Zurich Herald, 1944-01-27, Page 2Dr (base's Nerve Food The Vitamin Bi Tonic contains Vitamin 81 and Essential Food Minerals Extensivelyusedfor headache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, . anaemia, chrome fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervous system, 60 pills, 60 cts. Economy size,180 pills, $1.50. SALLY'S Y'S LA YE SPONGE CAKE % cup sifted flour 2 eggs, separated 14 cup BENSON'S QR CANADA 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind CORN STARCH 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1% teaspoons baking powder 1 cup fine granulated sugar X teaspoon salt Ye cup hot water Sift together the sifted flour, corn starch, baking powder and salt, 5 times,. Beat eggyolks thick, add lemon juice and rind. Add % cup of the sugar in three additions. Add hot water in two additions, stirring constantly. Fold in sifted dry ingredients with wire whisk, then fold in stiffly beaten eggwhites, into which has been beaten the remaining 1/. cup sugar. Pour into 2 ungreased layer cake pans (8") lightly dusted with corn starch, and bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F) for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and invert on cake rack one hour before removing cake from pans. Put together with a cream filling. VARIATION: Prepare recipe in same manner as above, but bake in pan 8" X 8" X 2" (ungreased and lightly dusted with corn starch). ,Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F) for 35 minutes, and invert on rack one hour: before removing from pan. Dust top with icing sugar. TA4E TA lid wJiti(er .epees Last summer when homemakers were putting up their fruits they discovered they did not have en- ough sugar for putting up all the jams and jellies they would like, but now they have probably caught up on the sugar and can boil the juices they saved into de- licious, quivery jellies. For those of you who did not put up juices for winter jelly -mak- ing, there are plenty of fruits in season now that make delightful spreads. Out with the kettles and colanders, with jelly glasses and paraffin and here we go: Orange Marmalade 8% cups prepared fruit (about Iii pounds) 2% cups sugar 1 3 -ounce box powdered fruit pec- tin. Prepare fruit. Use peels from 6 medium-sized oranges and 2 lemons. Cut in. quarters. Lay quar- ters flat; shave off and discard half of white part. Pnt peel through ehopper twice. Add 1 cup sugar, 2% cups water, juice from 1 medium-sized lemon and % teaspoon soda. (This 1 cup sugar is in addition to measure- ment given above.) Cover. Heat to boiling. ISimnher 80 minutes, stirring occasionally. Measure sugar into dry dish and set aside until needed. Measure prepared fruit into 3 to 4 -quart kettle, filling up last cup or fraction of cup with "water if necessary. Place over bigh heat. Add powdered pectin, mix well, and continue stirring un- til mixture comes to a hard boil. Pour in sugar at once, stirring constantly. Continue stirring, heat to a full, rolling boil and boil hard 2 minutes. eRmove from heat, slam, pour quickly. Paraffin hot marmalade at once, Yield: 6 6 -ounce glasses. Honey Orange Jelly 1 cup juice 8 cups honey bottle fruit pectin. To prepare juice, squeeze and strain juice from two medium oranges. Measure juice and honey into a. large saucepan and mix well. Heat to boiling over high heat and at once add fruit pectin, stirring constantly. Then heat to a full rolling boil and boil hard Ili The new double eciapse against colds, grippe and bronchitis is to build Immunity with VitaVax—a small tasteless capsule combining COLD VACCINE piers VITAMINS if catching cold, take VitaVax to reduce severity and speed recovery. 0 you've lust had a cold, take VitaVax to overcome fatigue and increase vitality. Far scientific precautions against future colds, grippe and bronchitis, protect all the family with VitaVax Capsules. Only. $2.50 for one to two months overage requirements. Bak your druggist, or for details write to— Roberts Biological Laboratory. Toronto t t,'sys.isl±C ITCp' p. %,. / 4l 0 Q (I a w or Mosey ck '1 ori quick relief from itching of eiezema,pimples, ads, I s foot',eealcs, scabies, rashes and other externally banned akin troubles,use tnot.acting, cooling, ante*cede, liquid D. D. D. Prescription, Greaseless; etniniees.5netlits irritation and quickly oto sintendo heltinteSgettonr dreegiysttt today 0.D.D 1 t{gSGltli'9P261f. ISSUE 5-1944 minute. Remove from dent, skins, pour quickly. Paraffin hot jelly at once. Yield: 6 G -ounce glasses. Grapefruit Marmalade 1 grapefruit 