HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-11-25, Page 84m4111.110 1 1111 11111 III111111111 lull II11111rI[Illl► lillullGlllululllulmAE .,tWA0' MUCH'S rimer s. Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON FIAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ING WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST enno Oesc PRDUCE WANTED. ® Zurich Phone 165 wr liJII i- ili(iillpliMdf : • Ta Co aFcwtii "N i1i 5d T the Soil With the changing of the Seasons, we will need better equipment. How about your work shoes or this occasion. You should see E. H. Edighoffer about them before you buy. We carry the famous line of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Ediehoffer has them. In Shoe Repairing. we give you the best money can buy. Give use �a call, our .A'pricess area right. E. H. A DIGHOF �', f • • + 6 +ic4.4.++++.;-.3 ++3.+++++4-+• 4.4-++-i1 •- ..; , ...r eee _e.- _ee.;.4. — fi.-e* 5-X Brand Shingles WE ARE JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5-x CEDAR SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE HINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- FED. rE HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEED ING STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! FLEISO . PHONE 60 ZURICH 1 ti 4 4 4 4 4 . ¢ ? %• 4 n �; +'x.tir-:•-: +q• -? + + k'--+ •. ,,.r.. F .s, 3 + t w rx a• • c ti +ti+4++a ++ Ad 0000 002MGO s.446 4. HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Save the Burtaoe PRESERVING YOUR PROPERTY FROM DETERATION AGAINST TIME AND WEATHER, WITH THE BEST PAINT, BECOMES A PATRIOTIC DUTY UNDER PRESENT CONDITIONS; YOU AVOID FUTUTE REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS SUPPLIES FOR WHICH ARE BADLY NEEDED FOR WAR USE AND MAY IN ANY CASE BE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO GET. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THE BEST OF PAINTS AND PAINT SUPPLIES WHICH ARE AVAILABLE, $EE OUR LARGE STOCK PAINTS! PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well. Known and Tried land Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tirnsrnithing Our _Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture. Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds; Etc. STADE&, WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE 1 iteetr ace • 'H HERALD KLOPP'S ?OP SERVICE YOU A Gas known to every motorist. Why takes chances, in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices: Engineered Lubrication At Klopp'a you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Crease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and set how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor, CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and. "Pep. Up>' our:• Carr ffr the -Colder Weather anti Heavier R;oads;3. HOWARD . KLOPP, Ir ESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot, in, Connection II EMS OF LOCAL i ` ' REST T Rev. C. B. Heckendorn was at'.Kity chener the beginning of this week. VIr. J. W. Verner made r. -easiness trip to Toronto the past week. Mr. Norman Gascho_ has returned, to Byron Sanitorium for the winter months. Mr. Claytus Mittleholtz of:' Lou• don is visiting with his brother Ted. of town. Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharrtra were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's brother, at• Seaforth Pte. Norman Fleischauer of •Ippex- wash, epent the week -end' with ' hiti wife and daughter marierrn. Born—At the Farwell Nursing; home on November 23rd; to Mr, and: Mrs. Earl Yungblut, a• son. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader; Mr. and' Mrs. Victor Dinniii and Mrs. Theo Rader spent Saturday at London: Me. and Mrs. C. L. Smith were at London on Saturday where they, visited with their. daughter, Mae. _M:rs. Jane Brisson, who resides on the Blue Water• Highway, north of Drysdale, is spending some time at the home of Mrs.. C. Ayotte. Mr. and Mrs: R. J. Kalbfleisch of Detroit were recent 'week -end visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs: Fred. C. Kalb:ei'sell.: Blrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and daugh- ter, Miss Hazel of Stratford were Saturday vi'si'tors gat the home of the • former's sinter, Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. Miss Eileen Miller of London spent a few -days at the borne of her par-. ents, Min and Mrs. Ted.. I+Ialiter, owe the we tc