HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1944-01-06, Page 5M1i1RLC*, (WARM BUSINESS 'CAMS A,N T •E D 4V A:SII :EWA ^FOX akQUEs-,-D(ad animakls removed. 'a'we rqur .,ser-- vice Any ..or .night. ,Phone .Creole •ton dlrk,C;,tlleot Jack hams. . ssee VETERINARIA.N �- —.-•' Or. W. COXON, J .Vt Sc, VETERAN4,RY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main 'S"sreet, Oppoaiite Drug Stone Phone -96, • Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc, (Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All 41sesses of domestic animals treated by the most modem principles,; Charges reasonable, Day or night r-alls promptly attended to. Also Bre- oder of Scottish terriers. Inverness fennels. Office on Main Street,' wnposite Town Hall. Phone 110 HENSAIJ. • NOTICE Farmers' Co. =Operative rt FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put your order for Coal in now! Several Cars are on order, A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of ell brands. Hensall Co -Operative Co. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and. Skins .Et, Yunghlu t & S0 . PRODUCE Farm Produce W A N T E I) Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry, Pana O'Brien Phone 101, Res- 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery ant Your ' Want. For .Sale Lost. Found, Etc, Ads, in Ibis • Column. FOR SALE 35 ton of..t fixed 1943 )say for ttile —Arthur Welker, Dashwood. FOR SALE 1930 Chev, verb elleapn. Good tired far wagon. —I,, LA, ,Prang t Son,. FOR SALJ A ,pair of shoes -and skates size 6. In very good condinion, like new. Apply, ,at Herald. Otice, FOR SALE Thirty zicres of hardwood bush, z/ sidle north of Dashwood. Will sell in one lot, ,or in one acre parcel lots up to January 15th.. Arthur Weber, R.R. 1, Dashwood.'.. STRAYED. _ . Unto my fares 1 i4 miles west of Exeter, a yearling red heifer with some white. Owner can have sarne b.y proving property and paying expense Wesley Dearing, A.R. 1; Exeter; Phone Crediton .171'14. FOR QUICK SALE,krt A good Buick chassie, with foul good tires.—Apply to Herald Office. FOR SALE A Holstein calf, one week old for immediate sale.- Henry Clausius^ .PIGS FOR SAL` i - A limited number of small pigs for sale. - Sol Gingerich, Goshen line. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres, being lot 14, Goshen line, Stanley Township. A good brick house, bank barn, Hy- dro wired, some fruit trees, 7 acres fall wheat, 18 acres fall plowed, bal- ance seeded down. Apply to Ed. Merner, R.R. 3, Clinton, Ont. WANTED FOX MEAT — Horses suitable for Fox Meat. Apply to John Murdock, Kippen, Ont. Meeting of The Huron County Council •The next- meeting of the Huron Op$inty Council will be held in the Council Chainber, Court House; God- erich, commencing •Tuesday, January 18th, at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputat- ions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday January 15th. —N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. rHIEL'S - HAIRDRESSING NOTICE XX/e have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now 'letter than ever. Be sure and Your Horne Market fat Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream. We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mallett - Proprietor. INSURANCE Westerd Farmers' Mutual Weather .Insurance OF WOODSTOCK 1771 ' LARGE 13ESERV'E ANCE .OF ANY CANADIAN' UAL COMPANY DOING BUSY OF THIS KIND IN ONTA Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81st, 1936, 422,391,527.00. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds .;.: $273,61? 7, Ratea�-8d.5b pei� y$i,000 far 8 'Years F., F. KLOA„�/P MZURICH 'Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods athd all kinds of Fire i.tAtIt I; ra'1 ce, Co RAL- MUT - NESS RIO. ;ive us a call MRS. FRED THIE:LE, Proprietress Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL • PERMANENTS ' The - Better Oil 'Permanents applied with the very latest of methods ' and Equipment. And besides all this is our years ' of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL 1 Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. HecLendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVI•CF, 10 a.m. Divine Worship 11. ann.—Sabbath School. 7.30 Divine Worship, ST. PETER'S F.vangelicaf Lutheran, nttrcn ZU1! Zti 'NT. .4.14444410.,..44.144 RV. E. W. • Heimrich, Pastor 10 a,m.—Divine Services. 11.15 a.m,--,Sunday School. 