HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-11-25, Page 4ving Santerns, any way disturbing the Village drain property, will be prosecuted according to law. Parents are ad- vised to see that their children -leave • hands off the Village's property. . By Order—Zurich Police Village t. Joseph, returned to his home on Monday last. Miss Cecile 1Vlasse of St. joseph, returned to her home on Monday Idassotrafter spending six weeks in Win - Mr. Maximo Jeffrey of this burg i at present employed 'by Mr. Ale. Masse for farm work for the winter months. • DASHWOOD About 30 relativee and friends . STANLEY TOWNSHIP Farmers are getting their fall work well under way with the odd farmer gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs who still has considerable plowing Joseph Wilds on Sunday Nov. 21st, it being the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mns. H. R. Miller of Mount Carmel, and 32 years married. All sat down to a sumptuous. dinnee. The best of wishes go with the happy co- uple, and for many years to come. 9 a. as, ir0.7X). Ottawa that their son, Sgt. ng am received word Wm, C. Scott, with the It.C.A.V.,had been killed on active service overseas Pleao ant Evening Spent n April 19th. Early in the war Mrs id A pleasant evening was spent at 'Ieeree 'received the sad news that six the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. relatives were instantly killed in a McDonald of Chiselhurst, in theHenbombing raid on London, and the sail district, in honor of Rev. V. and seventh, an aunt had passed away as Mrs. Clemens, who are leaving for a result Ridgetown to take charge of the Peers Hit and Run Drivers tecostal Assembly there. Police are in search of a hit -and - Has Both Legs Of run driver who Sat. eve last ran John Hooper, Wingham, undewent down a young rnarnon a bicycle a an operation an the Hospital for the bout two miles smith of Exeter and removal of his right leg. A few years then left the scene in a hurry, Mr. ago he had the left leg amputated. After the first operation he. made 1 ci'd progress and his health was much improved. Recen y and other work to do. The open wea- ther is a big help. Mrs. Aldington of Cronsaisty, sp- ew.; a few days recently with her son end wife, near Varna, Mrs. Stelck of Varna has left to visit with with relatives in Kitchener Salvage drive, IVIanday, Nov. • Have your newspapers, cardboard Mrs. Parsons and two little c ren lC of Saffa were visitors with her and magazines tied up and reade on that day. Some one veill call for sister, Mrs. Aldington, near Varna. 'The Varna Community Club thanks same. Mr. John Bender is 'visiting with those who contributed money and friends in Toronto. sugar for the boys' boxes overseas. Me and Mrs. Harry Cook of Wind - Those who have not donated are ur- ged to .do o.ssoon to the Red Cross room Also wish to thank those who made candy and shortbread for the boxes. which consisted of 1-1b. fruit . • cake, cheese, gum. sardines, -use Hoffman. candy, (shoe. bars, slihrtbread, raise Miss Antioriette Ziler of London, • ins, soap, towel, face cloth, handker- chief, can opened, Colgate kit, pair M and Mrs. Joe Ziler. - spent a few days with her parents, of socks These boxes were packed' Mr. by Edith Beatty, Lillian Elliott and Zurich on Sunday. Mrs. McIsaac visited friends in RALPH STAPLES A newly appointed National Sec- retary of Falen Radio Forum, Ralph Staples is in charge of organizing listening proaps of farmers across Canada, and providiag them with materiel for discuseien. Each Mon- day evening these farm forums gath- er 'about their radios to hear agric- ultural experts discuss Matters of vital concern to the farmer., Broad- cast over a chain of CBC networks, tech Monday evening at 8.30 EDT. sox Were Sunday visitors \vita Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan. LAC Ken. Kerslake of the RC „ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas and New Brunswick, visited with the for-. itors with Mr. and Mrs. T Harry mer's son, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kers- lake. family of London were Sunday vise *IVIe. and Mrs. jas. Paterson spent a few days in Toronto recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laramie of Cen- tralia were visitors with the former's. rnother, Mrs Laramie and daughter: Greta. Mrs. T. and Pte. Thos. Simpson of Windsor were recent visitors. with: friends in town. Mrs. Lou Simpson returned home.