HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-12-23, Page 8• • ialtiasday Deeemlitn. =RV 119.43; ZURICH, ONTARIO HERALD f" !ee �. te. '�IlUilllllllllllG�lul!CiIIIIIIj1'''.11lfillll' 1NIIi11111111111111111111J111 I�NIIIiIIt�ICICI fIIIfIIl11111111111H1111iiIIII�Ili1111Nilllllllil!III!IIIIIIIUI11111hIill(I`l!611111111��1� ea - ZURICH'S Groeery Store At this time of Year we can give no greater or more impressive mess- age to our Many Customers than by Extending a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Menno Oesch PRDUCE WANTED. ,TIniTT d 11lllllllllilll�lill 0111Illlillllll 1111111111! Illllll 11 I ll IIIII 1111111101111111171111NllllllllIII E• Zurich Phone 165 Ilii Illlli1I1.tU 111 lililllllu Ill i 4. • the i en who Till the Soil •4. 4. • ♦• With the changing of the Seasons, we will nee 4. ♦ + 4. ♦ better equipment. How about your work shoes or • this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer •• about them before you buy. We carry the.famous ' has lineof Greb WorkShoes men. stood the test for years. "At moderate price, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Ifo tai equalitJy WeltSoles you want E andH narrow toes. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. " . E DIGSOF,F ER . • • for This line 4. dr 4. + 4. 4. 4. + + + + 4.4.4••£I•+++•F•!••;r•3•4••1441 r 0-1 . - 5-X Brand Shingles KLOPP'S . ONE-STOP SERVICE: • 41+ 1 MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist Why take chances- in inferior Gas when you'' can buy Good. Gas at Regjiklr•• Prices: Engineered: Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using" 7 kinds. of Crease. We invite yeti to watch us Lubricate' your Car• and'+seee how Trained Attendants Grease Gars Expert Repairing We use the RING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up, your Mato+. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon, Batteries, Accessories,: Goodyear Tires, Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up -to -Pats•' Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your' Car M the Colder Weather: and: Heavier Roar& HOWARD ` KLOPP;. LESSEE C. Fritz & Son.•U sed Car L at. in. Connection. IJ LOU I f ( ._.(.;CAL MARKETS ;:.� Mr. and Mrs. Henxy Teawience I 1 axe spen(lin r a few weeks with frie'' Eggs Corrected every oedne8sd y) JCI i .t,. ends at Mitchell.; furs. C Layton 0. Smith and•son, Gor-, Butter• peer. lei: - •• •• - •• .....' d0 4 a• 4. e"� don, motored to London one,."tlaylast Chickens, dressed. 0" wee " . Ducks, drsed .......- ' ....... 2 Dorsk.. Frank Kochems left» fer' 76ad--I Geese, dreeeed: „ en to spend a few weeks at the: home Turkeys, cil•essed .. - of her son, Francis. • Wheat,, bushel Oc ,R F. 0. Ivan Willert and Mrs., Will Oats; bushel; .. •. 75 ert and daughter, are spending; a. Bbal'ey;, hush.. —.... 2-7705 0 few wecl.s of vacation at. the home Buckwheat, bush gene75 of the form is mother, Mr.. and Mrs Flour:, cwt.. - 5,0,00 George Hess. Sheets and bean, ton 52,00 4' Miss Patricia O'Dwyer 'villa; is at- M ddlirngs,, teen + tending Western University air. Lon - •+i• don, is spending the. holydayt�seas.on • at the home of her parents, Dr: and 4'' I :iI ,I • 4.- 1. C'.ANADA'S ICE MURDER SOLVED BUT STILL A MYSTERY Mie. P. J. O'Dwyer. White man's justice mazes• Es - With the heavier falls of enow the kinios, especially legal procedure, snow plows were being; called. out, when a family affair like murder is to keep the highways. clear., A body ofea d. murdered Eskimo remains is why the frozen considerable dickering;, the.' Hay Tp. Council has finally been ,able to ,,et embalmed in ice waiting for next out e Mi. Wm. Jennison to take care al I t n1 its whencourthawede Jprobably uis won't may this work throughout the Township. Mond alY—N°mltinatian Read the details in The American Monday afternoon is the day for weekly with this Sunday's (Dec. 26) the annualnominatiansx and that will issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. include Hay Township which will be in the town hall in the afternoon, and in the evening for Police T'rus- tees. The ratepayers axe urged to come out and attend these Meetings. Show that you are interested in , the welfare of the; community by. coming out to these meetings. ,Some similar meetings in the district have beer - very poorly attended, and let this not be said of this community. CLOSED BY FLU Hay Township Council, at the.clos- ing meeting of the