Zurich Herald, 1943-12-23, Page 7CANADIAN SOLDIERS WATCH FOR HUNS 1,71)15Mr ?..:7 •R''.'P++,. •.roig •^,•': O rw1:V..: , ,...:s!.ser..ssbaaaseen Canadian anti-tank gunners are shown in Italy on the alert for word and .sight of German armored vehicles. Infantry were about So advance along the road on the right toward German positions on the first hill in the background. Germans were also in position among the cluster of Italian farm homes at the bottom of the hill. The quantity of paper avail- it4ble in Britain is about one-fifth (iv!le pre-war supply Newspapers are cut accordingly. ITC STOPPED us a ✓lffq •ar Money Back WI&relieffrom Itching of eeums, pimples, nth 'afoot, scales, scabies, rashes andother external]?• akm txoublee, ase feet•ucting, cooling, ann. liquid' D. D. D. l.'reecription. Greaseleetl :ioetheeirritationend quickly 'tope intenaz . SSe trial bottle proves it, or money beck. AA yam ggiet today for D.A.D. PRESCRIPTION. Have You Heard? A baker with a horse and van was delivering bread in the av- enue. A woman hurrying home- wards from her shopping stopped him. "Have you left me any bread, baker?" "Oh, yes, madam." "Is it today's?" "Certainly, madam." "'Well, yesterday's wasn't'." —0— Hubby! "You nnever. tell me what you buy! Don't I get my voice in the buying?" Wifeyl "Certainly, darling! You get the invoice." —0— "'What's your trade in the Air Force?" asked the sergeant. "I'm a turner,"replied the AC. "Turner?" queried the sergeant, "Yes, replied the A.C, "at night, I turn in, and just as I'm about to turn over, somebody turns up and says: "Turn out; it's your turn to turn over those kites." —0- Boss: "Young man,, you ought to take a lesson from the busy bee," Office Boy: "1 did, ser; I was out late last night with my honey." —0— She: "tI says here, 'Germans driven back into Italy'." Be: "Well, that's good news." She: "It's a downright shame. Why don't they make then] walk?" —0 --- "So that's your new over- coat! It's rather loud, isn't It?" "Yes; but i intend to wear a, muffler with It." —0— Attorney: "Where was the de- fendant milking the cow?" Witness: "It's hard to describe, nudge, but if you'll bring in a cow, I'll show you the exact place." —0— Rich Old Husband: "Would you care If I left you?" Sweet Young Bride: "Not If you left me enough." Twice -Blasted Dnieper Dam The famous Dnieper dam has been blown up again. But this time the explosives were fired by the Germans, as they publicly abandoned hope of holding, their Dnieper River line. It would be difficult to find a more fitting symbol of the progress of the war on the Eastern European front. The Russians themselves first destroyed the Dnieper 4aln iu their costly retreat across the Ukraine. The necessity for that aet was a ]litter blow, not merely because they "were inordinately proud ofthe structure, but be- cause the defences of the. Ukraine had not proved as strong as they had supposed; It is now com- monly agree"dthat although no real quislings were found any- where in Russia, Nazi propaganda did at the beginning make some headway among the Ukrainians. The original destruction of the Dnieper dam meant relinquish- ing the greatest single monument of the Soviet's new industrializa- tion program. Its second demo- lition represents a German con- fessionthat millions of lives had. been scll%andered on a conquest that could not be made to stick. • Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Isn't it poo taste for a man to come to the table in his shirt sleeves?:` 2. Would it be all right for one to send Christmas greeting cards to the other employees in the offlsee, who are his equals? 3. Is it obligatory that honor- ary . pall -bearers wear speeiai :mourning suits? ' 4. What should a girl do if she is visiting friends in a strange city, and' there is no' one at they station 'to 'meet her? 5. Row. , should shrimps ba ,eaten, when served whole in their 'she"? 8.llsWhen should the "thank you" notes for Christmas gifts] be 'written? Answers 1. Yes. Of course a man is entitled to be comfortable at home, with his family, but when there are guests he should wear his coat. 2. Yes. 3. No.; any dark business suit is appropriate. 4. Telephone to the home you are going to visit or ask the assist- ance of a policeman. 5. They may be separated, peeled, and conveyed to the mouth with the f_ngers. 6. Within a few days after Christmas. How Can I? By Anne Aehiey Q, How can 1 soften winter pears? A. Hard winter pears will ripen nicely if placed in layer's on, fruit shelves. Q, What is a good way to water . house plants during the winter? A. Place them in the bathtub once in a while and turn the shower on gently, so that they may get moisture through their leaves as well as their roots. ' Q. How can I make ]lash cords last longer? A. Before installing the new. sash cords, soak them in boiled linseed oil, then allow them to. '^�' '•:�;,;, ..S>•zsvq;?