HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-01-13, Page 29i 11 ar a a after 2 weeks! °'I sure am happy to be able to gige up all those pills and medicines for my constipation. They were mighty unpleasant. And expensive; . 1 found, once I started .eating :KELLOGG'S "ALL -BRAN that I was soon "reg - War" again. 1 am most cer- tainly pleased with the real relief it gives, believe me !" Yes, KELLOGG'S AI.LaRA can really 'work wondere to eases of conatfpa- tinrl due to lack Sof dietary "bulk" ! It gets at, and helps correct the cause, by supplying' the "bull; -forming" material needed for easy, naturel elimination! Try eating a serving daily, with milk, or sprinkled over other cereals! Or, eat several ALL -BRAN muffins daily. Drink plenty of water! See if you, too, don't find welcome relief! Get l,ELLocc'a ALL -BRAN at your grocer's today --- in 2 convenient sizes, Snappy Twosome try.taciiriceeieg New, nifty and right on the beam is this shell -stitched pill- box with smart envelope bag to thatch. Right with any costume you have, be it sports or dressy. Make in jiffy time with bright knitting worsted. Pattern 674 contains directions for hat and purse; illustrations of 'stitches; List of materials required. Send twenty cents in coins (stamps cannot be accepted)' for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Write plainly Pattern Number, your .Name and Address. `'Our Family Regulator is LIVE Care of Pastures In Dairy Farming Canadian Farmers Must Do Everything be Power To Build Up Pastures Professor J. C. Steckley's warn- ing to the Elgin County Holstein breeders at their St, Thomas meet- ing-regarding eet-ins regarding the necessity of pay- ing more attention to pastures is extremely timely, states The Lon- don Free Press. It comes at .the same time that Ottawa announces a drop of nearly seven per cent in production of creamery butter for November„ compared with No- vember of last year and a decline of 33.1 per cent compared with October. Cheese registered a six per cent, decline compared with the previous November and 51 per cent, compared with October. s a * Until October milk production in Canada held up remarkably well this year, in spite of labor short- ages hortages and other difficulties facing the dairyman. There can be little doubt that the lush pastures, kept green and growing by the unusual ly wet season. had a. goad deal to do with this. From now on, the feed shortages resulting from this year's scanty crops will make it- self felt on the dairy output and sharp falling off of production may be expected. In addition there is the growing pressure of labor shortages. .k * 5 If the pastures saved the dairy fariner this year it Is a,bvious that every care should be taken to keep them productive. Perhaps this time of year, when pastures are frost -bound and snow-covered is the best time to 'think of how they can be built up for next year. Mr. Steckley me; tfoned new levees of. grasses 'being developed to supple - mut the pucculent timothy, which cattle apparently prefer, With more electric fences available It should be possible to araid overgrazing of pastures by moving the herds about and not letting there consume the best grasses in any one spot com- pletely. Pastures are basic in dairy farm- ing, New 'Zealand and Argentina have the advantage of year-round pastures for livestock. If we are still to complete with them in the post-war period we must do every- thing in our power to build up our pastures. And if we are to accum- ulate summer surpluses to main- tain butter rations pastures should be used to the utmost. Life Rafts Carry. Oil For Sunburn One -gallon cans holding oil for protection against sunburn, wind - burp and salt water spray are now standard equipment for the life rafts of each United States Mari- time Commission -vessel launched from a California shipyard, ac- cording to F, H. Bell, vice presi- dent of the American Can Com- pany, who said that recently his company has furnished cans to be used for this purpose. Many castaways rescued in the Pacific have told of extreme suf- fering from sunburn as a result of exposure to intense tropical suns, We can often blame nervous tension for miserable feelings and fears. And in these clays, thousands of nervous people long to get a real grip an them- selves ... they yearn for quiet nerves. Many are taking Dr. Miles Nervine. This is ascientific combination of effec- tive sedatives, Nervine helps relieve general nervousness, sleeplessness, nervous fears, nervous headache and nervous irritability. It has been used for this purpose for sixty years. Take Norville according to directions and help things along with more rest, wbolesome food, fresh air and eters case. Rftervescing Nervine Tab1etst 350 and 75e, Ner- vine Liquid: 25c and $U11). SSUS 3--1944 The HUNS and jAPS VOW raver COUGHS & COLOS that delay the rosy of rec}coning FOOL THEM WITH BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE Coughs arid colds arc all-out allies of the Axis, postponing the day of Vic tory by cutting down our production of tanks, guns, planes, Don't let them sabotage your war effort. At the first sin of a cough or cold, take Buckley' axLure and stay onthe job.Thisgrata prescription routs coughs and colds P.A S, .C, keeps you PIT TO DO TOUR. AIT. The new unproved Buckley fon mule is all tnedicationwoo syru fe-'t acts faster ---gots farther. 