HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-12-02, Page 8ZVRICF4, ONTARIO zumews Grteer Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE, HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST MenlorOesch - Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 1111 1 1 1 11 11111 11 11 poi mommommiffin 1111 Ilt 1111111 111111111111 11 1 10 1 1111 111 I1I_1ijl,Uj111111111111 r-VISEI=MaigagSfrarageMEIMIVIMMEI, ,W.V.41304§:MMTar-WAIRORMAWFASESS11911016112111,1M • 4. 0 4. • • • 4.• • • • 4. 4. 4- 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. To the en who Till the Soil With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. 11. EDIGHOFFER 4. 4. 4 4 44 4.4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4. 4 4. 4.. 4. 4. 4 1110444444444.4.444444444444+++ I.++ 4+44.44..--,++++++++0-4-0-0-+ 5-X Brand Shingles + WE ARE . JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF S..* CEDAR SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE HINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- CED. 4. 4' r 'E HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR SEED ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! LEIS ^ PHONE 69 ZURICH tAr2121M4d...,84E018111 2 2 4 2 4 zuRicw wzJ, . KOPP'S ONE-STOPSERVICE FAAATON GAS A Gaf-....; lib/vow/a to every motorist, WI* take, chances in inferior. Elss when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. .. Engineered Lubrication, At Kloppis, volt get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 Icinds of Crease: We invite you to watch us Lubricate, y,obar, Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Ca Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25e, Gallon Raiteries, Accessories, GOodYearr 'Tires Clean and t Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest andi Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station, Drive in, and let us service and "Pep UV- your Car for du?. Colder Weather and Heavier...Roads HOWARD KLOPP:. LESSEE C. Fritz & Son:Used Car ,Lot rin,C,Onneation vo•-•-••-•••••••••••-.......o. ••••••+- •••••*... • • • • • • • ...••••• ••••rnsmos••••••••Ssoms.••••••••••, Aanwar,1•••••••-•••••••••• rfP,W1,, OF LOCA/... E. Mr. Dniiell Lehr and son, ttylib have been resident ' of Zurich for : some months; have recently moved to God-. erich where, they ...both are employed. Mr.. and. Nes. George Peters, anit Miss aillikett Hey of London; also: Mr. and' Mts. Howard Hyde of. Hen-. sall, wane -recent week -end guests of Mr. and: Mrs. Mervyn Stelck, 14th. Com. The euchre and dance sponsored. by tine focal Red Cross last Friday evening, was a big success, as thefte. was an exceptionally large crowd.; th attendance. Mr. Mervyn Stelck is spending t1iiiweek in Guelph, where he isAak ing a three-day refresher course on Forint Mechanics, prior to instructing ire the mechanics schools to 11g.: ibte throughout Huron County tlitits ten The various teachers of tile, dis- trict were called to Godgnitiii Tuesday where they were egen. thorough check-up as to the' conga - ion . of their health. We; nestd: at present, perhaps like neverbebrc. a good healthy race, and' seemingl.y. the Department of • Healer thinks, - that public school teachersshould be in good health, and we?, ell think Ks, 418410866 4 0606(066evseeesiLwitaa g,34,14,0,24,0a,k-..}20,:,-,212;9,--wzg4,443 0 2 HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNrrt .1R E 2 I Save . the -Surface t. Ea 8 49 1 PRESERVING YOUR PROPERTY FROM DETERATION AGAINST TIME AND WEATHER, W1114 THE BEST PAINT, BECOMES A PATRIOTIC DUTY UNDER PRESENT CONDITIONS; YOU AVOID FUTUTE REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS SUPPLIES FOR WHICH ARE BADLY NEEDED FOR WAR USE AND MAY IN ANY CASE BE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO GET. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THE BEST OF PAINTS AND PAINT SUPPLIES WHICH ARE AVAILABLE. SEE OUR LARGE STOCK PAINTS! PAINTS! .... We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing -Our 'Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- 2 ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. STA ' -'E & WEI DO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE 13 01 W 0 B LOCAL MARKETS (Correeteid3every Wednesday) ggss 46, 44, 39, atter- Reit. Itiekensi. 1lej 11.)- iiekene;. dressed'lb. hent,. bushel ats .'" arlby; busln, nekwIleat, nush. Ittutt, qt. fluteands bran, ton . ...... .8.0.0 0 iddlinget ton 32.00 28 1_5422 20s2g 50e 78. 