end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Norman of Stratford visited at the home of Me. and Mrs. Ted Rader and other rt.. lati.r-es over the weekend. Mrs. Fred Thiel and daughters Phyllis and Constance have returned''; home after spending a few days with the former's parents at Kitchener. Mr and Mrs. Albert Hess and Miss Anna Hess motored to London,. en Friday where they visited at the home of Mr. niid Mrs. Fd. Brand Mr. Herb.. Mousseau who was 1.0 in the Parry Sound district on a deer hunt, returned last week and advises us that owing to the bad weather, the deer hunting was very poet and feele deer were shot, Dr, H. H. Cowen, of Exeter and Mr, Ward Fritz of Zurich, who were up at Manitoulin Island recently on a deer hunting trip have returned and Weis: successful in securing a deer. Funi LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesdavl Eggs: .................. 4G;. 44;. 1319i, 27 Butter per' lb. ...... • ...... :.... 38 Chickens,. live lb. .............. 16-22 Chickens; dressed' lli: 20•+28 Wheat,. bushel-. ...... ................... 1.12 Oats, bushel Barley; bush. . , ........................ 73 lue3twheat, bushi_ 70 Mute cwt.. ................ 2:13A, 2.75 Shorts and brew tons .............30 00 Middlings, ton 3" 00 ' 500 - . CARD '-THANKS • ui:. Arthur" WeJixt• and £4xxxi1 wish to thank all their friends and neigh- bours for these' many acts of kind- •ness, for the beautiful floral tributes and those. who: loaned; their care dur- iXtg: their sad. bereavement,. Mr. 'I'. Less Williams of town was taken to • Victoria Hospital, London, where he is undergoing some obser- vation check-ups, and x-ray examiu- ationee We trust he will soon be back home following his daily duties at the mill. Mr. .Henry Schade, Mrs, George Metcalf and daughter Joan, Miss Bel- va T'ruemner all of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Truemener on Sunday. Mias Belva Truemner who has had a position in that city will remain at her 11011 V" liar the present. Making Big Contribuiaion Mr. and Mrs, John A. Smith, for- merly residents just south of Zurich, and now residing in Windsor, have six sons in the service. Three are in England, one in .Kingston, one in Chatham and the other one in Hali- fax. This surely if worthy of pub•- lishing in our columns, and we con- gratulate the Smith family for- the fine contribution they are making in this great struggle for our freedom. SOLDIER WRITES Sydney, N.S. To the Red Cross and Women's Institute, of Zurich: 1 received your parcel which was mailed to me a couple of weeks ago. I was very glad you remembered me at Christmas time. Everything was CARD OF THANKS • Mrs. Zacob Howatt and Family wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the syrnpathee and' assistance extended to them i», their r,eeerAt sad bereavement ,Special thanks to Rev. E:. Heinrich, to those that sang, and those that so kbedlly, loaned t1'inh, cars, 3'Jiz: R.. Gates: of Dogwood was a business visitor in town early in the week. • A Euchre and Dance is being spon- sored by the local Red Cross in the 'Zech -Town d'i'als, on Friday evenings The public are heartily invited tie attend. Note their adv. elsewhere,. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader enter- iiained a number of their friends o a fowl dinner Tuesday evening. The out e town guests were Mr. and. Mrs Morris Klunpp and children Willie and Connie of Dashwood. Mrs. Edwin Lansing of Detroit vis- .ited'her parents, Mr. and Maas. Con- rad Thiel of Weber Street. L"., Kit - Ichener. On her return horne she will also visit Mrs. Charles Lansing i and Rev. Harry Lassing of Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klople and fanc- ily, IVIiss Ethel Hess, title: and Mrs. Elmore F. Klopp; Lor.tt and Floyd Klopp all of town, spent a most pleasant Sunday in tendon at the home of Mr. and Mgrs. Gordon How -.i old, 256 Grey Stetet. As the weeka are creeping Wong', the days are beeoming shorter, and daylight at present just breaks. In at eight o'etock. In another reenth we shall have the shortest day. and then they will grow longer ae the we- eks go by. We are only a month from Christmas, and are having most wonderful weather for this time of year, as the little winter has disap• peered and nice bright weather set in SENTENCED IN EXETER Skt. Wm. C. Hills, 40 -yr. -old mem- ber of the RCAF Provost Corpse at No. 9, SFTS.,- Centralia, appeared before