• after spending several weeks •in De- troit with her daughter, Mrs. Vieth, - and son Wm. Simpson. Miss June Murdock has accepted, the position of organist and .chone director in Brucefield United Chnrch,; and has commenced her duties.. Miss Eleanor Fisher of Graven- hurst was a recent visitor with Mr.' and Mrs. John E. MeEwen. Dr. A. R. Campbell, chairman ()V the War Services Committee artd Miss Gladys Luker, president of - the Women's Institute, have received 'grateful letters from local boys ov-1 .erseas who have received boxes sent; them. • Boy Instantly Killed Herbert Clifton Johns, aged 15a son of Mr. and IVIrs. Roy Johns, of, Us -borne, was instantly killed Friday' afternoon at 4 p.m. while helping. his father cut wood in the bush on, their farm, and were cutting a treel which fell south where • the lad was working instead of the west. One of the limbs caught the lad crushing him to death. His father ran 180 rods for help while his mother telephoned to Dr. Dunlop, Exeter, coroner, who pronounced him- dead' upon arrival. Surviving are his parents and a you- nger brother.. County.Constable Jack Ferguson of Exeter- investigat- ed. There was no inquest. type USOU • made a forced landing in a field at the southern: extremity of Blyth one afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The planee were all landed without mishap and the> three pilots proceeded up town to phone their base station to report their difficulty. The pilots were on , their way to Sky Harbor where they were delivering the planes. As they approached this area they ran int* a snow storm. Celebrates 94th Birthday tl the other Congratulations were extended to Mrs. E. Herman, Clinton, who on Nov. Gth celebrated her 94th birth - ay. Members of the family front 1VI kham. London and Clinton were . Albert Hackney was on 1 -ds way ar , Exeter riding his •bicycle about 7 o'-1 present. Mrs. Tomlinson, of Harris - clock in the evening when he was ton and Mrs., Livermore, of ,Califorree b a car and thrown to the la, who are daughters, were unable tmuci leg became affected and it was found pavement. Fortunately. the young to be present. been living. Friends of Mrs. D. Walks are ple- ased' to hear she is improvrng, foll- owing her recent operation. Mr. W. Kerslake of St. Marys and Rachel Johnston, and were on their way before Nov. 1st, to the follow. Ines boys: Robt. Aldveinekle, Walter •Sinith; Walter Bretherton, Harry Parsons and Hugh Pollock. • BAYFIELD J. Howard, Walter -Westlake, -and- George Little were .up at Tobemory on a week's hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett left on Saturday last to spend the, winter in Elenira. Iv, and :eine R. W. Bristol left for Washington, D.C. after having spent. the reit few months at their . . cottage in the 'Village:: James Robinson has returned to the village, having been in London, for some days. Mrs. H. A. Stott, left for'Goder- ich Hospital last week, where she will take treatments. Mrs. W. J. MacLeod and Miss Elsie MacLeod who have been in Detroit for eome weeks, returned to their home. Mr. M. Ross and daughter, Mrs. L. G. Bassett left for Woodstockewhere be eise, ete mu -moist daughter, rs, Geo. Davidson...1AM Bassett go - nig ea se eaeale foi a month. Mrs. Insvid Dewar has returned after .havina visited her son and daughter in Toronto. Friend of Dr. D. A. Volume are .eharge of Mr. Manson, Russell Tie - man and the boys of the school. The last community quilting for the year was planned for Thursday Dec. 2nd to be held in the basement of the Evangelical church. Following the business a program consisting of a trio by Marie Spicer, -Nancy Tiernan and Charles Tiernan. TheVictoryptipils of room 2, a .solo by Ronald Snell and a sing song by T. Harry Hoffman, also a debate by the pupils of none 3. Mrs. R. Baker is spending a few weeks with her daughter in Windsor. Mrs. T. Klurnpp had the misfor- tune to have the end cut off one of her fingers while working in the plan- ing mill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ziler have mov- ed into the house they recently pur- chased from Mrs, McIsaac. T. Harry Hoffman attended the 13e11 Telephone Conference for conn- ecting companies in London for a few days last week. Russell Tiernan, Gordon Eagleson Alvin Willert and Gerald Snider of the Blue Water Highway' were up north onahunting triplastweet corn- ing home with a deer. Donald-.Reetemeyer• orf Barrie fieldand Miss Onieda Resterneyer, R. N. of St. Joseph'sHospital, London, arev,isiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Resteeneyer. Mr. Addison Tiernan is on the sick list.We hope for a speedy recovery. Monthly Red Cross Meeting Intheabseneeof the Red Cross pres- ident, the firstvice-pres. Mrs. E. Mer- rier took the chair. After singrag 01- Canade,Mrs. Merrier led in -prayer, The minutes of the last meeting were read. The result of the penny cards were very gratifying and it was de- cided to hold a guessing contest with these pennies. The gathering of newspapers, card board, and magizines was left in • sorry that he is confined to his bed and hope he soon recover.' Si. Josoph and Beaver Town -Monica, the eight months old dau- ghter of iPte. D. and Mrs. Jeffrey of St. Joseph, passed away on Monday evening last after an illness of five' .weeks. They have the deep symp- athy ef the entire community in their bereavement. Mr. and Mn. Syrus Stanberry, ot Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, AVila Dude- aeme of Windsor and Mr. Cyril Du - theme end Mies Olivine Damphouse of Windson -were week -end visitor' with their parents en the Flue Water south. A great number took