HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-02-03, Page 1URIC Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY' MORNING, FEBRUARY 3 1944 Chester L. Smith, Publisher 1.50 a Year in Advance Let the Ads. in your local pa1erbe your Shopping Guide +1.4 4++++• 4;+++• ++.+* ++. J•+++++++++4.++++++++++++ .4 fang . afthtaa juneraL ffioarte Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and kjurrd..,-..:Licepsed': "Embalmer,: and ,.'' Funeral Director. + Member of the'Ontario Funeral Association. + + + + 4-14++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4o 4 + Day or Night Telephone No. 70. Dashwood - Ontario !Smmiiosersel sermgf mswasoomesamosee••••!«SS•N 2 2 1 e•••••i0®tNS.RRti os TUNE IN ON Id -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network -- Sundays Local Station--C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGEF 1:S 53, CALIFORNIA u 3 to • s 1 COMFORTABLE GLASSES t REASONABLE PRIMA C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at WEEVER Mae Newest. Approval Modred d Eyesight Testing U.ac. ogee mem Week Day Except Wedseeslay., Are You Suffering From if se.; Have your Nye' Examined with die Latest MMitds and Equipment st A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODER1OH — ONT. Good 'Glasses M Reasonable Prices ^s01we 0.00000ee+re+ev00e0es1wsiee eeee®011eea sevo i • • • " eMist4Ok••i•Seta 661900 6®11••Y•l••••40®®0l1lN00•06 e BrokenshireWestlak -�� 2 DUNE AL & AMBULANCE a SERVICE Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich Chick Feeds Now is the time to 'think of your Supplies for the coming Season of Chick Raising. We can greatly help you with the following: .. Grits, Bone Meal, - Chick Starters, Etc. Put in your supplies early to be sure you have them when needed:.. PURITY FLOUR _ ROBINI-IOOD FLOUR PIONEER FEEDS, ETC, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND THE BLUM STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone= C .umumusurremesemeeers, 1 H:Ct>,urt Ii., Eilbexc '1"At�nstlrp (""k vommusupenummummummemseromersarmarsu 11-0'7 Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thursday; Friday, Saturday Feruary 3, 4, 5th. PHANBO'I OF 2HE,. OCI'Fi > '' "1n Tecnicolor. THE SCREEN'S TRAFFIC OF ' TERROR Claude Raines and Hume Croyn, o _London, Ontario. Mon., Tues., Feb. 7, stn. TWO FEATURES HOLY MATRIMONY Starring Gracie Fields and Mont Woolley. lar. Elmer Thiel who it as been -w rking at the Kalbfeiseh mills is .at present laid up having injured his #o4t. f „' We are indeed pleased to hear that ''Mrs. E. F. Klopp is recovering slowly ;From her recent severe illness. Mr. Albert C. Kalbfleisch and Mr. o-,44 Mrs. H. W. Brokenshire motored to ;Goderich on business on Wednes- day y Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook and. ]41r. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook and daugh- ter.. Patricia and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brcnnsr all of Kitchener, were re - ;CM); week -end visitors at the home of the' latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jioh t lire liner, The hooked rug and chesterfield set which the Babylon Line Farm Fo7�unt have donated to the Red Cross . is'on display at the J. W. :Werner Store, Zurich. Anyone wishing to secure tickets on this draw may get them at the store. Starring Nelson Eedy, Susan Foster DR. GILLESPIE'S CRIMINAL CASE Starring Lionell Barymore. Wednesday, Feb. 9th. TWO FEATURES, MISTER BIGGS Donald O'Connor and Gloria Jean. YOUNG ACES With Susan Peters and Herbert Marshall St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Mrs. David Geroinette of Mt. Carmel were week -end visitors with relatives and friends on the Blue Water Highway. The Misses Cherrie and Doris Jef= frey and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Je ray all of Detroit were Sunday v aitcs ; .with "heir.. parents ... n I3 .. ,xe town. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Masse; of London, were visitors on 8-um:au' last with the latter's parents, on tare' Blue Water Highway. Mr. Maurice Denomme of this burg has returned to his hone on Friday last after spending ten days 1n Vic- toria Hospital, London, under mud; ical care. Mrs. N. M. Cantin of St. Joseph, will spend a few weeks ,1n Detroit, and other points visiting with lier children. D rs. M. MacKinnon of town has ree ivied word that her son, Lieuten- ant Commander Hugh MacKinnon .RC -VR., has arrived in England', for a -i tvo month's course. After which he: will return to Halifax, to carry on his -ork, in the Special Branch of the Canadian Navy. Ag e annual meeting of the Zurich 'cultural Society was held in the it hall, Zurich on Wednesday af- eon last with a fair attendance. _Year's °work was gone over ant3e nangi p were_ niade,in e board of inantigement, Mr. Arntatold- 3� crxzc was added to the board. The finan- ces of ';;the Society are good as they have is Govt. Bonds and in Bank nearly $1300.00, which is remarkably weii.. OBITUARY Late John B. Laporte The entire community mourns the passing of the late John 13. Laporte, a former reeve and councillor of Hay Tb�w.rxsI'riip., and a resident of the Frelch,setttement near Drysdale all ass's