HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-12-23, Page 470010194, ONTA11.11
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IN a World of dreary blackouts, with all
its War sufferings, the Christmas Star of
Hope and Peace shines on --- a prophecy
of what shall be and a symbol ,of that
which free men still suffer and strive.
May its gleam lighten all the world this
glorious Yuletide Season.
Established 1900
('Member of Canadian Weekly News-
paper Association.)
Herald Printing Office
year, strictly in advance. $2.00 may
be charged. No paper discontinued
until all arrears are .pain up unless
at option of publisher. The nate of
which every Subscription is paid is
donated on the. Label.
Contract advertising made known
on application.
In Memoriam, one verse 50e. 25c
for each additional verse. Card of
Thanks 50c..
Auction Sales—$2.0e for one in -
section if
_Miscellaneous artieles of not more
than four lines. For Sale, To Rent,
Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one in•
sertion 25c; 2 ins. 40c; 3 ins. 50c.
Address all Communications to:
not over four inches ar
Haid Annual Meeting
The annual tneeting of 1$r,. Mission
Circle of the United CliUre i was
held at the home of Mist Margaret
Shepherd with a splendid` attendance..
4 The meeting opened with song and
1 scripture, Miss :Margaret Shepherd
4 I presided. The minutes read and the
4 roll call answered with gifts tor the
Friendship House, London, Follow•
Iing the offering Mrs. Howard . Hyde
gave the devotional, a .Christmas
story. The topic, "The Meaning of
Christmas" was taken by Miss Net-
tie Ellis, The secy., Mrs, P. Me,
Naughton, •read a Christmas letter
from Miss Irene Douglas in London.
The treasurer gave a gratifying re-
fall on the cellar steps at her home
fracturing her left wrist.
Mr. Ferdinand Funk, of Hay, who
has recently underwent an operation
at London Hospital, has returned to
his home.
Lance Corporal Harold Bonthron ers' allowance were dealt•with, and
Two Exeter stores were til token in-
to one night rec'•ntly, but it neither
case was any great amountof goods
stolen. The thieves may have ween
looking for money, but atboth places
the money had been removed from
the cash registers.
;County Pension Board
At the recent meeting, of the Co-
unty Old Age ;Pensions and: Mothers'
Allowance Board six apRlications for
old -age pensions and one'lor moth -
left Thursday last for Petawawa,
where he will be stationed. He has
been in London for the past year or
ML•s. Webster Turner, of Clinton,
has purchased the dwelling sof the
late George Hawkins
increases for two old age pensions
were recommended.
92nd Birthday:-.1,
One of Exeter's oldest residents
celebrated her 92nd ,birthd4. on Dec
8th in the person of Mrs.11 Taggart
who was remembered °by any fri
Two boxes were packed and mailed ends with flowers, cards ' 'd treats.
She received many good sties for
:her future welfare.
To Supply of Judge
Judge J. 3. Killoran of ,Stratford
has been granted four months' leave
of absence from the duties to permit
him undergo treatment` for failing
eyesight. His work is being under
taken by Judges Costello of Goderich
and Clement of Kitchener. Judge
Costello is substituting for Judge
Killoran in December and ' January.
A Triple -Yoke Egg
Recently we made mention- of an
oversized egg whieh Mr.:`w. Ropp
reported to The Sun. It was 'a pul-
let egg which measured six by eight
inches. We were under the impres-
sion that it had been opened. by Mrs
Ropp and reported that it was a
double yolk egg -but in this we were
wrong—Mrs. Ropp thought it was a
double yoke egg but on opening it
was surprised to find that there were
three yolks in the egg. ---Milverton
to Pilot officer Kenneth !Passmore,
RCAF., overseas, and Able Bodied
Seaman Ben Dick, with the 1 CNVR
sponsored by the Wohelo Class of 'the
United Church. The committee in
charge was Marg. Shepherd and Edna
Saundercock and Howard Toot.
Mrs. Donald Park, who recently
sold her farm to Chas. O'Brien, of
Usborne, has purchased the home
owned by Peter Moir, and tenanted
by Mr. and Mrs. Norval Reid and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Reid' are mov-
ing to Miss Mary-Pybus's residence.
Mr. Martin Funk, 'ef "Glenfide,. Sas.
and Mr. acrd Mrs. Russell Funk, 'of
Elbow, Sask., came .east to visit With
the foriner's father , I11r. Ferdinand
Funk, of Flay Twp., -w'ho is quite'ill
following a, recent operation. - They
are also • visiting their sister, Miss
Annie Funk of Hensall, and other
members of the family.
Elect Officers
The annual meeting of 'the W'MS.
of Carmel Presbyterian •dhureet was Sun•
held in the school -room of the church 1 Was On Torpedoed Ship
A white gift service will be held in
Carmel Presbyterian Church, on
Sunday, Dec. 2eth, at 11 p.ni.
.Mrs. Scruton had the misfortune
to fall `while attending her household
duties and fracture her arm and dis-
locate her shoulder, that is what the
X-ray revealed at Seaforth hospital.
