. �r r Relieves distress from MONTHLY 1 FEMALE AS. !�N Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain: but also weak, nerv- ous feelings -due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps buildup resistance against distress of "dial - cult days." Made In Canada. J.S.S. SARATOGA'S LATEST PORTRAIT T.7 1 + eve is ss �v Sarz toga , ve e a2 of Bary Soatie S est ^:.+robes bly a unit of the world's grc Rtes provided bombardment and air cover lands. Photo taken from plane whose ave You Hearidl A little girl was taken to the Zoo by her father. They stood before a lion's cage and the father ex- plained how fierce and strong lions were and how they would attack and devour human beings. The little girl looked thought- fully at the lion. Then she said: "Daddy, if it got out of the cage and ate you up, what number bus would I have to take to get home?" —o— Bomb Loader: "That's fun- ny, when I told him my nick- name he started to run." Bombardier: "What's your nickname?" Bomb Loader: "Butterfin- gers—why?" • — a— Having told all his friends that he was going to retire, Sandy ex- cited some comment by continuing to catch the 8:45 to the City. At last one of them tackled him. "Here, Sandy," he said, "didn't you tell us that you had retired?" "Ay, and I have," replied Sandy; "but I must work out my season ticket, ye ken." — 0— Employer (interviewing ap- plicant for job): "Know any- thing about electricity?" "Yes, Sir." "What's an armature?" "A chap' who boxes for nothing!" • —0— tt 0ldtimer: Is your married life one grand sweet song?" Newly Wed: "Well,. since our baby's been born it's more like an opera, full ofg rand marches, with loud calls for the author every night." —0— This thought I think I think Is not my thought; But the thought Of one Who thought 1 ought To think his thought. Many Downed Air Crews Are Rescued Vice-A.dm, Aubrey W. Fitch, South Pacific air commander, says it's almost unbelievable how many of his downed men have been res- cued after battling the Japanese aver Rabaul, New Britain, He reported recently that more than 80 percent of the personnel forced to land at sea have been picked up and rescued, I" Ie said the total was around 1,500 men. the reel>ty U.S. aircraft carrser Pacific batales with the Japs tad concent ation of carriers which for invasion of the Marsha/l/ Is - tail appears in foreground. f •_ Wild Animals Plague Nerway Defies Jap Guns To Get Butterflies Pharmacist's Mate Robert Shul- man of Brooklyn, NY., finds Pou- ga nvillc Island a swell place — for catching butterflies. With a net fashioned from a G.I, mosquito head net, the anha- teur entomologist spends his spare Bears, wolves, wolverines and foxes have staged such a comeback in Norway during the last three years that they have become a plague to the Norwegian fanners.. Stripped of their firearms by Nazi order, the Norwegians are unable , to combat the pests. Wolves, for- • nierly confined to northern Nor- way, have spread southward. One Gudbandel farmer recently lost 85 sheep in a single night. NOW... OWES YOU A SUPER-REME Buckley's gave you Buckley's Mixture Canada's largest selling cough and cold remedy. Now Buckley's gives you one b£ Canada's most highly medicated, fastest acting rubs. YesBuckley's Staitlless'Vyhi e Rub is different—better. Itrubs in quick —penetrates deeper—relieves pain faste. own or baby's chest col8, Try it for your w y or for stiff, sote muscles, tired burning feet, and over 30 other common everyd'y aches and ailments. It must give relif faster than any rub you have ever usedr money back. 7srice 30c. and 50c. at all drug stores. time pttrsuing his favorite hobby, even to within ` range of Japanese gliiis, A 'Marine combat correspondent wrote thus of Pharmacist's Mate Shuhnau to 'a friend: 'One of the strangest things I've seen on Bougainville was a camouflage -clad warrior, net pois- ed, wallowing through a swamp, chasing butterflies. HARP CHUCKS CHICKS APPROVED CHICK'S $OY1.i AVA1L:1.i Ll5 MARCH, AL•'Lt1L. Mixed attd Pullets, I3. Rocks, 140, 24e. N. HamPf, lac, 24e. W. Leg- horns 13c, 26e. A, breeder hatch- ery, all breeders Government banded and •blood tested. Way's Hatchery, Stratford, Ont. WE 1-IAVE STARTED CHICKS, immediate delivery. Orders for March chicks should be in now. Leghot'n pullets for your future egg; 'markets, also. Bray t-iatch- ery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. • BARRED ROCKS AND LARGE gelldtcbreltlll ai biootsed,doaynd extra .quality Reeks lei .ed 19S9c... "White Leghorns mixed 12c. Pul- lets 26e. ktock Cockerels Feb.'