HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-01-20, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO iiiulimiiuuulmi!urmlulUliliuliiiijlliiliill lilpuliiuiii�iitu}NuiuitiiiuuuiuimlluiiiuCiiiuiiuluilliiuu�uuuuumuluullull c., l� 11 ',ulnen ZURLWI'S Grocery. Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRES GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLE CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST ZURICH .HERALD' Thugs tie,*., 14te 7 20th, 1944 4' • Menne, Desch. PRDUCE WANTED. 4' • • With the changing of the Seasons, we will need 3 better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer • about them before you buy. We carry the famous • •Brie of" Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has • stood the test for years. sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. m111 III 1111 Zurich Phone 165 -MEM I vuril NQ.IIl1l in I (11111 Mmes! in 1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111IIIll.111111IiIIIi 111,111i11111111ti1 ie menemetemeinietirauctems To the Men who Till the Soil 4. Expert•. Repa ii:i ag We use the KING AN ALYSER to- properly Tune Up your Motais. CLEAR. GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c, Gallon Batteries, Accessorie&;, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms, Zurich's Finest and Yost Up-to=da1 Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Carrfoxr the Colder Weather and. Heavier Roads HOWARD KLOPP,, LESSEE •C..b'ritz & Son Used Car •Lotzin Connection WINO UV MAL thiZitia kiss Emmie i.3assow is visiting. a few days with her sister, Mrs. Theo. ietcliflams oil the Bronson line. .� Mr. Norman Gascho, has.. returned. to Byron atter spending some time .} wits ms family at his home here. 4 Mrs. Caroline Price of Waterioo•is spending a few weeks with. her c au-- gnter, avers. r'. Kochems of town. Mrs. Theo. McAdams. and. Mrs.. Harry McAdams visited .with Mrs. lda Redfern at Exeter on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Witmer are at present spending some time at. the home of their daughter at. Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. David. Ducharme have left for Detroit where they in- tend to stay for several weeks.. Mr -s. Frank Kochems of town. was a holiday visitor with frieruls. at •; Baden and Waterloo,, returning, home on Monday., Cpl. Charles 'Hay -has travelled. a 4 long way from Debert,. N...S.., to spend a few days in: Zurich with, bis parents, Mr. and Mr's.: Wm.. Hay, Miss Russell who: is en the teaching ?' staff at Crediton, w=as::a.. we_ele-enri; vis- itor at the home of her friends;, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin. Mr. and Mrs:. Harry McAdams spent Tuesday evening at Maukton with her parents„ ¥r•.. ami. Mrs. Fled Dettmer. f 4 4 4 + At moderate prices, con - E. 11. EDIGHOFFER 11,+++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ ++ .0.)-1.-.+++ V.e.: +++++4.4-1.+0,-++++4-s.* i P" TT T1 try 1 a • U"'11 iJi bL1 .L. L)11111 1vu WE ARE JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5 x CEDAR ISHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE HINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- I'ED. • • • + • + 4. PHONE 69 7E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEED 7NG STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! te, X11 AS YLEISC a ZURICH ite .4.444+4.4.44.+4-.1.4-,4•4 4.4.4.+4 +++ 4-+.:r4...+4.4.w.i..p .*. +Y+.Z'++^l.++++++ et1109 •t1/ iaS••8 1•lA • a HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE occ a 1 1 1 You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Po.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. , Invest part'of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty labor- saving stable equipment. Pays lietime dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. SEEDS! Lower Priced. Stalls Automatic Watering SEEDS! • We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH ONT. QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE itiaaiiimsoimieeolimalaaaraaaissaIMMINHIONsoadaseigassiersaaas $ Mr. Ross Johnston, whose horne is in Blake, and' who spent some weeks with his daughter, IVI;t:s..;&i:>«)tde weld() at London, is spending a few' dao with his son Harold of town, Real nice winter weather is prevail ing at present, during the past week we de not remember of seeing' even any snow fall and