year,., last' •Wed- nesday, closed all schools, in the township for the present as the ;in- fluenza epidemic hit this district fu91 force, most of the teachers having been laid up. Council also •banned Christmas entertainments, dances, etc., till the epidemic is brought un- der control. The Council '.passed three recitations given by rJianls these bylaws on recommendation of I Mal3ride, Melvin Giirgerich and Ted Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer, Medictl �Healtii { d Ducharme. Officer, who is the only doctor we I y Mr. Lorne Dellontlne then favoured } have in Zurich and Who has been un- with two solos "When. Its Springtime able to answer numerous calls• in the Desert" and "Rbsateta", ac BACK FROM CONFERENCE companying himself on the ,gultar. Washington — President Roosevelt - Next was a skit entitled "Barney completed an historic wartimejour- and His Horse" featuring Been* 's WE AREJUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5-" CEDAR 4! t • SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE 1N NEED OF THESE • HINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- } CED. IE HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEED • ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE 't' RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICKI 4. I• F' Cs PHONE 60 '4J YLEISC ZURICH ri 1 • *4.4,4.•4•+6•+4.4+4•.i•+4.4•4•4.44•4.+.P•3•4•4,.t••4. a..... .. 4..44. a.t..r✓ w..y .a.a,.yl..t .t•a'., 4. i •1 ■ fi 4 4 BLAKE SCHOOL CONCERT The annual school Christanas con- cert was held in the Blake School on Thursday night with a good attend-• ante despite the roads and so mane, cases of .flir. Mr. Edmund Oesch presided as chairman in his usual pleasrng man- ner and the program opened while a welcome recitation given by three boys Elmer 'Oesch,. Louis Deneenme. and Teddy Ducharme. Next was the cantata entitled "Fn Christrnasland" and due to the fact Mr. L. Wein, the music teacher, been quite ill, Mrs. Harry G. Hess of Zurich very capably acted as accom- panist for the cantata. Following this the flake school "Yell" by all the pupils and then 1• 4. + ‘,„T + also, CHOICE VARIETY OF CAM PIES; AND Wa: are Happy.:' to, take this Opportunity.' of EEpressing onel< ,Appreciattionr at the. Patronage that, has been accorded urs ingithe•past Year -and Wish one Merry Christmas A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NewY Jo1instn & Katheith ear :f _..;tier&. Phone aa • • k .�•'g.',y,.g,•i.'I..F.f.'4•.1..t..,..; .y'y5••!••s.,.,..; ;• .p.., .p. ':,,.; «r•i.' E tn,•i..,-i.•'r✓r•t„g•'t•.T�••t••,4••4�fi.+SP, TRY E CK L"S wn aikm, 111 road SWEET G • % All Ingredients Used zAe • f the Highest Qviality j ' ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our . Store will be closed ea a Wednesday Evening HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE '11111111111111iitfltlst+'�!! TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS nc.y has arrived back in the 'United I old horse Spark Plug. This act caus- States from the Allied military arc political conferences in Carlo and Teheran. Happily back in the good old U.S.A., the president still find plenty to do. PLEAD GUILTY Goderieh—Having pleaded guilty :o 25 charges, each of breaking, en- tering and theft or attempted theft, Angus Trudeau and Lorne Derevere were again remanded to jail. by - ace Makins. Crown Attorney I),. E. Hol- mes told the court that he wished to further investigate the records of accused before sentence was passed. Both prisoners are 16 years of age. STADE &WEIDOI ZURICH — ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE • timoossoimokiwkwhoolossosteowspaitiowisoomosotiotiatesod they did a great deal of damage in more than a score of cottages in the favoured with two more numbers, Bayfield district, much of it Aeing ".Scar Spangled Banner" and Busted wanton destructiep, • , - a, Dawn Blues. Next was a radio pro- gram consisting of five numbers with , Uncle Ezra played by Johnny Baker announcing. First was a duet by Elva and Ulene Ducharme entitle& "Paper Doll" accompanied by Rose Denomrne on the piano. .Second wee little Grace Erb singing in her own inimitable style "When we all get Together." Third was the Blake puddle jumpers, the junior orchestra played "Little Brown Jug." Then was a duet "Reuben and Rae chael" sung by Richard Millman and Erma Bechler. Then cowboy Carl Oesch sang "True Blue I3e11" accom- panying himself on the guitar. The