<- oat-.p�F„�:,�a'd�if.•�^Fcr :roti Christmas Ee, 1.943 "`This is the night—the night I've always lived for, year in and year out. ”This one is sure different, though. Instead of sleighbells, we've got tank tracks clanking over the rocks. Instead of stockings over the fireplace we've got Army socks drying on the bushes. In. stead of a treeful of presents, Jerry lobs over 15 5's. t'See that star over there ?Looks like a Christmas star all right It's shining down on out house right now, 1 bet. .. on Dad and Mont, and the kids and Mary. t"•'They'.11'be singing carols and it'll •sound wonder" fuL And there'll be a big fire in the fireplace and the stuff on the tree will },e sparkling like diamonds. And after a while they'll hang up the stockings. And finally they'll all go to bed and the kids']] dream of Santa Claus all nigl>lt long, ,like I used to. 'Merry Christmas, Dad and Mom! Merry Christmas, kids! Merry Christmas, Mary! Don't worry about me. I'm alt right. And, if everything goes okay, I'll be home for next Christmas." • ♦ s a Let us not fail the boy who waits tonight on a wind-swept hill. Let us try to match his job with ours. Let us work harder in mine and field and factory. Let us buy more and more Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. Let us resolve now to bring him home before another ChAssnlas comes. THE HOUSE. OF S.EA G RAM' h-„..�I.•,-„ti.!Ir;•W«r+'.coe.feee. +�.a,"+.-.fix-..er..aW..e'•.d.+i,.irw.ar..,+.•sWwea*1.4 a!”R•.t'„'q}i.YR^►.#*rW.�W-L.1u.asw./.-w.a.r�.•�•,, dry thoroughly, and they will .last indefinitely, Q. How can 1 keep egg yolks if they are mot needed for imnle- diate use? Plaee them in cold water. and keep in a dark, cool place, anti they can be kept fresh for several days. Q. How can 1 blanch almonds? A. By plaeing them in boil- ing water for a few minutes.. Re- move skins, dry and brown in heated butter on top of stove, stirring constantly, Remove from fire when they are very light brown, then drain on brown paper. and sprinkle with salt. Centuries before America was discovered, the 'Chinese were eat- ing spinach. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ARTICLES WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Cornets, Trumpets, Clarinets, Saxophones etc, Shelton -Sher- wood Co. Ltd., 365A Yonge St,. Toronto, Ont, - BABY CHICKS TOO LA'Z'E — TOO LATE NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT BE said "too late." Send for our price e list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- nia Heights, Ont. THOSE WONDERFUL TWEDDLE chicks—get 'em early! We thought we'd get some rest after the 1948 peak, but there's no rest iii were time—not with a world-wide food shortage. Mighty short interlude between seasons. Looks as It the chicken and egg business had run into a perpetual demand. Tweddle operations have already begun. We are ready .to supply you with high-quality. Govern- ment Approved chicks f r o m bloodtested breeders. Send for 1944 pricelist and catalogue. Also laying and ready -to -lay pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Ferg- us, Ontario. ORDERS NOW HAVE PRIORITY. They get choice of breeds and dates. We're keeping up Bray high standard, but we.can't prom- ise unlimited supply of chicks. So—order early. Some chicks available now. Still some laying N.,Hamilton, llets BayHatchery, 130 JohnOnt. CAR IVANTED PRIVATE PARTY DESIRES 1940- 1942, 5 -passenger Coupe or Sedan- ette, good condition. Cash. Box 71, 73 Adelaide W„ Toronto, DRAG SAW WANTED WANTED USED WADE DRAG Saw. Write giving model, condi- tion. price etc. Ledru Helsel, Drayton, Ont. DAHLL4.5 BE SUCCESSFUL IN GROWING exhibition dahlias. Our catalogue and instructions on Dahlia Cul- tur -will be mailed free to you on request. Lovegrove Dahlia Gardens, Galt, Ont. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHINU NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We ars glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye , Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belt s, pulleys, brushes. Alien Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. FOR SALE ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE rural businesses today is the SEED, MIXING AND GRINDING Business. We have several good mills offered for sale in differ- ent sections of the province. No agent's fee charged. If you can, bus- iness w. Bxrapidly growing Aelaide St. W., Toronto. FERRETS 'WANTED FERRETS WANTED IN QUANTI- , ties, reasonable, apply W. J. Scott, 122 Maria St. W., Toronto, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES, CLAY LOAM, EIGHT acres bush, balance under cultiva- tion, well drained and fenced, re- liable well, windmill, 20 acres plowed, 5 acres wheat; brick house, newly decorated cement house, driving shed. Town six house, driving shed Town six miles, lot 