HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-09-16, Page 7PASTORAL OF PEACE IN SICILY Peace has come to Sicily. The peasants have conte down out of the hills to repair their hones and till their fields with nothing to 'fear except an occasional Axis air raid and with the confidence that they are once again free peoples. In this peaceful setting a Sicilian farmer threshes wheat in the manner of his forefathers, pitching it in the pat hof a huge stone pulled over the grain by the team of oxen. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Is it all right for the bride- oom to give his bride something or the moh aehsi r the home as his wedding Sift? 2. Is it obligatory for a guest ft a christening to bring a gift or the baby? 8. Is the dessert at meals con- sidered a separate course? 4. Should a woman refer to her usband as "Mr. Jones" when Iking with an acquaintance? 5. In what way can one acquire the art of listening to another person's talking? 6. Should the fork or the spoon be used for eating peas? Answers 1. No; even if he cannot af- ford to spend much, it must be something for her own personal adornment. 2. It is not obligatory, but is customary. 3. Yes. 4. It would be better to say "my hus- band" even when talking with a stranger. "Mr. Jones" can be re- served for the servants and em- ployees. 5. The only way is to train one's self to concentrate THE WORLD AT ITS WORST By GLUYAS WILLIAMS l I 'ri1E HEAD OF THE 1.10U5.£,DE1A)NED )N TOWN BY A au.5 IE55 MEE11146, 6E15 HOME LATE AT•14I61i7, 1RIE6 TO PICK His WAY 0U1' la 'ME ICE CHEST IN THE DARK AND D15COVERS'CHAT -HE 1AM11-Y HAS HAD, ONE OF )T5 SPASMS OF Fi)rARRAti61NG -'HE USING -Room Ii1RNI ii/RE .15lwA5 • ,i.w..e ay 'Me Hell e,cme.,e, 1.) 3.31-43 WIr.uArs Deadly Bug Nose -on view of famed Flying Fortress "Memphis I3ello" looks Pe .a any -horned bug. Workers at Long Beach, Calif., aircraft ant mare clustered around the gun turret to autograph' the bomber, closely on what the other person is saying. 6. The fork should be used. Triple Launching First In Canada Three 10,000 -ton freighters, christened Fort Moose, Fort Cov- ington and Fort Romaine, slipped down the greased runways at the United Shipyards, Montreal, in the first triple launching in Can- ada. The Fort Romaine, last of the three to hit the water, set a re-' cord. It was- sent on its way 38 days after the keel -laying, beat- ing by eight days the previous Canadian record established re- cently at Vancouver. BACK E? Look out for Trouble With Your KiDigYS If your back aches or if you, have disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids and wastes. When the kidneys slow up, wastes collect. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help—and there is a time -tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 011 Capsules. These Capsules contain care-. fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drops. You will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops—packed in Canada. Get a 40e package from your druggist. 3 Poultices of Mecca relieve pain, bring out cora, heals quickly, no scar. $5; 35; 50c, SI.00. ''MECC4 ENt` RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troubled with itching piles or rectal sureness, do not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful pasta - age of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem -hold from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally Is a small, easy to take tablet, Will quickly relieve the itching and soreness .and aid in healing the sore tender spots. Henn -Road is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. if you ,try Eleni-Rold a.nd are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. "MIDDLE -AGE" WOMEN (yrs. p� 38-old52 HELD il•YIS ADVICEH If you're cross, restless, 1'iBRVOt7S— suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially /or women, Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped, Follow label direc- tions. Made in Canada. Have You Heard? As the man rushed frantidaUy down the country lane, he came across a farm lad, "Quick!" he panted, "A. man- eating tiger has escaped from the circus!" "Be," said the countryman plac- idly, "which way he it going?" "You don't think I'm chasing it, do you?" exploded the runner with a gas». --0— Stranger: "Can you give me a job, mate?" 'Foreman: "A job is It? Wal, i've got a man here today that ain't. come, an' if he don't turn up to -morrow, 01'II send him away an' take you on." —0— New Missionary: "Did you know Mr. Browns?" Cannibal King: "Oh, yes! He was the pride of our island." New Missionary: "Why did he leave such a nice island?" Cannibal King: "He didn't, sir. You see, times got so hard that we had to swallow our pride." —0— Barber—Shall I give you a shampoo, madam? • Mrs. Newlyrich—i should say not.j. can afford the best. Give me a genuine Poo or nothing at all. •--o— In court the other day a defend- ant appeared without an at- torney: Judge—Would you like a lawyer to defend you? Defendant—I don't think so. But 12 you can find me a couple of good witnesses I'd sure appreciate it. —0— Then there was the girt who, on being asked what was her ambition, said she wanted to be an air raid siren. Juice from the waste from citrus canning could be used to make 2400,000 gallons of 95 proof alcohol a year. SSSS �.