1 orange 1 lemon. Slice fruit very thin, remove pulp from peel. To each pint of pulp, use an equal quantity of water and 1% times as much su- gar. Let come to a boil. Remove from fire, let stand overnight. Boil the shredded skin of the fruit in twice- the h bulk of water until tender, then let stand over- night in the water in which they were boiled. On the next day, heat the skins to the boiling point, then add pulp mixture and boil rapidly until thick enough to con- geal when tested. Pour into ster- ilized glass jars and seal. Yield: 2 to 3 pints. Toronto 11/2 Hours. From New York New York was just an hour and a half away from Toronto recently. That was the new record set up by a Trans -Canada Air Lines flight assisted by, favorable wea-.- ther conditions and strong tail winds. Carrying a full load of ten pas- sengers in addition to mail and ex- press, the, big aircraft covered the 3655 air miles from the ramp at Melton Airport, Toronto, to the ramp at La Guardia Field in ex- actly one hour and twenty-eight minutes. Actual flying time was one hour and twenty-two minutes Two hours is the scheduled time in TCA's Toronto -New York non- stop service. A passenger train takes approximately twelve hours to travel between these two cities. Smart Jumper 740 ';y ytrai auto teicr, She'll look her best in this em- broidered jumper frock (and she'll love it, too). The garland gives the jumper that expensive look, Pat - ern 740 contains a transfer pat- tern of embroidery andnecessary pattern pieces for dress and poc- . kat; err size 2, 4, 6 (one size in Pattern). State size desired.' Send twenty cents in. Coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Write plainly Pattern, Number, your Name and Address, C.W.A.C. WINS LAURELS FOR SMARTEST UNIFORM To the Canadian Women's Army Corps go the laurels for having the smartest and best -looking uniform of all the Wonr.en's Serfiices in this war. This decision was reached at a party given in Britain by the U.S. Women's Army. Corps .for .personnel of the C,W.A,C, the Vy R.N.5 , the R.C.:1.F, (W.D.) the W.A.A:F. and the A.T.S,, 'Report was made in the ,"Stars • and.. Stripes" official organ of the U.S. Armed Forces in the European Theatre of war. Popular opinion conceded to the C,W,A.0 uniform the qualities of trimness and smartness. The W.A.C. uniform was tagged as the best tailored and the W.R,N S. carried the color honors, Cpl. Wilma Williamson of Dundas, Ont., is pictured above modelling various ensembles of the C.W.A.C. uniform. From left to right, the winter greatcoat, the rose -beige summer worsted and the khaki barathea.• CHAPTER XIV The shouts and curses had died away into complete silence as the last scene of the tragedy came on the stage. This was the climax of the afternoon's entertainment. In another moment Dave Bruce would be dancing at the end of•the long rope, gurgling, and clawing help- lessly with his hands in his effort to free himself., Then suddenly Lois leaped—ard what happened next was somthirg entirely unforeseen by any man in that crowd, For, with a swift bound,; the girl was astride Black Dawn( be- hind‘ Dave, and quick as,.r't'is her arm shot up. A blade was seen to glint in the light that came from the front of the Way- side Rest. The rope, severed with two quick • strokes, dropped in a coil about Dave's shoulders. A low whistle front Lois' lips. And instantaneously Black Dawn went into action. With a mighty Ieap the great stallion broke through the crowd, knocking leen right and left. He plunged through the rearing horses, which were squealing with terror their riners frantically pulled leather i. order to retain their balance. * * * Another instant. and the horse, bearing his double burden, was galloping along the street, gath- ering his mighty muscles into an amazing composite of speed and momentum. The horse was through the crowd before any pian there had recovered his presence of mihd. Curran was the first to do so. "Stop then!" he howled, "Shot the hawss! Shoot quick!" He loosed his six-gun, anda rattling volley followed close upon the discharge. But by tris time Black Dawn and his two riders were halfway the len4th of the short street. The punch re on thei- rearing horses were str gling madly to get then-_ un e. control. There came a wild d h' in pursuit. They might as well have elm*, the wind, Black Dawn was alrea y past the last light of the town a d outside revolver range. Lois, se t- ed, upon his haunt:hes behi d Dave. guided the stallion with It r knees. * * * Dave was awakening from a daze. The