70 2.60a,2•;75 SON TO MEET toxrd'oiril - Rep61-ts of e,meeting soon of• Prime Minister President Roosevelt and Premier Stal in indicate that they may.- crecide on a neet-war police plan to)guard the tea ii at Europe and the ;Middle East • OPEN IN DECEMBER 00, .4 4 :4 4 ‚4' The weekly Wednes'tay afternoon. holliday for some loci towns •E'xeter will be cangelled for the month of December.. :Stores will re-. • main open each weAday. The hai?fs_ kotidays will be reemned with the. new year. 'The many friends et lYkin T. Leas Williams, who lies been at. Victoria Hospital, London, willi be pleased. to learn that Mr. Willa returned to his home in Zurich egt Sunday and is progressing very nieefy; although he is confined to his bed, and requires some more rest. :Kr. Williams has been a very acture person. -a-round the mill, his chosen oecupation; -and we hope that b will soon be recov- ered to gain attend to his daily dut- ies. •„ irosimme.••••••mosioasseass SOIRRIMORS4.0011110006~0101 I Announcement, The engagement is announced of Alice May, younger daughter :of Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Hudson, of .Seaforth, to Dalton H. Diegel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diegel, of Logan 'Towne ship, the marriage to take place, itlie first part of December, The Zurich Village Drain Ikea now been completed, and the deed& did the last lap on Saturday, namely, the east side on Main Street as far north as Stade & Weido's hardware store. Hewever, there is atill a lot of lev- elling to be done, a large amoiint of loose earth must be hauled away at some places, while at other points there is little to spare. The Rosalie Drain is now also completed, and what a consolation it is to a goodly number of citizens to have a good outlet for their celar drains. SOLDIERRETURNS Cpl. Donald 11eKay, son of. Mrs, Mary McKay, .Hensall, arrived' in Halifax the other day. Wounded' in action in Siciltr M July he had been. a patient in ;..e hospital in Sieily with a which he reetived in battl, Me is 2? years of age, received his, eaucation in No. 7 tfilobert, Hensatii Continunt'. ion School 'and Clinton Iinsiness Col- lege, enlisted in Picton iin. October,. 1939, and went overmtle: in Deeent..1 ber, IT9i89. MARKED 91st BIRTHDAY Mrs. Catharine Baker, well-known resident of Hensel' celebrated.. on Thursday her 91st birthday at the the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfaff, with whom she re- sides. She was a native of Baden, and was the former Catharine Goetz. For many years she resided in Cron - brook, later comin,g. to Hensall. In fairly good health she enjoys life she has a keen intellect and can recall many happenings of the past. Her husband predeceased some years ago. She has two sons and one da- ughter, Mrs. Pfaff. MANY BLOOD DONORS Exeter held its„fifth blood 'elinie last Wednesday, 'god it was -a,: big success with 106 donors reporting out of 141 called. Of these 52 were new women donors, 41 new men &n - ors, and 13 were men repeaters. One Ina]) received his silver butto' n ':two men their bronz buttons. Miss. Mary ),inslie was the nurse in charge and 'bis. Fletcher and Dunlop were the 'octors in the clinic room. The dein- .tr,t from this district were: H mn11: Mrs. W. Smith, Japies itirklued, Harry Strang 2. Dashwood: Ernest Koehler. Gran d I Ind Emery Desjardine. Zurich: Leroy O'Brien 2, Mrs, I. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sararas spent Leroy O'Brien, E. M. Dagg 2, Mrs.Sunday evening with Mr. an Mrs. E. M. Dagg, Kathleen Hay, Geo, Du- Fred Sienian, north of St. Joseph. aharme, Mrs. E. Gesell°, Mrs. G. "What. is needed in* the country is Lenehan, Betty Dietz, Mrs. W. Eckel dirtier finger nails and cleaner minds" Mr.. T. 11. Meyers. Rev. C, 13, Het?, Rogers, from the Saturday kendorn 2, Milton Desch 2. :Evening Post. ThE VOODOO QUEEN Cyr NEW ORIE„EANS Read..in The American Weekly with this sundwi: (Dee, 5) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. • og the woman who, to satisfy her burning last for gold, turned to the weird weapon of Mr witch ancestors to blackmail New Orleans' luxury-lovin•g romantic society. Get The Detroit Sunday Times this week arid every week. OUR MAILING LIST Our -Mailing List has been correct- ed up to. November 30th inclusive. If you have renewed your subscript- ion previous to this we ask you to kindly look up the date on your label which shows to when you are paid up. If an omission oceurrs kindly let us know and we will make the correction' next time we revise. A. very few are in arrears, to these we must warn that we must discontinue their paper according to the news Government Regulations, but in all cases, allarrears must be paid in full. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. Oliver.Cantin from Detroit, was, a week -end visitor with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Papineau, iVir and Mrs. Paul Masse,Mr. and Mrs. Joe Masse, all of indsor, were week -end visitors with their relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Looniird NASSP of London spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Du- eharnte. -e.)Pte. Dominique Jeffrey has re- turned to Montreal where he is stas tioned there in camp, and was ac- companied by his wif� and son Pet- er. Misses Cherrie and Doris Jeffrey froni -Detroit .attended the funeral of their little niece on Wednesday last. .Mr. Zeffie Charrett and little dau ghter of Detroit, were Week -end vis- itors with his brother, Dennis. Sorry to report that Mr. Girard Jeffrey and Mr. Peter Ducharme are with the • flu. Thursday, Decemberil 23-14 14943i 444-4,40-440-044 VOUR • .,• PAINT UP TIME.... The, Season, dernancts to PAINT UP in. order. tol f?reservel the Siirface on your Buildings.. Itis poor economy. to, try to save on .Paint., We' have a. god dock: of ali called for.. Paints, VarniShes, and.Paint.SUpprtes.,. ....See these lines. New- Felt Mattresses We were fortunate in securing a good supply 7 off New. Felt Mattresses which we are offering; the publiC.. from moo to $15.00 each, and can. issure:; -are, big; vartre, for the money. ge.,sure: andi see FURNITURE See., Our. Studio Couches and Dinnette- Suites, Rib Like ed all the Home Rtquirements Johnston dc-K,albfleisch Tria-krelware a Fur 11 Run. Phone 63 4+ +4 +4 4444.4, 44+44 44044444 + + 4.44,44 44444 444,44444118 kok TRY ECTiEl.,'S own Talk d - %its* a 1 CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, NES, AND: SWEET GOODS. Ingredients Used 0411e of the kghest Quay ICE CREAM Wednesday Evening Zurich ALL CONFECTIQNs Our Store will be cliecl each 4 4 1 Eckel's Bakery Telephone I 00 *.+ 44444444444444g stgeisg-e44.rs, eSNAPSI-10T GUIL A NEW CAMERA YEAR , • g Progressing -moving upward into the light --this striking picture eauld well symbolize the serious camera hobbyist today, HOW much did you learn about picture -taking in the past year? How much ,will you learn in the New Year we are now entering? 71.11.i$is a stElendid time to take • gee o yoursil , examme your cam- era progress, make plans for the future. Could the figure on the stair- case.above symbolize you? Are you . standing still -or are you moving upward into the,light, reading more about picture -taking, studying your pictures, taking more, and constant- ly trying to improve? Much of value is being written these days about taking better Pic- tures. Simple, practical handbooks about photography are readily avail- able. Photo magazines contain much Useful information. Manufactirers of cameras and film offer dozens 'of free pamphlets -not advertising, but practical instruction booklets. Every camera hobbyist should avail himself of these aids, for wider knowledge helps one make better pictures. Ie it your habit to study 'flgiti; ayl ti tbadow-not just when taltinr: ture, but in everything you see? Light and shadow are the .rinbe stances of which photographs are made. 0.bserve them, compare their YariatiOnS nMorning and evening, on sunny andghazy days -and yon will learn much about finding pic- tures that please the eye. What do you kintiv; of color filter -the little devices which, slippea over a camera lens, account for, many of the striking "effect" pic- tures one sees today? Have you studied the ,simple rules of compo- sition that help you arrange pic- tures so much more pleasingly? In- expensigte, elementary hooks on how to Make good pictures explain all. these things in a manner that any picture -lover ca.n understand. Why not make the new year a period Of study as well as of picture - taking?' Broad knowledge is not needed to get pictures, but it helps obi ain pictures that are hetter, more pIen Sing, 311.01.0 satistylng. And today such knowledge is so ao- quire!