HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-12-30, Page 4-,r714.10,,,, (*TAXI' OF ZURICH HERALD 4 •i 4 4 4 1 4 4 4, 4 • • , .x IN a World of dreary blackouts, with all its War sufferings, the Christmas Star of Hope and Peace shines on --- a prophecy of what shall be and a symbol of that which 'ree men still suffer and strive. May it$ glean -1 lighten all the world .this glorious Yuletide Season. ca5,.t=1Saatv STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs. A. H. Gackstetter .has return- ed home near Kippen, after spending the past three weeks with her .brother and sister-in=law, Mr. and ,Mrs. ,Lav- erne Ferguson in St. Thomas. Mrs. Eldon Jarrott and baby dais- ghter have .returned to their home in the Kippen district, from Mrs. Pater- son's nursing home in Hensel'. ' The many friends of John Rath - well, .of Varna, who was seized with 4. heart attack,. will be .pleased to know he is improving at the home of his son Fred, while Mrs. Rathwell la with her daughter Mrs. Horner. Pte. Elliott Chuter of Ipperwas h, was a recent visitor with his parents Mr. and 11Virs. Jas. McAllister, of the Parr Line, Hay, were renewing acquaintances in the Varna district • on Sunday last. Mrs. BillBall and little son who have spent a fortnight with her moth- er Mrs. Mossop, of Varna, have- re• turned to their home in 'Clinton. BAYFIELD Mrs.. Bennett of Detroit, has ar- rived in Bay field and was called to the bedside of her father, Mr. H.' •Weston, who is quite i11: attendance, nursing Mrs. S. Houston. Mr. Louis Alsworth died at the home of his daughter near Brussels and' was buried in Bayfield mCemetery on Monday last. He was orie of the pioneer residents of the district, hav- ing lived most of his life on the Blue. Water Highway just north of Bay- field. . Cpl. Grant Turner, of I alifax, spent a few days leave with his wife and family here. Mr. Spencer Erwin, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. T. Bailey were in .Goderich, at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. Stott, . • Miss Marion Castle of ,Clinton Col- , legiate is spending her holidays . at her home and was assisting in the pose office during the rush. Man and Wife die within 2 Hours. , On Sunday, death called Henry Weston and his wife within two hours Both had been ailing, but influenza isgiven as the immediate cause of their deaths, one passing away at 10 a.m. and the other at, noon. Double funeral service and burial took place, at 2.30 on Tuesday afternoon. Mr, and ,Mrs. Westonwould have celebra- ted; their 65th wedding anniversary i on.New Year's Day, as they were rnarried an Jan. ist, 1878. Both we- re born in Goderioh Twp,'the former d 4 T 4 4 in 1859 and the latter in 1868. They resided in the township until retiring to . Hayfield23 years ago. Survivingare three daughters and a son, Mrs. W. McDonald, Mrs. Barrett and Mrs Bennett all of Detroit and Percy G. Weston of Hayfield. .A. sister, of Mrs. Weston resides in 'Toronto. The departed couple were active members of the Anglican church and the fun- eral service was held in Trinity An- glican church, with interment in the Bayfield Cemetery. HENSALL Miss Norma Cook who is attending Western University, London, is spend ing the vacation at her home here. The many friends of Thos. Shad - dick are pleased to see him out a- gain following his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff were in Goderich attending. the funeral of Mrs. Pfaff's grandfather, Mr. Fell, of Goderich. Miss Phyliss Case has left for St. -Ctharines, where she will spend a' week or so with her sister, ;Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson and family. Miss Dorothy Munn, of London, was a recent visitor with her parents, C117Ca.L: 44=g:,x e ✓, .rr._-31,4x. •,,.