HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-09-02, Page 7'N. Harvesting with oxen is still a common sight to tourists visiting the beautiful Island of Orleans, a few miles below Quebec City. HEIGHTS By GLUYAS WILLIAMS COM/VERS WHO HAVE 'BEEN !'16,5 Nfo ITIAN5 AIL 1 E]R LIVES 601 A 1HRiLL -'HE M RE4 W( -Meld CONDUCioR , 51bpppp)N6 'fo HELP t�i;R 'PERLEY LOOK -FOR A QUART -ER HE HAD DROPPED) ALM051( MISSED -NE - AN HIMSELF iaM fel. las l 4310YA,S WittiA%5 Wagons Hitched To/Wrong Mules Capturing Italian generals in a race over the slopes of Mount Etna on muleback is all in the life of a British provost marshal. The aventure began when two men in civilian attire proceeding on donkeys along a Mount Etna road inside the Allied lines arous- ed the suspicions of an alert British Eighth Army provost mar- shal, who found himself a similar mount and set Off in pursuit. Closing in on his prey in true Western style, the British officer found that he`had rounded up a prize captive in the person of General Fiumara of the Napoli Infantry Division, who readily ad -i mitted his identity and pulled forth' a crumpled but once re- splendent uniform from his sad- dlebag to prove it. The general's companion pro- duced an equally wrinkled uni- form to identify himself as the general's aide de camp. The provost marshal remarked., afterward that all he needed to''. complete the "Western thriller" ' was an American lasso. CAN TIR .; DEWS TJONS ADD MANY NEW CLASSES OF ELIGIBLE T1- k: E BUYERS - ! Note: The following table of eligible tire buyers is of necessity greatly abbreviated. Many of the classifications are subject to qualifications and the list is not complete. The Firestone Dealer will gladly allow you to consult the Rubber Controller's Order No. 4 of June 30, 1943, which defines exactly who are eligible buyers: CLASS A Eligible for new, retreaded or used tires and retreading service; also for new or used tubes: Doctors Public Passenger Visiting Nurses Vehicles Veterinaries Ice and Fuel Ministers, Priests, Rabbis Furniture movers (serving 2 or more Construction, Repair.. parishes 3 or more ' and Maintenance miles apart) School Buses Ambulance Waste & scrap materials Hearse Transportation of raw Fire fighter equipment materials, semi-manu- Police service factured and finished Garbage disposal products, including Express & Mail Service Farm Produce Armoured cars Farm . tractors and Delivery of newspapers combines (wholesale) Common carriers Prospectors Industrial, Mining and Public utilities Construction equipment CLASS 15 Eligible for used or retreaded tires and retreading service; also for used tubes: War workers Buyers of livestock and Vehicles registered un- perishable food corn - der Wartime Industrial Transit Plan Vehicles used to carry mail Dominion and Provincial Govt. officials Judges, magistrates, crown attorneys, sheriffs, etc. Highway engineers Construction superin- tendents Inspectors for fire, ac- cident, grain elevators or boilers Red Cross employees Welfare Workers (full time) Employees of Dom. or Prov. Depts. Agricul- ture or Breed Assns. Employees of canners and preservers of es- sential foods and chick hatcheries meddles Dentists and optometrists who attend the armed forces or who operate branches Press reporters and photographers Regional supervisors of Aircraft Detection Corps, Reserve Army or A.R.P. School inspectors Rural school teachers Exterminators Vehicles owned by fly- ing schools Taxis Cars 'arid trailers owned by farmers or by per- sons engaged in fish- ing, maintaining or re- pairing buildings and essential commercial machines • CLASS C Eligible for used tires and tubes and retreading service: Commercial travellers Vehicles operated by Bbnd or Life Insurance hotels Salesmen Ministers, Priests, Rabbis Insurance adjustors Drugless and Christian Finance company col- Science Practitioners lectors Rural undertakers Chain -store supervisors Incapacitated 'individuals Farm implements or Land surveyors horse-drawn vehicles Tourists (emergency) Passenger cars owned Members of the D.iplo- by a farmer who also matte Corps, High has a truck Commissioners, Con - Rural auctioneers sols, etc. CANADA'S rubber crisis is still with us. But because of careful conserv- ation and controls there are tires for those cars, trucks, and farm equipment essen- tial to the war effort. If you fall in this category (the chart at the left will guide you) and your tires cannot be repaired or re- treaded, you are considered eligible to buy tires. Your first move then is to go to your nearest Firestone Dealer. He has the definite official information and necessary forms. He will furnish the required In- spection Report and do everything possible to help you obtain a Tire Ration Permit necessary to obtain new or used tires or tubes and retreading service. And remember — even if you cannot buy new tires— your Firestone Dealer has been trained and equipped to help you get the very last mile out of your present tires -- no matter what make they may be. Put the care of your tires in the hands of your Firestone Dealer now —see him today. 