HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-01-27, Page 7hese days, when tea must yield the utmost in flavour, quality is of supreme importance. Ask for « ' Germany Has Long fir een A Nuisance 1. "The poor Germans," no platter what their punishment, will get less than they deserve. There must be some decent Germans, and if they suffer unjustly in the eleanatp it will be because of the company they keep. The hard fact is that Germany, not merely "Nazi" 'Germany but Germany as a whole is apestilential nuisance. and .has been that for many yeare, It le preposterous to suppose that even Hitler in a few years could turn a peace -loving nation into a na- tion dedieatedto war, Murder and loot. All he did was to take full advantage of, characteristics dis- played by Ger]tiiny over many decades, How Cant?? By Aune Ashley Q. How can I make an inex- pensive gargle for a sore throat? A. -Try using one-third tea- sp'o'on of salt in a glass of tepid water. ' Q. now can I keep the house plants fresh if one is to be absent from home for a few days? A. Soak a large sponge with water and place it on the dirt in the pot. The moisture will be absorbed and the plant will keep in good condition. Q. How can I prevent break- ing of fish when baking it? A. When it is desired that baked fish be particalarly nice, try slipping two strips of clean muslin under the fish before Keep Eggs Cold And Also Covered The way to keep eggs fresh longest is to have them not only cold but alsq covered, say reports from the Utah and Massachusetts State Experiment Stations, The Utah station tested eggs that had been kept for a week according to ?various home prac- tices. The eggs that rated highest quality were those that had been kept in the hydrator of the re- frigerator, as fresh vegetables are kept. Eggs rating second and third place were those kept in a cov- ered carton and an open container in the refrigerator. Within the week those kept in a cardboard carton in the cupboard of a warn kitchen had dropped from A to 0 grade and some even had to be graded as "rots", The Massachusetts Station found that fresh eggs ;could be kept a month without serious loss in quality, if they were coffered and in a refrigerator where the temperature was held at, 41 de, grees F. Eggs stored• in open con- tainers like wire baskets graft- any radtrally lost weight by drying out.. Eggs kept in cartons often ab- sorbed the flavor of the carton. During the taking of the Indian • census, one enumerator checked up on 600 persons living in one Cal- cutta house belonging to a wealthy lean. FASCIST VENGEANCE: DEATH AND PRISON ,mow-.:�,..:....... ,....�. .,.. Regarded as the revenge of Mussolini and Hitler for their action in voting against II Duce in last July's Italian political crisis, thus precipitating his downfall, 10 members of the brand Fascist Coun- cil were sentenced to death for "treason" at a special Fasci-t court at Verona, Italy. Amonlg them wane Count Galcazzo Ciano, ex -foreign minister and son-in-law of Mussolini; Tullio Ciannetti. ex- conlmunications minister; and Marshal Emilio, de Bono, who led - and badly bungled - the 19:15 Ethio- pian invasion, A firing squad executed Ciano, De Bono, and two other Grand Councilor:. Giuseppe Pareschi, former agriculture minister, and Luciano (3ottardi, ex-luesident of the Fascist Confederation of Industrial Workers. Ciannetti was sentenced to 30 years in prison, possibly for having turned informer. Thirteen of the 10 were thought to have ,escaped abroad or to be in hiding. Jack Miner Rolls Up Another Honor Sack Miner, the Canadian Natur- Mist, who has ranked as Canada's best known private citizen for seven years in succession, has Tolled up another honor in his career by being written up in an article by the famous writer, John Burton Tigrett. which has been accepted by The Saturday Even- ing Post and which is to appear in a future issue. The story deals with Jack Miner's activities