40c 8c 1Se everywhere, Gat a bottle TODAY; IT'S BETTER !T'S BUCKLEY'S THAT'S WHY - a- GHAPI'ER X11 Suddenly, to her a.stonisbnzent, she felt tears upon •her olieelcs. it was years since she izad shed tears. She had learned to take everything philosophically:" Life wasn't meant for happiness, At least, Lois had had no !sappiness in Iters, save for rare talks with. Hooker when he was sober. She tried to search her mind to find out what she was crying abou'f. The discovery cline to her as a shock. "Suppose he didn't do it,' she whispered to herself, "Suppose Dave Bruce is innocent, Suppose It was—Lonerganl" She was thinking of• Mae against her will. She was , rem- embering there had been some- thing different about the way he had looked at her and spoken to her—different from the ways of all the other men she had known, except Hooker and Sheriff Coggs• well. "I wouldn't like him to be hunk` if he didn't do it," Lois whispered, * * As the afternoon wore on, the` knots of men in the main street of Mescal became thicker. Ogle& Dave was recognized as he stood tiptoe at the window. He heard shouts raised, and saw fists shak- en in his direction. It was a little before sundown when Sheriff Coggsweil brought him another meal, and a pack •of cigarettes that he himself had bought for him. "Well, bow yule feelin', Bruce?" the sheriff asked gruffly. ' "Might be worse, I suppose," an- swered Dave. "When's the coro- ner's jury goin' to sit?" "Tomorrow mornin', Yuh'll be wanted there to give yore story --- if yo're lucky. I may as well tell ytth, Bruce, the Cross -Bar bunch Is sort of worked up over Hook- er's kinin'," "Friends of his, was tley?" ask- ed Dave. "You mean Curran's worked up over that Twain' 1 gai'e him yesterday, Well, he strate,go. what he had. comin' to him, after tryin' to ge.t me trampled luv tile' outlaw stallion." o * 5 Coggswell fingered hie clipped mustache. "I ain't got nothin' 1u do With Curran's motives," he r' plied. "I'm thinkin' of my reptttsi- • Um I aeon sherifne here •for'?e• years now, since Mr. Brown died, and there's been nary lynchiu' bee since I took hold. 1 don't aim to have my record spoiled," "'WelI, I ain't gain' to tri' tc spoil that record of yours, sheriff," • answered Dave, Iighting a cigar- ette, 'So that's the idea?" "-rep, I'm going' to do my gest to purtect yon, Bruce, Meanwhile, l'm tellitt' yuh straight, the Cross - Bar is tt tough bunch to ha.ndie. So if y uh got anything. to leave, yuli might as well stake out yore will, and I'll have Sine and my- self witness it. And if s'uh got any motley 3'uh' want to seed any- body, I'll take care of it. That's how serious it looks to me." Dave opened his wall •t aril drew out the partnership t'grt eme'nt ht• had made with Hooker, 1'.e hand- ed it to Coggswell. "You tear that up, sheriff," lie said. "That'll give Miss Lois the ownership 'of the valuable pro- perty 1 bought a half-share in yes- terday. And you can see that the duplicate that Hooker had Is torn up too. That's all I got to leave. except a dollar or two, which']l buy drinks for the lynchin' party," Sheriff Coggswell stared at the document in his hand, "1'11 hold it," he announced. "I)ang it, ft's hard for to believe a feller like you would shoot an old man asleep, Bruce. But that ain't here nor there. If they git you, they'll have to git me first:" He left the cell roma, slamming the door hard behind him. • "That fella's white," Dave said to himself. "I sure would like to have a gun in my hand, though, if it comes to a showdown." The snuiight faded abruptly out of the coll, Dave finished his meal and resumed his station at the window, Lights sprang up on the street, And now the dull murmur of voices that had come to his ears all the • afternoon through 11 You Gel Up NighIs HelpYow Kid eys Do you feel older than you tarp er Auto from (letting Up Nights, Backache, nervous - ,scWas, Leg lents, hell(nRtte Mins, Burning, ant b? irequeht'passages? Ii so, remem- ber that your Kidneys are vital to your health andteatthese symptoms may be due to eadney and Bladder roubles --1n sucl: m0'127014 13�t lie 1 iv groinUi And oy- t1I relies b' he15ti1g the 'Kidneys clean out poisonous ekeess acids and u' sten,'SaRt have eVerythtng to gain and nothing to lost in trying oyetex. 