events of the last thin seconds had been so tnolistroas' different from what he had e petted. Now he understood, le'' turned round, shifted a little i ward the horse's withers, exten<>I- ed his arm to hold Lois in hal place. "Leave me alone! Leave al alone!" she whispered fiercely. But Dave still held her, and til black stallion rushed on throat): the night across the range, and tit ward the uplands, while the yelg of their pursuers died away bell!" them. On and on through the trie. black as pitch, the groat stalliei sped like the wind over the rang; Minutes went by, and Blac Dawn's pace did not slacken. Bi suddenly Dstve was aware that Lot was slumping toward him. B, grasped her more firstly. "Leave me ---alone 1" she alit- tered, Something wet was drippit'gli upon Dave's fingers. He extend0 thein, and found a wet patch updt. GR the girl's overalls, near the shoul- der. "Lois—you're hit!" he cried. "Leave ane alone, I tell you. It's nothing. Int taking—you—" * * But her voice failed her. And it was with the utmost difficulty that Dave, seated in front of her, could contrive to keep his seat and also hold her on the back of the horse, who showed no signs of slackening his speed. Without reins, or even halter, Dave was powerless to control hint, while to attempt to bandage Lois' wound was out of the question. In -the -•- diem otealight Dave tried to locate his surroundings. It seemed to him that the horse was taking thein straight toward Hooker's cabin. It was not until then that he realized that the severed hang- man's noose was still about his neck. Dave uncoiled it with one hand and was about to throw it away. Then he realized that its discovery would give the clue to their flight. He fastened it instead about his saddle -horn, where his lariat was coiled. The horse was straining upward toward the higher mesas. The scrub brushed his flanks, now and again he kicked away a shower of stones At last the upper mesa was reachd, and before Dave real- ized it Black Dawn had coupe to a standstill in front of the cabin looming darkly up out of the scrub, Dave slipped from the saddle and caught Lois in his arms. He carried her inside the cabin and laid her on her bunk. He heard a horse nicker somewhere, and Black Dawn's trumpeting answer. Then sounded the thud of hoofs, and the stallion was gone. * * * Dave found the lamp and lit it. He was surprised how his fingers were shaking. He looked at Lois and saw that the blood was stili caning from the wound in her shoulder. He ulled down the stained overalls and the soaked garment beneath, exposing t h e white flesh of the upper arm. He dab- bed at it with the corner of the garment, and, to his relief, saw that the wound. was a slight one. A bullet had struck just below the collarbone and seared its way across the flesh of the shoulder, bt t it h d 'i:' severe., a small artery in its course. The bleeding, however, had almost ceased. Bk E? Look out for Trouble With Your IMAM If your back aches or if you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes, When the kidneys slow up, wastes collect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Wont kidneys need help --and there is a time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops, Von will find their action fast and effective. .Se sure yotl get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops --packed in Canada. Get a Ode package from your druggist. I Dave lit the kerosene stove and set water on to boil. He went back to the side of the bunk and pressed his fingers upon the flesh • about the artery. Suddenly he was aware that Lois' eyes were open, and that she was looking at him. "You're all right, Miss Lois," he said. "Just nicked you. You don't mind my takin' care of yore wound? I wish there was some disinfectant. You ain't got none?" ,k * * Lois shook her head. Her eyes were pools of unfathomable gray, searching Dave's, searching for the answer to her unspoken question, Dave answered it. "You saved thy life when it wasn't worth biddili' a cent in a thousand dollars on," he said huskily. No, I didn't kill Mr. Hooker. Some skunk shot him through the window, while we was 4alkin'. I can't say more than that. You dan'believe me or not just as you please. No, you got to believe pie, Lois" "I guess I do," Lois answered. "I'd never have saved you—me' and Black Dawn—if I hadn't be- lieved you. He didn't often make mistakes in judging men, Mr. Hooker didn't. It was only because you broke Black Dawn, I reckon. I couldn't stand for that . not knowing who you were." Her voice trailed away weakly. "How long have we been here?"