HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-12-23, Page 1Established 1900 J ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY M RA DECEMBER 23 I 943* To our ari Readers and Frier +++++++ +++++ t + +r4•+ x: ++4444+4.4.4.+4.4.+++++ +++ C. arru . *finvtn j mural Pyine q. Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance 4. of Sick and Injured. Licensed ' Embalmer -and Funeral Director. Member of the Ontario' Funeral, Association. t Day or Night.Telephone No. 70. - .Dashwood -- Ontario 4. 44.****`4•1•+++++4°4•44 44 «b *****4.34+44+34444. 4.. 4. 4.40 4, 4. 44 ee6.•.•M•i•s6lt1®il006**11130O®ata00 s6l.11®Gr6ailitogeoeee•l 2 TUNE IN ON • Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D,S.T. w: t Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network --- Sundays Local Station--C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LAS ANGELES 58, CALIFORNIA aeoes•••si1R•ossc.e. nesl1s mmloaan i •• Aft COMFORTABLE ,GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES �. E Zurblrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The • Newest. Approvecl Method ofi< Eyesight Testing Used. Open energr Week Day Except Wednesday. sa 41' 15. e', fa 4Ii1W®Co 41111 1110ft416***.IMO 6. t®lr00o0.sl01300GOCOMM Are. You- Suffeazng From Headaches? it so; Have your Eyes Examined with he Lartest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO ORRICE — ONT... Good -Glasses at Reasonable Prices Westlake BAYFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sturgeon have returned home after spending a' week in Toronto. Mrs, John.MeClure has left to vis- it her daughters in Toronto and Uxbridge. Chester L. Smith, Publishes 1,50 a Year in Advance ds we extend Season's Greetings ,� ; t, rs�, "fie„—,-• ?°•+ '^- r ,��` ,`�" ` 3i „• Albert Hess made a business txrp: moo: London on Monday, Ft,a Norman Fleischauer of Ipper- vvas:le.enjoyed Sunday with his wife iYul daughter, Marion. R. , Father Martin of the French Sett' i� ;??fent Parish, was a recent vis- eitOrawith his parents at Tilbury. Mrs. Wm Moran of London was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Houston for a few days recently, Owing to the fi epidemic the school✓ -concert' has been postponed indefinitely. Miss A. M. Stirling returned home after having visited in Port Elgin) and Toronto for some weeies. LAC Wan. Robinson of Moncton., N.B., spent a few days leave with his 'brother, James Robinson. Bayfield fishermen have now give.. en up hope of recovering their perch, and herring nets which they were unable to rescue before the storm last week. f-lensall Council. Minutes A Statutory meeting of the Village Council was held on the eve. of Dec. 15th, in the Council Chamber with all members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. R. J . Paterson, Tax Collector, re- ported taxes collected to date as be- ing $10,527.12, and outstanding as being $986.95. T. Kyle asked about snowplowing of the streets, instructed to secure a. horse for same. Councillor ,Smallaconlbe asked. -a- bout the, rink stating- f anent;; mire to start. T. Kyle was instructed to get in touch with sometitie. Miss C. Mitchell appeared re taxes as being too high, and not able .to get employment to pay same. Motion, that T. Kyle be instructed to collect poll taxes at once. Correspondence read: Imperial Oil Ltd; County Clerk re wood; Dept. of Munitions & Supply re wood; Village of Exeter, Canadian Legion; same considered and filed. Bills and accounts were: School board, rates $4900.00; Co. of Huron, county rate 2022.68; Hen - sail Public library; rates 144.60; A. sa•®Geting•C•04e9O002®1500240490080600 H. Erskine tax arrears 17.20; Hydro ,treet lights 996.00; Drysdale'. Har- dware supplies hall 10.36; R. J. Pat- terson revising voters' list $5; J. A. Paterson, do 47.35; Dr. D. G. Steer, op re MOH, inoculations, B011 meetings * 103.50; R. E. Shaddick BOH meet- * ▪ .ngs $(3; T. )Kyle, do $6; J. A. Pater- * son Reg. OAP., '13011 meetings $24; g , a. 'Middleton supplies 7.03; A. Spen- 19 l cer & Son supplies sts. 8.81. IMotion, that bills and accounts as read be paid, and that we now ad- jounrn. Broken shire FUNERAL 84 AMBULANCE SERVICE Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent Day and Night Service Phone 138, Zurich s Coider Weather Is just around the Corner.. Prepare! now for it We have a good Stock of Fall and Winter Merchan- dise on our Shelves in stock: Ladies' House Dresses, Aprons, Stockings, also Ladies Oxford Shoes and Rubbers. Men's Underwear, a large range of Work Socks, - Boots and. Sloes.. 'All kinds of Rubbers for Men including the heavy Luml ermen`s Rubbers. Pioneer Feeds for your Stock and Poultry Purity and Robin :Hood Flour always on hand. Give us a Cali! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND rr it ST Edmund Swa aentruber, Prop. iii. .Temalwassok Phone 11.97 01041 J. A. Paterson, Clerk. NOMINATION PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting. of the Electors of the Municipality of the Township of Hay will be held in the Township Hall, in the Village of Zurich, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1948, at the hour from one to two o'clock, pan., for the purpose of nominating Candidates for- Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Hay - for the year 1944, and in case n poll is demanded, polls will be opened au MONDDAY, JANUARY 4th, 1944 In the several Polling Sub-Diedslions of the Township as follows: Poll No. 1, ,polling place School' House No. 2; D.R.O Earl Caanpbeil Pall Clerk; C. Prouty. No. 2, School House No. 14, S. McArthur, W. R. Bell; No. 3, Town Hall, Leroy ('- Brien, Ervin Schilbe;' No. 4, Town Hall, Dan Oswald, .Albert Hess;; No. 5, .School House No. -12, Urban Ptle, Hilton Trueinner; No. 6, Keferrnnt s Store, Dashwood,' Clayton Pfile, Ar- ihur Weber; No. 7, School House No, 3, Jas A. McAllister, Garnet Jacobe; No. 8, Jas Nesse Dwelling,:, F, Du- cherine, Wilfred Corriveau. Said Polls will be kept open from 9 o'cloele e !;i. until 5 o'clock, 'p.m. and no longer. ANDREW P. HESS, Returning Ofillce.r Deted at Zurich, December 16th,. 19431 W aye pleased to see Mr. Henry I1ittt as. •o.ut again, after being quite .ill 't *th an attack of flu. 5• B. Linden:ield is assisting at pial post office over the holiday 'Milton Dagg has returned to is ,ire from Toronto where he is 4tfe'a4 ng University, to enjoy the VOleide season with his parents, l'Ir ancl.: yrs. E. M. Dagg. ' - local Red Cross and Women.' nStr fete have sent out 29 boxes of gifts to our boys in Army Services in C<. nada, along with Good Wishes ;>:o .ex,ary one. 1VIr. C. 0. Snjith and sons Gordon and 4tanley of /St. Joseph and Mr. C. L S4.ilth of ttiwn were to visit the for/nail's father, Mr. Daniel Smith, atc linton o Sunday. The latter has +den q ' e ill with the epidemic of fl, whic is raging around, and altha agh i his 92nd year, Mr. Smith sing along nicely, ti ogle)ra's ^k'ir lli et iEKI' 'enee• and little daughter,'who have spent the past `Summer withs''the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Law- rence, who reside in part of Mrs. W. Truemner's house, have left for their home in Hamilton. Mr. Wm, Lawrence was the efficient manipul- ator of the dredge which did all the ditching in Zurich and vicinity the past year. Wt trust he will be able to return in the spring to help his father with this very important work. OBITUARY Mrs. H. Stott, Widow of Millionaire, Passes at Goderich Mrs. Helena Stott„ widow of David Stott, millionaire head of a Detroit flour nulling industry, and for 25 years a resident of Bayfield, died in the Goderich Hospital on Sunday. Coming to Bayfield after the death of her husband, Mrs. Stott built a beautiful home overlooking Lake Huron at Bayfield, where she had liv- ed since, with the exception of Eur- opean trips. After hostilities ceased at the close of the first World War, Mrs. Stott made a world tour. She was noted in the district for her many charities, Was born m De- troit, the daughter of Thomas Aus- tin. She leaves no children. Her husband, David Stott, president of the Stott Milling Company, prede- ceas her 25 years. Surviving are a nephew and a niece. Requiem high mass was sung in St. Peter's R. C. church, Goderich, on Wednesday. The body then shipped to Detroit for; burial. Late William Jennison There passed away at his home: in, Grand fiend, on Monday, December Nth Mr. William Jennison, an, aged and highly respected citizen im his. S9th Year. The departed was well: known in the western part of. Hay, Township, having lived the largem part of: his life on the old homestea two pules south of St. Joseph on th. Blue Water Highway, now occupied by his only son Wiliiiam. Atter giving his- farm to his son, Mr. and Mrs. Jennison retired; to Grand 1b nst. some twenty years ago. Surviving besides his wife wao was the ftrmer Annie Talbot, there are one son, William in Hay Township, and two daughters, Mrs. William .McGillivray of Vancouver, B.C., and Mae. S. R. Cohan, of Winnipeg, Man. the re- mains are resting at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, till 'Wednesday at 2 p.m. when in- terment will be made in Grand Bend cetneter, followed by a memorial ser- vice in the United Chuteh, Grand Bend, with Rev. W, T, Cleave, ptastor, o' h ating. Do You Need Glasses HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED. 48 HOUR SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. A G. HESS ESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. WISHING A.L.L. OUR CUS- FOMERS AND FRIENDS Sas's tings W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Henaall 4* • 4. 4* 4* 4. 4* 4* 4* 4. 4 4* 4. 4* 4* 4* 4. 4* 4. While They Last 1938 CHEV. COACH, Heater and full front seat. 1937 FORD DE LUX COACH, Large Trunk and Heater. 1937 CIIEV, 4 -Door SEDAN,, without knee action. 1936 DODGE COUPE, Large Rear •Compartment and Heater. 1928 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, Cheap, Suitable for a Wagon. 1935 FORD DE LUX COACH, Trunk, as is $295.00. WARD F ITZ USED CAR DEALER •a• j,! i 4 • WE WISH YOU ALL A MerryChristmas AND A HAPPY ANL) PROSPEROUS J. New Year