the winds are very mild, which usually blow so severely at this time of year. The mercury shays below the freezing point. Those from a distance attending the •funeral of the late T. L. Will- iams op 'Wednesday last are: Mn Melvin Whiteside, Toronto; Mr. Har- old Whiteside, London; 'Mrs. Alex. Ehnes, Bright; Mrs. Marion Schaff, London; Miss Marion Dougall, R.N., London; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ehnes of. Detroit, Mich. The Zurich P.ablic School concert which was held in the town hall, on Friday evening was a great success. The teachers, Mr. Dinnin, Miss Olive O'Brien and Mrs. Bill Siebert assis- ted by Mr. Roy Goulding of Exeter; who is the music instructor, are to be congratulated for the fine arrang- ed program. The pupils all took their parts very good and with great inter- est. The hall being filled with par.- tints and friends to the door, and if you did not attend you missed t real treat, Many people are finding the scar- city of water acute at present. Some farmers have to either haul water at a considerable distance or take their stock to where there is water. In the country where at this time of year, ditches and streams are running quite lively, these at present are in many cases dried up. The cisterns of many homes are also about em,pty., We had very little rains last fall and even in the midst of winter, a good soaker of a rain would be welcome. HURON'S NEW WARDEN Reeve Fred Watson of Stanley Township was on Tuesday afternoon at Goderich unanimously chosen war- den of Huron County for 1944 over Reeves R. E. iShaddick, of Hensall, and Thos. Wilson of Grey. The cho- ice was made in Conservative caucus and re.quired two ballots consuming • :i hour, Warden Watson has spent 1.3 years in municipal life, seven of +.'relit as reeve. He ie. ,aQ ye.,,•s, of age He married Mary McDougall, of Hayfield. They have three children, TAC .Stuart Watson, John and Miss ^thee at home. JTr ,,: ; T. nits l church man and farms 200 acre, speciallz- in y` in beans. In his openino' address. Warden Watson welcomed the six new 'members of the r+prim' i he also snoics of Huron's fine war record and in r'� -r+ast t'f 1.b( proposed health' sel-ene which this sc e: irn will deal s 1' RKE' - (04e'reeted eveey Wednesdavie Eggs 40, 38;,.3''.;, 317 !Butter per lb. Cliihile u, dressed - Ducks, dresed ;Geese, elre,sed Turkeys, dreseed Wheat:,; bushel Oats,. bushel ''Btraley, bush. B.u-cltwheat, bush 75, 1152 .50c 73 70 Flour, cwt. 2':60;, 2-75 Shorts and bran, ton 30.60 32.00 'Mlitldllings, ton Mr. Joel Gascho is at Clinton Hos- pital where he had an operation. per- formed and is getting along • as,; well as can be expected. Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Dettn'tec- and daughter Bertha and song I1:oui„ of Monkton,. visited recently with Iiir and :sirs. Harry McAdams:. A very delicious banquet• was ten- dered at the Dominion Pltruse one ev- ening last week when some of the Provincial Police and their - wives en- joyed a very tasty fowl dinner. De- tective Fox and wife of Goderich were present along withi Wien from the surrounding towns and villages in Huron County. FARM 'FORUM k On Monday evening, Jan. 17 the I Unique Farm Forum,. et• at the home (of Mr. and Mrs. Thos; Meyers with 24 present. After listening. to the ra- dio broadcast on the topic "Credit Unions" there were group discuss- ions and after much ofiebating a vote was necessary to come to an agree- ment that -a Cre4t. Inion would be an advantage in our community.The rest of the evening' was spent in musical recreation after which the li hostess served a delicious lunch. The.i: next meeting is to be held on Jany. 31, at the St; leek hone with Ralph Krueger as speaker. • Womens' Institute • Mrs. Claude Blowes was hos?less at her home Wednesday evening, Janu- ary 12th for the January meeting of the Hen3•all Sr. Womens' institute. Mrs. R, A. Orr was co-hoetess. Forty inembez's and guests were present, and the chair was taken by the presi- dent, Miss Gladys Luker. The theme of the meeting a a +a" Education. The meetingopened with the singing of the Ode "0 Canada", and the Lord's prayer, the roll call was answered with "A Notable Event of last year" the motto; :"Don't walk in last year's rut" way ably taken by Mrs. Eric Kennedy, a demonstration, "On Art and Craft Exhibits" by the pupils of the Hensall