HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-09-16, Page 3THIS CURIOUS WORLD QF gus�on AT SO/W Z FUTUIzE DAT W AAA L,11.) H AT MEN WITH /104,414Z./ SCIENTISTS' SAY AAE, OF TOMORROW WILL HAVE NO HAIR FEW!✓I? TEETH AND ONLY FOUR..'::;. TOES ON EACH FOOT: autaiecoratztomaguaraentanemattoss BOER. 1441 BY NEA SERVICE. INO. U.S. GOLF ASSOCIATION ALLOWS GOLFERS TO „7/$CO.NT//VC/ IN •A TOURNAMENT� WITHOUT- PFNALTI!, IF- L,.8 ita.SS OE T S 700 ••• EARTH's P0FuL..,ATI0N Is ESTIMATED AT 0 2,000, 000, 000 /, 200, 00Q, 000 t!' (RC1 rm� •� 'M 98C% 000, 00'0 9-k' rM. REO, U. S. PAT. OFF. ANSWER: Approximately xiinately 2,000,000,000. NEXT: What does a gopher carry in his pockets? t Fz'WIFE CP.T T �ry By Gwendoline P. Clarke Have you ever tried putting a few hundred sparrows to bed? No? Well, that's what I've been doing; and it's quite a job. You :see it happened this way. Along one wall by our front door we have a vigorous growth of Vir- ginia creeper. I was year., get- ting a root well established and I longed so much to see it creep- ing up the wall. And at last the creeper grew, and has continued growing for the last three or four years. But alas, its dense growth has proved to be a regu- lar haven for all the sparrows in the neighborhood. One has only to step outside' our front door and the birds fly out by the hun- dred. Yes, I actually mean that— to say by the dozen, or the score, wouldn't describe the situation at all. And, oh dear, you never saw anything like the mess — the steps, the window -sills and the creeper are absolutely plastered. I ani cured for all time of any desire to have Virginia creeper growing over any wall of our house! But yet I don't want to destroy it altogether—at least not yet— so I thought I would see what thinning out the foliage would do. I clipped away at what I could reach and then got Part- ner's help for the high spots. That same evening I worked out in the garden in order to watch the birds' bedtime manoeu- vres. They came back all right, but not in such large numbers. And then I fixed them, I armed myself with a clothes prop and beat the creeper with it each time the birds came back to roost. As long as I stayed near the steps all they did was sit on the eaves - trough and watch for an oppor- tunity to fly to their hiding place. But if I no more than disap- peared around the corner of the house they were back again in full force. But I stayed around and finally the birds decided to spend the night in some nearby trees. So you see I really. did put the sparrows to becl. Isn't it strange that so fre- quently what we have longed for proves such a disapp ointment when we get it? Haven't ,you often found it so? We build up for years on something we want to get, or to do, and when our dream comes true we find it doesn't measure up at all to our expectations. For instance, we all know people so obsessed with the idea of saving up for the. future that they get no pleasure from living at all. In such cases one of two things always. happens —either the person dies while .still working, or' else he retires, only to find that hard work has become so much a part of his daily life that the time and abil- ity for enjoying his hard-won leisure has long since passed. He has forgotten how to relax. The pity of it! One can imagine Puck looking on and chuckling to himself — "Lord, what fools these mortals be !" Of course I do not mean that we should not save for the future •-. and at present there is no bet- ter way than to invest what we can save in Victory Bonds—but we should beware of getting so far into the woods that we can- not see the trees. There is a happy medium in saving just as there is in spending. To deny ourselves a little pleasure for the sake of a mythical future is false economy—and it is not so hard to find as might be sup- posed. A weary farm -wife takes a day off to visit her new grand- child and comes back with a new zest for' life; friend husband takes in a nearby auction sale and, in hob-nobbing with his neighbors, realizes that his is not the only poor crop in the district. As for the homes where there are still small children, it takes so little to make them happy, the dear wee souls. A little extra attention from Mother — a new dress for a doll; a bright coat of paint