HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-01-13, Page 11 Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, 'JANUARY 18 1944 Chester L, Smith, Publishes $1,56 a Year in Advance �P t the � in your Iooal paper be your Shopping Guide 4++++++4.+i+,++++++++•; ++1++++e,•.1 -1.-i-:•. 4..y.. 1, .: •i•.I,+ •i••I ++ •+•E••k•i +: lam) ijoffmaa *mull MIMIC Pri:rate Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and 'Enured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. 4. ..I'/Me..infer of the. Ontario Funeral Association. .4 + + Day or Night Telephone No. 70. +' Da wood -- Ontario 1, 4,444 -i.+++.7, -i -++++44++++++++++.++++++++++++++++-:•++++44,+o, einnantC. 90040sk ola@MOVatlgeoc oes,:cc eeeco tce€w ,int, TUNE I N ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour. 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network Sundays Local Station—C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 223„ LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA - COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Ztirbrigg, OPTOMETRIST at EXETER ?Ma Newest. Approved Method *$ alyesiaht Teethes Used. Open every Week Day Except Wedossiley;. Are You Suffering From 'Headaches? rf so; Have your Eyes mined with .be Latest Methods and !equipment at A. L. COLE, R. ®.' OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Itoasonerbia Pricer Westlake Brokensliire FUNERAL & AMBULANCE S i4 tVIOE Comfortable HG spitai Bed .for Rent Day Fuld Nighl Service Phone 158, Zurich • • • • • • solo WAsfO i,* +PVffie.418p3D0. &E 401:206306 Ge6.41O@•••9P69LAS9@t 096.6MOSS y .- :i3O .A1;7✓164 ...t,5k'1':...!.kY "i...'... Cold Weather Is just around the Corner: Prepare!•now for it We have a good Stock of Fall and Winter Merchan- dise on our Shelvesstock: in, stoc Ladies' House Dresses, Aprons, Stockings, also Ladies Oxford Shoes and Rubbers. Men's Underwear, a large range of Work Socks, Boots and Shoes. All kinds of Rubbers for Men including the haeav`yLumbermen's Rubbers. Pioneer Feeds for your -Stock and Poultry Purity and -Robin Hood Fleur always on hand'. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND ME BLAKE ST Edmund Swartaentruber, !Prop. Phone: 11-97 s IN MEMORIAM In loving memory 'a dear wife;; I of and mother, Mrs. Dan Gascho, who passed away. one year ago, .January:. 16th, 1943. • God knew that she was •suifermg, +- That the 'hills were hard to climb So he closed her weary eyelids, And whispered "Peace be Thine," • Away in the beautiful hills ox God By the Valley of Rest so fair, 1. Mr. Clarence Brenner has return - Some time, some day, I know nt 4 home and is busily engaged with when j .i positron .,: the St. Joseph Airport We'll meet our loved one there. Mr. Ellwood Truemner of the 14th concession has returned home after a Sadly missed by her husband and, rea•y enjoyable holiday with relatives Family. and friendsn,at London. -Hay Council met in the town hall, on Monday for the innaugural meet - CARD OF THANKS ing of the new year, and there is always a lot of things to look after Mrs. John Oesch and family wish at this meeting. to thank the neighbors and friends Messrs. Jacob Haberer :ane eeeorge for the kindness and sympathy ex- Geichert are to Crediton, on Wed - tended to then in their sad bereave- nesday, in their official capacity as ment, Also to Rev. SaPeachey, Rev.. auditors of the books of the Hay S. Baechler and to those who loaned Hal..111...21181CCIE10.01113101.1.6111001MOOS1100.01.111111 Mutual Fire Insurance Company. cars. Mr. and Mrs: Louis H. Rader and ,anvly of Dashwood were entertained at the home of their daughter, Mr. �r COUNCIL and Mrs. Leonard Prang of town on Monday evening. The Council of the Township of Miss Irene Turkheim, nurse -in - Hay met for the first session of the training at the Stratford General year 1944 in the town hall, on i4ion-'; Hospital, and who has spent a few day, January 10th with all ;members weeks at her home here, has return - present. After signing the Declar- ed to her duties. ation of office, the Council became Don't miss the annual School organized for the year. Various corn- concert to be held in the Town Hall, munications were disposed of and Zurich, on Friday night, Jan. 14th, at the following resolutions passed: a'%f:30 p.m. The general admission is That the Statutory Lease for f e';',' `', 5c. 'A; -,public dance sponsored by leasing of the room in the Bank at tta iced'' Cray will follow the con - Montreal for use as Clerk -Treasurer's cert' office be accepted. •• Passes Tkird Year That a tender for caretker of the'We are happy to announce the Township Hay be inserted in the 'R"ceipt ' f information -from. the Uni- Zurich Herald. Tenders to be in 1 Lsersity orf Toronto, that Nrr. fled W. Feb. 1'st, "1944. .,f .''Lunch, and ' 1 of Mr. ant That Bond covering Tax Collector ' vlrs. Andrew F. Hess having passed be accepted as shown in forms, phis tltird year's work at the 1Tedieal That by-law to provide for the tot— al 1944 expenditures on roads in the prominent Citizen Passes -Township of Hay be passed. Word was received here on tion - That the resignation of Mr. Henry slay noon of the passing of one of Steinbach, Road Superintendent, be Zurich's prominent .business men in accepted and that applications for the the person of Thomas Leslie Will - position of that office be handed to Tams, who has been aatient at Vic - the Clerk by Feb. 1st, 1144. Ap- toria. Hospital for -sone weeks, and .plications