Public and Continuation school, in charge of Mr. Claude Blo- wes and Miss Audrey Dinnin, prizes were given. A letter of thanks was read from the War Memorial Hosp- ital, London, expressing thanks for the carton of Christmas toys Sent to them by this Institute, St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme of the. Blue Water south in company with Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman of the Goshen line south, motored to Lon- don on Sunday last where they vis- ited with Ste. Dein, at Brescia Hall. Mrs. N. A. Cantin, of St. Joseph also Mrs. N. M. Cantin of thr same place left on Sunday last in company with Mrs. Omar Burke where they will spend some time visiting in De- troit. Mr. Rorie Jeffrey of Beavertown who was stricken with a slight stroke is still confined to his bed. Right now in this neighborlt.rad, the farmers' time is taken up with n very unpleasant task. and that is supplying water to their live stock. The whole thing is becoming very serious, as most of the farm wells have gone dry. Others report that their natural springs, which fin form- er years had an ,,over flowing capac- ity, have now almost become badly impared, and .at present in this com- munity it would not be, considered a a great surprise, if the roc!; wells went blink also. Far this turned "in- ide+cut" world such as you and I with, live in, anything can happen. 1 • +ft The Season.. demands to PAINT - UP ill, order to Preserve;! the, Surface on your Buildingu It is poor economy to try to save on Paint:, ` 'e have a good .stock. of ales called for.. Paints, VShes, and Paint.Si ipplies;,a., ...See these lines. • New Felt Mattresses We were., fortunate iia securing a good supply of New Smelt: Mattresses which we are offering. rte-- $ , public from. $5.00. $1.5.00 each, and -cam assure '11 they are. big; value for. the money. Be ;swat andt see the ! e - :i FURNITURE See Duro Studio,, . Couches and Dinnei�ata. Suit A �iill;Liine: of ail the Home Requirements, 4lic I. &.011 Kalbfleisch Hardware Furniture. Phone 68 4 ++++++++.t.++++++++++++46444+4,+++++++44+0++4,4011+#44+44 +++++++++4-4+++++++++++++''++++++++ + : ++4...tea* 4 + TRY CKEL'S- 4. `4 I � lei 5f#!ik" + + .l• +Y• All Ingredieata, Usesi are of the Ifighest Quality + ALL CONFECTIONS 7 IrZ CREAM GOur• Store. will: be, aii'osed each Weathesdaiy, Evening 4. Eek J `s. Bakery — Zurich + + i a1►d+.++++'i.o4_÷.++4,�T.s4,++++ :'+++.4 ++3++sz4,1.:•k++3++-k-b+++++++++y-{ also CHO .E VARIETY OF CAKE, , PIES.,„ AND SWEET GOODS. - Telephone 100 ZURICH; HERALD i SUED v::VPB:Y-VEDITAY AFT N',OO;iti. /MGTHE E•stabl'lobed t!,Q$ (Men4~ie -- of Canadian WeeklY paper . ssociatWt.) Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION :RATES—T1.50 a year, strietly in advance. $2.04 may be charged.. No paper- discontinued until all arrears are pain up unless at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription • is paid is donated on the Label, News - ADVERTISING RATES of tract advertising made knowit o•T:l' application, 1n Memoriam, one verse 50c. 25o'. for each, additional verse. Card a" Thanks 50e, Auction Sales—$2.00 for one in., sertion if not over four•inclie.? fit letagth, Miscellaneous articles of not- mare than four lines. For Sale, To Rent;; Wanted, Lost, Found, Eta., one in* sertion 25c; 2 ins. 40c; a kms. 50e. Address all Commuirttaations to HERALD OFFICE, ZURICH. CREAM SEPARATOR KELP .THE CQUNTRY'S.. NEED FOR"'. EXTRgr BUTTERFAT: Your Government MS asked for nn crease, of 39,000.0011 pounds hi butter production in 19431 Every farmer can contribute to that increased butter pro- duction which is needed c acd to feed our troops in the front line, by using a Renfrew Cream Separator which will produce the last ounce of butterfat— a machine into which years of experience have built enegnalleal stamina and dependability. It will do its part faithfully in increasing wartime pro•'uction-, and, nt the same time, swell your profits. If you, arc in the market. for a ;Renfrew please be patient. Shortage, of raw materials still curtails production.. Ii,cep in touch with the nearest Llenfrow representative. RANGES TRUCK SCALES WASHING !MACHINES KEEP YOUR RENFREW IN REPAIR CREAM SEPARATORS Made to All Pc.onftlar Sizes. /land or Electrically Operated itij ;i E'I l p'EVV:ac ,:a. RENFREW oVrr SUSSEX leigt HUGH THIEL AGENT ZURICH, ONT.