HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-11-11, Page 1Established 1900 ER ZURICH; ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11 943» elp Win the 4•+++4.++++++++++++++++*+++0..+÷÷++++++++÷÷÷÷÷+÷+++++++ I E;. al "affirm off a.m zxne"ra1 Atjame Private Car Ambulance Service for the Conveyance of Sick and Injured. Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. ▪ Member of the Ontario Funeral Association. 4, ++▪ ++++++++++++++++++++÷÷÷44++++++++++++++++++++++44K4 Day or Night Telephone No. 70. Dashwood -- Ontario 4. .4. 4. 4. 4. 4' 4. esemosase•eeeeaaassee ase 000660044000:00Q30(666)0006•64111 TUNE IN ON : Old -Fashioned Revival Hour 7 to 8 P.M., E.D.S.T. • Pilgrim's Hour • • 2 to 3 P.M., E.D.S.T. •• • On Mutual Network --- Sundays Local Station—C.K.L.W., Windsor CHARLES E. FULLER, P.O. Box 123, • LOS ANGELES 53, CALIFORNIA 110141e.•MO•$••0000) rti44050141 N 0.11 0 i 3 .0 • •• • • COMFORTABLE GLASSES At • REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST et EXETER The Newest. Approved; Method el Eyesight Tasting Used. Open every Week Day Except We&oeday, A ami You Suffering From • Headaches? it so; Have your Eyes Examined with he Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIQH . -- ONT. Good Musics at Reasonable Prices •••eetas000040.6•6066 • ®see®wises•®041006 6000600•0eea • • • •• • • Westlake - Brokenshire !FUNERAL SERVICE eLICENSED EMBALMERS and FUNERAL DIRECTORS • AMBULANCE SERVICE Day and Night Service Phone 158, Zurich •• 0••••YM•er 001.0111100411,001116141001114419011100* i Colder Weather Is just around the Corner. Prepare! now for it We have a good. Stock of Fall and Winter Merchan- dise on our Shelves in ntoc1c Ladies. Buse Dresses, Aprons, Stockings, also Ladies Oxford 'Shoes -and Rubbers: Men's Underwear, .a large range .of Work Socks, Boots and Shoes. All kinds of Rubbers for Men including the heavy Lumbermen's Rubbers. Pioneer Feeds for your Stock and Poultry: Purity and Robin .Hood Flour always on hand. Give us a Call! FR.ES1-1 GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TI ST iZRE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 Leav ft's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Wed. only, Nov. 10._ 2 Features. AFFAIRS OF JIMMY VALENTINE Starring Dennis {)'Keefe. COWBOY IN MANHATTAN With Frances Langford and Robt. 'Paige. • Thurs., Fri., Sat., Two Features HIT THE ICE Starring Abbott and Costello • SOUTH OF SANTA FE Starring Roy Rodgers- and Gabby Hayes. Monday and Tuesday HEER'S TO HOLD Starring Dianna Durbin, Joseph Cot- ten. All Star Cast. Coming — Desperadoes, in Tecnicol- or; Behind the Rising Sun; MVIission to Moscow; .Human Comedy. VIMPaimak.ftlie -4.04 Huron Old Boys The 44th annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' 'Association. of Toronto, will be held at Haddon Hall, 310 Bloor Street' West,' Toronto, on Friday evening, November 1,9th. Bus. iness meeting for the election of new officers will convene at 8'.15, and bridge and euchre -games will begin at 9 o'clock. Attractive prizes will be awarded to the winners_ A malt admission fee will be charged, twh ,HEALTH.NTURSING SERVICE 11 Over 150 nien and women from all parts of Huron County •crowded the Council Chamber, Clinton on Nov. 4. to 'hear Dr. Phair, Deputy Minister of Health, Toronto, and Miss Marg- aret Grieve, R.N., Woodstock, dis- cuss health nursing service on a co- unty basis. The meeting was under the auspices of the Huron Federati- on of Agriculture and President W. L. Whyte, Scaforth presided. It was decided to send a delegation to the November session of the county co- uncil to discuss with the members the advisability of inaugurating a scheme in Huron to benefit the 5,000 boys and girls going to public and separ- ate schools. Dr. Phair outlined the financial backing of the Department of Health whereby one third of the cost to the County Council was re- mitted by the Provincial Governm- ent. L Buy Victory Bonds! rometograsaabamaormaLaannowarroasgammemmemouseawamwrom ;Remembrance Day will be observ- ed on Thursday Nov, 11th. •M-. Abram Eckel left for Pratts- ville 'fo; *a few weeks. ':Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Schilbe and Kenny were at Brucefield on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck and Patsy of the 14th con., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, James A. Shearer; Clinton. ' !Irs. Augusta Tiede and three dau- ghters of High Park, is spending a woek's vacation with her parents, Mr 64: Mrs. Joseph Gelinas, Goshen line north. Mr. Fred Simon while walking a- long' the roadside was accidently hit bybee;1,i, truck on. Tuesday evening and lhe`';;sufl'ered a broken leg, and was taken to Clinton Hospital. Mr. Lawrence with his dredge is quite busy these days in Zurich put- tti gein the Zurich Village Drain w;ilieh when, eompleted will give much - 174 from'water. OVER THE TOP C Fifth Victory loan which dos - n Saturday evening went over &op in :the Domioion 137 million Ts, Huron County also did their ttie'. dv shci ,c;•by going over their objective. Z444.1). and Hay West were also in ovegeaheir 392,000. objective. Much 'ere-0is:.'due to the Village of Zurich subsea hed•abqut::$130 per cap- .. • 1ar*. he''connmit„tee• wishes: .to great-: iy thank those wlio so liberally took of the bonds to make t]iis possible: We have not heard of and municip- ality which has done quite so well as Zurich. . RED CROSS NEWS The Zurich Red Cross are pleased to report that the Iarge quota of sew - frig: for civilians which was accepted by the local branch several months ago; has. now been completed and the following articles sent to heacquart- ersi 25 ladies' skirts; 25 ladies blo- uses; 50 girl's blouses, 100 girl's nightgowns; 50 boys' shirts, 51 girls pinafore dresses,. 