to be inserted in the local who died in his 65th year. The tuner- papei,, al is being held privately this Wed - That by-law authorizing the Reeve nesday afternoon from his residence, and Treasurer to borrow up to flu: Zurich to the Bronson line r,vangel- 000.00 from the Bank of Montreal, 944. ical cemetery. ,A more complete ob- That H. W. Broken Zurich for year ;kc.nahire or Zurich ituars, will be published norte seek. be appointed as Clerk -Treasurer of Hay Township, treasurer of the Hay OBITUARY Telephone System at ;an :meow sal- Late William Meidinger ry of $900.00: There passed away at Byron San - That the following, be appointed atorium, London, on Saturday, Jan. s township, official4 : W. H. Edigh 8th, William Meidinger, a well known {fur, assessor; OFcar Klapp, tax col- and highly respected resident of the ector, John McBride, weed inspector Village of Zurich in his 67th year, art Klopp, stock valuator, Fence after an illness of several month's viewers: E. Munn, A. Pfaff, Sam Hen duration. The deceased was corn in Irick; School attendance officers, Hay Township and lived his entire astern div. W. R. Dougarr, West life in this community, with the ex - iv., E. B. Horner; Board of Health ception. of five years which he spent co. Armstrong, chairman,; lir. P. J. in Michigan. Always •a very hard 'Dwyer MOH., J. Geiger member, working man. Surviving are one . F. Fide, Milton Oesch, Lasil Ed- daughter, Sister Joan Marie, Oak yards, inspectors, H. W. Broken- Park, Ill; one sister, Mrs. Bridget ire secretary; Pound Keepers, J. Lett, in Saskatchewan; three broth- . Ingram, W. F. Alexander, Oscar ers, Michael, Zurich; Joseph, Mitchell reb, J. W, Merner, Simon Hoffman, and Jacob, Hay. Township. His wife . Swartzentruber, (neo. Becker, 9', predeceased his eight years ago. In- urnbull. torment was made at St. Boniface That payments from Dec. 15 1943 Church on Monday at 10 o'clock, pm. Jan. 10, 1944 be paid as ,pee you- with Rev. Father Lucier singing the her, covering payments on Twp. Funeral Masse. oads, Hay Telephone, Relilet' and Mrs. Williacm Truemner eaneeal Accounts. In her 84th year, Catharine Cook, Twp. Roads—Hy. Steinbach X11.01 widow of William 'lrnemner, died at d. IialRoadch 3.25; Wm. Jennison, the home of her son-in-law and clau- low roads 299.03 • M. Dertz tabor ghter, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Snyder, 1 etc. 58.38; Clerk, postage $7, , Goderich township. 'Mrs. Truemner Hay Telephone -- Northern Elec- was born in the township of South ic; material 76.76; F. Guenther, • Easthope, Perth County, and after a a 0 1 F n G 0 C e sl F G D T to c R G E 51 of tr ca ma on mage .35; Stromberg Co. 20.80;H. her marriage lived in Hay Township, . Hess, salary 235.0,5; T. H. Huff- on the Babylon line, menu Zurich, until their retirement from the farm n, do 225.413; Clerk postage $3. . to live in Hensel!. Mr. Truemner died Relief — J..Sublat 2610 • M. Den- y $25 in 1027 and the widow had since lived mostly with Mr. and 11rs. Sny- der, who recently moved form Col- bot.-ne township 'r present. home. Three daughters and one son survive. Mrs. John Thirst. Colhournr, Mrs, Wni, Snyder, Goderich Twp. Mrs. Matheson, Toronto, end tlr. Nor- man 'Truemner, Arthur, Ont. There are 14 grandchildren and 3 great - gra n dchiltlren. reat-grandchildren. Three surviving sis- ters: Miss Carrie Crook, Milverton; Mrs. Hargreaves, Listowel, and Mrs. Mary Truemner, Zurich. The. funer- al took place to the Colbourue Twp. cemetery, lt;ev. H. Currie condnetii u H. W. Th akenshire, (;jerk, the services. General Account; — A. i'. 14ss, Employer's Ins. $40; Johnston; & Kalbfleisch 22.22.; Hay Stationery 83.95; Drysdale Hardware 8.74; Whitler & Co. 25.1(x; To'^onto Stump Co. 11.48; A. F. '}lees Inc. for ;tax col] bond $15 A. F. Tics Nmni iat- ian expen, ee. 1943 i 10.; ( .a rzitstriong charity $5; .Frank rer' uar, charity, $2t Clerk, postage $10.A 1'he Council adjourned to meet a- •1' : on February 7th, when the re- gular Township Cotne?l and annual Do You Need G1ase& HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOUR SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. - PHONE YOUR 0 For positive identification ad the World's Fines i /aa; e' ask for BLUE COAL 11so: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash" Prices paid fame Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Henaall. 4 4. 4. 4, . 4. + 1938 CHEV. COACH Without Knee Action. °I. • 1936 CHEV. STANDERD COACH. 1938 DODGE DeLUX COACH. +4+ ( 2) 1029 CHEV. COACH and SEDAN 1929 FORD 1S -Ton Truck 1934 CHEV. Standard COACH. Used Prestone, Chains. Inner Liners, (2) House Radios, (8) Car Radios, 4 Cars priced from $50 to $75. Used Cars PRICED TO SELL FAST 1940 FORD DeLUX COACH. ].935 FORD COAGS (4) MODEL A FORDS TO PICK FROM 1038 CHEV COACH, LIKE NEW. 1936 FORD SEDAN WARD FRIT, USED CAR DEM .ER OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as well as quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less" has always been our slogan, and we still endeavour to maintain this standard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a position to show you just the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boys', and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves -of n1;12171. D -r (, 1't",irti Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- gardless of the :-atlzer difficult cons!+tions in proc- uring these items. J • V' ' ik e 431;.4F N+oziftlo,WlM'Sl 4 Phone 140