Zurich Herald, 1943-11-25, Page 3A couple of reasons the going's tough in Italy are the bridgeless rivers and muddy roads encountered in the chase after, the Germans. But rugged jeeps manage to conquer each obstacle with their usual facility. Have You Heard? Simpson was relating his experi- ences in India. "I was taking my usual morning dip when I spotted three gladiators making for me, no 1 had to swim for my dear life!" "You mean navigators—some- thing like a crocodile?" interposed Johnson. "Well, what are gladiators?" "Gladiators? Wily, they're a sort of flower grown from bulbs." —o— Stern Parent: "Now, Willie, I'd like to go through a whole day without once scolding or punishing you." Willie: "Weil, mummy, you W. NEW RICHES from famous COBLT WHINES famous Cobalt minas now under the single central- ised control of Silence. Mining & Smelting Corpor- ation. An effic- ient profit-making mill. Now in pro- duction and mak- hag money. Read the amazing story why present offer of °hares at only $1.50 represents rare speculative opportunity f o r today's investor. No obligation. Q. E. Hepburn & Co., dK Richmond St. West, Toronto 1 Send me booklet giving inform- ation about Silanco Mining & Smelt- ing Corporation. NAME ADDRESS have my consent." —0— Two modern little girls, on their way home from Sunday School,. were solemnly discussing the les- son. "Do you believe there is a devil?" asked one. "No," replied the other promptly. "It's like Santa Claus; it's your father." —0— Wife: "When 1 married you didn't think you were a cow- ard. I thought you were a brave man." Husband: "So did everybody else.' —o— Proprietor of Boardinghouse (at dinner table) : "Remember, ladies and gentlemen, in these rationed times we should put a bridle on our appetites." Voice from the End of the Table: "Id rather put a bit in my mouth." —0— "My husband says t look ten years younger in this hat!" "How old are you?" "Thirty.' "i mean without the hat" —0— A Quaker: whilst taking a walk, was accosted by a tramp. "'Guv'nor," said the wanderer, "This ain't the road to London, is it?" "Friend," quoth the Quaker, "first thou tellest a lie, and then thou asketh a question. This le the road to London." —0 Wife: "How did you like the WAC parade, dear?" Colonel: "Marvelous. MVO thousand woman and not a slip showing." Canada To Receive 19,565 U.S. Tractors Rep. H. Carl Andersen, of Minnesota has accused the war production board of allotting more farm` tractors 'per capita to Canada for 1944 than to the U.S. W. K. Frank, of W.P.B., last week told a meeting of farm .state congressmen that 155,700 farm tractors have been allocated to U.S. fanners for 1944 and 19,565 to Canada. ' winter, It said it was hoped the pi gram, already under wayin eo- operation with all sections of the• trade, would assure an adequate supply, fair distribution and rea- sonable prices of all staple fruits and vegetables of both doine'stic and imported origin. The board noted that prices ceilings already have been an - flounced for potatoes, onions, turnips, peaches, pears, Plums, grapes, citrus fruits and bananas. To cope, with the problems in- co-operatioh with the trade the board has reorganized the War- time Food Corporation, a Crown INTELLIGENT INVESTING Requires Expert Advice Know when to buy stocks— when to sell and take profits —what to buy—how to pro- tect your holdings—and what to hold for permanent invest- ment. Our weekly Market and News Commentary -would help you to reach decisions satisfactorily, by keeping you constantly in- formed on market action and matters influencing share movements and prices. Mailed free on request. McMACKEN & REID Investment Securities Tenth Floor, Concourse Bldg. Toronto, Canada -- — — L'SE THIS COUPON — •-':;`� - MeMacken & held, 10th Floor, Concourse Bldg„ a' Toronto, Ont. Kindly enter my name on your mailing list to receive your regular Market and News Commentaries, without charge. Name Address STOPPED' IttilCNL cul, s'"^'•`' ma,rolhas filer qufcl rolls!, temltct+lugotme ei5er eilelaalll oautedtAlstraa 55e 8.51., nt dwgrlsta prove+ 11 or money haat! RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay treatment and run the risk of ietting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful pass- age