` she asked. "Not more than fifteen min- utes. I'm heatin' some water to clean your wound. I—I had to—" "That was kind of you," she answered, with the simplicity of a child. There was not the least embarrassment in her face or voice, and she let Dave sponge the wound with a piece of clean cot- ton material in a small tin trunk that she showed hint under the bunk. He bandaged it with strips, passing then around the neck to hold them , "How you feelin'?"' Dave asked anxiously. "I'm better now." . "Think yuh could eat some- thing? Or maybe a cup of coffee —I could make that quick for your?" There was a faint smile on her face. "You're not thinking about yourself, are you?" she a„ked. "Suppose that crowd comes here en the chance of finding you?” (Continued Next Week) * -Ialf EN ' k Eft - plc? from that MIf DLO BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA HMA Ii wee.. BuoKLEEY'S MIXTURE It's Alii Medication No Syrup rup " 12 Branburgers from a pou.nd of beef 1169-Bran"Branbuta gersr, 1 egg 1 tablespoon 2 teaspoons salt chopped parsley 1�2 tcatsup abletlpeg x'1 cup sP ons1Celloge's minced onion All -Bran 1 cup milk 1 pound ground beef Beat egg slightly, add salt, pepper, onion, milk, parsley, catsup and ALL-' nay. Let soak until most of moisture is taken up. Add beef and mix thor- oughly. Shaped into 12 patties. Bake in hot oven (450°P.) about 30 minutes, • or broil about 20 minutes. Yield: 8 servings (12 21/1 inch patties). P.S. The ALL -BRAN in them helps prevent constipation due to lack of "bulk" in your diet. Try them today! ALL -BRAN is made by Hellogg's ill; London, Canada. 'ream* ALL "• CWAC Uniform Best In Services -Chalk -up another score for the Canadian girls in khaki. Of all the women's services in this w:4r, the Canadian Women's Army Corps has the best looking uni- form, according to Stars and Stripes, official organ of the United States Armed Forces in the European theatre of war. This decision (vas arrived by vote at a party given by the U.S. Women's Army Corps in London, England, British Wrens carried off the color honors. Gelling Up Niels F es anvreel Old RefineMehl Tire Do you feel older than you are or suffer from Getting tip Nights, Backache, Nervous- ness, Leg Pains, Rheumatic Pains, Burning, scanty or frequent passages? If so, remem- ber that and Kidneys are vital to your health an that these symptoms moY be due 'to Kidney and Bladder troubles in such. cases Oystex usually gives prompt andjoy- ous relief by helping the Kidneys clean out poisonous excess acids and wastes, You have everything to gain and nothing to lose in trying Cystex. The iron clad looney -back agreement assures a refund of your money on return of empty package unless fully a •, satiated. Don't de- lay. Get O3'stex q' e (Siss-tex) from your H.Ip: Nun tldu„ druggist today. stn Suffering Curbed 7 Years Seven years sago J. Richards, 501 Bast 23rd St., Hamilton. Ont., was 'asthmatic, lost weight, suffered coughing, choking, wheezing every night —couldn't sleep. Aznio 'Pabe curbed his spasms .promptly and he now reports normal weight and good health although 70 years old. To prove v uttswe,will send do $100 package of Anne—Tabs free. No cost. no obligation. Just tell others if it stops your asthma attacks. 15711(8 Itnox t,ompttny, 60.70 Knox Bldg., Bort Erie North, Ont., for free Amro -'tabs+, Skin !tch Slowed in 1 Minutes Your skin has nearly 50 million tiny seams and pores where germs hide and cause Itch- ing, Cracking, Eczema -like Rash, Peeling, Burning Skit Blotches, Pimples, Ringworm, Poet tmentaNixoderm stops other skin the ng in The minutes and goes right to work curbing the .r germs and should quickly help make your skin clearer, softer, smoother and more at- tractive'—in fact Nixoderm must satisfy you completely or you get your money back on: return of empty package. Get Nlxodermtn,, from your druggist today—see how fast 111 works and how much better you look, The money back trial offer protects you. Do your worries often keep you awake at night? And does this rest- lessness make you feel "all in" the next day? Noise, anxiety, overdoing things of working under pressure can affect the nerves , . may shake you sleepless, cranky, restless . . cause nervous , headache or nervous fears.. Dr. Miles Nervine helps relieve !nervous tension because it is a mild sedative. Take it according to directions to help calm your nerves and to improve your sleep. Effer- vescing Nervi, le Tablets are 35c and 75c. Nervine Liquid is 25c and $1,00.