'l'h0 iron clad stoney -back agreement assures a refund of your move. on return of empty package' unless fully ySte (Rysn ei vestal*• Yr0r N„n (a..ya drtiggtst todsy.yoa:r 1 the barred, closed window began to change to a hoarse, menacing undertone. ' * * The crowds in the street were growing thicker. The silhouettes surged backward and forward about the trout of the jail. Then of a sudden there sounded the !hoof -beats of horses, and a.• body of mon rode yipping down the middle of the street, scattering the crowd, Curran and his Cross -Bar outfit had arrived upon the scene, well primed with whisky for , the job that they had set themselves. The sudden outburst of yelling that ensued left no doubt as to their inten tions, Squeezing his head, against one of the window bars, Dave was able to see what was taking place, In front of the jail Sheriff Coggsweil and Sims, his deputy, were standing at the head of the three stone s t e p z. CoggsweIl seemed to ,be addressing the crowd, but his words were inaud- ible, drowned in the yells of the crowd. Suddenly there came a rush forward. Dave saw the sheriff's hand go up and a gun was in it. Before lie bad time even .to level it, a piece of fence -rail, wielded by someone in the crowd, struck the sheriff upon the head. He staggered, Peeled, and next mo- ment he and Sims were both down and being trampled upon by the ipfuriated slob, * * Coggswell, unconscious, had been tossed to one side, and men were searching his pockets for the jail keys. But the mob was already battering against the floor, two nen each wielding two Heavy logs that thudded with a force that shook the building. The door cracked, splintered, went down, and the crowd came stream- ing through the ante -room and into the cell room, At the sight of Dave savage shouts of triumph broke from their throats. They spat at him through the bars. and some were already lev- eling ereling guns when Curran forced his way to the front, the keys in his hand. "!Told yore fire!” he shorted. "We ain't ainzin' to give this mur- derer an easy death. He's goin' to dance." He inserted the key in the lock, and. the door of the cage clicked open. With roars of execration. the mob laid hands on Dave and hustled !lint out. Mauled, ntanhandied, beaten and kicked luilnereiful.ly, Dave instinc- tively put up what resistauce he was capable of. tee drove his fists right and left into the savage fuels of the tuob, but it was only for a fev; seconds that he was able to baffle their efforts to drag him from the room. TABLE TALKS Serve Health Salads By Frances Lee Barton SERVE health salads, whether you are a pre-war homemaker, or a war worker with steals to prepare after a. hard day in the shop or factory. Health food s such as raisins, carrots and apples may be blended into some of the most delicious salads imagin- able. Here's a recipe to prove my statement: Carrot and Apple Salad 1 package lemon -flavored gelatin; 2 cups hot water; dash of salt; 143 cup finely diced unpeeled red apple; ra cup finely diced raw carrot; / cup seedless raisins, if desired. Dissolve geiatin In hot water. Add salt Chill. When slightly thickened, fold in remaining in- gredients. Turn into individual molds. Chill until firm, tinmold on crisp lettuce. Garnish with mayonnaise. Makes 4 to 6 servings, Something Unusual Next time you have a cup or two of left -over meat and are worrying because it's not enough for another meal, try the follow- ing recipe and get the surprise of your life: Meat Pancake Roll -ups 1 cup sifted flour; 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder; 34 teaspoon salt; 1 tablespoon su- gar; 1 egg, well beaten; % cup milk; 3 tablespoons melted but- ter or other shortening. lye cups chopped cooked meat; 2 teaspoons horse -radish, 2-3 cult medium white sauce. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder, salt and sugar, and sift again. Combine egg and milk; add gradually to flour, beat- ing only until smooth. Add short- ening. Bake on greased griddle, 'makes nine VA -inch thin pan- cakes. Combine meat, horse -radish and white sauce and mix thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper, 11 desired, Spread 2 tablespoons fill- ing on each hot pancake and roll. Serve with onion sauce. � ; Italian Navy Lost Chance • To Turn Tide Of War After the Battle for Crete, the British battle fleet in the Medi- terranean consisted of only three cruisers and if the vastly heavier - gunned, numerically-sfiperior. Ital- ian fleet had been willing to risk action, the Allied cause might have been as good as lost. This picture was presented by