HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-12-09, Page 1Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, ++++4.4.444.4444444 ++14.++• e14+++: ,i+ ?•+b • :++i,+++++++++++++t ++.+iI++: t 44.1 Private Car .Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. 4. 4. Member of the Ontario Funeral Association. 4 Day or Night Telephone No. 70. -e .1-Dashwood.Ontario 4. 4.4.i. 4.4.+§1"+444.4.4.+++.1.4.441. k,Fb,I 4.4. i•,i +4.3•,3.3+ +II+fi,++€ .1.4.4,h M44.4 ✓r'g.l r Jarnn of an Samna `j'icrnu 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4. aeaSe#C+ gsar3GO aeete l$ s asioceseee Gtr e za mosarc;omacoa coavas;.esa aaQ0Caaaate TUNE IN ON ad -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network --- Sundays Local Station—C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 1234 LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA. Ili a pi�i�f�,{A�1����{{�!y�F.^p�����{I.;!.1r���y����S�R,�iy,{��[. �p�[vu �.»W ���pp �q��qA� �yq��Mq �14� HAY COUNCIL 9✓1RV!'VailleKti4&'iCfite4 iN"�Sp� ocraiottlVtl.¢L.YYsses 'iV�9�i�.�Paestoa {.� e Vtf a IN MEMORIAM Wurin--Catherine Wuzsni. '1n loh'-, ing memory of our dear little mother" who passed away December 11, 7920;1 Seventeen long years ago Mother dear you went away, We miss your smile, your graciou way; We miss you more and more each day `.<. ECEMEER 9 t 43. Chester L. Smith, Publisbat $1.50 a Year in Advancas le uor. Loving Children. AT CHEST CLINIC Nearly three hundred teachers from all parts of -Huron county in vaded Godenich on Tuesday of Iasi week on the invitation of the Ont_ ario Department of Health to attend and avail themselves of the advant- ages of a chest clinic. School insp- ectors Kinkead and Staples, who had charge of arrangements, said there were practically a one hundred per cent. response. The clinic was held at Central School, a mobile unit wits' x-ray equipment coming from Toroii to. It was in charge of Dr. King, as: sisted by three nurses of the Dept; Examinations commenced about 9. in the morning and were completed by mid-afternoon, an evidence of the „efitciencf that; featured the clinic. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE P.RICIES C. E. Z11ririggr R.O. OPTOMETRIST ae 13XE,TER she Newest. Approveail Mated of 'Eyesight Tasting Used. ()pert ovary Week Day Except Rigid aseZag;. Suffcr•'.tug...,-] �'otid Headaches? If so; •)slave your Eyes Examined with he Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. G. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODE1t.LC: — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices Westlake FUNERAL 84 a MBULA `CE SERVICE Comfortable Hospital Bed for Rent eogeeetesoceeeee Mr. Herb Kuntz of near London visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner early this weft:. Pte. Norman Fleischauer or Ip- .perwash visited with his wife and slaughter here on Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Snider of Sarnia its ,spending a few weeks with her relati- ves in the vicinity. Wednesday was a sacred holiday, .of the R. C. Church, it being Con. ception Day. Mrs. Albert Rose left for Windsor ,to attend to her daughter and son who have taken til.. Their many fri- ends wish them a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Calrence Farwell are at present spending a few weeks `t the home of the former's father, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farwell. Mrs. P. 4. O'Dwyer and Mrs. Ward Fritz were entertained to an after- noon tea at the home of Mrs. Fred C. Walker, Oakwood, near Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Vi, 'or Deichert and The regular monthly meeting of Children, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman and the Council of the Township of Hay family of near Staffa were Sunday was held in the 'Town Hall, Zurich, visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs on Saturday, Dec. 4th with all mem- 'Albert Deichert. bers present. The minutes of the No- ' vember meeting were read and ad Dedication Service opted. After disposing of the com dedication service will be held "munications the following resolut- ions were passed to "the Amish Mennonite church, That the tr+?asurex ronson on Sunday afternoon, s i .iw- f y �r 1{�y ak +Urn: a'clock� .• quest p retractor, d all- l D'al Y s eakcra will be resent`f'rom t5ariexc tence::contraetor; aitd labourers p ' p in connection with the Zurich Vill- St.. Agatha. This will be a very m- age Drain, Rosalie Drain and Hab- spiting meeting. A beautiful addit- erer Drain. ion has been added to the church That By -lacy No. 8, re Willert building. You are heartily Invited Drain, by-law re Zurich Drain; by- to attend. law 10, re Rosalie Drain and by-law Were at Toronto No. 111 re Haberer Drain be renally passed and confirmed `as approved Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dagg and da - for same has been obtained from ughters motored to Toronto on Sat - The • Municipal Board of Ontario. urday and enjoyed a visit -with their That treasurer be authorized to sots Milton, who is attending Univ - pay persons who overpaid their 1943 ersity of that city. They also attend - taxes by prepayment plan amounting ed the musical opera by Gilbert and to 33.36. Sullivan, "Trial by Jury'2, which was That