HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-02-03, Page 2HARPERS MALARTIC An Interesting Speculation N. A. HUTCHISON & CO. 19 Richmond St. W., Toronto ADelaide 1882 Hydro Preparing Post -War Program Service To Be Extended To Additional 5,000 to 6,000 Farms In Ontario Rural Ontario will provide an an- nual market for about $4,000,000 worth of electrical appliances and equipment and accessory materials after the war ends, Dr. T. H. Hogg, chairman, Ontario Hydro Power Commission, stated last week. Hydro is already preparing its post-war program of rural electri- fication, and representations have already been made to the Federal Metals Controller to release addi- tional materials during the present year. If this request is granted, the Commission hopes to extend serviee on existing rural lines and add new tbort extensions making Hydro available •to an additional 5 000 to 0,000 farms, thus aiding food pro - 'auction for the war. The plan calls for construction of 300 miles of line. Two Advantages Under the new rate structure to rural users, Dr. Hogg states 97 per cent. of rural consumers have re- ceived reductions in cost of elec- tricity. Existing consumers on farms are using an average of only about 12?z per cent. of electricity they might consume. Dr. Hogg said there are two basic advantages to be enjoyed by using electricity to a greater extent on the farms. "MONTY" INSPECTS RUINS OF CHURCH General Sir Bernard Montgomery is shown here aurid the ruins of an Italian church iii Fossacesia. First is an increase in production with a minimum of farm help; and second, farmers can make their farms more comfortable and con- venient places on which to live by installiug not only a water pump- ing system but modern household appliances and equipnleut. Dr. Hogg emphasized the inter- dependence between industrial la- bor and the farmer. ru post-war days there must be recognition of the fact that industrial workers and farmers are equally important to the stability of our ,economic system. Old Favorites in a New Delight In All -Bran Prune Turnovers, juicy prunes are hidden away in a crunchy coat of bran pastry. The result is a glatnaur dessert from two foods which may be found on almost any pantry shelf! ALL -BRAN PRUNE TURNOVERS 34 cup All -Bran 5 tablespoons cold water 134 cups flour (sifted) t more or less) 34 teaspoons salt Ie' -cups eweetened, chopped, 34 cup shortening cooked prunes 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind Roll A11 -Bran until fine and combine with flour and salt, Cut in shortening. Add water, a little at a time, until dough is moist enough to hold together. Roll out lightly floured board to about one-eighth inch in thickness. Cut into rounds (5 inches in diameter) with cutter. On half of round place a spoonful of chopped prunes which hove been Only partially drained. Put a dot of butter on top, Moisten edge of dough. Fold other half over to cover prunes and crimp clown edges, using a fork or pastry crimper, Brush with milk and place on a greased baking sheet. Bake in hot oven (426 F.) for 12 to 15 minutes. Serve hot or cold with cream if desired. Yield: a turnovers. FAMOUS HOME REMEDY rio's . COUGH SYRUP CHILDREN `LOVE VENO S Invaluable for COUGHS—COLDS BRONCHITIS SIMPLE SORE THROAT A Reading Course For Winter Months In 1930 William Lyon Phelps listed what in his opinion were the ''hest books in the waxld"; The Bible, Homer's '`Odyssey," halite's "Diablo Comedy," "On the Nature of Thing's" by Lucre- tius; Goethe's "Faust," Dickens' "David Cop,perfield," Hugo's "Lee 14Tiserables," Virgil's "Aen- eid," Milton's poems and •Shake- speare's plays. Howmany of, us, have read them? if Williston Churchill is a master of the Eng- lish language it is because ho is intimate witn the best in .Lnglish literature, says The Lethbridge Herald. How would it be if we took Phelps' best books as a read- ing course for the winter mouths? Chinese .Flag Flies. Over Indian Camp From a flagpole above the tents of an Indian Army camp in the desert near Basrah, a silken flag with 12 -pointed stars on blue' and • green background waves In the Stop Posing Con. stipation The Is a Better Way to Correct a Corea, oar Cause Yes, you can free yourself from slavery to "dosing"—with its griping unpleas- antness, its lack of lasting relief if your trouble is clue to insiafftcient "bulk" in your diet! Do as thousands of others have done! Try the gentle -acting; ALL -$RAN way! KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN 'really "gets at" this common; cause of constipation by supplying the missing "bulk -producing" material needed for easy, natural elimination. Try eating a daily serving of ALL -BRAN, or several ALL -BRAN muffins. Drink plenty of water. Get ALL -BRAN at your grocer's, 2 convenient sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. breeze. It is the ',flag of China, flying above the home of the first Chinese company to serve with the Indian .Army. It