Admiral Sir William James, Naval Information Chief of the British Admiralty, in an article for the forthcoming "United States at War" issue of the Army and Naval 'Journal. "It was fortunate that the en- emy did not know, or, if he did have an inkling of the truth, that he failed to put it to au acid test of decisive action", he wrote. * He felt n revolver butt descend upon the- back of his head, and his icizees began to buckle under The • room became a Clark void, 11t by the pin -point flame of the dell eing lInip, "He's nut," he heard Curran say "Handle hint gentle, boys. When he conies to he touched off, we want him to know about IL" • Incapable of further resistance, Dave was dragged tbrou:;h the anteroom and clown the steps of the jail, into the street, where his arrival was greeted with another outburst of savage exevration from the assembled crowd, A little distance beyond the S'aysicle Best stood a tall cotton- woocl. with a limb projecting some twelve, feet above the ground. About this more members of the mob were gathered, some on foot, others on horseback. And then Dave's heart thumped, and his wits came back to him with a z'usht, For almost immediately be- neath the tree, seated , bareback on Black Dawn, he saw Lois. (Continued Next Week) FLYERS' FLAK -TOP Bombardier back • from Southwest I''atifie combat, tries out the new anti -flak helmet. Covering head, neck and ours, it trot only saves flyer front flak fragments, but else protects earphones, micro- ,' hone,oxygen nsaslc and goggles. ACTS..: WAYS TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF I�NC ITISi Now get real relief from coughs, soreness and congestion of bron• chitin -this doublo.actton way that actually wets At Nr 'eo' PENETRATES s tubeswithsoothing medicinal vapors. t ad back %chesnsure sfaces like a warm 4s ing poultice. �Fe.es ftKING ORHGUR`+.:• 1 To get all the benefits of this combined PENETRATING -STIMULATING action, just rub throat, chest and back with Vicks VapoRttb at bedtime. Instantly VapoRub goes to work -2 ways at once as shown above—to ease bronchitis cough- ing, lateen congestion, relieve muscular soreness,' and speed restful, comforting sleep. Often by morning most of the misery Is gone. Get relief from bran chitis distress tonight with dou- test dVick time- tf PCKS tested Vicks Vapo- Bub...Tryit! vavoaus Had Mussolini's fleet, come out to do battle against this weak British fleet—the only force be- tween Gibraltar and the Red Sea —Italo-German forces might have been free to crash British resist - alma in North Africa, to open the back door to Soviet Russia and even to reach the Indian. Ocean to link arms with Japan, James said. Silent Rooster A crowless rooster and a newly developed chicken called "jeeps" were introduced, to poultry fan- ciers in New York recently. Along with more than 3,000 fowl of van - sous types from 17 states and Cane ada, they are on display at''the annual Madison Square Carden poultry show, IN Toronto It's The St. Regis Hotel • Every Room with Bath, Shower and Telephone. • Single, $2.50 up— Double, $3.50 up. • Good Faod " Dining two Dancing Nightly. Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 Loosen ASTHMA MUCUS Sleep Fine (Molting, gasping, wheezing As- thma and Bronchitis ruin your health. The prescription 1A,zrao-".1'a1,i quickly circulates through the blood, promptly helping to curb these attacks and usually the first day the mucus is loosened, thin% giving free easy breathing and restful sleep. Just send your name, card will do, for g1.00 AznIu-Tab* free. No cost. No obligation. Just tell others if it stops your Asthma attacks, ltnox Company, 959 Knox. Yort Erie, North, Ontario. Spicy Apple Squares The flavour -combination of Quaker Oats and„ apples calls for an invariable "encore" from family .and guests alike. Serve this delicious - dessert !lot or cold, with cream or sauce—whipped £ream, when the occasion is an especially grand one, and when you can manage its 1 cup Saxon (pastry) Flour 3 tablespoons brown sugar OR Quaker (hard -wheat) Flour 1 cup Quaker Oats ' % teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter :' teaspoon baking soda 4 tablespoons shortening 3 cups .sliced raw apples ye cup brown sugar Ground cinnamon Sift the flour once before measuring. Add salt and baking soda, sitt again, Add 3 tablespoons brown sugar, and the Quaker Oats, Com- bine the butter and shortening, and blend in the Quaker Oats mixture. Spread half in a baking dish, cover with the apples, and add the lee Cup brown sugar. 'Sprinkle with cinnamon, and cover with remaining Quak- er Oats mixture. Bake in moderate oven, 360°, about 40 minutes or until apples are tender and top nicely browned, Invaluable for OU IjS-- -OLD$ all NCHi t SIMPLE SORE THROAT