HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-02-03, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO !illlillU�ll.i ,;4,;,iIiIIIIiiIIIIIIIIIuIIIIJaIV!11111111111111111111111111111IIMlllllllllilllillllllllli!Illlilllllllllpitllllllllflliiillll4llllllll'�� " l" !I!:,� ZURICI-I'S Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Menno Oesch - Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 11 IIi1- .1111111111111111111 1111111 .11i1I! la! U 111111311111 IIiilRlil! III A 111111 111111111iIIIIIII 11111111111111 111t, 1+++++++++++++++++++++++++**,.......*********** To the Men who Till the Soil With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has stood the test for years: At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. - We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. H. EDIGHOFFER + + 4 4 + + 4 4 + 4 4. 4 o. -1 ti can or + 3r + + • -4;"i �N:l�l4�'{'4..t'{"iI"tt"I'.H'p't�'.f'q";;.'Iti i'-...,•.a.'tr.%a..: •{.•' :-.4" f Brand Shingles 5X WE ARF JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5-* CEDAR ISHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE HINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- 4 FED. 4 . 'E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEED 4 : ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE t 4. RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! 117 O. KALBILEISC IPHONE 69 - NM ZURICH sr� i i 4444++ +++++++++. 4 444.4.4.4.-k+++++++++++++++++++ r+++++++++++++++++11 000004,00•000$000400000004101 00 00PiW94:1...,1,00030100100 • HARDWARE -- SEEDS You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. . Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you - more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional t Values at Lower Prices... and FURNITURE ! ■tom - Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering I BROODER HOUSE COAL We have received a shipment of choice Chestnut Coal which we are selling out on restrictions only for Brooder House use, and an agreement has to be signed that it will be used for that purpose only. ,,, TA&WEIDOI ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE 0 nit it Ii'll 11-1113M0 KLAPP'S- ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS. A Gas known to every motorist. Why, tttlke chances in inferior Gas when- you can buy Good' Gas- at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication. At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using: ? kinds of Crease. We.. invite you to watch us Lubricate your Can~ wad ace how Trained Attendants Crease Cars' Expert Repairing. We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up., your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25o:. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, G.00diyear Tires, Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and. Most: lip -to -date Garage ,and Service Station. Drive in and let usservice and <°Pep>Up ' your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavier:Ie'oadk3 HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Clar Lot in; Cennection, ITEMS OF LOCAL INMOST Mrs. Theo. McAdams is spending a few weeks with relatives andl fri- ends at London. Mr. Fred Rader of Dashwood. was a • visitor in town a few days last week. - Pte. Dennis Denomm.e oz London, spent a pleasant week -end at•his•horee with his wife and children Miss Ethel Gabel of Clinton has returned to the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson (uub,e1. A goodly -number were in town. on Monday attending the annual meet- ing of the Hay Mutual. Fixe Insur- ance Company. Much wood is being; eut through- out the community, humareds of cords by some parties which will be a big help to the fuel, situation in the coming winter. Miss Alpha Meyers, nurse -in -train- ing of General Hospita, n_rasford, was a week -end vihttar at the home of her parents, • Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Meyers. ' Mrs. Clara. Decker of town and her brother Mr. Fred Rader of Dash- wood, who spent a few days visiting in Zurich, motored to Exeter last Thursday to spend the day with the former's daughter, Mies Vera Decker Word has been recereed Ny the Fritz family of the sudden death of Mr. Arthur Kibbler of Staughton, Sask. He was a member of the well known Kibbler family formerly of Zurich, and has been for maim 3'ears in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. O'Brien and