HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-12-16, Page 6C.P.R, REPATRIATES FROM JAP INTERNMENT Repatriates from Japanese civilian internment camps at Hong Kong and Manila these four Canadian Pacific Railway Company people exchanged experiences in Montreal as they enjoyed a well- earned holiday after being welcomed home by George Stephen, vice- president of traffic. Seated are Basil G. Ryan, general agent in the passenger department in Manila, and Mrs. Ryan; and standing are George E. Costello (left), general passenger agent for the Orient at Hong Kong, and Charles W. Skeet (right), accountant at Hong Kong. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee By Roberta Lee I. What is the correct way to serve food at a luffet supper? 2. Is it obligatory that relatives and friends ' send .engagement gifts to a girl? 3. Where should the soup plates be set when serving dinner? 4. Is it necessary that a man make calls of condolence, inquiry, and congratulations, among his group of friends? 3. Is it proper for a hostess to ask some friend to pour the tea at an informal affair? 6. Who should write the note ot thanks when an invalid receives a gift? Answers 1. The silver dishes and food are placed on. one or more tables, and the guests help themselves. 2. No; most people concentrate on the wedding gift. 3. They should be placed on the service plates. 4. Yes; it is his duty and he IS expected to do so, 5. Yes; this is often done. 6. If well enough the invalid should do so. Other- wise, any member of the family may write it. A Near Miss The tax assessor's office had to decide on which side of the Can- ada -United States border an old lady's newly purchased farm lay. Sr-veyors finally announced it was just inside the United States berder. The old lady smiled in relief, "I'm so glad to know that," she said. "I've heard that ',inters in Canada are terribly severe." --The Financial Post. TWO AVENGERS Two Marines deternared to knock off a few Jups for every 'American casualty, wait and watch in the jungle's depths, one peer- ing aloft for tree -top snipers, the other alert to sight or sound of ground movement. HaveYou Heard? He was telling her his family history. "My grandfather Was a Poor, hard-working clockinaker. When be died he left his estate, which consisted of twO hundred clocks, to my father." "How interesting." she said, "It must have been real fun winding up his estate." —0— First Kangaroo: ''Anabelle, where is the baby?" Second Kangaroo: "My good - nese' I've had my pocket picked." —0— After completing his program of raids, the young II,A,F. pilot was enjoying a spot of leave in civies. As he passed along a busy street a determined -looking lady eyed him coldly and handed hint h1n a white feather. "Pardon me, madam," he asked politely, "but are you moulting?" —0— Darling, you are the seventh wonder of the world." "Well listen, soldier, don't ever let me catch you out with the other six." —0-- A colonel was speaking at a din- ner given in his h.onor before .em- barking for Africa, "I thank you," he concluded, "for your kind wishes regarding, my welfare, and I want you to know that when I am far away, sur- rounded by ugly ,grinning sav- ages I shall always think of you." 9.2. Worth of Relief for 500 Buckley's Stainless White Rub is a money saver! It is so good for so many things that this one remedy alone takes the place of many. Yes, Sir, a jar of Buckley's Stainless White Rub at 50c will bring you fast, corn. forting relief from any or all of the aches and ailments bsted here and many others. This stainless, Snow- white rub penetrates faster, reduces Inflammation and congestion, relieves aches and pains, soothes and aids the healing of skin eruptions more quickly. A trial will convince you, 30c and 50c a jar. MUSCULAR ACHES & PAINS CHEST COLDS • NEURALGIA HEADACHES • ECZEMA TIRED ACHING FEET • PIMPLES 77-ATJ3 KIT JI :NE JAR STOPPED ClUICIRY luelklitomiteenotsuese,sneebie:s 411:414elbeatonsallyoused Wet ass cola., at druggists proves flor money back P Sufferers of bleeding and protruding piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. "MIDDLE -AG WO EN (.1-1) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS— suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a womans life -- try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially -for women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label diree- tons. Made in Canada. SCENE NEAR CONFERENCE OF "BIG THREE" I tliff •10 • ?•••• This summer palace •of the Shah ef Iran, in the mountains seven miles north of the capital, Te. hes!'arl, is now used as a hotel for loony of the mid,die east nation's nutny wartime visitors. Tdoscow id December g that Ohureltillo Roosevelt and Sfetlitt mot its Tehep*, MARINE RAIDER Death came close to Lieut. -Col. James Roosevelt on Makin Island when a regimental commander standing only three feet from his was killed by Jap bullets. The president's son is pictured in camouflage hat just before the Gilbert Islands raid. Harold: "Where are • all those old mugs I used to see in your shop?" Barber: "They have taken to shaving themselves, sir." —0— Wrting to a school friend now in Canada, a twelve -year-old Eng- lish boy concluded his letter as fol- lows: "Most people think we shall win the war,. because Germany is a Fatherland and England is a Motherland. When mother and father fight, mother always wins:" — 0— "1'11 bet a pound," said the Tommy. "1'11 raise you a ton," replied the