on the wee boy's wagon and their world is bubbling over with joy and laughter. And then we have the radio for entertain- ment. No, it is not all "hot" music—there are programs there to inspire, amuse and delight all those who take the time and trou- ble to find them. Of course we also want the latest war news but don't let us clutter up our minds by listening to every news broadcast there is—for that way madness lies. Kidnaps Queen Bee From R.A.F. Bomber It happened on an airfield in Britain. Working on a giant Halifax bomber at its dispersal point, the ground crew suddenly heard a strange buzzing noise, and saw a great procession of bees enterin, and leaving a small hole in the tail of the plane. The Halifax was due to bomb Germany that. night, bees or no bees. A frantic search through- out the district ens -ed until a local clergyman was discovered who said he could handle the un- welcome passengers. Gingerly the ground crew stripped part of the fabric off the tail, and the clergy- man, wearing gloves, found the queen bee—whom he bore off, followed by the rest of the colony, The ground crew patched up the fabric and a few hours later the bomber took off for Cologne. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON SEPTEMBER 26 ABIDING VALUES FROM ISRAEL'S HISTORY Deuteronomy 1-3, 11 PRINTED TEXT, Deuteronomy 11:13-25 GOLDEN TEXT — Righteous - fleas exalteth a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people. Pro- verbs 14:24. Memory Verse: He hath made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time. -1406-5 B.C. Place.—That part of the Jor- dan Valley which was immedi- ately north of the Red Sea and below the Dead Sea. Obedience To God "And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my commandments which I com- mand you this day, to love Jehovah your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul, that I will give the rain of your land in its season, the former rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy grain, and thy new wine, and thine oil. And I will give grass in thy fields for thy cattle, and thou shalt eat and be full," God is concerned with the phy- sical welfare, the material pros- perity, of His people. God does not desire His own chosen people to live in constant hardship, nor any nation that follows Him to have to suffer long years of pov- erty or famine. What God first wants is the heart to be yielded to Him, and then all the things that man can desire will God lovingly bestow. Warning About Idolatry "Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; ani the anger of Jehoval. be kindled against you and he shut up the heavens, so that there shall be no rain, and the land shall not yield its fruit; and ye perish quickly from off the good land w'aich Jehovah giveth you." The heart is the citadel of the whole moral being, and so long as it is kept for the Lord, the enemy can gain no advantage; but when once it is surrendered, all is really gone—there is the turning aside — other gods are served and worshipped. "Teach Thy Children" "Therefore shall ye lay. up these my words in your heart and in ,, our soul; and ye shall bind them for a sign upon your hand, and they shall be for frontlets between your eyes. And ye shall SPINNER SUNSHADE Striped spim,er which once graced the nose of a German Messerschmitt is good only for a sunshade now, as R.A.F. armorer carries the broken plane part across an arifield in Sicily. WARRIOR OF DIEPPE AND KISKA Under a hail of steel and fire, on the beaches of Dieppe, Lieut. -Col. Dollard Menard, D.S.O., officer commanding Les Fusiliers Mont -Royal, fought gallantly, was wounded five times in as many hours, covered the re -embarkation of his men and fainted as he was carried back on a landing barge. Regain- ing consciousness he organized the anti-aircraft defense of the barge, lying flat on his back. In the recent invasion of Kiska by Canadian and American troops Col, Menard commanded the Hull Regiment of Quebec. This drawing by Hubert Rogers, depicting the scenes of Dieppe appears on the latest poster in the National Film Board's "Men of Valor" series. teach them your children, talking of them, when thou sittest in thy house, and upon thy gates; that your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, in