daughter Miss Olive, accompanied by Mrs. Vanatta of Crosswell, Mich; and T1rs. Levi Stelck of the West, motored to Port Huron, Mich. on Sun day-, the latter two have been guests with the former's sister, remaining in that city for a visit. • The nice white blanket of.' snow which fell the beginning of this week makes nature look more seasonable, as the old snow and ice had practic- ally disappeared and if the ground- hog should. see his shadow to -day, Wednesday, Feb, 2nd, we will un- doubtedly have some real winter. for the next six weeks, as the saying goes LUTHERAN CHURCH UNION. COMMITTEE APPOINTED :- • Pastors attending Western Ontario Conference of Missouri. Lutheran Synod at Waterloo on Saturday last,. decided to appoint a committee to meet ministers of the Canada ;Synod to plan conferences for discussing on Lutheran church union. The action was taken after Rev. F. Malirisky of Elmira, had' reported on a meeting of presidents of Missouri Synod district at Springfield, Ill., recently at which various matters relating to union were discussed. The committee will be appointed by Rev. J. F. Schutt, Humberstone, Western Ontario con- fernncc chairman. Presentation The Bethany Sisters of the adult bible class of the. F vanget'tcal church met in the class room on Sunday morning where they held their .annual election of officers, which resulted es follows: President, Mrs. E, F. Krueger; vice pros. Mrs. J. W;,Mer- ne r ; secy., Mrs. D. Oswald; asst. -sect' 'Airs, W. Hoffman; treasurer, 'Mrs. 7. Geiger; After the business trans- actions were completed, a few chosen words were spoken by Mrs. C. L. Smith in regards to Mr, Josiah Gei- e.ns who had been teacher of the .las, for some years, and being preS- :'nl. :t 1. times the past year, and •rain appointed for this year. Mr. le4go:, =.•,t. ir,'esentecl with a gift,. howing the high esteem no el held by the members of his class. Mr. Geiger sxpressed his appreciation with man,, thanks, firs. Z. W. Hor- ner was also remembered with agift as being 83 yea.:, of age, :pie of the ,lclt«t members of the class and be- ing present in Sunday School 45 routs the past year. She replied with gratitude for - their kindness. The' meeting closed by singing "Blest bel the Tie that l3inds.'” ' (7.4'.7,61 MARKETS • .COnee+ttadt ev-el±y Wednesday) . 40, 38, 35, 30 !leerier. per. 115: .. 38 i+.1.'ie e set„ d essed . 30 I :.friss, dressed ......... 25 ;Geese, dre:sedd. ....... - 24 'Turkeys, dres"ed .. 38 Wheat, bushel ... 1.12 Oat__e, bushel 50e l3' +r:Lte'y,, bush. 73 Buckwheat, langs. 70 Flour, cwt. 2.60, 2.75 Shorts and bran, ton 30.00 Middlings, ton 32.00 t 4. ,Hardware,. and , , F , urndure , g fi, 4 STc'RE 4, I. PAllTT P TIME .. <9 1 4: x I 4 4. Th'.Irx?;ciity.,r, }fell 'nri^.w+'3: ult, 1944 YOUR HAD SESSION AT CLINTON Upward of 150 fanners, represent- ative of the Federation of Agricult- ure of several counties niet at Clin- ton on Jan. 27th in the interests of livestock. Recommendations presen- ted at the afternoon session touched on swine production, poultry . an,i1i, cash crops. THREE'S A CROWD So He Left His Siamese Twin Brisl>e• Read -in The American Weekly - with this Sunday's (Feb. 6) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times ..how the Siamese twins shared poverty, wealth grief aid happiness, but they ran up„ against trouble when it came to ro- mance. Although one twin has been happily married for 8 years, her sis- ter never got beyond the honeymoon stage. Get Sunday's Detroit Times. • MUST KEEY .1943 LICENSE • Motorists are reminded not 'to re- move their 1943 lleense placed from their cars when they purchase their new license for 1944. The old plates are to remain, and. stickers will be issued on payment of the 1944 fee. These are to Ile placed on the lower left --and corner of the windshield. By adoptit the sticker system over 200 tons of metal will be saved for war indtletriey as well as a great deal of labels, THAT TEESWATER FAIR Russell T. Kelly of Hamilton, was named hon. president of the Tees - water Agricultural Society, and J. J. Reid was re-elected for a sixth term as its president, at the annual meet- ing; Alex 13. McKa,gue secy-treas and managing director reported the an- nual for the past year has been by far the most successful on record and had enabled the fair to retain its position as the undisputed leader a- mong rural fairs in Canada. The gate receipts for the fair last year