advantage af• the deer hunting season,. and the re- . salts are some are amply rewarded, while others were minus of their deer and expenses in the drive. • Mrs. Maurice Denomine of Beaver- HENSALL 'Born — At Mrs. Patterson's Nurs- ing Home, :Hensall, on Nov. 13, to Reeve and Mrs. R. E. Shaddick„ a SOU. Miss Margaret Johnston, assistant at the local Post Office, has been confined to her home owing to M- elees. IVIr. :and:Mrs. Ezra Kipfer recently purchased the property on No. 4 highway from Walter Fairbairn, in which Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Morris have TALKING IS Here are CBC's five regional Comm ered 'round the conference table in radia geteto-gether for women broad Jean Hinds, Winnipeg; jean Boward tre al ; M on e,a M tine T 0 ro nto ; Joan ...71P tILISINESS ptat,r,s anA cOniurni drtrinT. thy ter.; C;911afIll. 1!, ": 51„ Mobbee, *fontroal, expert gath- find. national Left to right: lathe Mon - eel thelwyn Induction Services Induction services were held in Carmel Presbyterian church for Rev. Joseph Taylor, formerly of Oran - brook, who arrived with his wife and little daughter, and will be the new minister, The pulpit became vacant when Rev. W. Weir accepted a„ eall to St. Andrew's Presbyterian. church, Hespler. Rev. Lane of Clinton, pre- sided for the induction services. Mrs 3. W. Bonthron and Mrs. W. David- son formed the reception committee. Rev. Mr. Thompson of'Illyth, deliv- ered the sermon. The address to the minister was given by Rev. ell,. Ste- wart, of Goderich, while Rev. John Galloway, of Exeter Main Street Un- ited Church, delivered the address to the congregation. At the conclusion of luncheon, speeches were given by Rev. Hugh Jack of Seaforth, Rev. M. Kerr, Brussels, and Rev. J. Galloway, Exeter, COUNTY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. M. :Govenlock of Seaforth, on Nov. 5th, celebrated the 59th anniversary of their wed- ing. Both enjoy excellent health. Moved to Exeter Jas. Grassic, of Hay Township courier of -R.R. No. Exeter, with his wife have reeved to a home in Exeter North, Seaforth Undertaker Dies Charles Holmee, Seeforth undertak- er, died in the Seaforth hoepital, af- ter a long illness. He was -in his 67th' year. and was a member of the Town Council and a veteran of the first. Great War. ISurviving are his wife and three daughters, of Toronto and a daughter of.Sker Harbor airport, • "'Had Wood Thefts . 1 The Lucknow district has had 1 4eriett of wood thefts, traceable to he fuel shortage. The winter wood 1 linty o'f Zion United church was stolen, with only enough left for a nesle day's heating, Another church '..'Se di .tr;c! tvtls eillilftriy leireslar- "Her He ki*1 "s the F ees a ew, Easy Way to.. •0,#, r.36" WOMEN everywhere acclaim "Eat -to - Work - to -Win"*, authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practical.... time -saving ... easy to use ! And there's a copy for you FREE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet :of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale—to help keep them fit, on the job ! So learn the easy way to "good -to -eat" meals that provide every food need /47 of the body. Send for your copy 441 of "Eat -to -Work -to -Win" today! Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory. r riattiontoottoototagotatimaratroar Menus for 21 breakfasts- .. 21 luncheons.. . 21. dinners. Balanced . . delicious ... timely - *The nutritional statements in "Bat -to -Work -to - Win" aro acceptable to Nutrition Services, De- Partreent of Pensions and National nealth, ottawa, for the Canadian Nutrition Programme. MAIL THIS COUPON r. `'NUTRITION FOR VICTORY", sr BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. Please send me my FREE copy of "Eat-to-Work-to:Win". t 1. fS Nance Address raV. JOUR Duro dealer is at your .M*- service at all times. If your Pump is not giving the service that it should, have the Duro dealer check- it over, make necessary ad- justments and, if required, replace worn parts. By doing this, your Pump will be kept in good working order. Production of Duro Pumps this year is limited and makes it nec- essary for all present owners to do everything possible to extend the life of their pumps, as replace- ments are not available. WATER SYSTEMS London Should' you be without running water under pressure, your Duro dealer may possibly be able to secure one for you, provided you can show it is ab- solutely necessary for farm iise and?, essential for increased crop produc- tion. Purchasers must -secure Wartime - Prices and Trade Board approval. Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fit- tings are still obtainable for a new - bathroom or renovation of an old one.. The Emco dealer in yotir vicinity will be glad to show you the range of styles. now available. Buy War Sayings Stamps and Certificates Regularly; STADE and WEIDO ZURICH — ONT. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. Hamilton Sudbury nuerunstrrtrt.....-n., lIturnscrsrtavrtmr,nantrsurcurrttortsiOrrn Toronto Winnipeg Vancotwee