•... Mrs. Jack Williams, of Waterloo, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale. Mrs. Alice Joynt was'in Exeter the past week attending the 50th wedd- ing anniversary of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang. Mr. Wm. Love, who has taught the Bible Class of the United Church for the past number of years was pres- ented with a purse of money by the members of the class in recognition of his faithful services. The address was read by {Henry Pfile and Ed. Mc- Queen made the presentation. The annual ,Sunday school Christ- mas entertainment of Cermet Pres- byterian church was held in the church basement with the minister, Rev. J. Taylor, in the chair. An ex- cellent program was given which was such enjoyed. Santa Claus arrived on the scene and distributed gifts to the children. Miss Phyllis Case of Hensel', has received word of the death of her uncle, Reginald Victor Case,of Wyoming, who, who -died at Pet- roliaHospital in his 57th year. He was born.in the Exeter district and s well knawrr around that district and also in the Hensall district Su-- vlving are his widow and a young aughter three years of age; one Many a bell is ringing out It's Message of Good Cheer Many a Greeting's being sent This happy time of year. And a wish re-echoes in our heart Like a chime the whole year thru-- A wish that Life will always bring Its finest and best to you l D JNR IN Tiemales Hotel, ,Dashwood WEDNESDAY JANUARY 5th, NEW AND OLD TIME DANCING Refreshments will be Served General Admission..35c, Wm. GOSS1IIAM sister, bliss Susie Case of at. 'Cathar- ines, and a brother, Nelson of :Sar- nia. Had Concert The Christmas concert held in the school house of No. 4 Hay was larg- ely ,attended. It was under the dif i lt. ion of the teacher, ilVIrs. Roderick Ellis. The cantata prepared by Law- rence Weir, music teacher of the se- ction, was in charge of Miss 1Vfargar-' et Dougall. Chester Rowe was chair pian. The proceeds amounting to X17. •a will go to the Red Cross: Celebrated 94th birthday Mr. I. W. Ortwein, one of H'ensall"s� best known citizens, and the oldest resident there celebrated his 94th birthday on Christmas Day and 031 New Year's Day Mr. and Mrs. Ort- wein will observe their 53rd wedding anniversary. A resident of Hensall for some 50 years, Mr. Ortwein was born at Hidelburg, where he was postmaster for some years and 'mer- chant. He .also conducted a store at Seaforth and Hensall and until re- cently was active in church organiz- ations, for rganiz-ations..for 2a5 years was superinten- dent of the Sunday School of the Un-. ited Church. He enjoys very good health and still trips to the .post ofh ce daily for his snail and is a famil iar figure on the streets. Home From Overseas Corp. Donald MrJtaig, well know Hensall boy, who has seen four yrs of active service overseas, arrive home by bus from Kingston, wher he had been confined for the past weeks at the military hospital, having recently arrived from 'England. Don ald is the only son; of 11,.cs- auavw ti'11+Ioi•+ s w2s,°`°'di' iensa1l,- and was .wounder in action in Sicily, suffering a frac- tured hip and several broken ribs. He was wounded in July and was in a" cast for four months, arriving in Canada on a stretcher and recently discarded his crutches and came to Hensall with the aid of a cane. His arrival home was a great surprise to his mother. Donald enlisted in Pie - ton, Oct. 1939, going overseas in Dec of that year. His many friends are pleased to see him. White Gift Service A White Gift Service was held in Cannel Presbyterian church 'Sunday morning Dec. 26th at 11, a:m., when the classes of the Sunday school at- tended the service with their teacher Rev. J. Taylor, minister, occupred the pulpit, and delivered a special Christ- mas message, his sermon in story form, the service took the formof a carol service and many lovely Christ- mas carols were sung'during the ser- vice. The choir, under the leadership of Mrs. J. Murdock for their anthem sang: "Come, let us Adore Hine," the white gift offering will mbe sent to the sick children Hospital at London. At'I the evening service a womens' ,chorus sang, ''There were Shepherds", solo taken by Mrs. Nelson Stanlake, duett Mrs, Stanlake and Mrs. J. Cairns, ob- ligato by Mrs. Cairns. e 2 g 1 hone in .his $8tn' year,. after a tong illness. Prior to living in ,Goderich, he had farmed successfuirny near Staffa in Hithtrt Twp., of which he was a native. He was a roonbet of the United church and is survived by his wife and a son W. J. Fell, pan the homestead in Ribbert' two daughters Mrs, Alex. IMacDon'ald of ;Searorth, and Miss Edna Fell at