1, con. 7, Tuckersmith. Roy Connell, Seaforth, Route _4. [TOOT BALM BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 46e bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. FURS WANTED RAW FURS WANTED. SHIP YOUR raw furs to us for full value. We deal direct with New York. L. A. Jones, 189 Talbot St., St. Thomas. POULTRY Glt1T POULTRY GRIT: WHITE LIME - stone in 100 lb. bags. Immediate delivery in carloads or smaller quantities, write for samples and prices. STINSON REEl3 SUPPLY Co., Limited, 5585 Delorimier Ave., Montreal. IIAIR GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particu- lars. WHYTE'S HAIR GOODS 258 'Yonge Ste Toronto, Ontario HA1R13ItESS1NG SCHOOL LEARN 11AI itDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's 4lairdreesinia Acad- emy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto, HOOD RLSt7LTS—EVERY SUI+'- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy, lktunro`s Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MUSICAL 1NSTlt"C`litIMPS i4'ANTeal) BAND AND O1WHESTRA telSTIW menta, Piano Accordions, etc.. may be turned into ready cash. Send details and price to 'Whaley Torre company, 810 'Tonga St., 'To- ronto 1, Ontario, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PATENTS WET RLORSTONHAUGE & OOMPAN,Y Patent Solicitors, Established' 1890; 14 King West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on re- quest. PHOTOGRAPHY A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR ARE EXTENDED -TO YOV BY THE MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES OF THE STAR SNAPSHOT. SERVICE studio doelargest the finest woroto finishing obtai - able — and at the lowest cost. Get best results from your camera by; 'ending your films here for wode- and ppromptdservicenis Qa sured you. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Foetal Terminal A, Toronto Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor, Ontario, writes: I suppose it is hard to give your usual quick service with help so hard to get, but as long as you turn out the fine pictures you send me, I for one, will think they're well worth waiting for—if I have to wait." Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e II MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25e Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts, You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. Framed Enlargements 4" x 6", on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9", Walnuteor Gold Black Ebony finishs59e if enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL FOR QUALITY, service and satisfaction. 6 or ffi exposure films 25c, reprints 8 for 25c. Imperial Photo Service, Sta- tion J. Toronto, LUMBER WANTED WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD ,BASSWOOD AND WALNUT LOGS Pannill Veneer Co. Kitchener, Ont. OFFER TO INVENTOIRS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay, Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. RAW FURS WANTED ONE SE -1N OR THOUSANDS — IT will pay you to ship to Ontario's rancher -owned Fur Co-operative to receive the highest market price. Write for shipping, tags and advice forms. Ontario Fur Farm- ers' Co-operative, Limited, 50 Yorkville Street, Toronto. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN L E A R le METASCIENCE A. N make money. Remarkable drug- less healing. Unbelievable eim- plioity and results, Inexpensive correspondence course. Write to: Metascience of Canada, Drawer 5, Fortierville, Que. TAI'E%V ORt1 STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans all ages. No one im- mune: Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Freel Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3, Ont. M RHEUMATIC I'A11 S TRY IT! EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic rains or Neuritis should t r y Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 41.00. RIDING EQUIP; TENT WANTleo WANTED TO BUY. RIDING SAD - dies, bridles or any other riding equipment. 3. U"imblett, Box 124. Oshawa, Ont. STAMPS WANTED WANTED, cash price paid. SendSTAGE trour lots to A. Stern, 20e1 St. Cather- ine St. East,Montreal. GUILT NG I)APC"HElS NOTICE, QUILT MAKERS -- til?ILT nelettes,, Silks, B20lbs. 1' ic, Flan- nelettes, Re Bait Sales, Tarnopol, QUILTING PATCHES FROM FINE MEN'S SCITINUS OR overcoating, sizes 6 r 13, 6 x 9, 9 x Price cer-$10ispotnd Trialpaage,00. Up, Rice, 301 Spadina Avenue, To- :ronto, TuAon SVH.00LS RADIO COURSE $2,50 AMA"L1NG OFFER OF it.T.1. TRAIN. ing regular radio courses in re- printed form are offered you at the greatly reduced price of $2.60. This is the latest radio course complete in every way. Prepared for home study—three courses in one: (1) Elements of Ill ctr(ctty. and 'Radio; (,2) Practical and Ap- plied Radio; (8) Advanced traiu- ing order now. P A Y TC T T E & CO. 112 D., 910 t7.1'1tRY, MONTIUOAI., 1?.Q,