allowances allowed by the en- given all .in song; Milton being one € "[203s 'v"<:voeG gineer to persons assessed on Willett of the jury, along with several other students. This -was all very beauti- y fully rendered. They also visited with other relatives and with the fine weather over the week -enol, made the ,journey all the more pleasing. Received His Box - %rok ns:` re asx Day and Night Service Phone 155, Zurich Drain and Haberer Drain 'he paid as per by-laws. That Henry Clausius be paid $5. for inspecting West Branch Swamp Drain. That Henry Clausius be given the right to clear the roadway along the Babylon line behind Lots '27 and 28 for the sum of $7.00. • so That treasurer's bond be changed ® incl renewed also Workmen's Cora- pensation Insurance be renewed, al- tso that bond covering tax collector ')e renewed. A large number of accounts were gi passed for the Twp. roads, PI'ay Tel - 'phone System, Salaries, Relief and general accounts which will appear in the annual financial statement to 'le issued et the end of the year. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on Wednesday, December 15, at 1,30 p.m. Colder Weather Is just around •the Corner. Prepare! now for it We have a' good Stock. of Fall and Winter Merchan- :dise on our Shelves in stock: Ladies` House Dresses, Aprons, Stockings, also Ladies Oxford Shoes and Rubbers. Men's Underwear, a large range of Work Socks, Boots and Shoes. All kinds of Rubbers for Men. including the heavy Lumbermen s Rubbers. Pioneer Feeds for your Stock and Poultry Purity and Robin Hood Flour always on band. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ' ALWAYS ON HAND LA.!' STORE Edmund Swa.rtzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 pasestaleammairzsgsmarammaaamestmommatearoo A. F. Hess, Clark. L avitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thurs., Friday, Saturd'ay Saturday Matinee at. s -ao. Mary O'Hara's MY FRIEND FLICKA Starring Preston Foster, Rocruy Mc- Dowell, Rete Johnston. Evening prices 25c and 40c. Matinee, 16c and: 30c. Including tax Monday, Tuesday TWO FEATURES: ASSIGNMENT IN BRITTANY Starring Pierre Aumont and Sum?. • Peters VARSITY SHOW With Fred Waring and his Pennsyl- vanians, starring 7)1.0. Powell Iola Prescillia Lane,, Mrs. David Ducharme has receiv- ed word from Elzar Masse somewhere in England that he received his box which the 'local Red Cross and the Institute made up and sent to the )joys overseas a few weeks ago. El - ear wants to' thank every one that helped to make his box so nice and good and wants to congratulate thorn or the fine choice of articles and' goodies which the box contained and wrote that everything was received in the best of condition: We are in- deed pleased to hear of these fine re- orts, and should be encourageing- for everyone of us to do even more Qo help to make our dear boys cheer-? ul as it is only them alone, tl'rat now what this war means.. OBITUARY Leto Mrs. Phillip Schade There passed away at her home on bhe Blue Water Highway a% miles South of St. Joseph, Mrs. Christena Turnbull widow of the. fate Philip shade in her 73rd year, on Monday ecember Pith. The departed had done to bed as .usual, suffering from a cold, and the -next morning, was ;found dead in bed by her son John. She was always of a kind and lova-: Ible disposition, always malting one feel welcome at her home. her hus- 4band died in April 1942. She is sur- vived by a son John, at home, a sis- ter, Mrs. Robert Taylor of Grand Bencl, a brother. Dr. H. Turnbull. of Leamington; Robert J. and Thomas 13 Turnbull, both of Sarnia are brothers And a large number of distant relat- ives and friends. The body was rest- ing_ at the T. Harry Funeral Home, at Dashwood fromwhere the- 'funeral took place on: Wednesday afternoon. Interment was made in the Grand Tend cemetery. Rev. W. T. Cleave et Grand Bello officiated. onds! 1 YOU Led pro Ca -1r HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOUR SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. AG. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification ci the World's Finest Anthracite ask for . - BLUE COAL \lso : Rose Dale Alberta ano Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling. Co. Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fag Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall -or While They Last 1938 CHEV. COACH, Heater and full front seat. . 1937 FORD DE LUX COACH, Large Trunk and Heater. 1937 CHEV, 4 -Door SEDAN, without knee action. 1936 DODGE COUPE, Large Rear Compartment and Heater. 1928 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, Cheap, Suitable for a Wagon. 1985 FORD DE LUX 'COACH, Trunk, as is $295.00. WA s D F USED CAR DEALER .^.senememetwo r.....,.—,.�..:m 1.....61.301Poidiall.erael Arlo, Visit Our 'i rr ►x:re The Christmas Season is now with us again. Make this Yuletide Season a most Happy one by remembering your Friends with useful Gifts. We are pleased to, announce that we have many Articles in our Store very suitable for this occa.tic n. In fact, something for every member of the family. Visit our Store often during this period of Christmas Shopping, and you will be greatly pleased with our fine slbn+v inn: ':ith yprices very moderate considering quality. J. W. rv-. 1