HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-01-20, Page 7"I said goodbye
to Constipation ! "
"I've given up pills and harsh cathartics.
I found any constie
pation was due to
lack of "bulk" in
my diet—and
1 discovered that
BRAN is a perfectly
grand way to get at
the cause, and,
help Correct it!"
If this is "dos -
trouble, stop `dos -
!ng" with harsh pur-
gatives—with their acro of lasting
relief ! Try eating a serving ofALL-MAN
daily, with milk, or sprinkled over other
tercels. Or, eat several ALL -BRAN muf-
fins daily! Drink plenty of water.
.grocer's today—in either of 2 conveni-
onvenient sizes. Made by Kellogg's in Lone
don, Canada.
Those Old Fur
Coats Will Make
Seamen's Vests
3,000 Fur Vests Are Urgently
Needed For Protection
Of Canadian Seamen
The, Ontario Division of the
Seamen's Fur Vests War Projects
is again appealing to the public
for gifts of furs or old fur coats,
says the Toronto Daily Star,
These will bee turned into warm
vests to protect seamen from the
biting cold ofethe North Atlan-
There is urgent need of many
of these warm garments. With
the public co-operation, this or-
ganization hopes it will this year
supply at least 3,000 more fur
vests to Canadian seamen.. "
Tlie immediate and urgent
need is contributions of old fur
teats, It does not matter in what
•condition they are, the skill of
the fur workers can turn them
into warns fur, vests for the sea-
men. , ,
Letter of Thanks •
A. letter, which arrived 'a fort-
night ago,, signed by Lieut. Gor-
don D. Campbell, commanding of-
ficer, H.M,C.S. Truro, stated:
"Not so long ago 25 fur -lined
jackets carne aboard this ship.
Their arrival was watched with
interest by members of the crew,'
most of whom had been out on
the North Atlantic before, and
knew just how eold it can get
there, and what protection your
rackets afford. In due course they
were distributed and once again
the eager eyes were evident.
"If you could come aboard
some night when we are at sea
and watch how your jackets are
passed about by members of the
•crew coming off and going • on
watch, this• letter of thanks would
not be necessary, Each member
of the crew stands eight hours
on watch duty per day, but your
jackets are on 24 hours duty."
* * * <
It is hoped that as many Cana-
dians as find it possible will
quickly make their contributions
of old or new furs, and in this
way participate in an important
war service,
Ring -Around -The -Rosy
R. A. F. and Dominion Typhoons
and several German aircraft staged
a spectacular show for Partisans
by playing ring -around -the -rosy
with the Eiffel Tower as a pivot.
One Gerinan was shot down by
Flt. Lt. Charles W. Scanib.ler, of
Ckair, Sasicit'
Nicholas Mushanov, above, Bul-
garian opposition leader and , fore
:mer premier, was reported frons
Sweden to have led, e pro -Allied
eoup d'etat aimed at overwhelm -
big the Premier Dobri liojilov
cabinet, making peace with the
U.S, and Britain and setting up
a "liadogllo government." Bul-
garia still maintains relations
with Russia.
That New Order Covering Small
Arms Ammunition contains
Good News For Farmers
The Wartime Prices a71d TVrade
Board announced this meek .that
some types of small aryls ainanun-
it'ion will be free of rationing and
will be available in some stores
where there may be stocks on
hand. The list of ammunition
so affected is stated by the board
to be types which longer are
being produced; but no doubt
plenty of guns hanging on farm-
house walls are no's the latest
thing in production either,
The regulations governing dis-
tribution of ammunition still ra-
tioned have, however, been some-
what changed. The new order
plugs any leaks that may have
developed in distribution pro-
* *
Under the old order those es-
sential users who were eligible
for supplies were divided into two
groups, (1) a prospector; a person
who relies on hunting of wild
game and birds for food; and a
person who requires ammunition
as a means of protecting live-
stock and other animals, poultry
and ether birds, and crops from
predatory animals, rodents and
birds, (2) a person duly author-
ized to purchase small arms am-
munition for the Royal Canadian
Police or any provincial, mun-
icipal oi railway police force, or
any penal institution; a person
duly authorized to purchase small
arms ammunition for an industrial
plant, bank, railway, public
utility company or other com-
mercial establishment for the pur-
pose of supplying ammunition to
guards engaged in the protection
4f property, a trapper licensed
as such by a department of the
government of Canada or of a
provincial government; a rifle,
revolver club, provided it has ob-
tained the written permission of
the Director of Small Arens Ani -
* * *
The first group was required to
make application to their nearest
rationing office before purchase
coud be made. The second after
filling out the required essentiality
certificate was permitted to pur-
chase direct from the stores. In
future, no distinction will be shown
and all must make their application
through the board on a new form
issued for the purlose.
