HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-02-10, Page 1• .;- Established 1900 - d.rlrFarT771.7"7,'.77777 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORMNG, FEBRUARY 10 1944 Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.50 a Year in Advance Let the Ad f your local paper be your Shopping Guide 44++++++++++++++++++++++•fea.e+++++4•4atefelefea++++++,a4,4,444.4i • arq looffntan Ittnerat i�nc Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. Member of the Ontario Funeral Association. Day or Night Telephone No: 70. Dashwood — Ontario 4. 4. + COMFORTABLE GLASSES At Are You Suffering From Headaches? REASONABLE PItICES If so; Ea" your EYee Examined with IC. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST M EXETER The Newest. Approved Meed ,Nyesight Testing Used. arm •T•rr Week Day Except Vieisesday. Geod Gismo et Reasonable Prices he Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODELEICSI — • ONT. 1941 PONTIAC COACH 19.39 DE SOTO COACH WIllla 'OVERDRIVE 1939 DODGE COUPE DE LUX 1938 CHEV. COACHES (4') TO PICK FROM 1937 OHEV. COAC1H. 1936 CHEV. COACH, Standard, 1934 .014W.. Coach, Stand. 1936 FORD SEDAN 1938 DODGE COACH, DELUX 1929 CHEV. COACH, Extra Clean. 1930 FORD COACHES (2) and COUPE, 1931 CHEV. COACH ONLY. .... ..... 185.00 1935 FORD COACH, Trunkat $295. 1927 PONTIAC COACH, at .......... ........ 375. USED PRESTONE, INNER LINERS, CAR AND HOUSE RAD1O.S. • iij* WARD FRITZ + .1.1•111•11111•11111110, Our'StoCk of Groceries is always kept up-to-clate in quality as well as quantity when at all possible. Selling 'The Best for Les' !has always been our slogan, and we gill endeavour to maintain this stardard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a position to show you just the kind of clothing you -will prefer, Men's, Boys', and ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY 'GOODS, ETC. Our shelves of suitable Dry Goods, Yard Goods; Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the raiher difficult conditions i proc- tiring these items., W. MERNBR' Phtn$0 140 OBITUARY NOTED LEADER DIES Rev. John Philip Hauch, who ser ved as supervisor of the Evangelical. Church mission in Japan for 16 years and for many years had been Dist- rict Superintendent in the 'Canada Conference, died at his home in Ches- ley in his 83rd year on Monday. Al-. though recently livink retired, dur- ing hiS ministry besides the foreign field he had beenstationed at Vitt- oria, Chesley, Kitchener, Waterloo, Stratford and St. Jacobs. He retired to Chesleyjn_1941.. Surviving are his wife, five sons. and three, daughters; three brothers and two sisters. He - was born in New. York State, son of Rev. John and Mrs. Hauch and came to Canada with his parents when he was a child, living for part of his boyhood days in Zurich, and when he came to this village. always called it "home”. He was a graduate at North Central College, Naperville, Ill After entering the ministry he served at Kitchener and in 1899 went to Japan, becoming missioary supervisor for his church in that country. The funeral is being held this Wednes- day afternoon, with service at the Evangelical Church, Chesley, with interment in. Chesley Cemetery. - HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the T CONVII Hall, Zurich,. on Monday, Feb. 7th .with all. the members present. It •also• being the annual meeting the the .subscribers of the Hay Municipal Telephone Sy- stem. Mr. George Armstrong, the reeve, acting as chairman. The 1943 auditors' report was read to those present. It showed that $5,0017.00was invested in the Dom. of Canada Bonds and cash in bank of .$2,398.61 After .discussing various Matters per- ttalaling. to-..tht-..aeysiarrn; .-it-Via -Thal ,; "I.V4e.,:%,7011.-acil. 1.n. 'Connectiol., --ivith the meeting adjourn. _ • the annual Telephone meeting was The Council then resumed the con- held in the Township Hall, on Mon - were adopted as read. of the January 10th meeting sideration of Township- affairs. The day afternoon. At the me- minutesCounciliNap yv,o Mr. yts B oi,sn*edreermade, s naetiinnt t Motion, that the wood on Town— given the caretaking of the Town 4hip roads between Con. 6 and 7, Hall, and' Mr....Milton Dietz was given Lots 10 and 11 be sold to F. Leibold the Township Road Superintendency. for the sum of $20, he havrng right Mr. Dietz who has been operating the to remove it up to May ist, 1945. Township maintainer ever since it That a typewriter desk, stapler was purchased, has. a wide experience and cap size filing cabinet be order- in road work and should prove to be ed from Hay Stationery Co. very capable to his new appointment. That Milton Deitz's applicatien for He will however continue to operate Road Superintendent for Hay Town- the maintainer aa usual. ship be accepted at 45c. per hr. That the application for caretaker of the Township Hall be given to Mrs. Fanny Bender for the sum of $75.00. That tenders be called for a new 8 ton truck having platform with hydraulic hoist. That the refusal of W. F. Alex - ander to net as pond' keeper be ac- cepted and that Alex. •Crerar be ap- pointed in his place-. That a grant of $5.00 be grven to, the Hospital for Sick .Childre,n.. That $2.00 be refunded to Dennis- Denomme as dog tax overcharge. That by -taw No. 3, 1944, be read throe times and finally passed. That accounts covering payments on the following be passed! as per vouchers: Roads -- Huron EXposttor, add. $1.58; Dom. Road .Mehy. :Co. 32.64; M. G. Deitz, snowplow .39.15; • Wm. Jennison do 91.35; Ear/ 'Thiel gravel 11.50; Urban ?file rep.. culvert $21 Lloyd Campbell snow fence 2.45; Ar - nod Campbell do 4.25; AIL Clark, rep. 2.60; Hay Munic. Telephone — Receiver Gen. Tax, $207.99; E. Guenther, cartage .I15; North. Elec. 169.17; H. W. Brokenshire post $10; Automatic Electric 9.13; .Stromberg-carlson 49, 38; Ellis & Howard Ltd., 27.38; F. Geery Co. 28.13; A. F. Hess, re: Guenther cartage .50; E. Thiel trans- port .70; Bell Tel. Co. 16t47; H.W. Brokenshire cartage .98; H. G. Hess salary 235.65; T. H. Hoffman, do 225.43; do extras 25.99. Relief — J. 