HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-12-16, Page 1Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY 1VMORNING, DECE1'413ER 16 1 43w Chester L Smith, Publishe $1.50 a Year in Advance lleIp Win the War guy Viatory Sanas 4.44.4 +4.4444+ .�'+4.-1.444.4.F F..� +.1. J. are 4...fi`.�..�..Sy..i . '.¢..-..g.. "II..j�.'f'.f.'a..E..�..� ++ :... _ .._ .._..<. „ ,.. -- :-..aur.•-n..:. E. CI liaffirtatt lantral, 'Aar 'A*.PrivateCar Annbulance Service for the Conveyance Z 4. of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. Member of the Ontario Funeral Association. Day or Night Telephone No. 70. stiwooa — Ontario 4. 4. 4. 4. II 1F!E4.+dry'44.44+++.6.. 4.4.44 i+++++++++++oo+,:.or4+ + +40 trseeteteeeseetee 1 et a citece@eanl ateeenestze ess000stennnelateoe TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network -- Sundays Local Station—C.K.L.W., 'Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS . ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA. 9 4D A 0 • 10•000•:.800100000ecte ta0000@2•••0001110000000000€0000004 ' MFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES E,` Zurbri R.O. $ �r OPTOMETRIST of EXETER Tho Newest. Apprevesi Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open, every Week Day Except Wctleteseloy. Are You Suffering From Headaches? (t se; Have your Eyes Examined wh 3ze*S otest Methods and l7giiiPment"st A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices '010000000000S00 A0000 alp erah veto sees ai®'e600 otecseeue0.000ee FUNERAL £ AMBULANCE •• '0 • SERVICE1 ca • swee wossi eaiyee rials a t05t o 1000000000•s••••e••Nd•i•0 Westiake - Brokenshire • Dray and Night Service Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent • Phone 158, Zurich 411111.1111.11.111111.11010. Colder Weather Is just around the Corner. Prepare! now for it We have a good Stock 'of Fall and Winter Merchan- dise on our Shelves in steely: Ladies' House Dresses, Aprons, Stockings, also Ladies Oxford Shoes and Rubbers. Men's Underwear, a large range of Work Socks, Boots and Shoes. All kinds of Rubbers for Men including the heavy Lumbermen's Rubbers. Pioneer Feeds for your Stock and Poultry Purity and Robin Hood Flour always on hand. Give us a Call! FRESH. GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND ir 17 El LAU STOil EST.1LdmundSwartzentruber, Prop. aaNatfYV9raiS3 Phone: 11-97 I tXIWllHIUCtR'.910 Big Honey Crop The 1943 honey crop -one of the best on record—gets a preliminary estimate of 32,520,000 lbs., exceed- ing the previous year by 35 per cent. Onethird of the total was 'produced. in Ontario. The prairies produced 14 •million lbs.; five million was extract- ed in Quebec; 1,300,00 in B.C."end the Maratimes were somewhat less than in 1942. (Photo courtesy London Free Press) ANDREW F. HESS. HAY TOWNSHIP CLERK 15 HONORED Mr. Andrew F. Hess, Clerk of Hay Township, was honored last Friday evening at a banquet in the Domin- ion Hotel, Zurich by the Hay Towne ship Coul4,cil., _Zurich Police Trustees adslier. 'otitCiaTs`' numbering about 40 in all. The ban- quet was in recognition of Mr, Hess' services in municipal work. Mr. and Mrs. Hess were presented with an occasional chair, Councillor W. Haugh reading th address, with Councillor Geiger presenting the chair. Reeve Armstrong; Assessor W. H. Edighoffer and road superin- tendent H. Steinbach gave addresses. Mr. Hess served as Hay Township clerk for 25 years, treasurer for 22 years, secretary -treasurer for the Hay Municipal Telephone System for 21 years, secretary -treasurer for Zurich Police Village for 25 years; secretary for the Zurich Hydro System for 25 years, and in 21 years has issued a total of 244 marriage licenses. - Mr. Hess has resigned these offices to become effective at the end of the year, but is continuing his own pri- vate business as Notary Public, Con- veyancer, representative of the slur• on & Eric and the Canada Trust Co. and his various lines of insurance. Mr. W. H. Brokenshire has been appointed as township Clerk beginn- ing with the new year. Following, is the address: Dear Mr. Hess. For a quarter of a century you have been a very efficient clerk and treasurer of this municipality. Dur- ing these many years you have been our guide and counsellor, always ready to give good sound advice, whenever you were consulted. On reminiscing, we find that the name of Hess contributed greatly to the progressive development of this community; and you have nobly up- held the traditions of your fore- fathers. May the years of service rendered so cheerfully by you be a real inspiration to us, as we continuo to play our part in our daily tita towards our fellowmen. It is with deep regret that you have severed connections with the. Township. However, we are glad that you are still continuing in Yoan' profession. '.Therefore, we couldn't lot an event of such significance pass by without showin; in our humble way how we appreciated your services. We join in wishing you God's blessith•gs, and as a little remembr- ance, we ask you to accept this gift Signed on behalf of the officials of the