the land which Jehovah sware unto your fathers to give then., as the days of the heavens above the earth," Obedience to the law of God does not come naturally to fallen man. Man's tendency is down- ward, not upward; away from God, not toward God. Man must be continually reminded of the laws and commandments and will of God, or else he will forget then and live in disobedience to them. Therefore the Israelites are told that they should first lay up the words of the law of God in their heart and in their soul, and then bind thein upon their hand and on their forehead between their eyes. The Jews have literally fulfilled this, by • binding in little boxes, on their arms and foreheads, written por- tions of the book of the law. What really is meant here is that whatever one does, and whatever one thinks, should be controlled by the law of God. It is not so important for us to have little pieces of paper nailed up on the doorpost, on which the law is in- scribed, as it is for us to have a home recognized by those who enter it as belonging to the Lord, It is the home that is to be sancti- fied. Assurance Of Victory For if ye shall diligently keep all this commandment which I command you, to do it, to love Jehovah your God, to walk in all • his ways, and to cleave unto him; then will Jehovah drive out all these nations from before you, and ye shall dispossess nations greater and mightier than your- selves. Every place whereon the sole of your foot shag' tread shall be yours: from. the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border. There shall no man be able to stand before you: Jehovah your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, as he hath spoken unto you." Here is a definite promise that no hat- ter how powerfuI the inhabitants of Canaan should be at the time of Israel's entrance into the promised land, God would give the Israelites a sweeping victory over all of then if ' they would but continue to walk in His com- mandments. When Israel was in obedience to God her victories were assured and continuous; when she disobeyed God, either as a people or as individuals, defeat o rertook her. There is no greater illustration than this, that the tragedy that occurred to Israel in her early days of ad- vance into Palestine was because of the sin of Achan (Josh. 7), and the glorious victory that came tt her against the very same city which had defeated her when this sin was put away (Josh. 8). The commercial fish harvest of the United States in 1941 was 4,850,000,000 pounds. The word alligator comes from .el legarto, the Spanish word for reptile. Nazis See Red White and lue Nazis in Norway are seeing red (and white and blue), says an Oslo report. Thirty thousand shoes were to be made, the factory was ready, and officials -had approved the samples. Suddenly production was ordered stopped. The Nazis had discovered that the paper for the shoes was colored red, white, and blue, and was a form of anti- Nazi demonstration.- WAR emonstration.- WAR PRODUCTION CHIEF 1 HORIZONTAL 1,6 Head of newly formed U. S. War Production . Hoard. 11 Short cloak. 12 Iridium (symbol). 13 Upon. 14 Eager. 16 Entrance, 17 Repeat. 19 Meditate. 20 Type assortment, 21 Shade. 22 Employ diligently. 23 Otherwise. 25 Valley. 27 Therefore. 29 Ostrichlike birds. 31 Respiratory sound. 32 Like. 33 Compass .point. 34 Exist. Answer to Previous Puzzle 35 Dined. 36 Alternating current (abbr.), 37 You and 38 At some place. 40 Exclamation, 42 Friend. 43 Paving substance. 45 Prophet. 48 Location. 50 Enthusiasm. 51 Work. 52 Symbol for cerium. 53 And (Latin), I. 54 Small plant. other 55 Gaelic, VERTICAL 1 Pedestal part. 2 Express opinion. 3 Irritate. 4 Beverages. 5 Musical instrument. 6 Short letter, 7 Weaken. 8 Specimen. 9 Immature seed. 10 Unless (law)4 11 Taverns. 15 Accomplish- ments. 18 Silken sash.. 24 Tiny. 26 Wide awake, 28 Single. 30 Observe. 31 Hurrah! 32 Highest car& 37 Sager. 38 One who earns, 39 Spring holiday 41 Foot parts. .42 Fruit. 44 Revels. 46 Cloth measures 47 Initials of the board he for- merly headed; 49 Music note. POP—Formerly of WPA YOU FOOL 9 ! F yQU HAVEN'T Gor A RI1=!~l~, YOU WON'T HAVE TO DO ARM DRI LL T KNOW, BUT 1 WANT SS0METH ING 'TO LEAN ON LI kE THE 0THE( 1=ELLOWS, (2.016ason L 511 Syal Th By J. MILLAR WATT