Ma:gis. McCrea in police court in Exeter and pleaded guilty to ste- aling blankets and a number of other articles from the airport. He was 'sentenced to sorve a sisr months' term in geab W omens` Institute Hensel] -- Miss Florence Welsh was hostess for, the meeting' of liens<ill Senior W. L with Mrs. Fred Beer as co -hostess. The president, Miss Glad- ys .Luker, was in the chair. Rev, R. A Brook spoke on "Armistice Num- ber Two," stating that such an ar- mistice must foster brotherhood as never before. He said that people must try to live lake world citizen:,' and , to destroy Nazisnl. IF WE COULD ONLY FORGET HALF WE KNOW Our minds are for reasoning, no. for remembering, writes Robert Ir• Potter, in The American Weekly wit'• this Sunday's (Nov. 28) issue of Th -, Detroit Sunday Times, Potter ex- plaining why we would probably a'l be better off if we could empty ou ovc; y and very useful. Thanks for minds of senseless fears, superst]tit- everything, I hope 1 will be homer ions, medical misinformation and el l to thank you all in person semi, (wives' tales. Get Sunday's Detroit Sincerely --Orland Durand, RCNVE 1 Tunes. S. a 4' 4. 4 PAI UP TIME The Season demands to. PAINT UP' in order to Preserve the Surface on your Buildings. It is poor economy to try to • save on Paint, We have a goof stock of all called: for.. Paints; Varnishes, and Paint Supplies... ..See these lines. New Felt. Mattresses 4. 4 We were fortunate in securing. a,. good supply, of New Felt Mattresses whkh. we• are. offering the public from $8.00 to $1.00 each,, and can assure they are big valine for•the•money . Bei s -ore and see them.l ' . , . F 4.JRa galTUI E See Ofir Studio Cooch ,,s and Die m.- sus A fill Line of all. the Home, Regx.tik:-^ enta Joh.nsto:b an w ro anu to e Phone 68 t Y ' - - . . , f r. , .x w .,,...E. �. 0.4.4-4,44+404-++44.+ . +s` rJq + 4. 4. ovv..-n.: Talk'rem , + + + : CH + E €is RE'S ICE �k `G'AIET'Y .E CAM SWEET GD� O°. „s-. ingredienUsed are. of the Highest Quality ALL CQNFEC' ['IONS --- ICE .;REAM . Our Store, will be closed eaalh Wednesday Evening f s Bakery -- Zurich Telephone 100 PIES, AND qtr+b'-r+++++++'.+++!•'x?••u-+r•-sL.R�'•:'4+'it'• ,., 444.44.4.+++++++. • s N 6 PSI:40T UAL DEVELOPING PICT1JRES '\ .�'�'` �';':"`.w`v?? \,`��.��� *':i\v'•;\tic i4 mar:, Making an enlargement. Snapshooter§ who develop and print th@Srr swig pictures can obtain interesting speclal effee,ts, and derive mom piisasure from thole camera hobby. MOST snapshoeters have their films developed by a photolin- isher, For the beginner, this is prob- ably the safest method, as the fin- isher's work is switt and usually ilio quality is excellent. However, as the camera hobbyist gains in skill, lie soon wants to de- velop his own pictures and make his own prints. Such experience is just as valuable as it is fascinating, for it teaches +many things about producing better pictures. One does not need a special dark- room for developing film or making prints. A table in the bathroom at. night provides adequate "working space," and the window can easily be covered with cardboard to ex- clude stray :'tght. Simple kits contain the few prep- arations for solutions. and trays n eie d e d for either negatives or prints. Film of the "chrome" type may be developed under a red pho- tographic safelight; so that one can 'watch the pictures as they "come ftp" during development. For "pan" Yilrny it is beat to use an inexpensive. Alin tank+ Once the film is plaeed in the tank, the 'regular room lights can be turned on. The tank method eliminates guess work' with any kind of film but some think the "tray" or darkroom method ia• more interesting, Only a few miniiites are required to develop and "fix" a roll of film. it is then washed and dried, •after which prints' may be made at once. Making prints is even easier than developing film, since brighter light can be used. After you have learned how to make "contact" size prints, you are ready to begin making enlarge- ments. With a homo enlarger, you can make your pictures in various sizes --change the composition of a picture by "masking"—and obtain special, effects by double -printing, diffusion, and other' devices that increase a picture's interest and: charm. Developing and printing your owe pictures is'a sure way to derive more pleasure from your hobby. Make rip your mind to try It as you increase+ in picture.taking skill. nsx Johns van. Guilder.