home. Another son John T. Fell, well-known as a Photographer in Goderich, Mitchell and Sarnia, passed' away about six weeks previous. Prominent Seaiorth Man Passes 'George Archibald •Sills, $eaforth's oldest business man and one ofHur- 1 on 10ounty's most wideby known, es- teemed and honoured citizens, passed away at his home on Dec. 22nd in his 8,9th year. Mr.. Sills had been ,confin- ed to his home for the past five we- ' %harsday, ll7,aememl>ueth,,a 'th;i 1;943` eics, taut previous had enjoyed re maarkable health forhis years, .being down town every day and taking a keen interest in town and world aff- airs. Born in••Brucefield in;181i6, Mr Sills was a=desceindaxlt of a United Elnvpire Loyalist family, mWhen 12 yrs of age he went to Seaforth and with the exception of a year spent in Wan.. nipeg, he had lbeen a continuous rew rident of that town for 77 years. Have your exgrtly serviced by the LIKE any other piece of machinery, your DURO PUMP -needs attention from time to time to ensure continuous satisfactory performance. Working parts may wear, requiring adjustment or replacement and regular lubrication is essential. Until the war is over, it is more necessary than ever that present owners keep their pumps in good running order, because the produc- tion of new Duro-Pumps is limited. The Duro Dealer who name appears below. is fully experienced. He will be glad to inspect your. pump,_adjust it and instal new parts if needed. Should you .be requiring Fixtures or Fittings for Bathroom, Kitchen or. Laundry, demand Enc° Quality Fixtures and Fittings. Although its range. ...:of styles and sizes is limited„due..to wartimexestxic- tions, Emco can still supply requirements for the average home. War Savings Stamps and Certificates should be bought regularly FOR SALE BY STADE and WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London Hamilton Sudbury 343 Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver COUNTY NEWS Dies at Exeter Ellen Thomson, wife of Edward Stone, died suddenly at Exeter in her. 7Sth year. Besides the husband, three sons and two daughters survive. Be- fore moving into Exeter 24 years a- go lMr. and Mrs. ,Stone lived in 1.1s - borne township. Huron Twp. Stores Robbed Two general stores in Huron T'wp. were robbed during early morning hours, with no trace left as to their identity. Taking advantage of the snow storm which raged during the night, they broke locks on gasoline primps at Kincardine and stole 10 gallons of gas, at the store at Pine River they stole a variety of articles including shoes, clothing, cigarettes, and chocolate bars. Dies in SeaforthHospital Mrs. Merton A. Reid, of 1Seaforth, died in London Hospital. ,She was the datighter of Mrs. D. Davidson of New ton, and attended Listowel High Sch- ool and iNiormal at Stratford. After her training she taught at Kingwood, Holstein. and Woodstock schools. She was a anetnber of the First Presby- terian ,ehixrch, ,Seaforth, aria :for sev- eralyears was secretary of the Hur- on Presbyterial in that town: She was prominent in all the town's act- ivities. Surviving 'besides her husb- and and mother, are two sisters. Late John Fell :+`or the past ,25 years a resident Godrriclr, <olin li'ell died, at hi:, 0 ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper for one Year: London Free Press, 1 yr. , $8.50 London Free Press, 6 Mons. .....5.30 . Toronto Globe and Mail $8.50 Toronto Daily Star $8,50 Toronto Weekly Star - $7.50. Stratford Beacon Herald - $7.50 Kitchener Daily Record .............. .....,..... $7.50 McLean's Magazine $2.25 Canadian Magazine .......... $2.49 Catelaine Magazine ........ .. ,. $2.25 Farmers' Advocate ..... .. ..... $2.00 Can. Homes and Gardens ....:...... Can. Poultry Review .............. ,........ $2.25." Family Herald and Weekly Star , . .... $2.25 Family Herald, 3 years ....., 3.00 McCall's Magazine ...............::.... $2,85 Reader's Digest ....,,:»,,,...;,,. .,.. $4.15 AAA. a great neay mere that w. cannot ,enumerate her*. Wi kayo the Agency for every. •reputable Magazins . ia>. Canada and the United States, and can save you honey est the most of therm. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich 44,04.0 stilisof,