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reteateed, ONTARRWW
Commercial Hotel, Dashwood
Good Music Will Be Furnished ..
Refreshments will be Served
General Admission 35c.
Addison Tiernan, President
The local sharp shooters are again
on the trail. Most of them being
lucky enough to get a fox or two,
and some are making a good thing
of it. It is also reported that a hun-
ter of the south seen a wolf, but it
was said he had a bad case of buck
fever? ? ? —
Miss Mary Gelinas of Clinton Hos
pital spent the week -end at her home
The many friends of Mrs. Austin,
of Varna are pleased to know that
she has returned to her home after
being in the ,Seaforth hospital since
the first of September. Mrs. Austin
is able to be up every day and is
gradually gaining in strength.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Homey and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris and A. Gackstetter of near Kipper', atten-
family visited recently at the home led the memorial service ni Exeter,
of the latter's parents, Mr. and is.
Jac. Jarrott.
Quite a. wiry: e: of the children in
on Sunday last for the late Pte. Ste-
wart Cann, who was killed in action
in Italy in December.
mortgage of the Grand Bend United
church on the eve. of Jan. 23th, was
a grand success and all members of
the congregation are pleased to have
the burden lifted A delightful supper
was served followed by a service in
the church. During the .program Miss
M. Maclntyre, of Appin, delighted
the large audience with three numb-
ers and left a warm spot in every-
body's heart. Representatives of the
various organizations took part in
the ceremony of burning of the mor-
tgage. Rev. Robert Hicks of London
who was president of the Conference
and dedicated the church at its first
opening, was the guest speaker for
the evening. On the platform also
were Rev. Mr. Beacom, and Rev. Mr
Turner, both taking part. It was a
big evening in the history of the
the community ha d. been on the sick :dr. and Mrs. Chris. Haugh, of
List first with the .'u and then the i l;,.i:t,?.ilei received a cable inform -
mumps. ;faire them of the safe arrival overseas
Miss Helen Love is convalescing at of their daughter, Nursing Sister
the home reF = de . randparents, Mr. lineed Haugh.
bad Mrs. Fairbairn of Hensall. The Varna United Sunday School
We are sorry to report Mrs. Ross ` held it annual meeting, and the ofii-
Lode fell, giving herself a badly cers are. Superintendents, :Sherlock
sprained wrist.,Keys, Geo. Reid; secys, Ralph Steph-
Ildr. Norman Jarrott of Toronto,enson, Bob Reid, G. Johnston; trees -
visited at the horn_ of his brother, urer, Wm. R. Stephenson; organist,
Er. and Mia. Jas. Jarrott and other
Wood cutting is the, order of the
day in this vicinity.
Mrs. H. Rau received a cable ad-
vising her that her son, Lieut. Gerald
Rau had landed in New York. Lieut.
Gerald is now in Ottawa with Gen.
McNaughton. We hape to see him
Fits. R. Aubin visited wet, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Montague one day this week
Mr. and Mrs. David Geromette of
Mount Carmel visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Reines Denomme.
Miss V. Aubin is at present visit -
big with 3Ir. and Mrs. L. Montague
Glad to repo`rt that Franklin Cor-
tiveau is off the sick list.
Rachel Johnston, Ruby Reid.
Brucefield Red Cross •
The Brucefield Branch of the Red
Cross held their annual meeting and
gave a very good report. A -eery good
list of articles were made up to be
sent. Officers for 1944 are: Hon.
Pres., R. Allan; pees. Miss E. Bow-
ey; vice-pres Mrs. G: Atkinson and
Miss M. McDonald; secy. Mrs. W.
McBeath; treasurer, Mrs. H. Dalry-
mple. The financial statement shows,
bal. Jan. 1, 1943 $471.09; campaign
$738; funds raising events $176.26;
grant Huron county $600; salvage
$76.90; others $46.28, total $i'2,10'8.-
53. .riilT
Church Burns Mortgage
The supper and program in con-
nection with the burning of the
B4O;RN—Miller At Dr. Taylor's
Hospital, Dashwood, on Feb. 8th, to
Mr. and Mrs.' Edwin Miller a son.
Hoffman — At Dashwood, on Moi:
day, February lth, to Mr. and Mrs.
T. Harry Hoffman, a daughter, (Mary
A Red Cross Dance will be held
in Gossman's hotel next Wednesday
night Feb. 16th. Good music will be
provided and everybody is invited to
Mr. Vernon Schatz spent a few
days in Toronto this week. •
Mrs. Ness, who was visiting in
London last week, returned home on
Mr. Harold Kellerman motored to
Fergus on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfile of Hen-
sall were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Pfile.