It is expected that during 1944
there will be a three -fold increase
in production of small arms am-
munition and there is a ray of hope
. that sportsmen may get a limited
supply. The bulk of production
will still be directed North where
Eskimos, Indians, etc., rely upon it
for their living.
Sandpaper Is Good
• Remover Of Shine
Sandpapering and sponging are
two of the treatments for shine
on wool clothes found succesful
by clothing specialists. A smooth,
shiny place on the seat of trousers
or the back of sleeves of a coat
can make the entire garment look
THE W4R .W.EEK — Commentary on Current events
Allies' New Jet.iven Plane
May Play Major Role In War
Disclosing their ino'9t. powerful.
new "secret weapon,"' Great Bri-
tain and The United States last
week disclosed that they now
have in production a revolution-
ary type of propellerless fighter
plane, driven by jet propulsion
engines and capable of terrific
speed at great heights.
Originally designed more than
10 years ago in Britain and built
Orphaned by the bombing of
Avaline, Italy, 10 -year-old Tony
Mao was adopted as mascot of
U.S, troops on the Italian front,
and is strictly General Issue in
conversation, garb and equip-
ment, which includes the carbine
slung over his shoulder.
woru, shabby and ready for dis-
card, but cleaning and then gently
roughing up the nap is often all
that is necessary to extinguish
that shine and give the garment a
new lease on life,
Soil combined with wearing and
matting of the wool fibre produces
the shine, Sponging with cleaning
fluid will remove much of the soil;
. sponging with water containing a
few drops of ammonia or vinegar .
may help brighten the color. The
nap may then be lifted by brisk
brushing or even by the fine sand-
In making over an old navy
blue coat that had been discarded
because of worn looking patches
through the yarn, the clothing
specialists first washed the
material, then brushed it lightiy
with dark blue dye. When dry
they applied fine sandpaper to lift
the nap. This put the cloth in such
good shape that when made over,
the coat looked new and the worn
spots were not noticeable.
Norwegian women who enlist in their country's equivalent of
the Wrens want to fight Nazis and no fooling. Pictured above are
several Iearning to handle machine and anti-aircraft guns during
training manoeuvres aboard British destroyer.
secretly in the UnitsdStates by
the General Electric . Company,
this new rocket -type aircraft may
ix; soon joining in aerial warfare.
In a dispatch from London the
Daily Mail said the planes prob-
ably had, a top speed of between
500 and 600 miles an hour.
Several hundred successful
flights have been carried out by
American pilots in the United
States and by British pilots with
similar British aircraft in Eng-
land, all without a single mishap,
the statement said,
Researeh work on the jet -pro-
pulsion engines was begun in
1938 in Great Britain by Group
Capt, Frank Whittle of the A.A.F.
and his preliminary engine ran
successfully in April, 1937.
Better Use of Gun Eepected
The statement diseiosed that
the British Air Ministry. placed
its first order for a plane using
jet -propulsion engines with the
Gloucester Aircraft Company,
Ltd. in 1939,
"The first successful flight of
this aircraft was in May, 1941,1'
said the statement.
In addition to tremendous
speed at high altitude, where the
standard -type plane's propeller
must whirl faster to maintain
speed, in the thin air, the jet -pro-
pulsion engines are expected to
eliminate the need for synchron-
ization of guns and propellers.
This will permit better use of the
The Jet Principle
The new United Nations jet-
piopelled fighter was not reached
at a single bound, writes W.K. in
the New York 'Tunes. Exhaust
gases have been used by the
British, Germano, Italians and
Anierican to kick a heavily loaded
airplane forward and thus help
the engine get it off the ground.
