Zurich Herald, 1944-01-20, Page 3Pimples and Blackheads Relieved by this Medic ncol Ointment Whether in bathing suit or eveningdressyou become very rfruch enibare Sassed by sly affections and irritaions on he shoulders and back as well as on the face. Tirhy not do something about, it—something Worth while. Dr. Chase's OINTMENT MENT is a" t=dreinal product on which you can rely for well as itching troubles ccz ens of this gators as w c Mothers who are accustomed to use Dr. Chase's OINTMENT for baby's skin troubles and eczema duel it so delightfully healing and seething that they won acquire the habit of using it for their own skin, affections. 60 ets, a box,R0onomy Jar, five tulles as' much $2.00 Dr. Chase's O1ltment ow an ?? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent chapping ele hands when they have been in water? A. The skin Will pucker if the Tlitlnde are in hater for any length of time. But if rubbed witli either 'vinegar or lemon juice, It. ; will Make them, soft and white, and prevent chapping. Q. How can I make waffles or piddle cakes so that they will all ie thesame size? A. Mix the batter In a large pitcher. They will be uniform in ridge and evenly baked by pouring J Defeated the batter instead of using a spoon HELL -DIVING sweater that aids a large hole in ft? A. Try basting a. pieee of mater- ial on the wrong side and darning through the patch. It will make the darn stronger and will keep the shape of the garment. Q. Hots can I clean a very greasy sink? A. Dust wen with scouring pow- der and then sprinkle with am- monia; The ammonia will kill the disagreeable odor and a rag and hot water will wipe out all grease, 411' dipper•. Q, How can Y make a cement for glass? A. Cement for attaching objects to glass can., be, • made by melting together one , of resin and two parts of y Q. How can I mend a woolen RUINED CHURCH A southern Negro struggled desperately with his draft ques- tionnaire.. After much sweating and worrying he gave up in de- spair, returned the paper with a notation: a'I'se ready when you is.'1 IN WAR'S WAKE egiia Cultural casualty of the fighting in Italy is the 1100 -year-old St. Thomas Cathedral, shown here with its roof destroyed and its dome a shattered shell. The famous church is reported to have been blown gip by German units retreating during the bitter fighting with the Canadians in Ortona, BARK MUST BE WORSE THAN BITE A :fearsome pattern of smoke and flanie belches from this large +"german railroad gun as it booms at the oncoming Russians, With conscious humor, the German ea tion oft this picture, received Woufeh a neutral source)located cannon teeter 41 the Russian „ slid e eztnnon in "an endangered 1.iie thousand miles front," whiei would place it almost .anywhere ilea between the 'Gulf a 'inland and the flack Bea. H re's an idea o.i what Japs at Rabaul saw when 23 "Helldivers" :...reamed through some 80. Zeros and heavy flak barrage to leave Rabaul harbour an inferno of smashed ships. In photo above, landing barges circle as dive bomber roars down on "enemy shore." I Employees Of Tea Company Honored Newspaper advertising has been almost the exclusive medium for advertising products of the Salada Tea Company throughout Canada and 'United States for 50 years, it was announced by company of- ficials in celebrating the 555th an- niversary of the founding of the company by the late Hon. P. C. Larkin. More than 150 employees of Salada Tea attended a celebration at the Royal York, given by G. R. Arleen Larkin,. in a T i c do ...ann..,. employees' co-operation in meeting wartime problems. Thirty-four employees who hare been with the company for 25 years or more, were honored by presentation of suitably inscribed watches by Miss Larkin. The highest wind velocity ever recorded in the United States was one gust ,of 231 miles an hour in 1984 atop Mount Wash- ington, New Hampshire. Poultices of Ailecc, relieve pain, bring out cores, heats quickly, no scar. 25c, 35c, 50c, $1,00. Sufferers of bleeding and protr'rding know Bunkers Herbaltles Pillsshould treat the cause at its source. Money back If the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist, SIOPPSD f3tliCOS0.ir eulclefAlblUetuttAillugolsczama,rasps. sAdattor estomelll uusn4'eletrateles %39e Sof4lo, ai drusoleie proves 1! nr mouse bud/ Relieves distress from MONDRY Fi AY,E e4:1 WERKNESS. Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable compound not oillsr helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings. duo to monthly lune- tonaleance ageiintstsdis helps p imp cult days," Made in Canada. anada s Position In The Air World T.C.A. Laying Foundatiorui For Future Of Aviation In Canada It Is still too early to predict the shape of the world after the war, says H, J, Symington, BC., President, Trans•Canada-Airways. It is true our thinking is not limited to guessing and planning is going on but as con- ditions are continually changing it Seems to me essential that we remain flexible in our thinking and planning. The sane Is, of course, true of aviation, which we all know will play an important part In the world after the war. It has come so much to the front in the world Zl'ieture, that it is now trite to say aviation has opened up • new per- spective in human experience and• international relationships, that it has, indeed, changed geography and given us a new world. We are conscious as never before of gobal air routes and already before the war is won, we are beginning to hold conferences; to formulate policies and to lay down plans for equipment and services, Much of our thinking abgirt post-war aviation must per- force be speculative and the time has not come when the nations can throw them open for public discussion, * * * It is important to know, how- ever, that Canada is well aware of its strategic position in what ' has been called "the air world". The • shortest routes between North America and Europe and Asia cross this Dominion. This gives us at once an opportunity and a responsibility and the Can- adian government has been quick to realize both. Some time ago, it set up an interdepartmental commitee civil aviation twhich is makingtathorough study of the whole question and • wIzleh advises the government on procedure, The Trans - Canada Ll.:A55! f=!Ell ADt�ERT1SEMEN'I'S BAB le HATCH1Ni1 EGGS WANTED. require additiuual breediug fiucl;Dy all breeds to supply us with hat- • ahing eggs fur 1044 hatching set sun. Plucks culled tend bluod- teted free ut charge, i;our•autecd .pr‘nuum paid. Also turn:y flocks needed Cockerels wanted: Marred • R9cks White Leghorn, 1VItite R chs euri Black \ustralurps s table Feb.breeding 11'rite for Ali details immediately, Box 79 7, .Adelaide at, West, Toronto. e slrixmic net livid a Punned quantity of started, for elui,k or- dering.' Your February, e batch and later eii,.hv shoura he, .t•elored - now attic,, Prey Hacello r}•,i 180 John $t. N.. Hamllt"II, 11;1x, CHOICE L-1YJNt, aNIREADYTO lay White Legluii'n pullets at reasonable prices. Also Barred Rocks and Hybrids. 1•"rer,e cat- alogue. Alpo /lay old chie•1cs for innnedin to derive ry. T-- e•ddle Think IELcrchc'ries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. `i'rtueree . (:El• {rY'IITFI T,h1t;TIORN WW1 PA t. tilLETA:1)_1131' t•IILCI%s TI11S STR.\ 1.N 18 A PRACTICAL, proven egg -producing type, with twenty-three years of steady production hack of thc•nt. They will pay -veil for good keep and care. This 18 certain, bemuse they are doing this on our Own farm.— one of Canada's largest e1'g-pro- ciucins• furors" Y e'U get exactly the same breed, strain :end grade res we raise for ourselves. 1.'oul- try management ha nabs -mit "Fiiglt Pay Ability" sent FREE+" on re- gaest, Get our price list, We ad- vise- early orders. -- SDP.C'e'E:- el,h;JGIE FARM LIMITED, Box 210B, 13rantford, Ontnric,• .1N FA3G A regi. WOULD ISIi 11'EL- - Colne in every home in Britain. Rtof�tetht rtan they're month roba bi) Even lucks' if the war were to end tomorrow there will be a demand for eggs and other pefood fill dtWo'r, we rtrnfrontt iinel pr•odurers and its such -1'e have en obligation to our front. Iine fighting 011108, Yon can guarantee production (end prof- ltsl next Fall by ordering t in ;' at catnccure for, iDon't imeltrerrrorks `ru someone mny have to go spurt. ,Also 111371118' :end ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. catalogue. TwTwee-Idle Ch Chick Ilatelteties limited Porrigos, cant. TOO LATE' Too -- NEXT S1'RINt, DON"r 1.1.'0 