with special stress on his conservation efforts it bird life, which benefit both Canada and the United States. ',Where are several paragraphs dealing with his methods of band- ing the birds to study their mi- gration routes, each band having A Terse of Scripture. The entire biography will be profusely illus- trated throughout with colored photographs. Don't take needless chanced ,with untried remedies. Relieve miseries this home- proved, double -action way. a WAYS AT ONeBe 6O ,e4 PENETRATES to upper breathing passages with medi- sinal vapors. STIMULATES chest and back sure 4'la warm - F In , lg poulti e. le. weless tog gOUAy Now to get all the beneflta of Shits combined PENETRATING - STIMULATING action as shown above, just rub throat, chest and sack with Vicks VapoRub at bed- time. Then ... see how this fam- ily standby goes to work instantly '-Zwaysatonce-to relieve cough- ing spasms, ease muscular sore- siess or tightness -bring grand relief from distress! Its Soothing medication invites restful, come- forting sleep -and oftenbymorn- t5stof thernis. i11g�' m. di ay of the cold i pu al.' x% ittoni h Wee, tin rnr;tte. � . a laying it in the pan. The muslin acts as handles when removing the fish and will prevent break- age. Q. How can 1 stimulate the growth of thin eyebrows? A. By applying warm olive oil or vaseline every night ' before retiring. Or, dip the finger tips in lanolin and massage the brows every night. Q. How can. I prevent coal from burning too quickly? A. This will not happen if a solution of one-half pound of washing soda to a gallon of water is sprinkled over the coal a few days before burning. It will a'so give more heat. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. When serving tea to guests should the hostess make it . at the table, or .should it be pre- pared in the kitchen? 2. What should one say when telephoning if someone has left a number for you to call, without leaving bis name? 3, Is it correct to have addres- ses engraved on calling cards? 4. Are there any certain dances that a man must dance with the girl he is escorting when attending a dance? , 5. Is it necessary for the hos- tess at a luncheon to go with a guest to the door, if the guest leaves early? 6. Is it correct to use pale tinted stationery for social cor- respondence? Answers 1. If the guests are not too nu- merous, the tea can be made at the table, and the hostess can ask each guest's preference as to the stren''th desired. 2. One inay say, "!'his is James Smith speaking. Did an;; one at this num- ber telephone n1- ?" 3. Yes, on the lower right-hand corner of the card. 4, Yes, ' he , should dance the first and the final dances with Ler, and also the ono preceding and the one fol- lowing the intermission. 5. No, it is the duty of the hostess to ;amain with he other guests. 0. The correct stationery la plain *We, of a good quality. Railway 'a+agbns te the alumbee of100,000 nx8 lying idler *n ice., ]railway illyst(31nti owing fo leek Ct repast'. Taking the whole world into consideration, there are said to be about 16,000,000 thunderstorms a yeai- :: Jjue 'ou card? forcomrnon _ sr ordinary sores throat wr Aow seieffea RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED it you aro troubled with Itching plies or rectal sureness, du not delay treatment and run the risk of lettings this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful pee/g- age of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem -Hold from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Hem -geoid is pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and It seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a email cost. if you try Hem -Road and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. MIDDLE -AGE" WOMEN3$rs. -52 (y ld) HEED THIS ADVICE! 