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at Calvary United Church parsonage
London, on Tuesday, January 25th,
when Rose Catharine, daughter of
Mrs. Chas. Guenther and the late
Charles Guenther of Dashwood, be-
came the bride of Sat. Air Gunner
Jack Huffman, ,son of .Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Huffman of Port Colborne. We
extend congratulations.
The monthly meeting of the Red
Cross will be held on Monday even-
ing Feb. 21st at 8.15 p.m. in the
As Victory Draws Nearer
As the United Nations invade the Axis -dominated countries, famished
populations , as well as our fighting forces must be fed. The need for
food increases as victory draws .nearer.
Canadian farmers are confronted with a heavy task,
which may be made easier through the use of bank
credit. The Bank of Montreal stands ready to make
every reasonable loan which will promote an in-
crease in food production in the world emergency.
If you need to borrow to improve your production of food, do not .hesi-
tate to talk with our nearest branch manager.
Founded im 1817
Ilensall 13ranch: W. B. A. CROSS, Manager
ori l: (Stub -Agency) : OpenMon., Thurs., and Sat.
Thursday,•Febrtia&ry, 14th, 1944
How Much is a Dollar Worth ?
b ; s . For instone.
A dollar k worth as mach as if con buy ra o during die last
fora pound, of butter ..while you pay around
world war people paid
today. It is the same with shoes and the other necessities of life. In 191-7;,they paid
and you now pay 4?) for the same quality. This means yaurdollar is -
worth more than the dollar of 1914-18. You get more E ;,, for your money,.
-because price ceilings and other antiinflationory measures have keptthe'value
four dollar HIGH! And you will keep your dollar high in velvety using:
money wisely�,�°� . You protect your dollar's worth every time you buy,a'bond
..Pass up some needless luxury
Pug off u debt
.. And refuse to frequent black markets. That's how to make
money with your present dollars! Remember, dollars ere worth less if they buy9less._
1 prosise to give my support to keeping the cost. O
of living down. 1 will buy only what 1 need. T
will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell-
ing goods or services. 1 will pay off old debts,
save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and
War Savings Certificates. And 1 will support
taxes which help lower the cost of living.
��� �1��%i��rrs�/ ,4g
to help reveal the dangers that inflation represents for all the people of the Nation_
hotel hall. Pilot officer W. Malcolm
of the Centralia Airport will be the
special -speaker for the meeting. Mus-
ical numbers will be given by airman
and women from No. 9 SleTS. -Selec-
tions will also be given by local tal-
ent. Be sure to attend this meeting.
A silver collection will be received.
Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor are spen
ding a few days in Toronto this week
The regular monthly meeting of
the Ladies' Aid and W'MS of the .Ev-
angelical church was held at the home
of Mrs. D. Weber. The spiritual life
committee had charge of the meeting
which opened with a hymn followed
by prayer by Mrs. M. Haugh. The
scripture was read responseee 9y Mrs
C. Snell and Mrs. G. Wildfong. A
piano duett was played by Mrs. J.M.
Tiernan and Mrs. M. Klumpp. Mrs.
Geo. Link gave an interesting talk
on the Study Book after which Mrs.
Becker led in prayer for the mission-
arys. The president, Mrs. e . Becker
then took charge of the business, the
officers gave their reports. Six quilts
were quilted during the niontr and
there were 14 sick visits made and
7 dainties sent to the sick and shut
ins. It was decided to oriurre the
World's Day of Prayer Feb. 25th, in
the church basement to which • the
entire community is invited. A spec-
ial.sacrificeal offering was received
which amounted to $3.45. Self Den-
ial week was observed and special
program carried out in the :Sunday
evening service when the self denial
offering amounted to $20.00. The
hostess then served a dainty lunch
and a hearty vote of thanks was giv-
en her for use of her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and
babe of Windsor were visitors with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Cornelius Cook.
Miss Ruth Chapman R.N. of Al-
bany, Hospital, N. Y., visited with
her another, Mrs. W. W. Chapman.
Mrs. Robert Higgins of Exeter,
was a recent visitor with her sister
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQueen. •
Mrs. E. Laird Mickle and infant
son arrived home from Victoria Hos-
pital, London. last week.
Miss Margaret Glenn attended the
Heywood -Thiel wedding in the Luth-
eran church, Zurich on Saturcmy last
Mr. and IVirs. Enoch Parker are
spending a few weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Keys and Mr. and Mrs.
Russel KeysMitchell.
Mr. W. Finch of the RCAF., Tor-
onto spent a few days with his wife
and daughter.
Mrs. Keith Buchanan of Arnprior
is visiting with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Clark.