last number was the Bronson Trio Jean Girigerich, Margaret Erb, an' Carl Oesch singing "Lily of the Val ley. Two choruses by the entire school and then a •closing recitatior given by three boys, Murray Baker Louis Denornme and Teddy Ducharme brought the program to a close then Shan came and unloaded the tree and with the' singing of God Save the Ding, the • entertainrnenl ed the crowd no end of merriment. Following this was the Mock Wed- ding of Hiram Hayfever and Sadie Stutters and then three recitations by Marjorie McBride, Ulene Duchenee and Gladys Oesch. The Blake Buekle Busters consist- ing of Rose Denomme, piano; Kenny Parke, drum; Carl Oesclt, guitar; Teddy Dunhal•me, base viol; Louis Denomme, washboard; , and Arthur Finlayson, guitar and lnoutn organ, favoured with three selections and then a humorous dialogue followed entitled "Pau) faces the Tire Short- age. Lorne Denomme. aril gaiter then + + + + + + 11 .j"i+++++.'s••i"I••;'+?"Pori—i" -.•,r r i, c'b f et..i..l +,0! .•p'p'•i'.i'.1•.t.•Ir•i.'i—H. •:*,7•++.,+1..,,.r., Eckel's Bakery — Zurich Telephone 100 " OBITUARY Late Mrs. Pta!atzer One of the oldest residents of Blyth died on Monday evening last at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William McLean, in the person of Mrs. Henry Plaetzer. She was in her 82nd year. The departed had the misfortune to fall breaking her hip three months ago and since then. hag been confined to bed. Before her play riage she was Miss Elizabeth Pfaff and was born at Blake, near Zurich. Her husband, Henry Plaetzer, was '.hired 19 years ago to the day site lied, while walking on the, CPR. .racks in his capacity as section man, nd in a blinding snowstorm. Was truck by the train. Mrs, Ptaetzer e survival by one daughter, •Pearl, Mrs. William McLean, with whom she made her home. One graxidilati ;•hter, Marcella, Mrs. Wtllington Mlc- Nall, and one great grandson, also a sister, Mrs. Con. Fuss of Zurich. The funeral was held from the 'home of 'Mrs. McLean on Wednesday after- was over. Santa thenwished all noon last, interment taking plate„ in Very Merry Christmas and departed the union Cemetery. ori his way. =SNAPSHOT GUIL TABLE*•TOP PICTURES Toy soldiers, s2�1 ai'► cotton batting --and yoU have a war picture in wIntere "Making tabletop pictures is easy, and fun. naima our - to � k' YOU wantgive v I tion free 1 eine oil something—just try takingetable top pictures during g le of the long winter evenings. With a few simple materials that can be picked up around almost any house, you can create all sorts of picture situations=in either comic or serious vein. Spread out a piece of plain, dark carpet, and you have an attractive grassy lawn. Put a doll house on it, add a few toy trees and a driveway made out of sand or salt—and you have a handsome country. estate. Slip a few wads of crumpled paper under the carpet, smoothing it down neatly—and you have kills and valleys. A toy auto- mobile on the drive, a few toy eows or horses scattered about and you have a complete rural. scene. It's as simple as that. For table -top pictures, any kind of camera can be used. If yours is a sired -focus camera, or oue that fo- cuses only to five or six feet, slip a portrait attachment on the lens— this this enables you to take close-ups. The .camera should. be placed oar e firm support, and the lens closed do` 11 to a email opening. This makes both near and far objects sharper:. Time exposures should lid 'trade,. using either 'ordivat'y electric bulbs. or, 'Pr efee Aty„ regular •amateur photo bulbs. Table -top pictures offer a wide choice of subject matter. You cam take a couple of model airplanes, hang them on dark threads, and picture an aerial eombat. Or, yon can use toy soldiers and cannon from the dime store, and stage g. war on the living -room floor. It woolly white blanket, or cotton bat- ting, provides snow for a winter' scene. A sheet of black cardboard ,is a fine background for a night scene. A mirror, laid out fiat, makes a .sheet of ice. Brown sugar or salt can be used for a sandy beach. Tiny' twigs suggest bare trees, Trans- parent wrapping material, properly crnnrpled, resembles etormy water. Place a ship model on. a sheet of this --and you have a storm at sea. Clearly, in "table -tops" there are marvelous chances for pictures. The ,Sn o , ,on.ck — i limit—and there's sky is the lir i to the tun you can have. Try a few `grow, and You'll see. 221 John. van Guilder