HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-09-09, Page 4tJ tc'I, ONTARIO
chase the services of any of these
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These banks are constituted under the Bank Act—
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In every sense of the word, the
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join the.
you dro-ft need a high .school
education to wits your .wings
now. The IL.C.A.E. is prepared to
provide you with the education
necessary to make )ou eligible for
aircrew. This is your chance ito+tearn-
up with the hard-hitting comrades
of the skies in the bigdrive fox
Victory. Yes! .. , you can be in a
fighting tan's uniform at once.
Make your decision right now!
Enlist, for aircrew, today !
Mari. es ani ..Schools n:'G Ready to
Train You Quickly
No more delay getting isno.aircrcw. Basic training begins at once.
Skilled instructors are evaiting. Fast planes are ready.
If you are physically fiternerttally alert, over 17 and not yet 33, you
are eligible.
L‘rf- t], t
Join the Fighting comrades of the Beres
Recruiting Centres are located in the principal cities of Canada. Mobile recruiting units
smaller centres regularly.
AC -9W
Anniversary Services are being held
in the Goshen United church on Sun
day next, September 12th, when Rev.
C. B. eleckendorn, of .Zurich, will be
the anniversary speaker. The sero
ides will be held both forenoon and
evenii;g. The public are invited to
Sapper Robert: N. Carnie of Ip,
perwase Camp, who spent his fur-
lough with his mother at Victoria
' Y .neouver, B. C., returned to
(Ikotex,o recently.
111e .r. W. Layton, :Exeter, treas-
Veer et. the Tied Cross, acknowledges
die rereipt of $581.80 from Mr. Eric
Meilroy, of the Lakeview Casino,
emend Bend, the, proceeds from a
teenei'it zoeicert.
A district rally of Boy Sconts
Brae held at Grand Bend United ch-
vrrh on .Sunday c've. last. The Thed-
ford Silver Band led a parade that
lecluded Scout Troops from Thed-,
ford„ Parkhill, -St ratht oy, eleeter and 1
tlar ,donde They piwaded up the main
;atareet to rh„ ^ ':TY"1 r'ttl7i f5+'e'tip e'1 the''
centre seats in the outdoor amphithe-
atre. Rev. Mr. Cleave delivered a
fine sermon appropriate to the boys.
Two quartettes were sung, at the con
elusion Of the service theScout flags
of the Grand Bend troop were dedi-
cated. Following the service the boys
marched to the dining -hall at the
Lakeview Casino and there they we-
re treated to weiners and pop.
Many families who have spent tlw
summer months at cottages in Bay-
field have left for home in prepar-
ation for starting of school on Sept.
7th. l'he summer season has been
the best in years, as most of the eot-
ages were full all summer.
Capt. Walter Watkins of Toronto,
was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Ferguson.
LAC. Fred Weston, of Toronto,
spent a few days leave with his wife
and daughter.
Mr. Edward Sturgeon has purchas-
ed the house on Ann St. oceupied by
Mr. Sam. Stirling, from the Thomp-
son Estate.
Miley Books Issued
Mr. A. E. Westlake and assistants
'steed gee ration hooks Thursday aeel
with Detroit friends motored to Kit
opener Saturday last.
Mr. Vincent Jeffrey and son Ste-
phen, also Miss Doris Jeffrey all of
Detroit, were l3eavertown visitors
the past week -end.
Mr, and Mrs. Josiah Sararas and
Mr. Len. 1Sararas motored to London
on Saturday last to attend the funer-
al of the late David Wilson.
Mr. Wilson was formerly a citizen
of the .Blue Water south, shaving far-
med many years in this immediate
neighborhood, and which was then
occupied by the late John Charrette.
Mr. and Mrs, Hank .Brinker of De-
troit and family spent a few days
with Mr and Mrs. Dennis Charrette
on the Blue Water south.
Mr. and Mrs. David ,Geromette of
Mt. Caravel were Monday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. F, Ducharme. j
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ducharme of
the Blue Water north, motored to
London on Sunday last.
pied at Victoria B, O.,
Oliver Mowat ,Ballantyne, 55 died
at Victoria B.+C., following a stroke.
A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T.
Ballantyne of Brookdale, Man., he
was born and educated at Hensall. He
went West with his parents and af»
ter a few years entered the hardware
business and was connected with se-
veral Targe hardware firans, He was
a keen enthusiast in all lines of sport
especially hockey and baseball. +Sur-
viving are his wife, Cora Bathwell,
of Clinton, whom lie married in 1915
also two brothers and three sisters.