7 ltone* cross, restless, NERVOUS -es Bauer trot Sashes, dtzemess--caused bq i5fa period in a Woman'%g life-- try ,Lydia E. Plankham' pelage tabpr Oompoynd. Made . p 1 bf)tele. ndreds of thousatl re- �o digs_ label dlrea- re - MOWN belted. P'olloiv Stene. Wade it► Cenada. Everything about the RAY. station was interesting to the visi- tor, and ire asked a never-ending strm of questions, "Saeay," he exclaimed, 1°how is it that you have so many Scotsmen among your pilots?" The guide, a bit fed uP, snatched. at the opportunity, "Well, sir," he said, "since the Scots have learned that every cloud has a sliver lining, we can't keep 'em out." "Say, Aunt Aunt Melissah, what am a para -trooper?" "Well, Honey, a para -troop- er am a soljer what climbs down t'sce he never clumb The : began explaining the meat.-..,; of various words in the English class. 'Now," she said, "the word 'rise' means to 'come into view'." "Not always, teacher," prompt- ly replied one pupil, "Why not, 'Willie?" "Mum says dad asked for one and so far she hasn't seen any sign of it." _--e- V-lire's been no new var- • lation of the spinach joke since a veteran of North Africa de- scribed the sandstorm as spin- acii without the spinach. -0- At a post office window a wo- man asked the clerk: Woman -How much will it cost to, send this poem? Postal Clerk -Four cents; it's first-class, yon know. Woman -- Oh, thank you so much! -o- My lady, be wary of Cupid f as /'tNMAI1r,�,t,...,,ssl: tux'i�i 4=4,426 , IMIPIE a;eaeteet0 13M And list to the lines of this verse; To let a fool kiss you Is stupid, To let a kiss fool you Is wo rse, A Clean Story " ..We were in the same pre- dicament as the Berliners are in now. And yet, during the whole period of the London blitz, we had a sort of exhilaration. We were taking it, But we knew that we COULD take it, And, looking back, my clearest recol- lections are. strangely enough more of the humorous side than the horror. I wonder, for instance if the raids on Berlin can produce an incident like this: We were clearing up the debris of a badly bombed house after one of the raids, when a rescue worker heard a sound of tapping coming CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BABY CRICKS THE BIGGEST WORD IN CHICK- en-dom is "Preparedness" -That's the grand strategy for the com- ing season. Start early -start right - order Tweddle Chicks. Why Twiddle': Because • Tweddle Hatcheries have been through years of first-hand experience of hatching chicles. Tweddle Chicks are Government Approved . from bloodtested birds that proved their true -to -typo growth and production qualities, Looks like -the market We year might break another all time record. Start Early. Start Right. Send for cnt- ttrogtie and 11!1.1 prieelist. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate. delivery. Tweddle Chick 31;,tohcries Limited, Fergus. On wane.. SPR t,d'1•11,e:it:ll V!' RITE LEG, lIOltN BIGFI PAN' ABILITY 11 A.il' •C'illCI1$ THIS STRAIN 15 A PRACTICAL, proven egg -producing type, with tweelly three years of steady production back of them. They will pay well for good keep and e:u'e Tills Is certain, becnuee they ole doing this on our own farm- une of Canitda'S largest egg -Pro- ducing farms. You het exactly the same breed. strait and grade as Nye raise for ourselves. Poul- try manutinent handbook "TIigh Pay- Ability" sent FREE on re- quest. Get -our price list. We ad- vise early orders. - SPRUCE - LEIGH FARM Lan Top, Box "3011, Brantford, Ontario. Wi]LTE L 11 it II OIL N P1-1,LI.TS ready to lay and laying at rens- enable prices for immediate de- 1tv,ty, , Also Peered locks and Hybrids. Free catalogue. Also clay old chicks for immediate de- Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, • P'er;.tts, Onto t•t0. \Vt11Tie I,1.1(11-IORLNI$-b'01t Et'ON- omy in feed -for high egg pro- ,iuettorl,• t'hielts immediate or later shipment. A limited quan- tity of started, ohirks also on hand. Please send your order for immediate or later delivery. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, tint. (Order May -June chicks now.) Too LATE - 'r00 ',ATV; NEXT 5t'it1Nt; 1/l)N"r L1'l' IT RE -.aid "too tete." Send for aur price list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard thick tintchery. l3ritan. lila Heights, Ont. MAPLECRI;ST QUALITY CHICK'S, guaranteed p r o f i t producers, papular breeds, prices. Maple- - crest Farm, Route 2, (opetown. Ontario. DON'T GAMBLE PE1?TCate, , 1-5 T 1s11) 1) IL.ARR.ED Itock or White I eghorns and fare Christie New lTampshires re- moves all chance. Our prices are very tow, Special discount tnhtil Feb. 16th. Kett 1eweil !'arms, Essex. Ont. GA'iAI,OGUL - FREE F R 11 E - COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full line of Fruit Trees; Evergreens; flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; Rose s; 13rookdale-Kingstl-ISY Nurseries, ],owmanville, Ontario. DYEING & (1I.Ir.ANiNG HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for intorrnation. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment 14, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 range Street. To- ronto. I3I 1;C'J'Iti(At, L3QUli'35ENT ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; b e 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd,. 2320 Dufferin St„ Toronto. put Cxile:N AL FASIIION DESIGNING. A PRAC- tical and thorough course, easy tolearn by correspondence. To- ronto School of Design, 11393 Bay St, Toronto. P025 SALE ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE rural businesses today is the PEED, MIXING AND GRINDING Business. We have several good Mills offered for sale in differ- ent sections of the province. No agent's fee charged. If you can, 'et into this rapidly growing bus- ing uses4 now. Box 73, 78 Adelaide TP., Toronto. fAI RLii'1t.ESSING, SCHOOL -� A A i }21SS1NG TICS 81 �x� I:� obsrtson method. information gtequellt regarding classes. ;ber li'a tiatrdreeaing Aced- / lit /astute Road. Toronto. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS from inside an upturned bathtub. When we'd cleared the wreckage from it, the side of the bath lifted a few inches, and a timorous voice enquired; 'Are there any ladies present?' Yes, the occupant had been trapped having a bath when. the bomb fell;' -BBC Broadcast. e Fas2er Rene of CHEST mom.e Ac i s & Fahis Tired BucratIng Feet C' SSAGE WELL MBT II FOOT BALM BAUAIEEIS.A Et )0T BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. FARMS FOR SALE 200 ACRES. LOTS 27-28, CONCES- siott 9, Haldimand twp. First- class clay loam, all under tractor cultivation, well watered, two houses, barns, Hydro, telephone, daily mail, near school, church, store. Highway 95. Apply Cephas BrIsbin, Fenella. Ontario. FOR SALE -150 ACRES IN ESSA Township, suitable for dairy and g'moral' farming. Buildings and tvnces in good condition. 10- room dwelling. Darn 36' x 96', 2 threshing floors, silo 12' x 24'; large implement shed; watered by spring creek; 10 acres hardwood bush; 14 acres fall wheat; 25 acres 'clover; 'Ile miles to school and church, "• miles to stations. Priced to sell. Apply J•'I3. Mc- Genn, 'Utopia, Ont. FARM FOR SALE -CONSISTING of 199?1 acres, with or without stook and uiaohinery. Apply to J. W. Fraser, _2faxville, Ont. $7,000-200 ACRES NEAR WING - ham, good laud, buildings, water, lights, plowing done. 12 acres wheat, 40 :teres bush. This is a berg:in. Apply 15. Xe11y, 308 Tal- bot Street, London. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE -150 ACRE farm, 23 cultivated, balance well timbered. Frame house, good barn, steel roof. At IiilworthY Station. $2,000 cash. P. Boyd, Kilworthy. 