Even before this, it has been
found by the Frenchman, Rene
Lorin, that when air is admitted
into a radiator duct at high
speed, slowed down (with a con-
sequent increase in pressure),
heated, and then expanded
through a nozzle'
it can exert a
owerful forward thrust. The
principle is more easily applied
to liquid -cooled then to air-cool-
ed engines. All thi.4.,•amounts to
letting .the radiator"Help the en-
gine push the plane.
In Thin Air
Jet propulsion is necessary if
`W6' are to exceed the possibilities
of propellers. A propeller literal-
ly screws its way through the
air. The blades cause a partial
vacuum. The greater the den-
sity of the air, the greater is the
efficiency of the propeller. Am
we rise, the air becomes thinner.
Finally a point is reached at
which no propeller will "bite."
The ceiling has been reached.
With the jet propulsion exactly
the opposite holds good. The
less air there is the more effici-
ent is the motor. If the ejected
gas has an expansion efficiency
of 4,000 feet a second at rest,
the same force exerted in motion
would increase the speed up to a
point where the maximum effici-
ency is reached at something like
10,000 miles an hour. Jet•propul-
sion gets better and better as
speed and height increase,
As a mater of fact, with a fuel
composed of liquid oxygen and
gasoline, jet • velocities of 12,000
feet a second have been obtain-
ed, The problem is how to handle
the heat and how to control the
plane in flight.
Dubbed "The Squirt"
Whether or not jet -driven
planes will play a major role in
this war remains to b seen. Some
observers claim they have watch-
ed this plane, streaking about the
skies over Britain flash ahead
of the famous Spitfire fighter.
But although it is said that
the jet plane soon will be in full
production, it is recognized it may
be some time before it could be -
conte a decisive war weapon.
When one of the new British
American jet-propelled planes first
flew over the outer Loudon area
in an experimental flight, many
persons rushed for shelter, think-
Invaluable for
ildren love Veno's
ing that a heavy bomb was
screaming dowel.
The mystery plane's arrival
was heraldedb y a distant screech
which grew in volume until it
sounded like a giant whistling
kettle. Then the rumble of its
powerful engines was heard as
the plane shot overhead..
The people soon came to know
it, however, as the flights be.
came more frequent, and they
finally dubbed it "The Squirt."
Underground Ready
For Allied Invasion
Only the initiated know how
well the French underground has
prepared for Allied invasion, says
Newsweek. It would be dangerous
to reveal details, but it can be
said that an overall, piaster plan
of action has been drawn up.
Apparently, the underground ex•
peets the Allies to come from the
south, since men have been desig-
nated to take over every important
government post in the Mediter-
ranean area, Preparations are not
so well advaced elsewhere. Armed
groups are ready to handle all
Vichy resistance though not, of
course, strong concentrations of
German troops. The ;'underground
has promised to await a landing
before striking and to obey Allied
radio orders. However, it Is warn-
ed that should the orders be held
up for any reason after military
operations begin in France, the
people will strike anyway.
Raindrops are larger in aum-
mer than in winter.
Molasses Is Now
Packed In Blocks
A process for dehydrating mo-
lasses and packing it in dry form
has been developed by the U.S.
Board of Economic Warfare. Fin-
ished solid blocks of molasses
can be stored for indefinite periods
In ordinary warehouses and sheds,
and eau be shipped..- handled
and stored as general dry cargo.
Barred hocks, Large Type, White
Leghorns, Barred Rock X White
Leghorns, Fred X Rucks, Sussex X
New Eainpshires. Write for pricy
list w A. H. Switzer Hatchery,
Granton, On t.
for sale on Monday, January 24th.
An exceptionally- fine lot. All
bred to Oxford Rams, at bargain
prices. Dunn & Levack Ltd., Un-
ion Stock Yards, Tc,ronto.
160 ACRES -100 %'Xl.%L'Xt CULTr-
vation, large house, barns elec..
tris light, on milk route, 11 /�nrtlleis
from Port Arthur on plain high:
way, one quarter mile from
school. Includes equipment, stock
and poultry. Substantias monthly,
income assured. $2500. will ti[�
ance—balance on terns. Mrs. M.
Kunnas. Murillo, Ontario.
used jute and cotton feed anis
mash bags, etc. We also buy bags
With holes. Write immediately,
for prices. LONDON BAG COX.
By Galbraith
"I'ni going to ask the boss for a rise tomorrow. Do you
think 1 should wear my transparent blouse or that effi-
cient looking linen?"