consists of 350 technicians -Sitters, carpenters, welders and sail -makers. e By VICTOR ROSSEAU CHAPTER XV SYNOPSIS Dave Bruer, out of a job, arrives at Wilbur Ferris' Cross -Bar ranch. Curran, the foreman, promises him a job if he can break at horse cat - led Bleck Dawn...,. When he suo- ceeds, he discovers Curran expect- ed the horse to kill him. A girl named Lois rides up, angry with Dave for breaking "her" horse. She refuses to speak to Dave even when he uses his savings to pay off the mortgage on the small ranch she shares with her foster father, a man named Hooker. When Hooker is killed by a shot fired through the window, Lois has Dave arrested for murder. But when the local people, en, couraged by Curran, attempt to lynch him, Lois and Black' Dawn save him, but -Lois Is wouided. They are now back at Hoc<er's ranch house. "You think I'm goin' off'to have yon like this?" Dave hard. "I didn't think you ;event!) ,em going with• you. eared we've saddled Hooker's horse, while Lois did the same to the black. Then Dave wrapped the package of food in his slicker roll and placed it behind the cantle. "Listen!" Lois whispered. Straining his ears, Dave could hear the sound of horse hoofs somewhere below, There must have been at least half • a dozen animal'; to judge from the showers of shale that were being dislodg- ed. The posse was upon their trail. * * * Dave darted into the cabin and put out the light. He had no doubt it had been seen. A yell from the lower mesa indicated that fact, and there sounded the thrid of horses galloping over the stretch. "We're just in time," Lois whis- pered. Dave swung her into her saddle and mounted Hooker's horse. Cur- ran and his men were close at hand now, but they still had to surmount the slope„ that ran to :,the Dave /Mead two saddles 'and bri- dles. He brought them out and He gathered the girl -into his arms and staggered into it. got to start right now. They may be on their way here," "Where to?" "There's a place I know where they won't find us. It's a cave do the mountains I found once, long ago. You'll be safe there till they get tired of looking for you, or think you've got cleau away." "You ain't strong enough to ride, Lois." "I reckon I'm all right. Give me your hand." She struggled up in- to a sitting posture. "I'1l be all right," she said, slipping to her feet. "See!" she swayed for a moment, and Dave put out his hand anxiously, then stood firm on her feet, "First of a11, you want a gun. Mr. Hooker had .a forty-five and a box of cartridges under his bunk. See if you can find their," a * * Dave went into the adjoining room and found the gun which he thrust into his holster, De went back and found Lois trying to lift a slab of bacon from a hook beside the dear. He lifted it clown, got some flour and coffee, and carried theist outside. Lois came to the door. "Black Dawn will come wilee I call him," she said, "and Stir, Hooker's horse. We'll he all right, The saddles and reins are in there." She pointed toward the shed behind the cabin, its outline fest visible in the dense darkness, Then site whistled twice. A moment or two later Dave, heard the saund of a horse's hoofs scrambling up to the edge 'e of the mesa, In the light that carne from the cabin be could see the big stallion coming at a slow lop toward the girl. Behind hien wage the vague otel!ne of another horse' --honker's. Peering his way Into the shack, topmost mesa. And the next in- stant the black was moving silent- ly away into the scrub, and Dave's horse was following. The horses knew the trail in the darkness, for they picked their way through what seemed an al- most impenetrable growth o t stunted jack -pine and aspen. The fugitives had been just in time. They could not have been more than a htntdred. and fifty yards from the cabin when there cause an outburst of savage yells, and the rattle of a fusillade of gunfire. "We got yuh, Bruce!" Dave heard Curran shouting. "We saw that light. We know you two is tllar. Come out and take it, or We'll burn the shack over yore heads. We got you surrounded," But the black and Hooker's brown hoeee had already penetra- ted the tangle of undergrowth and were ascending a trail run- ning steeply up the mountains. Tile otter silence of the moun- tains now. Dave and Lois riding side by side over the uplands. A sense of joy in Dave's heart suck as he had never known, He leaned toward Lois. ' "Yell feelin' better?" he asked. "It ain't far to that cave yuh spoke of, is it?" "Not far now," she :answered, and he noticed with apprehension how weary her voice sounded. Lois, in the lead, turned Black Dawn aside, and Dave perceived, in the faint starlight, a narrow trail that ran away from a ravine through i,"It a spindling t 11Iri5 growth of as- pen, The horses were going down a deep slope now, brining their shoulders firmly, half milking and half sliding. it eas evideet thzrt they had been along !his trail be. fore. (Continxted Next Week) Money Making Possibilities We suggest the following low priced shares as having excellent possibilities £or handsome market profits, with a minimum of risk TOVARICH-LARDER, MARTIN -BIRD; SHELDON LAR- DER; PELANGIO LARDER; OLIVET; MARY ANN; LAR - ADD; MOOSEWOOD; LARDER U; LAVALIE; RAYMOND- TIBLEMONT; NORTH T14ALARTIC; DAM CREEK. Information on individual issues supplied on request. GEORGE CI-IAPMAN & COMPANY 200 BAYST. .. - - TORONTO TA LE L .