200 At'RICS, TAT NO, 12 A -B, SIXTH range, South Onslow,. Brick house, good buildings mile from school, fnnr miles from town. Apply to Clifford Robbs, Qeyon, Que. FARMS SITDUIZBAN PROPERTIES. NORTH of Toronto. Apply R. H. Kane, Richmond I-Ii11, Ontario. HAIR GOODS HAIR GOODS We manufacture the finest hair goods ever produced for men and women. Natural in appearance. Toupees for men 590,00 up. Full transformations, for ladies 565.00 up. THE W. T. ' PEMBER STORES LIMITED 120 Yonge St.. Toronto, Ontario 1'l1O'i'o1;itAPUN' SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements. Beau- tiful 25c.br1m- ed in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, en ivory mats 7x9", 69c each. If coloured 79e each. ANY SIZE ROLL 6. or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Get prompt mall service on qua]ity work at low cost. Satisfied custom- ers all over Canadaervill teles youu that Star Snapshot best work. DON'T TA1Ui RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken again. Send your rolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio - STAR SNAPSHOT ifrSERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL H'Ult QUALITY. service and satisfaction. 6 or 8 exposure films 250, reprints 8 for 26e. imperial Photo Service, Sta- tion 3, Toronto. LEAP TOBACCO FIVE POUNDS VIRGINIA AND Burley Leaf for pipe $'2.90. 1'iv8 tioounds Bright Virginia Leaf foe igarette, X4,00. Postpaid with avoring. Natural Lear Tolima..° Leamington, Ont. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS MEDICAL ARTHRITIS POSITIVELY RELIEV- ed with Breenatone Crystals. Full month's supply $1.00. Indian Remedies, Box 118, Vancouver. MATTRESSES FOR SALE NEW SPRING MATTRESS $10.95 -Delivered free to your nearest station. Yes, really brand new. Just what you have been waiting foe, Thoroughly springfilled lux- urious mattresses of better qual- ity at lowest delivered price. Satisfaction guaranteed or money, ba,•k. You'll actually save several dollars on every one. Shipment 111 about 3. week if you order immediately. All sizes. Buy from the old reliable and send remit- tance to WHOLESALE FURNI- TURE, 10 Market St., Toronto. MEDICAL IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL RE - sults after taking Dixon's Rem - Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO .EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full fnfor- matten sent free. The Ramsay, 2 3 Banks Street. Ottawa tCanada. POULTRY GRIT POULTRY GRIT: WHITE LIME - stone in 100 lb. bags. Immediate delivery in carloads or smaller quantities, write for samples and prices. STINSON REEB SUPPLX Co., Limited, 5585 Delorimier Ave., Montreal. PATENTS FETIiORSTONIAUGI3 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Xing West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- quest. PERSONAL "ELIJAH C O 111 I N G BEFORE Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. RA'IV FURS WANTED ONE SE:1N 0)1 THOUSANDS - 1T will pay you to ship to Ontario's rancher -owned Fur Co-operative to receive the highest market price. Write for shipping tags and advice forms, Ontario b'ur farm- ers' Co-operative, Limited, 60 Yorkville Street, _'Toronto. RAD BITS REAL ANGORAS "1312LD i•'Olt ..1V'oul Select breeding stuelt. Des- criptive folder lice. Regal 1Lub- bitrles, I3ox 72 St, Vitus. Man. It 15 13 L SIA'l'I C PAIN S PEOPLE .\111: TALKING t13I_'L7 *the good results from taking Dix- on's 1:G,lit•dy Eur Rheumatic fates and Neuritis at .Munro'a !,rue- Store Sea Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid 61.00. STALLIONS TWO CLYI)ESI)A1.13 SPAUU Ns six- and 111110 y(.111S ofia'. go Ir- ,atit ed foal getters, '1'. J. J1 AIi,lt:+rl, 5!.tiorth, 3(nt.,rio. ST AM t'S TR.INID_AD. ST.A511'S eliitic I \L; 51,60 value fur iUc to •,pa_. v ai eu,tomcrs. Stamps bought. c.t,l- onial. Ilex 65.1. Place d Armee, Montreal, ....,_... -.. 7' A1'1,140iOltiI STOMACH ANL) THREAD WOltMS often are the cause ut 111-tzealln in humans all ages. No one im- mune! Why nut tine out tt this iS yuur trouble? lnteresung par- tieulars-!"reel Write Alulvenuy's ReiSedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, 7ellir1 TOLD, BAGS IN't'0 CASA IiI'l .iid 'I' PRICES 1`.1I1, POI.. used jute and cotton feed and plash bags etc,. We also hue bats with holes WritMin) (Alia teiy for i'r'iets LON1)11') 1;.A(1 COM. 1'AN Y, 14)N DON, ON T. d 4 4 4 4 4 A r 4 4 4 ti 4