Township of Hay. Mr. :fleas made it very snit.ablc re« ply iiia :dew well chosen words. the Zurich School Concert Is post- 11r.;Id ;indefinitely for the present on acequnt of the flu epidemic.. Mr. Mervyn Stelck of the 14th con has retiixnedhome from Guelph wlicre-.he refreshened himself on the vlai'ual Agricultural Course. >ay' Council is meeting to -day, Wednesday, for the last regular me- eting. this year. Nomination takes place on Monday, December 27th. Mrs. Grell of London has returned to C4}.17 city after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Beeler, Bronson line. l2 . Thos. Meyers motored to Stratford this week and was accomp- aziiO Borne by his' daughter Alpha, who is in training at the General Hos- pitalof that city. and Mrs. Albert Smith .of Port Huron, accompanied by the for- mer'02:sister, Mrs. Stelck of Dawson, Saslt.'visited at the home of the Iat- ter's ":sister, Mr. and Mrs. William O'Brien; Mrs, Stelck will remain here; until after the holidays, to, have a visit With former old friends. Program Postponed The annual Christmas entertain- meztt.: • of the Evangelical Sunday Schoel; which was announced for next}Sunday evening, has been post- poned for the present owing to the epidemic. • A 'ad epidemic of flu is going the rounds; at present, and many people are .infected with the same, but in most .cases it is of a milder nature. ii ttient : usually develops a cold rv�th it..and beco%nes very' Weak. in some cases. they turn very ill on the stomach. A number of school teach- ers are laid up with the epidemic. In fact we know of four teachers /aid up in town. - W. M. S. MEET The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of the Evangelical church held their an- nual business meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Heckendorn recently. Mrs. Orville Witmer presided over the devotional period. Readings were given which were in keeping with the Christmas time. A duet "Away in a Manger" was sung by Lois Hecken- dorn and Joyce Witmer, while an instrumental solo was played by Joan Merner. The president, Miss O'Brien., took charge of the business. It was decided to send boxes of cheer to the sick and shut-ins. Anyone wish- ing to donate please leave at the hone of Mrs. William Hoffman no later than 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 18. The election which was in charge of Rev Heckendorn resulted as follows: President, Miss 0. O'Brien; Vice - Pres., Mrs. Heckendorn; Rec. Secy. Mrs: T. L. Williams; Treas. of WMS Mrs. J. W. iV'ierner; Treas. of L's Aid Mrs. G. Koehler; Corresponding Scy. Mrs. L. W. Hoffman; pianist, Mrs. A. lIelick; Asst pianist, Mrs. W. Fritz. After a dainty lunch was served by the committee in charge, the execut- ive met and appointed convenors and committees for the ensuing year. HYMENEAL •Diegel—He dson A pretty wedding was solemnized in the United Church. parsonage, Sea - forth by the Rev. H. V. Workman, when' Miss Alice May Hudson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Isane Hudson, Seaferth, became the bride of Dolton W. Diegel, son of Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Diegel, Logan Twp. The bride chose a street -length gown of French blue crepe with fringe trimmings and were a corsage, of roses ,vitli matching headdress. The bride's attendant was Mins Doreen McLellan, Seaforth, Henry Diegel, brother of the groom, was best man. The reception for immediate friends was held in the bride's home with the brid'e's mother receiving, assisted by Mrs. Diegel, mother of the groom. The couple left on a wedding trip to points east the bride travelling iwi a two-piece wool dress in . mustard • shade with snatching hat. She wore rc a.rusltrat. coat With brown accessories. Do You Need Glasses HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE OUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOUR. SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHONE YOUR 0' ► k F00 For positive identification ad the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL \Iso : Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid few Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Henna), 4. 4 �' 4. 4. 4 For Sale While They Last 1938 CHEV. COACH, Heater and full front seat. 1937 FORD DE LUX COACH, Large Trunk and Somer. 1937 CHEV, 4 -Door SEDAN, without knee action. 1930 DODGE COUPE, Large Rear Compartment, H.eata1_ 1928 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, Cheap, Suitable for a Wagon.. 1935 -FORD DE LUX COACH, Trunk, as is $295..040. WARD FRIT, USED CAR DEALER 1111111.4.111MIRISOVIMMO 1406 i Visit Our Srore The Christmas Season is . now with, es againt.. Make this Yuletide Season a most Happy one by remesrnhering your: Friends with useful Gifts. We are pleased to announce that we have niany Articles in, our Store; .very suitable for this occa^ini`htr. fr t. stKn'etbirig for every member of the, family. Visit our Store often during this period of Christmas Shopping, and you will be greatly pleased rR•,ti, with prices very mo&..rate cC1ns aerint quality. f o rs r; er. Phone 140