HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-09-02, Page 8ZURICH, ONTARIO ZURICIT HERALD • IIIII�IVIIII!Illilllilllllllllliilllllllll.Iillll'11111 111111111111111111,HoltonIII1111111111Illlllillllllllll1IIIIII;noI,Ti11dIIIL1 :! IU zuR'eI-I'S Grocery Store WE ALWAYS CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH GROCERIES ON HAND PURCHASED FROM THE LEAD- ' INC, WHOLESALE HOUSES. OWING TO UNSETTLED CONDITIONS WE ARE NOT QUOTING ANY PARTICULAR PRICES BUT CAN ASSURE THE PUBLIC GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY WITH QUALITY AND PRICES AT THE VERY BEST Menne Oesch - Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 it Ilill l Illllllllllllilllll I 1111111 011111111 !ININN 1111 1 111111111UII1 lf' 1111111111 VIII 1I11N0011_ Ilii@ i 11iI1110 '110111)1k • • To the Mee who Till the Soil • With the changing of the Seasons, we will need 14. better equipment. How about your work shoes or = this occasion. You should sae E. H. Edighoffer ♦ •about them before you buy. We carry the famous sline of Greb Work Shoes for men. This line has -. stood the test for years. At moderate prices, con- sidering quality. 4. We also have Oxfords in black and brown calf also in black Vici Kid. These Oxfords are made + with genuine Goodyear Welt Soles in med. and + narrow toes. If it is quality shoes you want E. H. Edighoffer has them. + In Shoe Repairing we give you the best money can buy. Give us a call, our prices are right. E. H. EDIGHOFFER MOM 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4. 4 4 4 4 4. + +N +I• + + 4 + + + + 4 + + 4 + + + +++++++++++++++*+++4tt+++++++++++++++++++44+44*""I i 5-xbrand Shingles' 4 WE ARE JUST UNLOADING A CARLOAD OF 5.x CEDAR f SHINGLES AND WOULD ASK ANYONE IN NEED OF THESE ..+�..SHINGLES TO ACT QUICKLY, AS THE SUPPLY MAY BE LIM- TED. TE HAVE CONSIDERABLE SHAVINGS SUITABLE FOR BEED 4 +4+4. INC STOCK AND OTHER PURPOSES FOR SALE BY THE I 4. +�+ RUCK LOAD.. ACT QUICK! + 4. i F. C. KALBFL. P.FIONE 69 - 1 4 ***++++++++4,4-1.444.44.4.4.+++++ +.t-4.4. p4.4.•s•.i•+II•4.4.4+F+++E++i+•i•+r4.4.44+4. KLOPP'$ ONE-STOP SERVICE -.4444444,444 MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every, motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you. can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices.. Engineered Lubrication At Klapp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubricatioct,, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate• your Car and Ree how Trained Attendants Grease. Cara Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Lip your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, C> od eaar Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Serviee Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up' your Car for the Colder Weather and! Heavier; Roads HOWARD KLOPP',. LESSEE C. Fritz. & Son Used Car Lot in Cen tion ITEMS O LOCAL INTEREST I LOCAL MARKETS :drs. W. C. Wagner and son Leon- ard, were at London on. Tuesday. Pleased to see Mr. George Deich- ert out again after being confined to; his room for some days. Mrs. J. W. Horner and granddau- ghter Ruth Krueger are spending some time with relatives at Varna. Mr. Wilfred Klopp of the Armed Forces, spent the week -end ,at the home of his father, Mr. Oscar Klopp. Born, . at Farwell's Nursing Hon' e, Zurich on Sunday, August 29th, to• Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hortman, a son:. Mrs. Mary Txuemner spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Geiser, near Shipka. /*DIiae00001Ai?*0040060400******+➢re*Gs** HARDWARE .