were $3,907 and the prize money• paid out amounted to $2,500. The gage receipt when the fair was first held in 1870 was $57 and the exhibits consisted of one pony and 12 yoke of oxen -and a few log cabin quilts. Last year 17,000 persons attended. BAYFIELD The fishermen have completed the ice harvest. It was of a very good quality and i:f anything, wes a little too thick, some measuring i 0 inches. Mrs. 7. F. Dikken has returned to Palgrave, and Keith Sterling to Sar- nia after having spent several days with their parents, Mr. and irirs. Les- lie Sterling. Pte. Ellen MacKay C. W. A. C. Barracks, Windsor was a recent vis- itor at her home. Miss Annabel Leitch of Goderich spent a week with her uncle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr. Stoker 1 Merton Merrier, R. C. N. V. R. is hone on furlough. Mrs. Grant Turner, and little son Ted returned to their home in tilt village after having been with her father-in-law, Fred Turner in God- erich for some weeks. Angus Trudeau and Lorne Derevi•', ere, the two boys who pillaged some 25 or more cottages here late last fall were recently sentenced in tht. Magistrates court at Goderich, to penitentiary term of nine months determinate. and three months indet- erminate. Besides the charges of theft and enterieg they pleaded guilty to the charge of attempted arson al^is ince' from their attempt in which an- other boy w<es also implicated to set fire to the Goderich jail, 41. FURNITURE: See Our Studio Couches midi Dinnette Suites A Full Line of all the Home Requirements 4 a + The Season- demands.: to PAINT UP' in order to 4- 4. 4. Preserve the Surface onlyour.• Buildings. It is poor economy to try,, to; save on: Paint.. We have -a 'good stock of all 'Galled for::,: Paints:,, Varnishes, and Paint. Supplies... ..See these Vis... New Felt Mattresses We: were: fortunate in securing at god supply of New,, Fek Mattresses which we. are offering the public: from $5.00 to $15.00 each,, and can assure they are big value for the money;.. Be sure and see - z S Johnston 8c Kaibfleisch 4. 4 4. Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 tH-41" 1" 4.-4•'H'1'° HCH++++++++++++++++4 ++++fig++++++++ ++444 01. 42. eH TRY ECKEL'S "To n ilk" CHOICE :FAH Ingredients Used are ALL CONFECTIONS -- itOur Store will be closed each 1 re �,I a also VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS. of the Highest Qualm ICE CREAM Wednesday Evening • Eckel's Bakery --- Zurich 4. Telephone 100 ZURICH HERALD ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY. AFTERNOON FROM THE Estali l4shed 1+,.1•.00 (Member of Canadliart Weekly News- paper Assoc$t(tion.) Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION 1 ATES-.11.50 a year, strictly in advance. $2.00 may be charged, No paper discontinued until all arrear„ are pain up unless at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid Is donated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Contract advertising made known on. application. In Memoriam ; one verse 50c. 25es for each additional verse. Card o Thanks 50c. Auction Sales ---$2.00 for one ins sertion if not over four inches it*. length. Miscellaneous articles of not morei than four lines. For Sale, To Rentl Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one int* Sol -ion 25c; 2 ins. 40e; 3 ins. 50c. Address all Communications to; HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH. CREAM..SEP&RA>(`OR. WILL HELP: THE": ..;. _COUNTRY'S NEED FOR EXTRA:RUtTERFAT Your Government has asked for an in crease of 39,000,000 pounds in batter production in 19431 Every farmer can contribute to that increased Nutter pro« duction which is needed to feed our troops in the front lino, by using a Xtenrrew Cream Separator which will produce the last ounce of butterfat --a machine into which years of experience have built une,nalledl stamina and dependability,. It will do its part faithfully in increasing wartime production and, at the sante time; swell your profits. If you, are in the market for a; Renfrew please be patient. Shottago of raw materials still curtails production., liiep in touch with the nearest ,Renfrew representative. RANGES TRUCK SCALES WASHING MACHINES KEEP YOUR RENFREW IN REPAIR CREAM SEPARATORS Made in All Popolar Sizes. Hand or Electrically Operated. THE. RENFRyE1�4% *MACH11 �•`�Y *'CoMp. fFNTRCpW ONI t'1�3S1 A! N•131 -St •JoliNS: 4r Qi.... ,.,< HUGH THIEL .: AG ENT ZURICH, ONT.