'Sublet 2610; Dept. of Health refills $12; M. Denomme $25„, GLI1t.:1;Al AtA..iitAAI.e.i -- A. F• Hess, fees, Dir. VTar. and deaths $37; Un- with black accessories and a corsage ripee-aad..F.Tate, rishee a9.20; T. R. or YZPLICIIV 7^0SC'S, Mrs. Victor Heywood Patterson, drains $4.00; H. W. Erok- wore a flowered silk ;jersey dress with nit -lire, asst. Dec. 14.00; Ed. Zimra. black assessories ;tetcl wore a corsage erman, hall 12.50; Bank or Mont, of yellow roses, i i•en, 1,2 7.')• Brie^. Koehler wood 6.25 The •hals"v bridal couple left on .a.4 Munic World subs 39; Munk World honeymoon and showers of confettill, supples 22,80; T. Miller labour 15, to Toronto and points east. The bride; 85: .1ilton Deitz labor. S.50. travelling in a tweed coat ovoa a Motion, that the •meeting be ad- -,,,,epar.Pint pito; dress with Mack ac - loaned to March 6th, next at.1.30 ressoriva Geests were pre:sent from p.m, ... .'non, Exeter, Dashwetad M111.0.11,, 1-T. W .131.1Penshlra, Twp, •Clerk Haniidtop hrd Zurich. i Mr, Ben Keys of Varna made a lansmes.s call in town on Tuesday. ,Hydro will be off in this district on FridiIy afternoon from 1.20 to 2 p.m. M.1; and Mrs. Earl Heywood, brid- f ple, have returned after a very pleasant wedding trip. EMr. Joel .Gascho has returned horneffrom the Clinton hospital where hehad an operation performed. Pte. Norman Fleischauer of Ham- ilton spent a few days at the home of his Wife and daughter Marion. Mr, and Mrs. Ward Fritz and da- ughter Mary Lou motored to Toronto on Friday to _attend the ice carnival held in that city. Miss Laura Durst who enjoyed a visit for a week or so at the home of her .aant, Mrs. Mary Truemner, has returned to her home near Ben Miller • Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coxon, of Milverton visited at the home of their son . Dr. End Mrs. W. B. Caxon one day last week. Mr.. aid Mrs. Orville stembach and tinily and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Crispand family all of London Were Sunday visitors with relatives in Zurici. . Mr. Cayton Smith and sons 'Gord- on and Stanley were at Clinton on busines., one day lest week, also cal- IedOn die former's father, who is en- joying.. good health at present. HYMENEAL treywoo&—Thiel A very pretty wedding was solem- nized on Saturday, January 20th at 3 o'clock. in the St. Peter's Lutheran Church. in Zurich when Marion Martha, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Thiel of Zurich be- caine the, bride of Earl Carlyle Hey- wood, only son of Mr. and .Mrs. Vic- tor Heywood, of Usborne. nev. E. fleimrich officiated and the wedding music was played by Mrs. John Turkheim of Zurich. As soloist Miss Beatrice !Sabine sang "I Love You Truly" during the, signing of the register, The bride was given in marriage by her father wearing a floorelength gown of white triple sheer with peter pan colter and three quarter length sleeves. Her veil was full length, held With a sweetheart halo and she, .cared a white bible. Her only jewellery was a sterling silver locket, a eft of the groom. Misc. Marie Heywood, sister of the groom was bridesmaid wearing a pale Intro sheer .floor-dength gown, with shoulder veil to match arm& carried a colonial bouquet.. Mr. Leroy Thiel, cousin of the bride was best man and the ushers were Lloyd Klopp and Earl ,MaX-. bard of Zurich, friends of the b..ridal couple._ A reception was held at the home of 'the bride's parents at which forty guests were present. A teat was made to the bride by Rev, E. H.eim- rich responded to by the groom. Mrs Thiel wore a dark green dress OR JUNE BRIDAL WREATH DIAMONDS This is the Virginia Bridal ensemble ... perfectly mated and exactly as illustrated. 111. Yowl eta& / A. G. HESS JEWELLER 1 ok: '•;,-. ;-;,-.,-,.r.,1,,',v...c. Pr, . -.. ,,, tie coi 1. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL NIso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid foi Eggs .according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Henna! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••411.0111411•044414.... Westlake Brokenshire 4.1VIBULAINCE SERVICE Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich INIeweimiviram4resesofresimpoistee000111046110404110•00•••••••••• I1MINIMMIDOIMMIIIMBINIMNIMMINIIIMOOMPOOMINWIKIntimagataiiameimele 1 TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revived Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E:D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network -- Sundays Local Station—C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES, 53, CALIFORNIA eimpeeseilosellaeatrallas4010*&81110011•••••••••••essfessersorress • Chick Feeds Now is the time to think of your Supplies for the coming Season of Chick Raising. We can greatly help you with the following: .. Grits, Sone Meal, Chick Starters, Etc. Put in your supplies early to be sure you have them when needed... PURITY FLOUR ROBINHOOD FLOUR PIONEER FEEDS, ETC. FRESH GROCERIES Al...WAYS ON HAND TIITHVILAIKE .ST011, Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97