7.30 p.m Divine Services. Everybody Welcome to all Service. Y • • LOCAL NEWS Mrs. C Eiiboa' .Miss left for the winter months tss ,stay with relatives in and around Henson. Mr. and Mrs. Eslwand Brand, of. London c:7•led at the home of Miss Anna Ifiess'.on Sunday:, ; Mr. Norman Gascho o ., Byron Sanitorium is spending ,a feu days at his home here. • Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch, -of Vin - .eon, Mich:, are here attending the, funeral of the former's thex`, Pte. McLean of the Canadian '.Aire. 3loree unit, was a, week -end Visitor at the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. ,Lloyd ' Brien, 'Miss Joan Metcalf • of, London) n,is enjoying her vacation,;' at the home` of Mr, and Mrs. Hilton Trucxnnerr 14th`}eoneession. Mr, and Mrs. • Mervynr S'cl. b. of the 14th con., spent 'New Yeah” e 41; London,; visiting with 'Mr.,„tin d' George Peters,'• Born—At the Farwell Nursrrig,, home,•. en ,[?eceu her 14th, to .s..C:2,' Lloyd. Finnigan'an,d wife, (nee Mary Clank) -fob/wily; now 4., ofY Cents ala, a soii, i Obert, Wayi o 'uid Mrs.' f 1VZ}aloe D"xetz , and Glos4 maito tic " to Detroit last weal;, wliei e ' Mrs Dietz, and Gloria are ,spending 'e :pleasant time. with _relatives,. and friend , Mr. and 'Mrs.E D2. ;'] agg and .son; Milton, motored •to L'ond'on on Sin day where 'the latter:: took the train for Toronti, after an, enjoyati',le holi- day season at the home of his parents Milton will resuine hisstudies at Tor- onto 'Uninersity: ' Mrs.. Schade and Miss Mel - vie Schaae of London axe spending some t o at the home of 1Vir. and MS's Clarence Schade 14th Con. Miss Me1vina �'il tended to return to the city the begiizlnn,;of the week- Womens' Ipsitute The meeting of the Zurien,. Wom ens' Institute will be held cin, Tues- day, January lith' in the gown half' at 8 p.m. Will the. members pleas note the time and date. •The three brothers, Quimby, Paul and Fred Hess and friend .Mr. pop McCleod all of Toronto, enjoyed;the vacation season at the home of the' formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. An- drew F. Hess. Week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Witmer .were: Earl Witmer RCAF., of Lachine, ;Qu. Mrs. Earl Witmer and family of ;EX eter; Miss Ella Witmer and friend of London. H I LL S G R E E N - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, of+the 15th concession Hay, have purchased •Miss Mary. Hagan of l,oiidon; is the property of,the late Mrs. Stelck 'spending the holidays with her sister Estate 'ir; ZniicYi and Weunderstand they intend in tine;to 'tame to, town '` Dolly Hagan and brother Mr. for their future home. We .shat ihlarl.' • lir. Llifford Weido of Sts: Cathay sees pen t the holiday with his par - tints; YIr. and "Mrs:: Wilfred Weide, and brother Glenn Mrs. W. J. Davidson received word of the death of her nephew, Pilot Officer Maurice Jonec in Lincolnshire England. His plane having collided in midair with another plane. Aircraftsman Jack Smith visited over the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith. Miss Edythe Barclay has returned to Stratford after a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson. The children have' again returned to school after enjoying their Christ- mes vacation. Pte. Alvin Reichert of Stratford has returned to camp after spending =his vacation with friends in; this district.= Pte. Howard Adkins of CampBor- a2n• has nstui^ned of ter spending the Holiday with relatives and at his home fool Shoes Good reliable School Shoes in a Avicle range of sizes, Let us fit your child with a pair. Best quility, Lowest Prices. NEW FALL SHOES Tor 'ten, Women and Child- n. hildn. A large stock on hand. Carne and sed D. J. DATARb RELIABLE FOOTWEAR and SSt'tC1 '" -'o,VPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES -Premier George :Drew ;RETURNS FROM BRITAIN Premier George Drew at Ontario arrived back by bomber plane after a month in Britain. The premier af- tertieing interviewed. Of the people of Britain, gathering -place for the gcaiid invasion armies of the Allies, he had high praise. "They are in good spirits, full of confidence and ready for whatever may happen," he said. "They recognize they have a tough road ahead, but are ready to pilt every effort into it when the time comes." Died at Goderich Mrs. Fred Turnor, aged 47 died at on ." anuar;y 1st; she .had been a resi- dent of Goderich for 17 'years. Born in Stanley Township near Blake where she was the daughter of WIT: Ross Johnston and Jane Edighofier. She is survived by her husband, one son, Pte. Grant Turner of Halifax, her father, Ross Johnston of Blake, two brothers, Jim of London and Harold of Zurich, one sister, , Mrs. Minnie Weido of London. The fun- eral was held on Tuesday from ;the family residence to Bayfield cemet- ery. '1a Couple Returns Mr, and Mrs. Harry nIcAdanis,. bridal couple, have returned front their wedding trip on Tuesday; ,which' was spent at Clawson . and :Detroit; Mich.; Windsor and London and• on their rain" n home were accompanied by their aunt Mrs. Roy Pask. of Claw- son and Mrs. Will McAdams ,and Donna of London. Mrs. Then . 