5 girls cotton dres- ses,.: 3' men's .shirts, 13 knitted wash- clotlis, 1 nightingale (baby); 37 quilts 12' bomb victim bags, (fitted) ; 320 coirpresses. The Red Cross wish to thank the Misses Johnson of Kitch- ener for donating one quilt top and the- Women's Institute for one quilt. OBITUARY Mhs- Arthur. Weber Passes The Angel of Death called Clara Zimmer, beloved wife of Mr. Arthur Weber to• hex- eternal reward on Sat- urday, November 6th, after a short illness which began about six years ago', but the departed was able to be arab l th he k' 1 Farm Forum A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold iderner when 20 members of the Babylon line Farm. Forum met for the first fall. meeting. The theme of 'she discussion for the evening was `Planning for Plenty." The latter part of the evening was spent in play- ing progressive bunco, err which lunch was served. '.L'•he next meeting will be held in the home of Mie and Mrs, J. Battler. Everybody welcome. St. Joseph and Beaver Town The Messrs. Maurice Masse and Maxim Jeffrey. motored: to Leaden on. Saturday last. Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey o,f the 15th. Con., was a ;Sunday vfsiter with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Bedard of the Blue Water north. The recent rause have moistened the land plenty and those that as yet u nc e cars un , a g occasiona trips away, but • was somewhat, -in - vended, going about with a cane, as a result of a stroke of six years ago. A very much devoted mother to her home and family, a loving neighbor„ and a very pleasant person to meet. Deceased was in her 53rd' gear, and was the daughter of William Ztnnner and the late Magdalena Dietrich Zim- mer of Dashwood, and passed away at her home 1% miles north of that place, Hay Township 'where she had lived during her married life which 'plowing to do, will; - find the going was 33 years, and is survived by her easier, sorrowing husband, Arthur- Weber; The bean riiachines in .this neigh- her. , other, Wm. Zimmer, two daft - ;"boyhood are still on the" job and tit will be some tithe -Yet before they . bring home the rear of this year's crops. The sample is good; the price fair; the yield just average with oth- er years. Farmers who are minuL• of this crop unless they have e "stow -away" from past years, find themselves in a jam, for its from th bean crop returns that farmers are buyine grain to carry over. Mr. Frank . effrey who has been visiting with his children in Winds, and other points, has returned to hi= h.•mie Ln Peavertown where he wil. remain :for some time. Monica, the infant 'daughter of Pty- i)o l'nlc and Mrs. Jeffrey of St. Jo• eph, who has been seriously ill is :1. present •holding her own ane at trn gliteus,. Mrs. R. Krocke ' •(:lean ), ,Woodstock; Dorothy ''at, home ; three sdns;, I3arold. of 'Sarnia;' Jack, over- seas, verseas, and ienzeth tit hbine; throe grandchildren, five sisters, Ella, Rosa Tillie and Antionette of Detroit, and Tda of Dashwood; three brothers, Herman of Windsor; Alfred of Cali - and Urban of the American Air Force. The funeral was very largely attended on Tuesday morning l'eing held from the family residence to St. Boniface Church, Zurich where requiem high mass was sung by Rev rather Lucien. Interment followed .0 lire adjoining cemetery. 'The pall- I,ea.rors being: Sinaon Hoffman, Adel- '•wrt Smith, Kuno Hartman, Pierce Tows 'ell. Denis Duchartne and .Alfred ,Jc,iditiger. The family have the o£ writing there is 0, faint ire rat' leenest sympathy of a large circle of ment in. her condition. ( friend, it? ting g1'eat toss of Itki3link's Do You Need G1asss HAVE A SPECIALIST EXAMINE YOUR EYES LET HESS FILL YOUR PRES- CRIPTION. FUL VUE, THE VERY NEWEST IN SPECTACLES, AND AT A PRICE WORTH INVESTIGATING BROKEN 'LENSES DUPLICATED 48 HOUR SERVICE ANY SHAPE, ANY COLOUR. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. Chester L. Smith, Publisher $ 1.50 a Year in Advance For positive identification oi the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL \Iso : Rose Dale .AIberta and Miller Creek Coals Roe Farms Milling Coy Vitimized Feeds Highest Cash Prices paid fe Eggs according to Grade W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall Sale. While They Last 1:93.5 CHEV. COACH, .Heater and full front seat. 1937 FORD DE LUX COACH,. Large Trunk and. Heater. 193;7 CHEV, 4 -Door SEDAN,, without knee action. 193.6; DODGE COUPE, Large Rear Compartment and Heater. 1928 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, Cheapi Suitable for a Wagon. 1935• FORD DE LUX COACH,, Teunk, as is 8295.00. WARD FRITZ USED CAR DEALER 11.++++++++++4.4-1++++44++++++4+4.14++#+++1 Our Stock of Groceries is always kept up-to-date in quality as welli as quantity when at all possible. Selling "The Best for Less'has always been our slogan, and NVe still endeavour to maintain his standard. CLOTHING FOR 'ALL we are happy to be in a position' to show °Ipou just :: the kind of clothing you will prefer, Men'si Boys', and Ladies. Pg actin. ally everything you N 31 require to wear. e DRY GOODS, ETC. Our shelves e' • ',.+able Dry Yard Goods, Etc., is here for your inspection, and invite the pub- lic in to see the many lines we have to of i'er re- gardless of 41 r.ither difficult conditions in proc- uring then items.