HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-11-25, Page 1fYRIMMILVAMBOA* Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2519430 11111,1Prah +++++++++++++++++++++44+++.,..+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 44> 41° 4. 4. 4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Ko Any oilman hunt Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. Member of the Ontario Funeral Association. Day or Night Telephone No. 70. Dashwood -- Ontario4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 00 06000 3 23 00 0 6 00* • • 1 • egliftetlitit e66666•30 006 06030060636 60000 TUNE IN ON Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. Pilgrim's Hour 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. On Mutual Network - Sundays Local Station-C.K.L.W., Windsor - CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA 1 soessioseee 036.66.366secoosoo•36606064 COMFORTABLE GLASSES At. REASONAI3LE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg; R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of tEyesight Testing Used, Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. "Co Are You Suffering From Headaches? tf so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST et OPTICIAN GODDRIGH - ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices 600662 tn0 0003 303606**036 I We3tlake 2 FUNERAL 6000••• 6300 06063663 Brokeushire SE VICE LICENSED EMBALMERS. and FUNERAL A 0 •• ApasiatPaoati eelecipesvmay36633063686 000000•6000033e39*063 DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Day and Night Service. Phone 158, Zurich `ft t t e vr ronclert AT .1 TOWN HALL ZURICH or' ON FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. 3rd. A miscellaneous program wir be given under the auspices of '.the Red Cross -Society T. HARRY HOFFIVIAN, Gott Baritone, of Dashwood Win ren- a bag of three. der several selections. AlsO:omm- 21.fiss Patricia O'Dwyer who is at - unity singing,: Numbers of flee Se- tennding Western University of Lon- cond Room of Z. P. S. Musial 'aunt- don, enjoyed the week -end at the bers„ readings, etc. • r home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. WALTER HATCH, cornet J. O'Dwyer, returning to Brescia soileert of ' Centralia Air Post, is expected to be with us, to give selectiOas, •••=0.1nA161. Victory ZSn- -4:1. • -...MAZzArrammglemommeftwara. • The local deer hunters who were 1) in the Bruce County district try- ing their luck at deer, returned with Come and Bring your friendAro- eeeds are to buy yarns and :!',ng material fox war purpose's, aiit Admission: Adults 25c. Ch1 edt'. 15e • RED CROS Euchre and Da AT TOWN HAW ZIAR On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Modern and old time Dane Caine one. Come all! Help the". di of the Upper Canada Bible Society Cross to help others:. has been arranged to be held in St. Music by IVIurdack's Orchestra. Peter's Lutheran church, on Sunday ' Admission. Euchre 25e. Dance..t0e.• evening, November 28th, at 7.30 all on Monday. While walking on the sidewalk last week, Mr. Samson Colosky had the misfortune to slip and injury his hip. He was taken to the home of his niece, Mr. and Mrs. John Al- brecht, where he is staying. His many friends wishh im a speedy re- covery Word has been received by Mrs. Fred Thiel that her oldest son, Sgt. Calvin Thiel has arrived safely in England, and his brother Chelsie who had been attending the London Med- - jical School, spent the week -end at his home here, and has also enlisted in the Air Force and will start training short] y. BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING A joint meeting of all churches in the community, of the Zurich Branch Thos. IVIeyers Floor Meo'clock, when Rev. Denny Bright, nai • wua preaaet- aea ;alum , • ' District Field Secretary, of London, IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Oswald Fisher who. passed away one year ago, Nov- ember 23rd, 1942. The loss of a husband, we Toyed so Dearer to memory than words can tell He lives with us in memory still Not just today, but always will. -L-Sadly missed by wife, daughters, and, Sons. Hensall Council Minutes Statutory meeting of the Village Council was held on eve. of Nov. 15, I with all members present. Minuts of the previous meeting read a I adopted. • O R. J. Paterson, tax collector, cr 9 date as being $3,025.92. 6 a J. A. Paterson, Treasurer, presen I ad his annual financial report for th 2 year ending- Nov, 15, 1943. Mo O I Loi that the Treasurer's report b adopted. 'Correspondence read: F. W. Glad man re property; Dept. of Municipa Affairs re Bonds; The Scale Shop, rd :lock scales.; Judge T. M. Costello 1, Voters' Lists. Sarno considered an filed. 13ills and Accounts - School brd current expenses $1,000.00. 6 Colder Weather is just around the Corner. Prepare! now for it We haiVe a goo' tock of Fall and Winter Merchan- dise on our She s in stock: LadiesHouse Dresses, Aprons, Stockings, also Ladies Oxford Shoes and Rubbers. Men's Underwean-a fare range of Work Socks, Boots and Shoes. '.,All kinds of Rubbers for Men including the heavy Lumbermen's Rubbers. Pioneer, Feeds for your Stock and Poultry Purity and Robin Hood Flour always on hand. Give us a Call! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND LA ST4)11 E Echnund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone : 11-97 . . . • Motion that the account of th school board be paid. That w now adjourn to meet again Dec, 6th at 8 p.m. Jas. A. Paterson, Clerk. address. Rev. E. Heimrich will be the chairman, and other clergymen will contribute to the meeting. The local secretary's report will be given. The public are most heartily invited to attend this grand'. joint meeting in St. Peter's church. Level Your Road 'Fronts If you happen to live where the new ditches have passed in front of your property, naturally there is a considerable amount of filling in and • levelling to be done, and we would urge all citizens to not depend on, the Village to .do this for you. No municipality can afford to beautify the frontage along your property. Loosen up your elbows and work the shovel for a half hour or so and What a difference it will make in the appearance. Try it as your publish- er did, and we will soon have the old hurg looking itself again, and to think that we . now have good drainage, what a consolation after all these years of poor drainage. We trust that this will last a long time, and people should be well advised not to dump all their soap suds and sinks, and whatnot into 'these new drains. Remember they are no sewers where anything can be run in, they are only drains. Auto Accident, Gilbert Freckleton Dies of Injuries Gilbert C. Freckleton, 59 of Port Elgin died in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, of injuries suffered at noon on Saturday last when an automo- bile he was driving collided with an- other car on No. 4 highway four miles north of London. Hospital at- tendants said there is slight improve - eat in the condition of Freckleton's ife, Elizabeth, who suffered serious ad injuries, and his four-year- old randdaughter, Marilyn Freckleton, no suffered internal injuries. The io was riding in a southbound cat hen it collided hoadon with a north- ound car driven by H. Oakes or Lon on, who was :admitted to Victoria ospital, suffering from head injur- s and a soldier also was injured. rov. Constable H. Lemon said that alms' car swerved onto the shoulder f the highway and in attempting to et the machine back on the road, e driver turned to the centre of the highway, colliding with the Fre- ckleton car. The late Mr. Freckle - ton is well known in these parts, hav- 'ng run r a gas truck in these parts for some years, and previous to that was a farmer at Blake. The rernains }Arere taken to Port Elgin where they were laid to rest, It's a good, healthy sign when men Ong in the bathroom and kids whistle n the way to school. How la it in rour•neighborhood. rn Leavitt's Theatre te Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 t). :b Id Metro Goldwyn Mayer's great pro- duction by William SaronYnos ' p A HUMAN COMEDY 0 Riming Mickey Rooney, Frank IVIor- ° gan, All Star Cast, th Thursday, Friday, Saturday Monday, Tuesday, Nov, 29-30. TWO FEATURES, THE SKY'S THE LIMIT With Fred. Astair, Joan Leslie and Robert Benchley WILDCAT Richard Arlen, Wm. Frawley 1 • Chester L.• Smith, Publishee $1.50 a Year in Advance :tLo You Need Glasse rernmagor......•••••••••••• 1+ HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOUR SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered • Optician. PHONE YOUR 0 F($1 For positive identification of the Wbrld's Finest Anthracite/ ask for BLUE COAL ‘Iso: Rose Dale Alberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Co. Vitirniied Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid few Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Herman +- + 4. 4. 4. 4. +=e 4. 4. 4. 4. For •$al While They Last 1938 CHEV. COACH, Heater and full front seat. 1937 FORD DE LUX COACH, Large Trunk and Heater. 1937 CHEV, 4 -Door SEDAN, without knee action. 1939 DODGE COUPE, Large Rear Compartment and Heater. 1928 PLYMOUTH SEDAN,. Cheap, Suitable for a Wagon. 1935 FORD DE LUX COACH, Trunk, as is 8295.00. WARD FRITZ USED CAR DEALER il!i4.1.++.tyi,++.11-11+,+444+ 4.- 4.4. • 4. 4, reeowo.c........emmestre.o..parenolICS OUR GROCERIES Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in, quality as well as quantity wheii at all possible, Selling "The Best for Less" has 414vvays ween our slogan, and we still endeavour t) k maintain this, star dard. CLOTHING FOR ALL we are happy to be in a positior to show ycxu jut the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men's, Boye,, and Ladies. Practically everything you will require to wear. DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves rrF suitable Dry ronrIS Y,?rd Gcncls, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to offer re- gardless og fly. rather difficult condit;ons in proc- uring these items. AT 7-7A j • 7,4r;:ii. IV I L ,,xqlswerosite