4Ic- Adams'lead a lovely fowl supper ser• ved for .forty-nine guests, .the room was beautiful) with:'blue and white streamers, the evening was much en- joyed, during .the evening tae couple were asked to come. forward when a suitable address was read „y Mrs. Milton McAdams and the presents were brought forward; by :Deward Me Adams and Ilene Golsen of Green- way in which they were showered With useful gifts. Mr, Harry Mc- Adams ,gave na siutable reply. HAD 'BANNER YEAR As had:been predicted ay' "the an - anal meeting, Zurich Bible Society. would go over the top the past year, and it did to a great, extent. •Follow- ing is a summary of contributions of the local branch. The ,.::ecuti ve wish to greatly thank the canvassers and every contributor who gave of their means- to make this; possible. If you have a part in this you Will be proud of having helped along. Fo)- lowing. is the report: Offering, annual meeting . $81.24 'Farr Line and BlindhLine 4.00 SEAFORTH $OLDI'ER WOUNDE-I? l &by141? line , ... 3.:90 Blind i,ine , I'te: William 'J Williams has been Goshen, north r , .. , , . 24:$.205 . wounded. its Italy. q 'An official tele- Zurich, north 8.05 ;ram to" that effect was received by 'Zurich centre- 19.65 his wife in- Kitchener: The?, yr. old. Zurich, south 16 30 Signaller has' served overseas two Goshensouth 6.40' years. and tvetit 1 rough the Battli�. Bronson,, notili' , /%60 of Sicily unharmed. Beyond ej:gtinit 1,0iison, south. 1.25 that' he `was`inj'ured no details wort 4th concession'' 2,75 given. Pta Wi1liasn`s'i o on of 141x.' and Mts. Sol Williams; of'seaxettt Well done! $01:07.89 and a former well knowit ' Seaforth' "V B. J. Klopp, Secy. bay. London; Ont. Dee, 30, 1943. APPEAL DISMISSED Dear Mr. Klapp: That is certainly Toronto— Jiistice .1, A. Hope, in a most generous cheque we received Ont. Appeal Court, dismissed an ;zp-. this manning from our friends at peal on behalf of William Clegg,, 24, . Zurich—We have twice as much 0.4 Jehova Witness preacher, and ruled in 1942. Our best thanks, to you Clegg must return to jail for two and to all our friends and collectors. days to fill out the remainder of a20 Ourreceipt is enolosod.-13est wishes day sentence imposed for failure? to to you and yours for 1944. report change of address to the •1 Yours Sincerely. iatr.ar of his district under, the ,at -;Rev, rienny i3r�s;h' lanai selective service and xnoboll at- Distract Secretary, Western Ontas': s't regulations. Bible woes tI . 1 Dead and. • ON abled Animal3. REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone; Collect: Exeter 235. 'Seaforth 1 DARLING and CO, Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) Check -Up -Time THE SITUATION 1S SERIOUS. NEXT SPRING ONTARIO FARMERS FACE THE BIGGEST TASK IN THE HISTORY' OF ONTARIO AGRICULTURE, THE SENSIBLE THING. TO DO IS TO CHECK OVER ALL MACHINES NOW, THIS WEEK, ESTIMATE REPAIRS NECESSARY, AND ORDER SAME AT ONCE. "GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS PARTS FOR M. -I -I. MACH- INES. Tel. Shop 149 Oscar' Klopp Res. 67 - MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farb. elMAW AAIAMAMM.N.A.M... E 1 Local Representative vormsaanswatsupeam GENERA Ir3Sd7 NOE EXCE PT [dry, y1 Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Sto. A- threw F. Hess, Zuric • • a r Zurich h i ?53gr ,s,idairee19 t0/919e,Z*42-•989t4911a 094949 109)0s 1,0844 513 per_, Flour'.Roduoetin IN ORDER TO SECURE OUR SUPPLY OF MILL FEEDS FOR FARMERS' STOCK, WHICH IS SO ESSENTIAL, WE ARE OBLIGED TO TAKE A LARGE QUOTO OF FLOUR WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES. ALL HIGH GRADE FLOURS AT $2.65 PER CWT. COLONY HOUSE CHESTNUT We have Received •a Cal of Chestnut Coal ofr use in Colony and Brooder Houses, which we will sell for such purpose... Ytuir Chick Fe( cis The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc.. L. Schilbe & So e c2xgsasr.INVDamaor94 4,44**u3:a 00 a4€ ie ,s ese4 1 Shortsighted Econoffiy Short-sighted saving has kept many business men in the rut of toilsome grind all their lives and in many instances landed them in bankruptcy. Caut- ion must of course be exercised. In the present disturbed conditions, few business people can afford to sit down and accept what cornes; if they do they will gradually drift into the limbo of forgotten things. Advertising has therefore proved itself a necessity and the logical medium for this advertising is your Local Newspaper. The one that heralds all the local doings into every home. Nothing can compete with it for home publicity. Tv It! THE ZURICH HERALD 4 a 4 4 4