li<fe;. died at his home on Monday in his, 80th year. He had been ill for sevetaL months, and was always a very active member of St. Peter's STEPHEN COUNCIL Roman catholic church, Drysdale, a The newly elected Council of the tiberar in politics, and always had the Township of Stephen met in the hall welfare' of the community at heart. Crediton, on Jan. 10th at 11 o'clock, Duviixg' the last sereval years Mr. Th • reeve, and councillors were pre- Laporte gave his farm to his son, sent, also Rev. M. E. Reuber of the I heo. and he became engaged in his Evangelical church and offered -pra- spare) time fn the buying of grains yer asking that Divine Guidance be from the farmers in the district. He sive n the new Council in the trans' was always very active and a very intelesliiirrg. men to meet and converse action of the year's business. , After each member had subscribed with, as he was very enlightened on to his Declaration of office, the reeve. all' matters, taking a keen interest asker for co-operation. The Clerk in G'orernrrrent affairs. He will be was instructed to order the 111441 T)og•I greatly missed in the community. tags, and also the Municipal World' for each member of the Council: A grant of $115 be made to the, Child'- ren's War Mem. Hospital, London.. G. E. Faist, collector of taxes, re- ported X2,560.29 taxes utatraiif re - Mrs. Chas. Laframboise, Ritter Can - the past year and on mrrtt;one ard; Mrs. Evangeline Croiseture, of he was authorized to continue thea Marquette; Sister :llary tileCbtflde, a levy and collection. nsissionary, being held iu 1Japan Delegations from S.S: No).l and este internment camp in the Philip - No. 12 interviewed the Cbunciie with pines; Mother M. Vir•giitifs, of the regard to the loss in their. Asstssru- Lrsul.ine Convent, Mt. (:')'noel ; five ent which has been broug1'.ut, About sons, Joseph and Leo' of Detroit; through the establishment. • of the Wilfred, Windsor; Dr, l iehard, Chic - Centralia and Grand Bend Airports ago, and Theodore, ai; home; three and it was felt some action be taken sisters, Mrs. Henry iitau, Drysdale t. for assistance from the. Dominion Mrs. Eli Ducharme, Stratford, and Government. Mr's. Remi Durand; Stratford, also, The following officials were appo- one brother, Charier Laporte, Drys - lilted: Caretaker of hall, E. (Tuett- dale. Requiem lkigh mass was cele- inger $25; and 81 e:•xtra for each brated in St. Pete*a^s Church on Wn:cl- pu'.blic meeting or concert when an nesday morning At 10 o'clock, with admission is charged. Salary of Geo. interment in St. Peter's cemetery. Either, ass Road Supt. 45c hr; board 'i'h:e funeral wlargely attended,. the of Health, A. McCann and T. Love pall bearers be mg: John Rau, t, ha •les g; Secy., 1-1 X. Ell ber $15 and $8 Rau, L1.tvd latue:, Kenneth), Etue, for attending meetings; Sanitary & Noel Laporte, Peter masse,, The Health inspectors: E. Lawson, C. Mass was sung by the I'ax* Priest Pfyle and W. B. Oliver. at 25c. hr. Rev, I+{ether 0. A. Martjett. and was School Ati;. Officers, E. Lawson, C. assisted by Rev. Fr. A. Durand who F. Pfile, W. 13. Oliver, at 25e. hr; also preached the se isioat, he being Milk inspector, E. Guettinger 40c. hi Deacon of London ith ocese and of Pound keepers, Fence viewers, and St. (Peter's Ceininsary, London; Sub- Rn"d Foremen were also appointed. Deacon. was Rev., H'y. a, Fogarty of - The Council adjourned to meet a- Mount Carmel;, ',,ev, F, A. MoCandall gain in the Town Hall, on Monday, Of Parkhill, thea • Rcv, Fr. J. Ludo the 7th day of February at I p.m. of Zurich tiete{l ttiS Master of i:`erelt Monies._ Sirvtving are his wife, eight daught- ers, Mather M. Loretto, Ursuline Convent, McGregor, Ont; Mrs. Iry- ing Guntbieton, Mrs. Edwin Kehoe and Mrs. Gordon Rau, all of Detroit; SEE HESS THE JEWELER FOR BRIDAL WREATHS DIAMONDS, AND WEDDING RINGS IN ALL SIZES AND PRICES A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest' Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL `also: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fee „Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Heneall sed Cars 1939 DE. ,SOTTO COAOH WIT 1939 DODGE COUPE DE LTIX 1.938 CHEV. COACHES (4) TO 1937 CHEV.' COACH. 1936 CHEV. COACH, Standar& 1936 FORD SEDAN 1938 DODGE COACH, DELUX: 1929 CHEV. COACH, Extra Cle 1930 FORD COACHES (2) anti COUPE. 1931 CHEV. COACH ONLY 185.00 1935 FORD COACH, Trunk at. 295. 1927 PONTIAC COACH, at 875. USED PRESTONE, INNER LINERS, CAR AND HOUSE RADIOS, PICK FROM 1934 CHEV. Coach, Stand. an. i 4.4. + 4. WARD FRITZ • • OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well s quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our. slogan, and w still endeavour to maintai . this: star dard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a position to show you juts the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require, to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. Dry Goode. Yard. Goods, w.ltxl shelves of:il�itc.:.. l`✓ Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub-, lit in to flee the many lines we have to. offee re- gardless of 4,e rather difficult conditions in prari' t ring these items. J. R Q a e