Kincardine merchants have decid-
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt and da -led to inaugurate a five-day business
ughter, of Byron, were recent visit- week for .the period of the war and
ors with Mrs. Alice Joynt. their stores will remain closed on
Miss Mary Buchanan, superintend- Monday of each week. Merchants will
ent of the General Hospital, Niagara', depend upon voluntary observance of
Falls, has returned to her duties fol- I the agreement rather than having the
lowing a week's vacation with herembodied municipal by-law.
mother, Mrs. A. Buchanan. Back Injured in Fall
Mrs. James W. Bonthron has re- Frank King, Stephen Township, is
turned home after spending a week in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
camping at Grand Bend. suffering from the effects of a fall
Mrs. L. Simpson spent a few days : in his barn. He fell from the track
in London. Sin the barn and in .falling struck one
Petty ,Officer' Morris Tudor, of ! of the beams injuring his back. He
Halifax, N.S., is here visiting with 1 was taken to the hospital in an am -
his wife and little son, John Morris, i bulance for X-ray.
and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan.' To Transport School Children
Tudor. 1 A new bus service according to an
Mr and Mrs. John Henderson are announcement from the Ontario De -
getting nicely settled in their fine
home on Richmond St. ,South, rec-
ently purchased from the Murddch
Mies Margaret Kercher, who has
been attending Commercial ;School in
London, has accepted a position in
the Huron & Erie Building.
Hensall Fire Brigade received a
hirried -call to check a blaze which
had :originated in the 'earn of Geo. quite a surprise. Sitting in church, he
Hudson, of He.nsall. Fortunately they thrust his hand into the pocket of his
soon had the fire under control and cassock, and found that a mother
no serious damage resulted. mouse had made a nest therein, and
lelembers of the Hensel]. Institute the pocket contained six newborn,
and ladies of the town . met in the hairless, tiny mice. With considerable
basement of the United Church and aplomb he regained his composure,
made 24S pounds of apple jam for and it was not until the service was
overseas. The conveners were Mrs. W over that other members of the choir
0. Goodwin and Mrs. John Shepherd learned of his discovery. Very con -
Mrs. Mary McKaig of Hensall, has siderate. of mamma mouse to select
a pocket in a man's ea,ssock. Imagine
the screams of a coloratura soprano
on making a similar discovery. Even
ultra high "c" would be well within
her iange.—Echange.
Moved to Exeter
Mr. Arthur Willert, of Stephen,
Twp., who is employed with the
Guenther Transport, has moved to
Exeter North into what was formerly
known as the Walker property, re-
cently purchased by Mr. Earl Guen-
ther .of Dashwood.
Injured By� BuIi
Alfred Nesbit, a farmer of the
Auburn district, was attacked by a
bull in a field on kis farm. His son
Frank, who was at the barn, heard
the father's call for help and wento
`i'.lurrsday' 'Septennii- 9tii,' `1,94,,.3,
been moved to the premises of 'Har-
ry Burgin, service station proprietor...
who is the new postmaster, succeed--•
ing the late Postmaster E. N. Shier
who died last J'enuary, Since Mr.
Shier's death the duties had been
carried on by his assistant, •Miss Cole
lie. By the change, the post office
Is moved across the road from Huron
County intoo Perth County,
Seaforth Lions cleared $2,602 from
their two -nights carnival in July.
Held Successful Frolic
The Brucefield Patroitic Society
a very successful frolic recently.
There was a very large crowd present
and were enteretaned by the kiltie
pipeband of Centralia Air School.
A Five -Day Week
Bombs Drop on Lucan
A defect meths bomb -dropping
mechanism of a No.. 4 Air Observer
School bomber flying over Lucan,
caused the release of two bombs on
the village, RCAF officials stated fol-
lowing the accident, An investigat-
ion is being held. A four foot crat-
er was dug into the heart of the vill-
age when the plane released an 1�1-
pound smoke bomb' used for target
practice.. An hour and a half later
residents of Lucan felt the impact of
a second bomb whish fell in the east•
end of the village.
partment of Education, will be in
operation during ' the coming school
year for the transportation of pupils
from the secondary schools, Nos. 2,
3, G and 7, Hibbert Twp., to Mitch-
ell High School. 25 pupils will be
A Discriminating Mouse
Keith Hamilton, a member of the
Rockwood Anglican church choir, got
SATURDAY, SEPT. llth at 2 p.m._
Usual number of mixed cows, calves;
and pigs.
50 head choice Herford heifers.
50 head choice stockers.
Number of fat cattle.
Please remember, these Sales wilt be
held every Saturday afternoon until,.
further notice.
G. Hollinghworth, Auctioneer.
received a letter from Roy Brock, st-
ationed in Sicily, in which he advises
that -her son, Don. McKaig of the Ro-
yal Can; Reg., of Canada, wounded
in action in Sicily, will be confined
to the hospital for at least four Mon-
ths, having received a fractured hip
and ,two broken ribs, and is unable to
A quiet wedding was solemnized
in the Church of Byron, by Rev. Dr.
W. McNiven, when Mary Ellen Det-
weiler, Reg.N., became the bride of
Harry Faber, of Hensall. After the
reception at the home of the groom-
's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Fa-
ber Hensel',the couple left for a
Of Real. Estate, Household Goods,
Chattels, Etc., at Zurich, on
At 1.30 o'clock, P.M.