IT BE' said "too late," Send for our price Iist and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- nia heights. Ont, WTl HAVE S(7.lfle CHOICE/ tVii1T17 Leghorn lasing and reads' to lay pullets lts-d1brs7eeBarred Rocks anh5ids. r foraimmediatieodeli day 1dTweddle Chick Hateher'les Limited, F'crb- us Ontario. $7600 1 -ACRE, 6-1t(0;111 1IOTISte, building 5,000 feet floor spare, on RailWay siding, Turouto twenty miles. Ill health, R. II. Kane, ' Richmond Fill]. IP110IVG aQ oLEAMING 1)IAVI0 YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or eleaning7Write to us for ihforihatiotl. We are glad to answer your qu5stions. Depart- Mont39ar2Llmited, 71onge 'Street, To-rontoa ^' iSL C'rRiC AL ..lS U3rFM1r:N't' 1iLECTRI0 MOTORS NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 2826 Toronto. uffaria St., Pll)'UCA+rrOl{r 1 L • PASHTUN DESIGNING. A. P.RAC- tical and thorough course, easy to learn,' by correspondence. To- reatttc School of Design, 11890 Bay St. 'Hercule. ramifications. TransCanada has been desig- nated as the instrument of the Canadian Government in interna. tionai air transport in addition to being given the responsibility of operating all main line systems in Canada. , xp oring all the s The record of the past year has demonstrated that the con- fidence the Canadian Govenment has placed In Trans -Canada Air Lines has been fully justified. Though not on a commercial basis, nor as part of its regular operation, T.C.A. actually began flying the Atlantic this past suni- mer, in a specia] government war- time service. Passengers on urgent war business and tons of important cargoes, and mails for the troops overseas, have been carried in large aircraft operated by T, C.A. clews. The volume of traffic in 1943 showed a considerable increase over the previous year. (E'fgures for the last three :months are estimated.) Passengers„ numbered 141,000 an increase of 36,554. Mail amounted to 3,900,000 pounds, an increase of 1,591,188 pounds. lila- press weighed 840,000 pounds, an increase of 477,163 pounds. This was more than double the amount carried in 1942. Winston Churchill, in prepar- ing a speech, dictates to a typist because he distrusts shorthand notes. CLASSIFIEL) ADVERTISEMENTS PARiIS POR SAL: 200 9(2ItE>, LOTS 27-28, CONCES- sion 9, Ilaldimand twp. First- class clay Ioam, all under tractor e.ultiVatian, well watered, two houses, barns, Hydro, telephone, daily mail, near school, church, store. Highway 45. AariloC'ephasBrisbin, Fenella. Ont FARMS SUBURBAN PR01'ERI.TIES,. NORTH of Toronto .Apply R H, Kane, Richmond Hill Ontario at'ArLEcntImr QP'� trxr ' CHnon.; ., guaranteed profit producers, popular breeds. prices. 11Map1e- erest harm, Route 2, Copetown, ontario. FOR SALE ONE) OF TEE HOST PROP/TAB/JD rural , businesses ANDd GRINDING - ntillsrr offered Poi- saletitladiffer- ent sections of the provinco. No agent's fee charged, if you can, get Into this rapidly growing bus- iness now. Box 73, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. le`I)o'r RA LH HAL, el Eteie.A etnri HALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. 11AtiIInt 1:sSING SCHOOL I; A Li N HA I le DRESSING THE Robertson method, Information Roberts nest Hairdressing arding ciAaad- ems', 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. I' Uo'ru(11L A 1' 11 V PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your f111n 00110 to Canada's largest photo finishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A. ,:ust:olner at 13erwlcic, N,S., writes "1. want you to know how pleased I out with your wonder- ful work and prompt service." \Ye have such letters from ail over Can- ada. ENLARGEMENTS 3 for 25c 4x6" in Easel Mounts, SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts 7229" in Hold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black 12beny 11111811 frames, 59e each. If eniarg'entent coloured, 70c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, I'osta1 Terminal A, Toronto Print Y'our Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMl'i!;I:iAL FOR QUALITY, service and satisfaction. 