Had Annual Meeting
The annual congregational meeting
of Hensall United church was held
Monday eve Iast with a splendid
Unveling of Honour Roll
An honor roll bearing the names
of nineteen men and one young
woman who have enlisted in the arm-
ed forces was unveiled Sunday even-
ing. last at a spacial service in the Ev-
angelical church. The guest speaker
for the evening was 'P:O. Malcolm,
who delivered a splendid address and
the soloist was Cpl. Mary Cooper of
No. 9, SETS, Centralia. ,Cpl. Cooper
rendered two very appropriate solos
and also assisted the church choir in
a special anthem. The unveling cere-
mony was performed by . Chester
Gaiser, of Dashwood, a veteran of
the last World War. The names on
the honor roll included Laurene A.
Spicer, Robert Spicer, 13. West Spi-
cer, Ross C. Guenther, Lloyd E. Gu-
enther, Ray M. Guentherfl Eugene E
Tiernan Lorne S. Tiernan, Albert P.
•Goetz, 0. Murray Wolfe, Jack W.
Weber, I. Reith Weber, Garnet W.
Crossman, Milford D. Mason, Donald
L. Oestreicher, Roy M. Bender, How-
ard Y Trlurnpp, Lorne W. lslenistiver,
(.4eceese .;sleel`fisdee., Lo.::', a s,g.Zsr.
co and cigarettes, gum, soup, milk,.
choce'late, kleenex, shaving stick, rats
zor blades, tooth powder and otrhea,
items. All shipping charges were
borne by the War Service Comm.,
who also are giving .the Institute a
worthy contribution from their funder
towards covering the cost of fila.
Last Debt Wiped Out
At the annual congregational meet
ing of Wesley -Willis United church,,
Clinton, it was announced that the
last portion of a $5,000 debt incur-
red when the church was built had
been cleared off. The burning of flew
notes representing the debt was a fe-
ature of the proceedings of the even-.
Old Goderich Hotel Wrecked
The old ibuilding known as tris
King Edward Hotel, Goderich, Ilam
been sold to the Howe Wrecking Co.
of Picton, for $600 by the Town of
Receives Appointment
Miss Evelyn Howard, only daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George S. How -
attendance in spite of bad weather and of Exeter, has been .appointed to
A sumptuous pot luck supper was en- t a position at Ottawa as a Spanish.
joyed and much credit is due the censorship examiner. For the past
members of the W.A. for this. years she had been on the staff of
W.M.S. Meet the Western Insurance Co. at Tor -
The WIYIS of the United church
heId their Feb. meeting at the home
of Mrs. M. G. Drysdale on Feb.. 3rd.
with Mrs. C. .Balantyne in the chair
in the absence of Mrs. Brook. After
devotions at the business session it
was decided to hold the annual
birthday party iai the basement of the
church on March 16th and an invit-
ation is extended to Carmel Presby-
terian church WMS to join in the un-
ion day of prayer held in Carmel
church on Feb. 25th. Miss Florence
Welsh favoured with a pleasing piano
sol() and iMss M. Ellis took the topic.
There were 24 present.
Report of Overseas Boxes
The ladies of Hensall Institute and
the 'War Service Committee and all -
onto, much of whose business with
the 'West Indies, Central and Somal
America is conducted in the ;Span-
ish and French languages.
23 cords of Wool from Tr.*
Sgt. Major Wilfred Seddon and
Jim Newell of Wingham, got a big
surprize when they tackled an illy'
tree to augument their fuel supply.
They thought they would have 6 or 7
cords apiece for their labours, but
now that the tree is felled, cut and
measured, they find- that it producedl
23 cords of 13 inch wood. 'T,hc tree,
grew near the London bridge and was.
one of those stately old' elms that
was anchored to the ground by a fives
foot butt. Ten blocks . of this butt
wood made 3 cords of wood and 3'
er willing workers packed 44 boxes 'of the blocks a cord.—Wiugham. Ad_
for the Hensall boys in servile over- vance-limes.
seas on Friday night Feb. 4th. The
fact that a great many folks through
out Hensall and district gladly gave
of their sugar rations, made possible
the provision of deicious home made
candy consisting of chocolate and
divinity.tudgeese this splendid work
being aceo'i•°tiplished by Mesdames
Pfaff,'' hcxiit; Welsh, Sangster, 13ecr
Normintpn ' iid. Hess, while other
kind friends contributed a lovely
variety of cookies. In addition to
these items, each parcel consisted of
mileee'r:,; envie, eribbegr, hors, tobne-
New Secretary Named
Mrs. J.. A. Derr, who has been se-
cretary -treasurer of the -Seaforth
Agricultural Society since 1931, re-
tired from the position at the annu-
al meeting of the Society recently,
acid at a special meeting held, Mr.
Edwin P. Chesney was named to ,fill
the position. Mr . T. M. Govenlock
was re-elected president. The past
year was a successful one, snowing a
good balance on 'baud, besides re-
building the grandstand .at a cost of"