newly-arrlved Yank In Britain. . How Can 1 ? ? ,By Anne Ashley Q. How can I soften shoes after being in the rain? A. By first • washing them in warm water, then rubbing either glycerin -or castor oR thoroughly into the leather. Q. How can I remedy cream that seems too thick to whip properly? A. Place the dish of cream in another dish containing cold water. When it is chilled, place it in a dish containing hot water for a few minutes. It will then whip very readily. Q. How can I prevent the ribs of umbrellas from rusting? A, Rub a little vaseline on the ribs of the umbrella about once a mouth. This will prevent rust trent loosening and forcing out the small wires, Q. How can I easily clean sponges? A. Soak them in milk for three or four hours, wring thein until ,perfectly dry, then rinse thoroughly in hot water. Q. How can I separate stamps that are stuck together? A. If they are stuck together or to a piece of paper, place a. thin piece of paper over them and then run a hot iron over this oaPer, very lightly, A Scientific House Of The Future In discussing "Science and the House" over the British Broad- casting. System, Julian Huxley mentioned the possibilities of an unidentified waterproof plastic adhesive, which can be made of any color, applied to polished paper and then atuck on board- ing made from odd pieces of wood. Tests have shown, he says, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ARTICLES WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Cornets, Trumpets, Clarinets, Saxophones, etc. Shelton -Sher- wood Co. Ltd., 365A Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. many CRIERS TOO LATE — TOO LATE NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT BE said "too late." Send for our price list and :order your baby chicks now, One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- nia Heights, Ont. NO SLACKENING IN OUR EF- • f orts, on the home front. We must supply the goods. Get our pricelist now, take stock of what you'll need, and let's have your order. Get your choice of breeds and dates. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. 63 MILLION DOZEN EGGS TO BRI- tain, alone, this year. That's what she wants from Canada and it looks as though we'd make the grade. The man who said that market is practically guaranteed never spoke truer words. Your markt is practically guaranteed and early chicks pay earlier prof- its. Tweddle Chicks will be ready as soon as you cren take them. Free catalogue. Also laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eriesLimited, Fergus, Ontario. CAR WANTED PRIVATE. PARTY DESIRES 1940- 1042, 5 -passenger Coupe or Sedan- ette, good condition, Cash. Box 71, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, BULLS FOR SALE JERSEY BULLS READY FOR SER - vice. Two class "A" bulls, excel- lent pedigrees; price $100. Max- welton Farm, St. Anne de Belle- vue. Que. DOMESTIC HELP RELIABLE GIRL FOR HOUSE - work. References required. Town or country girl preferred. Apply or write to 15 Montclair - Ave., Toronto. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. Country protestant girl preferred. Write Box 72, 73 Adelaide W. Toronto. HERDS HERBAL REMEDIES. WRITE FOR Free Catalog. Forty years' exper- ience. Nowell's Herbal Labor- atory, 18 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, 13.C. n nit-Griares7r, rim rib WANTED USED WADE DRAG Saw. Write giving model, condi- tion. , price etc. Lodru Beisel, Dray ton, Ont, & CLEANING • HAVE mt.; AN YTH1NO NEEDS dyeing or oterirring? Write to es for information. We are glad to answer your. questions. Depart- ment 11, Parlor's Dye Worker Limited. 191 Yonge Street,. To. root°. Ell JIMA' It ICA 11) • t3Q,UIPMIj1rT toOkors..1. ELECTRIC 610TORS, NEW, USL`D, bought, sold, rebuilt; b el t s, pulleys, brushes. Allen 16leetrie Company Ltd„ 2326 Dufforin To ron to. - - FOR SAVE REG. YORESHIRE 2 BOARS -ND several cows from prIZo-winning stock. Reg. Lincoln Ram and ewe Lambe. Write for prices to Ernest Ford, R. No. 3, Dutton, Ont. ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE rural businesses today is the, SEED, MIXING AND GRINIaNG Business. We have several good mills offered for sale in differ- ent sections of the province, No agent's fee charged. If you can, get into this rapidly growing bus- iness now. Box 73, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, sJJ FANCY FRESH CAUGHT FISH. Produced from lake in the Wild- erness from nets set under the ice- Frozen by the weather. The freshest that can be had. Pricee on train at railway shipping poiet. Pickerel 2(le lb., Pike, 173fic Th., Horrinfr, Vie ib., Suckers. 12',6c ib. Orders for 100 tb. lots solicit- ed, 0101 with order. W, fl, Demp. sey, Renfrew, Ontario, that in an average British house theouter brick wall is about twice as thick as it need be for the support it has to give. So he would reduee the thickness by using the synthetic boarding re- ferred to and the new Plastie adhesive. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FARMS FOR SALE $85,000 DAIRY FARM, OTTAWA Cully equipped, large Jersey herd, two houses, year round water supply. P.O. Box 544, Ottawa. FOOT BALM HAUDIRIIIICA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 480 bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. FURS WANTED RAW FURS WANTED. SHIP YOUR raw furs to us for full value. We deal direct with New York, L. A. .Tones, 189 Talbot St., St. Thomas. POULTRY GRIT POULTRY GRIT: WHITE LIME - stone In 100 lb. • bags. Immediate delivery in carloads or smaller quantities, write for samples and prices. STINSON REEK SUPPLY Co., Limited, 5585 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, HAIR GOODS Only firm in Canada manufacturing /oldies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particu- lars. WHITE'S HAIR GOODS 288 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Roberteon's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 127 Avenue Road. Toronto, ROUSES FOR SALE $20,000, FINE OLD OTTAWA REISI- dance 18 rooms, easily converted, oil heated, exceptional. P.O. Box 644, Ottawa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WANTED BAND AND ORCHESTRA INSTRU- ments, Piano Aecordians, etc., may be turned into reedy cash. Send details and price to Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge St., To- ronto 1, Ontario, PATENTS FET11.13.1.1.STONHA H tic COMPAN Pa tent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 Xing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. P1101`11(11tA PH V PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS 12 FOR 69c Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 prints mo ted on al truuti ve, embussed greeting cards, with envelopes for mailing, for 69e. The most original greeting cards you can get—the kind your friends will keep—cards. that men on active service al home and overseas like to get Order early. (2 Photographs on Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE BOX Chi, Postal Terminal A, 'L'Oreal() "Your qUallty in culuuritig and de- veloping is excellent," writes a cus- tomer at Peterborough, Ont. "and your service is prompt and guaran- teed. 1 am particularly fascinated with the coloured enlargements and Christmas cards. Your prices for such quality work are really econ- omical and 1 tippler:late your prompt, reliable service." Any Size Roll -5 or 8 Exposures, DE V ELM P ED AND PRINT ED 25e 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEME'NTS 28e Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can havb enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge, Framed Enlargeme.ntm 4" x 6", on ivory tint moan ts, in frames 7" x 9", Burnished Gold or Silver, Circassian Walnut or Slack Ebony finish 50c; if eniargetnent coloured 79c, Print your name and address plain- ly on all orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPERIAL • KW` QuALITY, service and satisfaction. 0 or 8 exposure films 200s, reprints 8 for 25c, Imperial Photo Serviee, Ste. - don „I, Toronto. LEARN TO DANCE LEARN TO DANCE, W.ALTZ, VOX 'Prat, Rhumba. Latesteps with Ditigranis 83s, E. .Lawrenee, West Street, Halifax, .N.S. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LUMBER WANTED WANTED TO BUY BEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD BASSWOOD AND WALNUT LOGS Pannill Veneer Co. Kitchener, Ont. DON'T WAIT—EVERY SUFFERER, of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, •336 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00, OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and tull infor- mation sent free. The Ramat% Co., Registered Patent AttorneYa, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEIPORIN Christ", wonder1V, book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. ItAW FURS WANTED ONE STUN OR THOUSANDS — IT will pay you to ship to Ontario's rancher -owned Fur Co-operative to receive the highest market price. Write for shipping tag's and advice forum. Ontario Fur Farm- ers' Co-operative, Limited, 89 Yorkville Street, Toronto. OPPORTUNITIES FOR intrr AND WOMEN LEARN METASCIENCE1.&N1 make money. Remarkable drug- less healing. Unbelievable sim- plicity and results. Inexpensive correspondence course, Write to: Metaseienee of Canada, Drawer 5, Fortierville, Que. TAPEW01151 STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-healte in humans all ages. No one im. mUnel Why not find out if thin is your trouble? interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 3, Ont. TEACHER WANTED WALES CONTINUATION SCHOOL, requires Protestant assistant for science and mathematics; duties begin lst January, 1944. State salary desired, age and exper- ience, if any. S. R, Joyce, Sec., Wales, Ont, POULTRY AND- EGOS P111051 RANGE PULLETS IP 0 It sale, Mil) White Leghorn pullets, oVer five months old, $1.50 each; 90 New Hampshire pullets, 616 months old, $1.75 each; 126 bar- red Rock pullets, over 4 menthe old, $1.25 each. Thompson's Petri - try Farm, 14.11. No. 3, George- town. . _ QUILTING PATC1IES NOTICE, QUILT MAKERS — QUILT pieces—Prints, Broadcloths, .Flan- nelettes, Silks, 2 lbs. 95e, post- ••• paid. Remnant Sales, Tarnopol, Sask., Box 00. QUILTING PATCHES • • FROIVI VINE MEIN'S SUITINBS 011 overceating, .5ize 0 sizesx 18, 0 x 9. 9 x 9. Price from 25e up, per pound. Trial package 51,00. Louis Rice, 201 Spadina Avenue, To- RITELIVIATIC PAINS HIGITLY RECO/Va./ENDED — EV. ery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or 'Neuritis should try Dixtmeis Remedy. Munru's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa.. Postpaid $1.00. TEA DE SCHOOLS RADIO COURSE $2,50 AMAZING tnews;I: T,:A114- ing regular radio, courses in re- prinled form ere offered 1011 itt the greatly reduced price of $2.50„ This is the latest radio 4:outset complete in every way. Proletred for home study --three courses one: (1) 1010010013 of Efectrielty and Radio; (8) Practical and Ao.. plied Badie; (3) Advanced train- ing. Order now. PA yETTE 8t 00. 1),, 910 LithitlitY, MONTREAL, 1.,.44