.4c, March 5c. Cochrane's Poultry, Varna, llidgetoW31, Ont. gyltlll)L+LEIGII WHl'rle LLGiHOU 6 RIGH PAY ABILITY BABY CRICKS THIS STRAIN IS A PRACTICAL, proven egg -producing type, with twenty-three years ' of steady production . back.' of thele. They will pay well for good keep and care. This is certain, ,because they;'• are doing three 'bn our lfiv3 farm— one of Canada's largest egg-pro- dueing farms. You get exactly. the same breed, strain and grade as we raise for ourselves. Poul- try tnanagenleltt handbook ' Fligit Pay Ability" sent FREE on re- quest. Get our price list. Wo ad- vise L1IGH F' ARtMdursLIMITED, Box 35073, Brantford, Ontario. TWEDDLI3 OFFERS ALL THE popular breeds—but be early! Tweddle Hatcheries offer Rocks, Leghorns Meds—n11 the proven breeds and cross breeds; all Gov- ernment Approved from blood - tested breeders•that proved their inborn huskiness, healthiness and productive qualities. That's the kind of chicks that will give you every advantage when you catch up with what will probably be the biggest demand for chicken meat and eggs in Canadian his- tory. Send for Tweddle catalogue and prieelist now. Also ready to lay and laying pullets for im- mediate delivery. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. P 6TARTED PULLETS, BARRED Rocks, 1 week old, 23 cents; 2 'weeks, 26 cents. White Leghorns, 1 week old, 26 cents; 2 weeks old, 80 cents. February and March pullets only. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont, 'RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE, QUICKLY RELIEVED it you aro trouoled with itching piles or recta.! sureueba, de not doing treatment and rue the rlslt of letting � this condition become chronic. Any Itching ur soreness or painful passe ago or stool is nature's warning and proper treatment shouid be secure at once. For this purpose get a package of Beth-ltoid from any druggist anti, use as directed. This formula Lt is mall~ ria d Which h i s used lute y t'V• easy to take tablet, will gaie't'y; relieve the itching, Surd soreness and aid In healing the sore tender spots, ant 1Ie In -t2oid is p leas to use highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic p11 condition when such a fine remedy May be had at such a email cost. 1f you try Rem -Sold and are not .h L 1 t thel esults entirely pleased with Yens' druggist . will gladly returtlt Your 'money, y' FLETCIIER BRADLEY'S' FA11Ot S Australian White Le•llorn baby chicles, nearly as large as Bar- red Rocks, will lay 3 eggs to their 1, extra large eggs. World's record layers at contest. Reduced from $25 per 100 to 316.10. This will be a record yer.r in chicks. 13ook earlyfor delivery when wanted. Over ) late -ler last yerr were returned er' 1 out, A $2.t+) deposit will book neer ur- der. Delivery when wanted, •1Vl.i, St., Ottawa. ,Y TO LAY A"\1) LAYING RWhite Leghorn pullets rt rens- onable prices for immediate de- livery. Also Barred Rooks and Hybrids. Free catalogue. Also • day old chicks for immediate do - livery. Tweddle Chick iiatcher- `ies Limited,. Fergus, Ontario. GOVERNMENT APPROVED, blood -tested chicks from High Prodttetivo strains. Ten Thousand chicks available weekly. Immed- iate delivery on day-old and started chicks. Gee -wood Farm, Mount Hamilton.. POULTRY -KEEPERS, BE SURE of a good healthy bunch of baby chicks this coming season. Good chicks mean good hens and more eggs. Immediate delivery on day- old chicks. Write for 1944 cat- alogue and prices en our Gov - TON ePOt ULTRYedFARMS, Monk- ton, onti - ton, Ontario. TOO LATE TOO LATE NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT BE said "too late." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar hooks your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery. Sri tan- nia Heights, Ont. DON'T GAMBLE PEDIGREE SIRED BARRED Rock or White Leghorns and Pure Christie New Hampshires re- moves all chance. Our prices are very low. Special discount until Feb. 15th. ICettlewell Farms, Essex. Ont. DULL FOR SALE FOR SALE—HEREFORD BULL, 8 months °Testelj. ('flood l breed- ing, ing, rnarltings and flesh Particulars, Osburne Irwin, Mancfieid, Ont. DUCKS EXHIBITION AND MARKET TYPT'I , Mammoth Pekin a n d Rouen ducks. Drakes, 35.00. Ducks $4,00. Walter (fray, Dunnville, Ont. DOSsI•:S'1'IG 111911.1, 1CVANTl6I) Sweetie esee .1' VVAN'i'17D 133XI)oiet 7NC1:ll NLAR1UE)D MAN, trent taros yearly employment. 'Souse usual privileges. State lamiiy, alae; wages expected, i'etereiteea, kI, J, M. i+'islte, 11,13. 3, St, Lalharinee. • S l uowle(ege1l IS, beet' EXPERIENCED, Nand sheep, null t,Ieieliuwj liner b'afm, it - able, apt Y 19,onO 11111113. , 3,'ti ttal5 WANT TO RENT FARM,. 90-100 acres, by experieneod farmer, anywhere from Oriiiia South, .Apply, Box 21, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED, TWO OoHUND HUNDRED AeRp- enent, Bargain—Cash. Box 100, 73 Adei'aide W. Toronto. �_..- FARMS FOR SALE GOOD onyso e frontageLake 2uta, Bala. 158 Macpherson Avenue, Toronto. FARM ITOR SALE --,:cg iST1..f of 19931 acres, with or wi't'hout J. W. k and raser aMaxville, Apply to ONE .ACRE LAND, GOOD HOUSE, equipme equipment. 92 Winghtunand GIRL 013. WOMAN WANTED .FOR • hone in country, with children. All modern conveniences; 00 washing. $40.00 per month. Ham- ilton, Ont. District. Box 22, 73 - Adelaide W., Toronto. 1)YIiiING . r:I,t:iNIN(1 RAVE YOU ANYTHING NtatQinl dyeing or cleaning? Write to urn . for Information. We are. glad to answer your questions,Depart• ment 11, Parker's nye Works Limited, 791 Yonge sheet To- ronto. LI LU'l'1t1CIA EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC 31UTUILS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; be 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2320 Dufferit7 St., Toronto. 17DUCA,'AtONA1, LEARN MORSE CODE AT HOME Sending end receiving mance on automatic Telopiex machines. Send for details and low monthly rental rates to Canadian Electronics htd., Dept, \V., 2211 Yongo Sts, Toronto. 10011 IIAim BAU,19leEISA se art BA1.,in ttes1.luya iv r lust ato ' 411t oltt:nbl o uduly, betties utta1811 seem. !Icemen Drug Store. t(tlnwe. _. P4001I 101.11 I,O1MI,NT WA'i 1'1.10 SINGLE: I•;.i.l'1,12IENCl:l) 111S111111- men, SINGLE, liana,,, 01' t ,,." 11.111 on ,barer, riot. k1;,. 1',iamptntl. Olnt, VALUABLE FARM IN WATERLOO County for sale, • consisting of 214 aures, including 12 acres cedar swamp, 32 acres hardwood bush, 3 acres orchard, balance all under cttltivation. Situated 2 miles from Waterloo, 3 guiles' from Kitchener; 11 -room brick house, large back barn, 2 im- plement sheds,a)so equipped with ltyclro. For full pllrtieutass nanny to Harley C, Stauffer, 11.12. Nu. 3, \Waterloo, Ont. ;7,50e.-1 ACRE, 6-1000M HOUSE, Buildings -5,000 feet floor space, Hydro and Water in all build - to Tw enty2ailwaMiles. 