Monday, Dec. 27th, Boxing Day,
bus been proclaimed as a publrc holi-
day by the Reeve. All places of bus-
iness will remain closed.
1'Irs. J. McGregor of Kippen was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George
Walker for a week.
Mrs. Grace Ross of Seaforth, is
spending a few weeks at the home
of Mrs. Annie Saundercock.
with Mrs. C. Hudson presiding. The
meeting opened with song and script -
Mrs. Graham Chanmmey of Wingham
has received word that her husband
tire. The roll ,ca',11 'was :answered 'by :has !arrived in Italy. He is the son
a Christmas message. The various
secretaries presented 'their annual
reports which were very gratifying.
Rev. Joseph Taylor then -presided for
the election of officers: Tion. presid-
ent, 3.Irs. Arnold; president, Mrs. C.
Hudson; 1st vice, Mre. R. Y. Mac -
Laren; 2nd vice, Mrs. Jean :Manson;
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chanimey,
-of E. Wawanosh. On his way to It-
aly he had an experience that 'he will
never forget, as he was -on a boat
that was torpedoed and lost all his
'personal effects.
1'.A Large Lemon
A lemon that is a lemon has been
Friends of Mrs. Walter Fairbairn, 3rd vice, Mrs. 3. Thillas1 secretary, on display in the window of the Exe-
rvell known Hensall resident, will re- Mrs. Geo. 'Walker; treasurer, Mrs. 'D j•-tgr 'Times -Advocate for some time.
gret to learn had the misfortune to McEwen ; supply secy., Miss Minnie l It 'belongs 'to Mrs. Margaret White,
of Crediton, and was sent to her by
e 'her daughter, Miss Saphrona White,
`/e _ Shind
ot ! I MA:ne1ld�a
Many a bell is ringing out
It's Message of Good Cheer
Maley a Greeting's being sent
This happy time of year.
And a wish re-echoes in 'our heart
Like a chime the whole year thru--
A wish that Life will always bring
Its finest and best to you!
,of 'St. Petersburg, Fla. The lemon
weighs one pound twelve ounces and
measures 1537f: inches around one
war .and 14 'inches *round the other.
it is larger than •t' ike usual ..run of
Thursday December 23 d, 1-943
On the home front the battle against inflation is
now the most critical of all.
The winning of this battle will contribute much
to winning the war.
It will contribute more than all else towards the
solution of post-war problems.
• •
The purpose of Price Control is to prevent infla
tion. Its purpose is to protect and maintain a basic
standard of living. -
A higher money income will not be of any act -
vantage if, because prices are going up, our
money buys less and less.
To win the battle against .unemployment in the
post-war period, we must first of all win the
battle against inflation.
• • •
Salaries and wages are a large element, often the
largest element, in the cost of everything we buy.
If the Price Ceiling breaks down, in the long run
all stand to lose.
We must hold the line against inflation to assure
victory in war.
We must hold the line to provide a solid founda-
tion on which, after the war, to build a greater
and a better Canada.
Ottawa, December 13, 1943
Dies at Goderpch
After a long illness Elizabeth Col -
Clough, widow of Nelson Steep, pass-
ed away in. Goderich Hospital, at the
age of 69 years. She was born at
Clifford and lived in Goderich and
vicinity the last 21 years. Her hush-
and predeceased her six years, and
is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Mil-
ton Fisher of Goderich, a brother and ,
four sisters.
Truck Crashes at Seaforth
For the second time in a 'month,a
Stratford truck came to grref in
Seaforth. The truck was returning
from Goderich to Stratford when in
making a quick turn to avoid hitting
a parked car the driver apparently
lost control and crashed almost head
on into a large Hydro pole. The pole
was snapped off and one wheel, a
fender and axle were broken off the
truck. Besides the; driver there .were
two passengers, and all escape( ser-
ious injury.
Mrs. R. N. Rowe Passes '
The death occurred at her home in
Exeter of Mrs. Robert N. Rowe, who
"was formerly Elizabeth Ann Hollo-
way, of ,Clinton. The deceased had
resided in Exeter since her marriage
in 1887. Left to mourn are her hus-
band and three daughter, Vera, Mrs
T. Dinney (Ida) and Reta. Also sur
vivieg are three grandchildren, A
private :funeral service was held at
her home by Bev, T)u'rra) Me'i•"avi:;h
of Condon,
Clubbing List
ZURICH HERALD and the following
for one Year:
London Free Press, l yr.
London Free Press, 6 Mons.
Toronto Globe and Mail
Toronto Daily Star '
Toronto Weekly Star
Stratford Beacon Herald
Kitchener Daily Record
McLean's Magazine
Canadian Magazine
Catelaine Magazine
Farmers' Advocate ,
Can. Homes and Gardens
Can. Poultry Review
Family Herald and Weekly Star
Family Hei a1d, 3 years
McCall's Magazine
Reader's Digest
Asa a, Rraut many rigor• that we rennet enumerate her•.
We hale the Awns, for every. reputably Magazine .1.
Ileaalle sal the Unites! 'States, and can rave you money
err Ute meat of theme.
Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our
- Office and save Trouble and Money