of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem-Rofd from any drugglst and use . as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. hh y°epleas ant rcmmnd andit em the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be bad at such a small cost. If you try Hem-Roid and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. 'Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings -due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps build up resistance against distress of "diOt- cult days." Made in Canada. FORTRESS FIREPOWER , Here's why "13" is hard luck for the Gorman Luftwaffe and other aerial enemies of the Allies. The photo -diagram above shows graphically, for the first time, the thirteen .50 -calibre machinguns p g elletell give the Boeing B•17G Flying Fortress its terrific firepower. Guns (1) and (2), in the new "chin" r and navigator to ward off frontal attacks,turret, and guns (3) and (4) are used by bomber ser in the power -turret, against frontal, lateral and Guns (5) and (6) are manned by the first engin roar attacks. Gun (7) is manned by the first radiooperator against enemies coining in from above. Guns(8)and (9), in the ,s ectacular ball turret, are used by the second radio operator against at - 'Reeks file lane. Wain guns (10) and (11) are served by the second engineer and •tracks from underneath to p and tail gunner fight off rear First radio operator to ward off lateral attacks while the photographerg attacks with guns (12) and (13). Smallest and largest Army planes are caught in one camera shot as a Flying Jeep hedgehops over a four -motored Liberator at San Diego, Calif. Tiny L -5's weigh 2,100 pounds, have 34 -foot wing- span and are used in observation for artillery, tanks and infantry. company organizea 18 months age to handle any necessary Gov- ernment purchasing and distribu- tion of foods. It will deal espe- cially with problems of imported fruits and vegetables. As a first step, an Order -in - Council has been passed placing all imports of fresh fruits and vegetables under import permit. For the time being, a general per- mit is being issued authorizing the trade to carry on as usual and without the necessity of .ob- taining specific permits for Indi- vidual shipments. You can obtain a divorce in Nevada, U. S. A., after six weeks' residence, but it takes six months to get a fishing license. /.ry£Sp '''T 3. Roll y. ur owners! G for Ogden's Snowshoes were the accepted winter footwear for old-timers in the West ... Ogden's was their accepted smoke all the year round. Follow their example. You'll find it's not just another tobacco but a distinctive blend worthy of its famous name. C)gden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in Ogden's Cut Plug 'CLASSIFIED - ADVERTISEMENTS ARTICLES WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Cornets, Trumpets, Clarinets, Saxophones, etc. Shelton -Sher- wood Co. Ltd., 365A Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. AUTOMO111LF)S--USED USED CAMS WITH GOOD TIRES. See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car trot at 2040 -Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant !toad, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. BABY CHICKS TOO LATE TOO LATE NEXT SPRING DON'T LET IT BE said "too late." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now, One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Britan- nia Heights, Ont. pUraaETS FOR. IMMEDIATE DE - livery 14 weeks up to laying. Ask for our specially low prices on 14, 16 and 18 week old White Leg— horn pullets. Also have Barred Rocks, Hybrids and other breeds. Also Fall hatched day old chicks. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. RAVE YOU OUR PRICELIST7 W)i1 are hatching to order and it you, want ohicics for this year or early next, please let's have your order soon. We still have a Sew laying pullets for immediate delivery. Bray Htaohery, 130 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. I1tLLS FOR SALE JERSEY BULLS READY FOR SER - vice. Two class "A" bulls excel- lent pedigrees; price $100. Max- welton Farm, St. Anne de Belle- vue, Que. CATTLE FOR SALE SHORTHORN BULL 17 MONTHS, heifegrp3'J. 1). Jacksoyears, a Harriston, Ontario. BULLS FOR SALE DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS. Bulls fit for service, younger bulls and buil calves. Thrifty, good size and bone, high produc- tion, choice quality. Ross Martin- ' dater Caledonia, Ont. • HELP WANTED W ANT E? IMMEDIATELY, A housekeeper for farm home. Apply G. Pepper, Hensall. HERBS HERBAL REMEDIES. WRITE FOR Free Catalog. Forty years' exper- ience. Nowell's Herbal Labor- atory, 18 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C. - PALLETS PULLETS, EIGHT HUNDRED, bred to lay, White Leghorn pul- lets. June hatched, excellent lay- ing strain, $1.25. Hawkins' Feed Co., Tillsonburg, Ontario. DYEING & CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to es for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works • Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; b e 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Alien Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE TOWNSHIP OF WILLIAMSBURG-- Concession 7, contains 200 acres about 170 cleared, 30 acres bush, mostly hardwood, stone house, frame tool shed, driving shed and implement house, stable, barn. Ap- ply Mrs. M. W. Locke, Williams- burg. $85,000 DAIRY FARM, OTTAWA district, fully equipped, large Jersey herd, two houses, year round water supply. P.O. Box 544, Ottawa. FARMS WANTI0J5 WILL MAKE SUBSTANTIAL CASH payment on suitable farm. Mod- ern buildings and convcntences preferred. Box 96, 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto, Canada. FOR SALE REG. YORKSHIRE 2 BOARS AND novena cows from prize-winning 6tock, Reg. Lincoln Ram and ewe Lambs. Write for prioes,to Brnest Ford, R. No. 2, Dutton, Ont, MACIIINIOItY FOB SALE ONE 20-25 GEORGE WHITE TRAC- tion Engine, high pressure boiler $450, Also one sawframo and ear- Illegal, ar- i x $1d.st. Perley Stratford, Oak - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOOT HALM BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM deatroys offensive odor instantly, 4513 bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. HAIR 000135 Only firin in Canada manufacturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particu- lars. WHITE'S HAIR GOODS 258 Yonge Ste Toronto, Ontario HAI RD1tEESSIN el St31IOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto, FOR SALE DAIRY EQUIPMENT, PASTEURIZ- er, etc., capacity four hundred quarts.eroBrost' Baa, particulars, PATCHES FROM MEN'S suitings and remnants for all purposes. Ladies', Boys' and Men's Wear. Louis Rice, 361 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. HOME FOR AGED ELDERILIES COMFORTABLE Home, Plenty home grown food, spring water, warm and cheer- ful. Hannigan Home For The Aged, B.R. No. 3, Woodbridge. HELP WANTED MARRIED MAN FOR UP-TO-DATE fruit farm on Niagara River Boulevard, yearly employment, good separate wood and garden spot. Please state nationality, age, farming experience, size of fam- ily and wages expected. C. How- ard Fisher & Sons, Queenston, Ont. APPLICATIONS A RE INVITED from young women with good education, to enter the School for Nurses, Toronto East General Hospital. Limited vacancies In class now commencing. Apply Toronto East General Hospital, Coxwell at Sammon Ave., To- ronto 6, Ontario. =DOLE -AGED MAN, SINGLE OR widower, who requires a good home, to work on farm. Box 98, 78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. HOUSES FOR SALE $20,000, FINE OLD OTTAWA RESI- dence 18 rooms, easily converted, oil heated, exceptional. P.O. Box 544, Ottawa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ANTED BAND AND ORCHESTRA INSTRU- ments, Piano Accordians, etc., may be turned into ready cash. Send details and price toWhaleyRoyce & Company, 310 longe SU, To- ronto 1, Ontario. PATENTS FETHLRSTONHAUI:H 81 COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PUOTO(.RAPUN CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN SNPSHOTS Your negatives make the must dis- tinctive Christmas Cards you can get--cards eredrtlafrrieoe s particularly friends n active service. Select your favourite negatives and send to us. We'll return 12 attractive, embossed greet- ing cards with pictures printed on and envelopes for mailing—all for 69c. Order early. (2 Photos on Calendars for 25c.) STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 1.20, Postal Terminal A, Toronto A customer at Berwick, N,S„ writes us: "I received the beautiful Christ- mas Dards which you printed from my awn negatives, and 1 want you to know how pleased 1 am with your wonderful work and prompt service. 