011dhealthorea- son for sale. R. H. Inane, Rich- mond Hill. TOBACCO, DAIRY FARMS, LOW priced—small down payments, some equipped. Gus Campbell, Mt. Brydges. GRAIN FOR SALE ASSORTED CARLOADS OF BAR - ley meal, ground wheat, whole oats and other grains for sale. Carlotaonly. The Atlas. Grain Company, Board of Trade Build • - ing, Montreal. IIELI' WANTED GENERAL FOR RESIDENTI-'LL Farm, 30 dollars month. Five minutes from train and Church. Fare refunded. Write to Mrs. Oes•b, Source .Road, Strathmore, Qucb'. ,. ^FREE — COLORED NURSI010 Catalogue. Pull line of Jesuit Trees; ten1s11liill,s'y,h.'lladeow Bions; Shrub.; Pi R o s e s; 13r,)ukdaie-liingsway,, Nurseries, 130\VX1)anviile, Onta1'io. r'\?'hen I saw lune La was only a short distance behind the front lines, 'Bougainville is a swell place for butterflies,' he told pie, 'Beau- tiful species here, some so rare you never see them in books, •" The grapefruit was brought to Florida by the Spaniards in the 10th century, allA'r'1'1 ESSi95 FUR SALE 111.7W SPRING MATTRESS 310.95 Delivered free to yuul' dearest station. Yes, re:tily breed 0111'. Just what yuu have btilled ilio g ng for. Thoroughly eI Iclg urious mattresses of better qual- ity at lowest delivered price. Satisfaction guaranteed or money, back.. You'll actually save several, dollars ilon every ll aboutment 1 wet if you order, 1lnmediatelY. 'til 61505. liuy Lrulm the uld reliable and send remit- tance to WIde) .19S Albk1 L- TURL, 00 IYlarket St., Toronto. MALI. 11LLP VV Alli' no 1'' A 1't Mkt A N D, EXPERIENCED, good .milker and teamster, give age, nationality, and references, Apply J. S. lluwell, Jerseyville. Ontario. MALE 1117LN WAITED MARRIED MAN, J6XP111il.1t:.1CND,, for fruit farm, house, lights, milk supplied. Fruit and vege' tables in eu.son. State age, fain. ps ply NIckerson, Reit W. C. 11 St. Catharines NURSERY S'T'OCK 1.11.ORDRt S5f?•iG st:sIOOI, L hl A Lt : , li.ei 1. It1.11LL:i$I NO MEP,: Robertson method. information ">' on request regarding classes. Robertson's, Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road . L,uronto. Malt- o:ss I)1tESS1:6(0 SLIPIT DRE$SINTG- srtleather and Slpialso hmany st groeerY, hardware rand at chain stores. A produbt et Lloyds Lab- oratories, Toronto. HAIR GOODS HAIR GOODS We manufacture the finest hairkn and goods ever v Na Natural in ' appearance. Toupees for men 340.00 up. Full transformations for ladies 365.00 up. THE W, T. PEMBER STORES LIMITED 129 longe St., Toronto, Ontario OFFER '1'O INVENTOILS AN 0)/ ER TU EVERY LNVENTOR List of inventions and full 'infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. I'A'V 19N'1'S GETHLRSTONEAUU13 & COMP ANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 19 'Sing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest 1'li ll'I Ili, ItAt'I11 PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film mulls to Canada's largest photo finishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Itull-0 ur 8 llNilusUrCS. DEVELOPED ANI) PRINTED 25c A cue lemur at BerWiuk, N.S., writes J. went ye11 Le kl1UW 11o19 pleased 1 11111 With your worner- fui work and prompt service." We have such Tetters neem all over Can- ada. ENLAIZGI9 9J1ENTS 3 toy Ile 456" i1) Easel • Mullets, SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING ANL) COLORING 16u11r„u)11ents 4\11' ,111. Ivory 1111te11 moon tb 1'.11 lu Gold, 81001, Cireas- shah Walden or LI fuel: Ebony 11111511. frames, Mk: each. 11' enlare,elncnt emelt d, ,Se each. STAR Si A5 si- OT SERVICE Boa 180, L'ustal 'reru'''n d, .A, Tulentu Phut 0001' Name and Address plainly on All Urders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO 3511.'L1.11AL P0l2 QUALITY, 511.1 tee lulu (((05i t tfti'tl. e 01' 9 exposure 11(0)5 2)0; reprints 8 for 23c. imperial. Photo Service, Stu - Con J. - Toronto. 1111]i)It lI, 13AV 1814 Ti t1 ,A J1c st0NT 010 1'L'Cli- nite eczema, psoriasis, mom0:114 pimples. 1'�ists it(zetlla St, Iva hitt nut dlsapputut you. Skin troubles respond readily 10 this stainless oduurless otturnent rem garaluss of h019 SW1)11oiU or 1101'eless they stay. 50ern, Sent post 11'ce, 3L00 per Jar, Posts Queen •.�t tact^I r31. 1!l. rc ua. 889 1 . ltc.n c,. To- ronto. 1111111 71 1'4'(C PAINS 1'3.2 ()V 17es )0! \)11101 EVER SCIS'- 101(1 et Rheumatic, 1'tine or Ne u1 itis should try l.))xon'L I2elm- etty. :ltuulo's Drug Store, 333 10!- 10)N'T it19LAY! EV MILT SUFFER - et of lin c•unitttle 11ti)1s or Neuf- ;tie should try Dixon's •remedy. Mun1„'0 Drug Steve, 33u I;igin, Ottawa. • Postpaid 41.,00, OATS J(1090. 