- SEEDS and FURNITURE Save the Surface a PRESERVING YOUR PROPERTY FROM DETERATION AGAINST i TIME AND WEATHER, WITH THE BEST PAINT, BECOMES A PATRIOTIC DUTY UNDER PRESENT CONDITIONS; YOU AVOID FUTUTE REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENTS SUPPLIES FOR WHICH ARE BADLY NEEDED FOR WAR USE AND MAY IN ANY CASE BE DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO GET. WE CAN HELP YOU WITH THE BEST OF PAINTS AND PAINT i SUPPLIES WHICH ARE AVAILABLE. SEE OUR LARGE STOCK We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax PAINTS! PAINTS! OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS IPlumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for GoodQ ualit- Alsike, Timothy y l >Y Clover Seeds, Etc. STADE St, WEIDO ZURICH = ONT. QUALITY — PRICE — SERVICE , Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Heckendorn and children have returned home; af- ter their vacation at. Hamilton and Kitchener. Dr. and Mrs. W Schellogg, of Detroit, and who are vacatsoning; at Grand Bend, called on Zurich friend's on Tuesday. Tuesday, September .7th is the date set for schools to re -open after• the summer holidays, when the .old schaei bell will again be rung regularlg: LAC. A. E. Lindenfield, Mrs•.. L.in- denfield, and baby spent • the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Johnaton. Mrs, George Metcalf •and. --Miss Belva Truemner of London; visited at the home of the latter's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truenieter, the past week A spell of real cool August wea- ther visited us over the week -end and one could sleep nicely Without the window being open. Mrs. Edmund Oesch of the Goshen line north is at present staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oesch, where she presented her fam- ily with a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, and Floyd Cook and daughter Patricia, Miss Evelen Zoller and Mr. Ed. Brenner of Kitchener were week -end visitors at the hone of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. (FCorrected every Wednesday) Eg: 44, 42, •32, 29 Butter, creamery 34 Chickens, live Th. 15122 Chickens, dreshed lb. 20-128 :Wheat, bush. 1.10 Oats, bushel 500 Bai:Iey, bush. 73 ;Buckwheat, bush . ............ 65c !near, cwt. 2.60, 2.75 ,Sheets and bran, ton 30.00 (Middlings, ton 32.00 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wagner and family, who have been on vacat- ion at the hone of the former's .par- ents in town, -have returned 'to their How we spend our lives playing dan- home in Guelph. • gerous games, reading about murders Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess who spent. I watching daredevil entertainment in an effort to still the voice telling us that the grim reaper will catch up with us sonic day, yet forget about him under fire if we're busy and an- gry enough, is described In this Sun- day's (Sept. 5) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Get The Detroit Sun day Times! DIES AT CLINTON .The Township Council of Tucker - smith is offering to pay two cents a. rod to all property -owners for cutt- ingweeds on the roadsides opposite: their properties. ENDS COFFEE RATIONING • Washington, — President Roose- velt announced the end of coffee rat- ioning for civilians in the United St- ates and a probable increase in sir gar allotments. He attributed the, moves to a vast increase in availabl'a shipping space and greater success•in the war against U,Boats. HOW IS YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! As previously stated all subscript- ions in arrears are to be paid' up or we will be forced to cut off those in arrears and turn them in for collect- ion. This rule is necessary to comply with regulations "set down by the newsprint controller of the• Wartime Prices and Trade Board. This new order places all subscribers on the same footing. We wish to, thank all those who have paid their subscript- ions. If there is any error or omis- sion please notify us. 1+ • 4' STAYS AS CHAIRMAN On invitation of Premier George Drew, A. St. Clair Gordon, chairman of the Ontario Liquor Control Board and Liberal member for West Kent, is continuing as head of the board. Mr. Drew made the announcement after a cabinet meeting. Mr. Gord- on's position is the same as hereto- fore with no curtailment of his auth- ority, and he is likely to continue on the $8,000 a year salary. CLOSER OL' MAN DEATH COMES THE LESS WE FEAR HIM a pleasant two weeks camping . at Grand Bend, where they entertained some relatives, have returned to -their home in town, Miss Mary Merner of Elmira has ;•c turned to her duties in that place; sifter spending a few days holidaying at the home of her parents; Mr. and Iles. J. W. Merner. Miss Joan, her :sister, accompaniedher