1 will be a regular custom- er of Star Snnirehot Service from now on." Any Size Roll -6 or 3 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c i MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 230 Size 4 x 6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a, small additional charge. Framed 1 nta%rgeiuents 4" x 6", on ivory tint mounts, in frames 7" x 9", Burnished bold or Silver. Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish 59e; if enlargement coloured 79c. Print your name and addre's plain- ly on Fill orders, MAIL YOUR FILMS TO 1M1.41IRIAI. PO it Q,•AlaTVs, service atlti satisfaction. 0 or e exposure film.. 2.5e, , reprints 3 for 25e. Imperial l'hoto teerviee, Sta- tion J, Toronto. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS DETECTIVE COURSE BECOME A DETECTIVE — MLN and women over 17, wanted to learn Detective work, secret serv- ice. Easy course by mail. Write for free information. M. Julien, Box 25, Station T., Montreal. .. LEARN TO DANCE LEARN TO DANCE. WALTZ, FOX Trot, Rhumba. Latest steps with Diagrams 35c. E. Lawrence, 78 West Street, Halifax, N.S. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GUERNSEY 0 U W 5, HEIFERS bulls. R.U.P. tested by tested bulls. Pure bred, accredited, Bangs free. Foremost line stock, Glen- orehy Farm, Richmond Hill, Ont. 3tIACEUNERY WANTED ACETYLENE WELDING AND CUTTING OUTFIT Lathe 18" to ea" swine x 10' Tied. Air Drill and Hammer. Rotary, Sheet Metal Shears. Iron Planer, Shaper. A. Ebersol, Milverton, Ont. 61EDIOA.L STOP ITCHING TORTURES OF eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- lete's foot and other skin irrita- tions with L•'lik'a Ointment Nu. 5, prescription of noted skin spec- ialist. itch relieved promptiy, akin healed quickly or money re- funded. 51.00, $2.00. Mall orders filled promptly. Order today from Elik's Medicine Co., Dept. 26, Box 284. Saskatoon. TOKOSAN TABLETS FOR VIM, Vigour, Vitality. Satisfaction guaranteed ational Drug Products, 7222 Birnam, Montreal. BITTER KERBS TONIC, CORRECTS disorders of stomach, liver, kid- neys, bowels. One month treat- ment, Two Dollars; three months,. Five Dollars. CoopeRemedies, Yonge Street, Toronto. IT'S PROVEN — EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. SoId only Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00 OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO .EVERY INVENTOR List of. inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay, Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PERSONAL 120 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY AT home in spare time, 5 dollars a day, booklet of 124 pages one dollar postpaid. Mike 'gnash, 145 Margueretta Ave., Toronto 4, Ont. "ELIJAH COMIN G BEFORE Christ", wonderful book free, Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. RHEUMATIC PAINS SATISFY YOURSELF — E V L R r sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Sold only Muuro's Thug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid 51.00. RAW 1PURS %S AN'r1•i1) ONE SKIN OR THOUSANDS -- will will pay Sou to ship to Ontario's rancher -owned Fur Co-operative to receisee the highest market adviceWrite forms. for OntarrioiiF tags farm- Farm- ers Co-operative. Limited, 50 Yorkville Street, Toronto. 1'U1'l'1t:s FOR $ALi0 FOR SALE — CO(. IU 1t SPANIEL puppies, .two outstanding litters. mates and females, reds and blacks, best pedigreed stock, many; champion ancestor:. Apply to Keith VanDusen, 1.'ietuu, Ont. ere TUACTORS P010 SALE JOHN D101613.E "MOI')EL 13 R PRAC- tor on rubber; John Deere Model D on steel; Fordson Tractor on rubber; all first class ,'onditinn. Amet'iean Separator Sales, Coder- ieh, Ontario. TAPEW O1t5I STOM.At'H ANI) THREAD WORMS. oriel) are the e.la'4 of ill -health in humans all ages. No one im- mune! Why not rind out if this is your trouble? Interesting par« titulars --I res: Write llulveney's Remedies :specialists. Toronto 3, Bituminous coal reserves are st.fficient for 3,000 years, it is claimed,