6 or 8 exposure films 25e, reprints 8 for 25c. lmperia1 I'hoto Service, Sta- tioni, Toronto. LEAP TOBACCO iG'IVL 'OZrNI),S VlIiC}IN1A AND $Ur1ey Leaf for pipe 82.90. Five Pounds Bright Virginia Leaf ter Cigarette, $4.00, Postpaid with flavoring, Natural Leaf Tobacco Co , Leamington. Ont. MEDICAL .A.RTI-1131TI5 I'OSITIV1:LY its LOL 1I V - ed with 33rcenetone Crystals, Full month's supply $1,00. Indian Re1nedies, Box 118, Vancouver, A TRTAL,--Evener St"l,"FE141)II, ()1' Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis flrould t r 5 Peron's nen-10(1Y.unro'aa Drug Store. 335 Elgin, tts,Wa. Postpaid $1.00, And He Worries About Breakfast! Back of an award of a military medal to a New Zealand private lies the story of a small New Zealand force besieged in a strong point by the Japanese during the Solomons fighting. The officer and the only com- missioned officer present were wounded and the cook took com- mand of the defense and directed it ably, holding off the Japanese all night and killing a number of the enemy. But when dawn came and the fighting ended the cook began to look troubled. "What's the matter?" his buddy asked. "I've got to g Iht out of here," the cook ting breakfast ready now," be gei- ys :i: xleie a Y CI4r n�1 e( sial, p . ( d ` '�""ii�""" � { Excess acids, poisons and wastes in your bloode Nights, by s ges kidneys. fre- quent headaches, eeadach sears Rheumaticirn out' often are caused by Kidney and Madder troubles. 'Usually in such cases, the very first dose of neslugxcesaciaistsnyseaan otessndwae.Ad this cleansing, purifying Kidney action, in ,lust a day or so, may easily make you Seel younger, stronger and better than in years, The iron clad money -back agreement on ()seta: ilcos insures ecompletely satisfactory. theu have everything to gain and nothing to 1o9 Under this money back otter 00 get Oyster from your druggist today, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS UPPER TO iNVnNTorts AIN, OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Mier- ma:tion sent free. The Ramsay Co.,Registered Patent Attorneys, 27Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. "NOW AVAILABLE" Letz Combination Peed Mills—Can- ada's most profitable farm feed - Processing unit. ISsaful all year and o• -^.aa,. .7n.•. hnn feed Poultry, rr11d does rnan)y ),117 .? preparing jobs, 8 sizes, Write for free literature. GEORGE WHITE & SONS CO, LTD., LONDON, ONTARIO Mfrs. White steel tlareslaers, x110 .Distribut OA's i1 Johrsn, Deere Tractors and Praetor rims fitment uPOULTRY GRI' POULTRY GRIT: WRITE LIME- stone in 100 lb. bags. Immediate delivery in carloads or smaller c.tlfor rind Prices. RhEiSUPPLY' Co., Limited, 5985 Delorimier Ave,, :Montreal. 5'27THEIISTONHA4't,H bk CUM PAN Y Patent .Solicitors. Established 189e; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re- quest. PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ", wonderful book free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. PUPPIES (101tDoN sl:'rr`L— ••rti, W1LC1•T' AND smooth Mutale Terriers. Golden Cocker Spaniels. Black Seottles, one trained Collie, Collies, Heel- ers 2 munths $5.00, H. M. Miler, _Athens, Ontario. tLL1YL'r$NGi X'.i!r!CHF/S FROM FIN3: MEN'S SUITINGS OIL overcoating, e1 s. 18, 6 x 0, 9 x 9. Price from 2 e, up, per puuud. Trial packugc $1.(10. Also rem- nants' nants' for lace,..' men's, child- run's clothes. t)L'IS RICE, 861 Spading :#veno., Toronto, RAW FURS WANT IRID ONE SKIN Olt TIIUUSANDS — IT Will 9;137 j'oU to ship to Unteeflo's rancher -owned Fur Co -opera nee 1he highest tripice.Wto ceive for eip115tagsad advice forms, Unt121.10 For Fann- ers' Co-operative, Limited, 50 Yorkville Street, Toronto. 1iA13r31TS REAL 1CNt101t.\S 'III le 1"011. Wcaptive clect folder free, int.Neal Des- criptive les, Dux T2 Si. Vital, Matt. Ii 1d1•,t'61:a'['1G 1'.esiib. . FIAt'b: 1 0 12 1111.111D .tritu,,T Dixon's Nturftis U11 llh uluatia� Pain Remedy? It gives good re- sults. MUDru's 1)I04 ri, U35 1 Igin, Ott t --,y, t in 1',i 1,1:0. STAMNS IV Aid T9i D fii211T1DAL) STA11I'S S1'11C1,1L4 $1.60 i .stork alio .Staeinps u bought approval onial Pox 554, Place d'Armese Montreal. TcAr'i74:ORM STOMA R AND Tl'llt1:;AD W01(AIS often are the cause of IIS -health in humans 1111 ages. No u110 fru. mune: Why not fi11d out it this is yoUr trouble? Interesting par - Heil lars,—irreel Write :tluiveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, Ont,