for: a week or ;o in Elmira. Farmers are still busy with the harvesting operations, although many are through and have" their grain all threshed. The sample of grain is very light in most cases. But .the bean crop so far looks promising. A good shower of rain would help to work up the land for wheat seeding. TO IMIPORT FEED GRAIN The president of the Ontario Fed- eration of Agriculture said that be- cause of a reduced yield Of field gra- ins on Ontario farms this year, it will be necessary to import two and a half times as much grain from wes- tern Canada as was brought east last ,year. Feed grain requirements, a- 1)eve what is home grown, are equiv- alent to 2,000 bushels for every five Ontario farmers, intik, meat, .partie- si:lally hogs, and poultry production are dependent on feed grains. Un- less we can obtain what is needed' such production will decline rapidly To 611 Ontnario's grain demands will require 200 cars a day f cut Fort William for six months. "Yet from June 1 to mid-July there were only 212 cars a week handled. Last year it was necessary to bring about 33,000,000 bushels of grain from the West, .,,, Thursday, +Septum =2 d, 1943 ***..w 9i4 *****+.O4US N e Y UR Hardware and Furnihre PAINT ' P TIME The Season demands to PAINT UP in order, to Preserve the Surface on. your Buildings. It is �. I. poor economy to try to save on Paint. We have 1; a good stock of all called for.. Paints, Varni.' +1;'' and Paint Supplies... ...See these lines. New Felt Mattresses We were fortunate inx securing a good supply 7 of New Felt Mattresses which we are offering ;thee . , public from $5.00 to $"1.5.00 each, and can a sure-: they are big value for' ehe money. Be sure an& ,see them! +.. '5! FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette S w. A Full Line of alit the Home Requirementit 3q3 Johnston &KalbfieisQh Hardware & Parniture. Phone 63 F a+* +++++ •3.•I••II••£•d•++ + ••. i4++€• . • •+++++•k•F+.S444++ +++++M + The funeral was held Tuesday last from the Beattie Funeral Horne, Clin- ton, of Nelson "Tex" Reichart, aged 56, a resident for the past ten years of the Huron County Home, whose death occurred at the Horne. He was horn in Hensall, and had few- relations living, having been prede- ceased by his parents and �:e .ar hav- ing married. For the past .nine years he had been the County Iteme barb- er, that having been his occupation previously. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. A. E. Silver, and interment took place in Clinton cem- etery. He was a son of the late Mr and Mrs. Adam Reichart, of Hensall. FALL FAIR DATES Milverton .... Sept. 9, Tavistock Sept. 10, Blyth Sept. 14, Exeter Sept. 15, New Hamburg Sept. 17, Port Elgin . . Sept. 24, 25 Seaforth Sept.. 23, 24 Stratford, Sept. .20-23 Medford Sept. 21, 22 Bayfield Sept. 21, 22 Duugannon Sept. 30 Forest . Sept. 28, 20 Ilderton . ... . Sept, .29 Z1JIVlitcliell .. , . Sept. 28, 29 ICH ... . Sept. 27, 28 Teeswater ....... . ..... Oct. 5, 6 10 11 15 61 18 4 41+ TRY- ECKEL'S 'Town Talk " �1 j � also - CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND' t SWEET GOODS. r All Ingredients Used are of the Iighest Quality i. ALL CONF4.CTIONS ICS CREAM 2 a. Our Store wilI.i] ,e closed each We4 esday Eyening 1 Eckel's Bakery Zur' + 4 Telephone ION , 4'+44.d++t++F+i+3++i+3++i+d+i+4*4-1+i+4++ i+++F++I++F+3++.+++Fd+4•v03++ H.+4i4+ 44. GENERAL INSiPRANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eto. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich Local Representative - Zurich eame*****00008006800000006410***111001101,00411411111i 1 Seed Cleaning Our Equipment for Seed Cleaning is always avail- able, and in good condition. We will be pleased to do this work for you, all seeds and grains for Spring Seeding... Please arrange to have this done early before th e big rush. COLONY HOUSE CHESTNUT We have Received a Cat of Chestnut Coal ofr use In Colony and Brooder Houses, which we will sell for such purpose... Your Chick Feeds The Chick Starter Season is with us again and we have all the called for Feeds such as Oat Hulls, Peat Moss, Sugar Copra, Grit, Oyster Shell, Char- coal, Etc., Etc. L. See & Son t* e