�F SADIE B. CHAMBERS Dessert Sauces Saues add zest to most desserts and add. vitamins and extra nour- ishment t o o. Many a stale cake, or bread crumbs, or rolls have rade a royal dessert by the addition of a new sauce. Whipped Cream Without Cream (1)i--1 cup of ground apple, % cup white sugar, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Add all these ingred- ients to stiffly beaten whites of 2 eggs and whip. (2) --Acid 1 cup of mashed ban- anas and 2 tablespoons powdered or fruit sugar to 2 stiffly beaten egg whites and whip. A dash of lemon juice adds variety. Lemon Sauce 1.4 cup sugar 11,4 tablespoons corn starch le teaspoon salt cups boiling water 1 tablespoon butter 2 teaspoons lemon juice Combine sugar, salt and corn- starch. Gradually stir in Seater, then. slowly bring to a bail, stirring eonstantiy. 8tri,I , Drily- „5 minutes. Remove Irene heat: add' butter and lemon juice. Serve either hot or cold. Custard Sauce 1 cup whole milk 1 egg 1 tablespoon sugar Dash of salt Ile teaspoon of 'vanilla 'Scald milk in top of double boiler. Adel sugar and salt to beat- en egg, and beat well, Slowly pour' in the scalded milk. Return to top of double boiler and cook, stirring constantly until mixture 11 Quick Gift Doilies le . �_ rfj V.®sot r44:,t:.1 7 ;144 'tt'cm;�` ''teZ <<x p=a,�'czr These small crocheted dniliea so useful in every household, are yours for the making! They're just the thing for that gift that should be small and yet will be cherished for its loveliness Every housewife will find endless uses for then!. Pattern 710 contains directio(,s for lnilie , illestration of stitches lis( of materials required. Send twenty cents in coins 1stnirips cannot he accepted) for. this pattern to !Wilson Nccdlrrraft Dept., Room 421, 13 Adelaide. St.` \Vest 'I'r,ronto, AVeit', pi.rilrly Pattern Number, your Name and;•.. Address. coats the spoon. Remove from heat and acid flavoring. I1 a custard of thicker texture is desired mix one level teaspoon of cornstarch with the sugar and egg mixture. Caramel Sauce cup brown sugar 1 cup' boiling wro.sr 1 egg 1 tablespoon carnstarch Juice and grated rirni of 1 lemon Dash of nutmeg 1 tablespoon butler % teaspoon salt Mix cornstarch, a'agar, grated lemon, nutmeg and salt in top of double boiler. Odd eggs lightly beaten. Pour in the boiling water slowly, and cook until thick and clear. Add butter and beat for a few minutes. If you wish you may caramelize the , brown sugar. This sauce is delicious with spice cake or any fruit pudding. Hiss Chambers welcome:A personal tetters from Interested renders. She Is pleased to receive suggestions on topics for her column, nod is niways ready to listen to your "pet peeves." Requests for recipes or especial menus are tri order. Address your letters to 'gifiss Sadie H. Chambers, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto." Send stomped self-uA- dressed envelope if you wish it reply. Normal sight occurs in the case of only one person taut of every fifteen, YOU CAN'T BEAT rs �xCs Do you feet older than you are or suffer from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Nervous- ness, Leg Pains, Rheumatic Pains, Burning,. scanty or frequent passages? If so, remem- ber that your Kidneys are vital to your health and that these symptoms may be due to Kidney and Bladder ,roubles—in such cases Caster usually gives piumpt and joy- ous relief by helping the Kidneys clean out poisonous excess acids and wastes. You, have everything to gain and nothing to lose in trying Oystex. The iron clad money -back agreement assures a refund of your money on return of empty package unless fully satisfied. Don't de- VSte4 lay. Get from your (piss -ter) from your Nelp, Crean %Id,,n druggist today. Pimpe s Curbed 1st Dav Are yol embarrassed by ugly, disfiguring Dimples and skin blemishes? No natter how long you have suffered or what you have tried you can now start curbing pimples Itching, Eczema -like rash, Ringworm, and outer skin irritations with the very fitjlt au- plication It stops the ittreatment called es� and should help snake your skin clearer, softer smoother the very first few days—in fact it trust satisfy you completely or cost nothing, Just get Nixoderm from your druggist today under the money -back trial offer. See hos fast it works and how much banter you look, a:irterer•e 01 .. t, ,,„r.tliug ir.ud 01 1' ir.l105 s $hnu1(1 ltiiuw UM] itEi's ,.,-, rj 1 Pills treat this cause tit lis >,).:i ,e, iilnney nock if the rlrsi Uc,tt:e does not sartisty Huy from 40I1r `!fist, st " ISSUE NO, 0-1944