HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-09-23, Page 7Roll your owners! go for Ogden's Old-timers relied on their ba- teaux in smooth water and rough. And they relied on Ogden's in good times and bad ... follow their example. Roil -your -own with Ogden's. You'll find this famous brand is famous because It's a distinctive blend of rich, ripe tobaccos worthy of its famous name. Buy a package today. Oaden's quality for pipe smokers, too, in Ogden': Cut Plug BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS If your back aches or if you have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure eign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acid', and wastes. When the kidneys slow up. wastes collect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and there is a time -tried, proven way to help them known as QQLD MEDAL Haarlem OU Capsules. These Capsulee contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops. You will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Caprsule% the genuine and original Dutch Drops—packed in Canada. Get a 40e package from your druggist. MILAN;. AWED "PERSUADERS" LEFT THIS RUBBLE Sample of the persuasive methods the Allies used to put Italy out of the waris this pile of smok- ing rubble before a row of bomb -blasted buildings in the Piazza San Carlo of industrial Milan. Only through relentless bombings were the Allies able to hammer home to the people and government of Italy that peace was their best course of action. No w that Nazis have seized Northern Italian cities, the bombings may have to be resumed. Remove Black Teeth From Young Piglets To ensure strong, healthy pig- lets from birth and to keep sows gentle after farrowing, black teeth should be removed within 12 hours after the pigs are born, says The Saskatchewan Farmer. By removing these black teeth, so named because of their dark color, newly born piglets can get down to the serious business of their first feed without causing pain to the sow. If not removed these teeth very often pierce the udder of the sow with the result that she becomes very restless. She may get up quickly and in so doing crush one or more of the little pigs. The pain may be so severe as to cause the sow to re- fuse to nurse the litter. It is be- lieved that many young piglets become stunted in early life be- cause the black teeth are not removed at birth. The teeth should not be broken off carelessly as this may cause excessive bleeding if the break is close to the gums, but should rather be clipped off with a pair of small side -cutting pliers. Pickle packers' prospects of geting ' pickle pickers to pick pickles for pickle packers to pack are poor. Pickle pickers let pick- les go to pot to partake of pleas- anter piekin's in war production, leaving pickle packers without pickles to pack acid in a pretty pickle.—The Oregoniiftl, Portland. HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not de- lay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chron- ic. Any itching or soreness or painful passage of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment .should he secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem-Rold from any druggist anduse as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Roid is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of foliy for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile con- dition when such a fine remedy, may be had at such a small cost. If you try Hem -Reid and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. BREWING COMPANY LIMITED presents with pride another of the current series of British War Posters which continue to be a powerful force in sustaining the Briton's • high spirit. 1 The message of this poster to war -bound Britain is also a mes- sage to us here in Canada, Ourtranspor- Cation services are doing' a marvelous lob --and it is up to all of us to help them by voluntary self -ration - Ing in travel. If you don't really have to go, you'll leave that much more room for essential travellers -- particularly for ser- vice men .and women coming home on Save. • a, ysb.ore • Zinc & Copper Mines Ltd., Development results on two distinct ore zones on the Company's property have exceeded original expectations. 1.)iamowe drilling le indicating excellent mine making pos- sibilities on both zones with .the greater part of the property as yet unexplored. Information en , Jteque$t Standard Securities Company 306 C.P.R. Building ADelaide 5441 69 Yonge Street Toronto 'What is the tactful way for a girl's father to let her boy friend know it's time to leave?-' "He may casually pass through the room with. a box of breakfast food." PILES Sufferers of bleeding and protruding piles. should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back If the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. Germany's waterways system includes more than 6,000 miles of canal and river routes. Relieves distress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relieve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ous feelings—due to monthly func- tional disturbances.It helps build up resistance against distress of "diffi- cult days." Made 13a Canada. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED EARN EXTRA CASH MAKE MORE MONEY EASILY. Just show our beautiful Canad- ian made Christmas Cards to your friends in spare time. They seil- on sight. Many assortments. Beautiful free Album showing personal cards 18 for 31.00 and up. Sample book showing Mili- tary and Naval Christmas Cards. Liberal commission. Write to -day for unusual sample offer. The G. A. Montgomery Company, 64B, Wellington West, Toronto. AU'T'O MOBILES—USED USED CARS WITH GOOD TIRE'S. See us first. Mount Pleasant Ido - tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; tread Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2131. BABY CHICKS ORDER YOUR OCTOBER ANI) November chicks now. You should find them productive in later winter. Demands are well ahead of available supplies of eggs. The Government says "all laying hous- es should be filled to capacity". Order now, and ask for our Fall Bulletin. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. BARRELS FOR SALE. APPLE BARRELS, USED, IN GOOD condition, 30e each F.O.B. S. Bar- ber & Sons, 4000 Dundas Street West, Toronto, BULBS LARGE BULBS FOR FALL PLANT- ing. Rainbow Collection Tulips 2 doz. $1.10. Mixed Daffodil Bulbs 2 doz. $1.10. Delivered. Kuyper's Bulbs, Hatzic, B.C. We grow the best only. DOMESTIC HELP WANTED COOK GENERAL TO WORK IN Oshawa—good wages and living conditions. Apply Box 62, 73 Ade- laide St. W., Toronto. DYEING & CLEANING BAVL YUU ANYTRINU NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H, Parkeriffe Dye Works Limited, 701 Yonge Street, To- ronto. EMPLOYMENT WANTED MARRIED COUPLE, RELIABLE, will take charge of farm by year. Experienced with tractor, milk- ing machine, general farm work, blacksmith, mechanic, has tools for same; references; state wages, etc., in first letter. Box 90, Hurd - man's Bridge. RABBITS FOR SALE STOCK REDUCTION SALE. PEDI- greed White Angoras, Giant Chinchillas. Reduced Price List. Rev, E. M. Loney, Burgessville, Ontario. FOOT BALM BAUMEEIs A FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. HAIR GOODS W 1 G 8, TOUPES, TRANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, 'Toronto. 11nMDR IISSING SU11OOL L E A it N HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad. emy, 127 Avenue Road, Toronto. .HELP WANTED MARRIED COUPLE, LYPERIENC- ed, dairy and mixed farm, $75 monthly, free cottage garden, milk. H. W. Nicholson, Brampton, R,R. 3. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE -.-AT EAST STAR FARM, Renfrew, on Sept. 23, at 10.30 a.m, fifty Reg. Holstein cows and heifers; thirty-five, Beg. heifer calves; 20 Aberdeen Angus yearl- ings; 2 pure bred percheron mares; 2 pure bred mare foals; 1 matched team,black percher - ens, 2 years old. John W. 13risco, Renfrew, R. 3, Ont. MEDICAL WANTED --EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try ;Dixon's Beinedy, Munro's Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $L00, STOP 'ITCHING TORTURES Ole eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, nth- lete's foot and other skin irrita- tions with Elik's Ointment No. 5, P.reseription of noted skin spec- ialist, Itch relieved promptly, skin healed quickly or money re- funded, $1.00, $2.00, Mail orders filled promptly, Order today from E11k's Medicine Co., Dept. 26, Box 134, Saskatoon, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LEARN SHORTHAND SHORTHAND WRITERS ALWAYS in demand. LEARN GREGG PATENTS PETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Eooklet of Information on re- quest. PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Heat, Raln or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 6 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 25c. Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto PERSONAL AMAZING PREDICTIONS, PROPH- ecies, Philosophies prevents in- sanity, hate, crime, accidents, broken marriages, worry. (Price- less). Order now, send one dollar to P.O. Box 801, Ottawa, Canada. ANYONE KNOWING THE WHERE - abouts of Fred 3, Kemp, last known of in Toronto, Ontario, Apply to Box 3, Sprucedale, Ont. PHOTOGRAPHY "I AM VERY PLEASED WITH YOUR PROMPT SERVICE .." writes a customer at Rough Water, N.S., who adds: "1 have told many friends about your service and I know that from now on you will get films from them for de- veloping and printing." Letters like this from all parts of Canada tell how well pleased customers are with Star Snapshot Service. Any Slice Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so much more when "snaps" are enclosed. You, too, will get better results from your camera if you mall your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. You'll get finer quality, sharper prints at lowest cost. And you will get the, promptest service obtainable by, mail in keeping with quality work. Mail us a roll for trial. S MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4 x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print your name and address plainly, on all orders. MODERNE SNAPSHOTS Toelt 1'IL11S RECEIVE' C'-11t1a'UL attention, Uur up-to-the-minute equipment enables us to give you the best possible print from each negative. Fifteen years of making satisfied customers has taught us there is no substitute for good, careful work. Any roil develuped, or 8 reprietts, 25e. Large size prints 30e, Three enlargements in folders Ole. Your films are safe with us. Moderne Snitpehuts, Box 340, Hamilton, Ont, RHEUMATIC PAINS FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's Remedy, for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Sold only Munro's .Drug Store, say Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid elem. SAC1' S ATTENTION FARMERS: WE Ci,N supply you with real good potato sackssacks onion sacks, grain sakes, etc. , also pay highest prices for any feed saeits, itr- tilizer sacks, mash sacks, you have for sale. Write immediately- LondonBag• Cu., Landon, Ont. S'r A11I Ps CASH NUR STAMPS ANLS AC'C;LM1- ulations old documents from at- tic and shed. Send samples, don't remove stamps from envelupes, Fred Jarrett, 20 Uloor West, To- ronto $OL'TUDOWNS • FOR SALE, SOUTHJ)OWN 1t.MS, Lives. C. L. Coleman, 16 Main St. S,, \Veeton. rAI+i,Wa num STOMAteki ANI) CHO2BAD) WUltIIS often are the cause of ill -health in humans all ages. No one im- mune! Why not rind out it this is your trouble? interesting par- ticulare— reel Write Mulveney's ltesnedies, Speeinlissis. Torr)nio 3, Ont. TEACH ORS W ANTED eicleEitRO W — TEACHER FOR Public Schee; No. 2, 13uldwin. Apply. stating quail fications, ex- perience and salary expected, to Wiliintn E. Land, Sec.'Tress„ il:ic- Iterrow, Ont. 1.1,IL.ILL L l 4