511.1; 'C_1i ITTER" 1913 SEED t) 11 $. Grade 1, extra sample 31.35 bu., our elation bags free. R. Mac- Arthur, '100111t st'ur ti P1618SONAL "ELIJ,Alt 1.:U01.1NG 1313 010111 Chile wonderful book free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. — 1'OULTRY GRIT POULTRY GRIT Soluble or Insoluble Analysis guaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shells by using "Styeseo" white poultry grits for healthier birds and more eggs.. Available immediately in 100 lb. bags in any quantity. Write for, samples and prices. DEALERS WANTED ST12 SON REIMS SUPPLY 00. LOiIITGI) 335$3 Delorintiee Ave., Mont weal tl1-ILTING Panne/3ESS QUILTING PATCHES FR011 13(811 GRADE F,AYNCV P01'- ct' ti ((14 shunt 0 x 18, lid pieces 32.511 postag=e Included. Also suit- ings 6 x 18, 0 x D. half yard lengths ter boys' knee ani )'s. Also neounion, fer 1„1)11•' men's, t'ltitdl0r's 10t1,t- 1111.15 1,Itil, .....e,....i r: .i7"•'., 1,.1'(:11.,.,.. 35 V:1:11,1,S 1'001. t FOR ` I.i a\, :,)) 1 1 1 -se $;; ) , ,,i 1 .tr 1t t - , it • for 1knl.11c... kielel ,0lutlu,:ry, Lu,.l .10 a", Ont. PEDIGREED ANGORAS, ITN 11E - laid bucks and does, blucdin£> ;age '.+hest strain for wool and ti;new--.ry'atisfention guarsnnteed. .21(25 E. :looney, Little r urrcrt; Ontarlo. STOVE lut1.'Ailt PAu0T5 '..STOVE REPAIR PARTS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE of stave parts. Specify nam,, and number and what needed.. We also have reconditioned stoves, all Lakeshore Sto ce, 439 Queen 11 est, Toronto. s'SIO''10s STOVES $12.95 CLEARANCE NEWLY RECONDITIONED (RYA R- anteed cool, wood cottage stoves, 4 -lid, oven, 312.95. Quebec cook stoves. 310.50; east cool.: stoves, 6-1id, 319.50; enamelled warming. oven or reservoir, 35.00 extra. Late model range, enamelled, good country stove, coal or, wood, large 1•Ire box and oven, (i large lids, steel burly, rta led warning oven and reservoir, special 339.50. Send. money order, Lakeshore Stove, 430 Queen (Vest, Toronto. SEWING ILtUIIIN19S SEWING 'MACHINES $8.95 NI':\V 001LL1.1MS OR JLs\.Y310Ni)S, upright models, with two draw - ere, 38.93, Latest models, 311.95. Williams, Reymonds, Eaton's dropbeltrls, with 2 drawers, 317.95, I.11u1• Lees i111 4 tira.11'e1's, • 320.1133. Stn ar's upright, 519.1)5; later models, $1105. Singes' drop - heads with 1 drawers, your e'lid'e retool or long shuttles, 328.05; 101 iiio,it.l('11 41 l We, $3112 !1 s latest11, $3IMIJd8nlg;recr 1L111(1 ilat,h1nes, wIthou c.' ver 511.93; with Coyer a tid lock 31695. Croons extra 31.00. ,111 abut ement tuned. ttla Chin es •t r 0 re-cunditi0nrd i11 our machine shop and are guano) teed to be in best t (irlt!nh condition. Send money utdcr 1n full or 35.00 de- Inflame: e- In la me: -payable on deli V- ein CANAD.I AN SE WING 21A - CHINE CO., 117 EIm St., Toronto. 5L9151161i, IIIOSORI'S VO it 5A1,10 FIVE. CABINS ANSI COTTA( INS, near 1111111 oil tat Ito 21.IA1+knk11, roe sale. 158 Macpherson Avenue, 'Co•. volas). '1'AI'I6%VultM STOMACH ANI) P1.3itEA11)' WUIIMS Olen are the cause of 111 -health In hums 71s all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find nut If this Is yuur Gem Ole? Interesting uar- ticulars—tereel Write Mulvetleses Remedies. Specialists Toronto 8, i)nt. A'.I"L'1 2V1'ION 'I`11A I' L'1ti8S 1 0300.1'' - 1:')121 - OOTOT11l T 11 A P- Dors, 11'it11 present and future high fur perms tlt7d bounty pelt retitle' have a wonderful Omelet:, 1 iehee's seienti1ie course and gland seems will Lentil Sou all Yeti will ever need to know to become. 0 succeeero1 trapper, Alt the best trappers today use this system. HOW to treat and set trues teat eo an!nlel can detect. the gland seen rs lures them with•• lent :[u SllleiUll, NO better invest-. plant could be made now then this. 51x11011 f o r partirttl:115, 1+'lsl7r•.r, Ck,ibcam4sk, 1. SI:1'YLIES :ANIMAL SNARES! (Steel cable, t 1)t.c 11: Fox ry 3.11 Il o"t,te I1,00 dozen pr void Virculera •n ndian Smoothie' methods, ;tome's, lures, elan Jill Hoffman, 'Aideseli, Main '11