•y �•.•Y� Ic I T DOES TASTE GOOD INAPIPE ! The Last Shot Wars sometimes peter out in a very prosaic manner. It was so with the Franco-German war of 1870-1. One evening at supper Bismarck announced to his friends, "At twelve o'clock to- night our troops and the French will exchange their last shots, and I have agreed that the latter shall fire the last one." Shortly before midnight the Chancellor and his guests went outside their hotel at Versailles and waited. Presently they heard a shot from the Germans, follow- ed after a brief interval by the French reply. As the echo of the second shot died away the tower clock struck twelve and the Franco-German .var was over. Germans Flying U. S. Fortresses German airmen are flying captured American Flying Fort- resses alongside our formations ober France and Germany but thus far have made no attempt to interfere with our operations, it was disclosed in Britain re- cently. What the enemy's plan is has not emerged—perhaps he hopes to sneak one or more ships into the raiding squadrons and open the guns against all those about. The American system of identi- fying Fortresses among one an- other is being changed at irregu- lar intervals, however, and the formations fly so closely together that there is little opportunity for a successful effort to sneak into them. So far the German -flown cap- tives have been kept a good dis- tance away, The .50 -calibre ammunition of the type used by the Fortresses is not manufactured in Germany. If the enemy attempted to change the guns and mounts in the cap- tured ships it would be a costly and doubtful business. Slight Preference Inscription on the centre of three tombstones in a family plot near Niagara Falls, Ontario: "Here I lie between two of the best women in the world, my wives. But I have requested my relatives to tip me a little toward Lillie. " WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF MAGNETOS And Supply New Super -Spark FAIRBANKS -MORSE MAGNETOS For all Types of Trtretors and Engines Distributor for Ontarlot AtTo ELECTRIC SERVICE Co. Limited 1009-1027 Bay St. Toronto, 8. Briggs & Stratton Gas Engines Parts and Sert lee CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED EARN EXTRA CASFI MAKE MORE MONEY EASILY. Just show our beautiful Canad- ian made Christmas Cards to your friends in spare time.' They sell on sight. Many assortments.. Beautiful free Album showing personal cards 18 for $1.00 and up. Sample book showing Mili- tary and Naval Christmas Cards. Liberal commission. Write to -day for unusual sample offer. The G. A. Montgomery Company, 6411, Wellington West, Toronto. AUTOMOBILES—USED USED CARS WITH GOOD TIRES See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. BARRELS FOR SALE APPLE BARRELS, USED, IN GOOD condition, 30c each F.O.B. S. Bar- ber & Sons, 4000 Dundas Street Went, Toronto. BABY CHICKS BOOK NOW FOR OCTOBER AND November chicks. The Govern- ment says It is necessary all laying houses should be filled to capacity this year." Bray Fall Bulletin is ready. Have you your copy? Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. BULBS LARGE BULBS FOR FALL PLANT- ing. Rainbow Collection Tulips 2 doz. $1.10. Mixed Daffodil Bulbs 2 doz. $1.10. Delivered. Kuyper'a Bulbs, Hatzic, B.C. We grow the best only. DOMESTIC HELP WANTED COOK GENERAL TO WORK IN Oshawa—good wages and living conditions. Apply Box 62, 73 Ade- laide St. W., Toronto. DYEING & CLEANING HAVItI YOU ANYTHING N15IODS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We ttre glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment li, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 701 Yonge Street, To- ronto. ELECTRICAL EQU11'MENT REBUILT ELECTRIC MOTORS and equipment. Repairs,' rewinds, and parts. Complete stock. Allen Electric Company, 2326 Dufferin Street, Toronto. FARMS FOR, SALE 100 ACRES — GOOD BUILDINGS, borders, Highway 16, near Kenpt- vitle. Apply Hugh E. Graham, 138 Nepean, Ottawa. 4.4 ACRES—l'RAME I3t7ILDINGS, running water, 5 min. post office, church, school. G. Ross Ferguson, lCemptville. PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY waterfront farm situated on Bay of Qutnte, 80 acres choice farm land, 15 acres bush,, 48 acres pas- ture, close to two canning fac- tories; extra goodbuildings; nine -room house with furnace and bath; basement barn; drive house; hog pen; hen house; good tenant house; hydro in house and barn; good water supply, 2 springs and 3 wells; Taxes under $100. Price $6500, part cash. Good 'fishing and boating. Clarence Mallory, Real Estate, Bloomfield. 100 ACRES. BETWEEN HIGHWAYS 98 and 2, Cot• tcry sideroad, Melotte cream separator, like new; Dapple grey team, 4, 5, 3400 lbs. Edward Morris, -R.R. 4, Tilbtiry. RABBITS FOTt 'SALT•, STOCK REDUCTION SAIIO, PEDI- greed White Angoras, Giant tihinehlllns. Reduced Price List. Rev. E, M. Loney, Burgessvllle, Ontario. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 64 -ACRE FARM 20 MILES FROM LINDSAY In Ontario County. Good eight - roomed brick house, good barn with new steel roof, pig pen, implement shed, up-to-date hen house. Two wells, running creek. Convenient to school and church, 2'h miles west of Woodville. Earl Fisher, Wood- ville, Ont. FOR SALE ARCTIC BLUE FOXES. SILVER Foxes. Mink. New Fencings, Supplies. Dands, Swift Current, Saskatchewan. FOOT BALM BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. HAIR GOODS W I G 5, TOL'PES, TRANSFORM- ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto, HELI' WANTED WANTED: EXPERIENCED FARM hand must be capable with dairy cattle. Excellent home and good wages to right man. Apply Beneteau Bros., Amberstburg, R.R. 3, Ontario. EXPERIENCE.I) FARM HAND FOR dairy farm near Toronto, year round ,lob, wages M. G. Greene, Agincourt. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HOTEL FOR SALE HOTIEL, WESTERN ONTARIO, EX- cellent location, steady income, completely remodelled, furnished and equipped, ladies' beverage room, low price and terms, must sell at once. 148 Ktngsway Ave., Winnipeg. LI4ARN SHORTHAND) SHORTHANT) WRITERS ALWAYS in demand. LEARN GREGG FANNING, MILL FANNING MILL (Kline) PROVED beat seed grader, Screening re- pairs. Kline Manufacturing, 420 Willard Ave.. Toronto. PATENTS FFJTH17RSTONFIAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1800; 14 Xing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN—EVERY SUFPERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis Should try Dixon's Remedy, Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 EI- gln, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. Pno'rO(:D! AP1T'1' DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The hent, Rollo, or !Intl HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mall Any 11 or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 25e. Supreme (lustily and feel servles guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1 l'o1 'oto SHEEP PIIIt1i 1111ED SUFFOLK RAM:; OF Stetcltwot•th a ti cI .Aehboeking foundation. Curl E. Devitt, Loeuut Hill, Ont. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS -P— NIIUTOGRA I'13 1' "ALWAYS SEND MY ROLLS TO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ..." That's wnat a customer at Outre- mont, Que., writes. He adds: "Some of my friends asked me where I sent my pictures to be developed and printed. I told them, 'send your rolls to Star Snapshot Service,' and they did. They, too, are now reg- ular customers of Star Snapshot ServIce." Any Size Roll -6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so much more when "snaps" are enclosed. Mail- your next roll to Star Snap- shot Service for a trial order. You will get quality prints, with finer detail—at lowest cost. And you will get the most prompt mail service obtainable in keeping with quality, work. Star Snapshot Service oper- ates Canada's biggest and best equipped photo finishing studio. 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 250 Size 4- x 6" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print your name and address plainly, on all orders, • MODERNE SNAPSHOTS YOUR FILMS RECEIVE CAREVUL attention. Our up-to-the-minute equipment enables us to give you the best possible print from each negative. Fifteen years of making satisfied customers has taught us there is no substitute for good, careful work. Any roll developed, or 8 reprints, 25c. Large size prints 30e. Three enlargements in folders 25e. Your films are safe with us. Moderne Snapshots, Box 340, Hamilton, Ont. SACKS ATTENTION FARMERS: WE CAN supply you with real good potato sacks, onion sacks, grain sacks, etc. We also . pay highest cash prices for any teed seeks, fer- tilizer sacks, mash sakes, you • have for sale. Write• immediately, London Bag Co.. London, Ont. RIT13D'AiATIC PAINS SA'1'1Sl"Y 1•Ut'1tSEL1' — EVElty' sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon"s Renr- edi'. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 331 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.0e. STAMPS CASH FOR STAMPS AND At'CUM- ulations old documents from at- tic and shed. Send samples, don't remove stamps from envelopes. Fred Jarrett., 30 Moor West, To- ronto S(ltTRUOWN S FOR SALE'. SOG'i'H:UOWN RAMS, .Ewes. C. L. Coleman. 15 blain St. S., Weston. l'APIM ll'AtAA STOS At_11 AND 1'HIIEAD WOIUSS often are the cause of 111 -health in humans all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out it this Is your trouble? interesting per. ticulnrs—lereei Write Ntulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 3, Ont• 'fl'i,i,CHER'S W ANTED A. QUA L. Wilt; D TEACHER WANT - ed for 8.5 No. 8, Dalhousie; du- ties to commence Sept. 1st. Apply, stating salary wanted, to John Gemmilt, Snow 'Road, Ont. plc+1{ldltl.l.OW TEACHER FOR Public School No. 2, Baldwin, Apply. stating qualifications, ex- porir'nee and salary expected, to 1Vi111arn 01. Land, See.-Treas., Kcrrow, Ont,