Real Estate — Farm consisting of
50 acres with house and barn, Olin
fair state of repairs. Same being
West -half of Lot 28, Concession 10,
Hay Township. About two miles
north of Zurich. This property,
will be offered for sale subject to a•.
reserved bid.
Chattels — 1926 Model T. Ford
Coupe with extra good tires; steel
tank mounted on almost new wagon,
sap pan, combination vice and anvil;
work bench, "Driver" workshop sha-
per with knives; Driver belt sander,
window frames and sash.
Household Goods — 3 -burner el-
ectric .range, electric. washing macli-
ine, drop-leaf table, kitchen buii'ett,
4 kitchen chairs, wash sink, 2 burner
" Perfection" oil stove with oven,
churn, 3 benches, 4 rocking chairs,
single bed with springs and mattress,
child's bed with springs and 'mattress,
4 bedsteads with springs, 1 mattress,
baby crib, 3 wash stands, hand wash-
ing machine, coal and wood heater,
combination bureau and desk, small
writing desk, small wooden tub,large
oval tub, plant stand, meat barrel,
short trip. hey will reside at Huron t small barrel, 2 cellar tables, set din -
Springs, the well known estate of the his aid. The buil turned on the boy, nee dishes, quantity of other dishes,
late Dr. A. Moir, Hensall. but the dog came along and chased dozen knives and forks, copper boil -
Pleads Guilty the bull away. The doctor was call- ere scythe, spade, drain scoop, steel
Geo. Jos. Lamoureaux, Toronto, ed and an examination showed both square, a number of saws, trunk, 3
coal oil lamps, Rayo lamp, Alladin
lamp, sauercrout and other crocks, 2
iron pots, 2 copper tea kettles, some
sealers, frying pan, dish pan and
numerous other articles. Sale wilt
be held at rear of Joseph Gascho's
residence, Zurich, or in case of rain,
in Evangelical church shed.
Terms of Sale — On Real Estate -
10 per cent. of purchase price on
day of sale, balance in 30 days. Oth-
er terms and conditions made known
on day of Sale.
Chattels and Household Goods—Cash
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Mrs. Norman Gascho, Proprietress-
pleaded guilty tothe theft of $360 escaped serious injuries although
in -cash from his employer, Clarence badly bruised.
Smillie, Hensall, when he appeared Wrecked by Big Truck
before Judge T, M. Costello iii the A store front was wrecked in
county judge's criminal court at God- Blyth shortly after midnight, Prov.
erich. He was remanded for sentence Constable Fox of Goderich reports.
and has been in custods for two we- A driver of the Hanover Transport is
eks. The money it was alleged was alleged to have Ieft his truck with
stolen from the .Srnillie home during the engine running in front of Ed -
the absence of the family. The youth
Friday last. The work was well orga-
nized and went without a hitch under
Mr. Westlake's capable supervision.
The staff consisted of Misses Mamie
Galbraith, J. E. Stirling and Mesda-
mes David Prentice, R. L. Bassett,
James Ferguson, E. A. 'Westlake,
Malcolm Toms and Wm, L. Ferguson.
Closed the Store
Many of the citizens of the village
and community were sorry to hear
Mrs. Edwards had sold her stock and
closed her store Saturday last. The
general drygoods, groceries, china
and gents' furnishings were purchas-
ed 55 years ago by the late Ii. F.
Edwards and has always been one of
the leading stores of the village. It
is .regrettable that this old establish,
ed business is now closed up.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mrs. Rachel Denomme who has
spent the summer months in this. vic-
inity and Zurich, has returned to her
home in Windsor:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Masse, Mr.
Avila Ducharme and Miss Blanche
I,ibioron, all of Windsor, were week-
end visitors with their parents in this
ser, Emanuel Sararas in cotnpnlee
according to police, bought himself
new clothes in London tinct later
went to Toronto where he is said to
have given his sister $40 to finance
a wedding. He had only a few doll-
ars when arrested in Toronto.
win Cartwright's barber shop. He was
only a few steps away when the
truck lunged forward over the side -
l"'healk into the barber shop, demolishing
its front.
New Postmaster
The post office at Kirkton has
othes in
Nutrition made easy! A "can't -go -wrong" guide
to healthful family meals
It's here at last! A really practical guide to •meal -
planning. All you need to know about nutrition,
in an easy -to -follow, interesting, authoritative book.
This is important to you; for recent Government
surveys show sixty percent of Canadians fall short
of good nutrition, even though seemingly well-fed.
Perhaps --,your family lacks proper food for vital
good health ... stamina ... high morale.
So get in line with the "Nutrition for Victory".
drive. Send for your copy of "Eat -
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the new EASY plan for serving
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To get your FRO copy of Flat -to -
Work -to -Win" r dust send your
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