1 WHAT *SCIENCE IS DOING MEAT BY-PRODUCTS Scientific research is adapt- ing manly of the mea. industry's by-products to war uses, a. meat packing company said recently. Dr. II H. Young, Swift & Co„ chemist,declared that animal tis- sues, glands, inedible fats, hoofs, horns, bones, hides and wool "are gong to war in many forms and paekages." The chemist said in an inter- view that in the field of phar- maceuticals, research has made what he described as astounding ingredients produced from meat developments, with many of the animals saving lives on the battle fronts. He listed among these lecithin and cephalin, which come from animal brain tissue and are used in .treating poisonous reptile bites and promoting blood clot- ting; intestines used in making sutures; and adrenalin, derived from suprarenal glands, which makes bloodless surgery possible. A special soap necessary for synthetic rubber manufacture has come out of the meat indus- try laboratories and the chemist estimated 100,000,000 pounds eventually will be utilized anntt• ally. Other by-product uses listed by Dr. Young included: Animal bones are an import- ant source of gelatin used in photography, bone ash needed in copper smelting and special bone powders which are effective in removing fluorine from drinking water. Hoof and horn meals as well as summer hog hair have found wide usage in „Great Britain for making foam type fire extin- guishing fluids. Hog hair also goes to make aviators' cushions. Gelatin is used in the manu- facture of photographic films for reconnaissance purposes and for "MIDDLE -AGE WOMEN GEO to HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS— suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially for women. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions.'Made in Canada. the manufacture of smokeless gunpowder, among many other uses. Soap and glycerin, derived from inedible fats, have wide uses as lubricants, nitroglycerin, gunpowder, cordite and dyna- mite. How Can l ?? By Anne Ashley. Q. How can I get rid of ants? A. Sprinkle oil of pennyroyal in the places infested by them. Q. How can I avoid having brittle wallpaper when banging it? • A. Leave the rolls of paper on the basement floor for a few days before beginning the work. The paper will absorb sufficient moisture to keep it from being brittle, and will also facilitate the handling. Q. How can I remove olive oil from a rug? A. Try covering the spot with Fuller's Earth, allow it to remain for several days and then brush off. Q. How can I make a good filling for cookies? A. A delicious filling for sugar cookies is peanut butter, thinned with butter and a little cream. Q. How can I remove grease from trousers or other fabric? A. Saturate with turpentine; then place the spot between two pieces of blotting paper and press a hot iron over damaged part a few minutes. Training for Youthful Recruits Youths of 17 and 18 years are needed for service in the Cana- dian Army as tradesmen and will be given special training in var- ious categories as soon as en- listed. Trades courses will train men as machinists, electrical automo- tive, draughting and survey workers. Youths enlisted in these categories must be in top phys- ical condition. Their schooling must include at least ccmple- tion of the eighth grade. Recruits will be documented •and outfitted at district depots and then sent to vocational training school. Application for enlistment as tradesmen may be made at the Beaver Hall hill recruiting cen- tre. HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca Pile Remedy No. 1 is for Protruding Bleeding Piles, and is sold in Tube, with pipe for internal application. Price 75e. Mecca Pile Remedy No. 2 is for External Itching Piles. Sold in Jar, and is for external use only. Price 60e. Order by number from your Druggist. TORONTO CITY POLICE FORCE TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 29 year's and over; Married; Physically fit; at least 5' 9" in stocking feet; 160 lbs.; of good character and fair education. Fo be available for appointment immediately. Uniform clothing supplied. Apply Nearest Employment and Selective Service Office Refer to Fele RO-591 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED EARN EXTRA CASH — MASE more money easily. Just show our beautiful Canadian made Christ- mas Cards to your friends in spare time. They sell on sight. Many assortments. Beautiful free .Album showing personal cards 18 for $1.00 and up. Sample book showing Military a n d Naval Christmas Cards. Liberal com- mission, 'Write today for unusual sample offer. The G. A. Mont- gomery Conirpany, 011[, Welling- ton West, Toronto. AUPOMOBLLES—USED USED OARS WITH GOOD TIRES, See us first. Mount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Office, 032 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181, BABY CRICKS WINTER EGG AND POULTRY Markets will demand all we can produce. You may want Fall chicks to augment your flocks; if so let us have, your order now for October' delivery. Bray Fall , Bulletin ready—If you didn't get one by mail write for it. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton. LARC;E BULBS FOR FALL PLANT- ing. Rainbow Collection Tulips 2 doz. $1.10. Mixed Daffodil Bulbs 2 doz, $1.10. Delivered. Kuyper's Bulbs, Hatzic, B.C. We grow the best only. DYEING t ()LEANING HAVE YUU ANYTHIN (3. NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us ' for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- tb11to. ELECTRICAL IOQIJ1t'MENT REBUILT ELECTRIC M 0 TORS and equipment. Repairs, rewinds, and parts. Complete stock. Allen Electric Company, 2326 Dufferin Street, Toronto. Li'A1tlll FOR. SALE 100 ACRES CLAY LOAM, ALL UN - der 'cultivation, young orchard. Brick house with modern conven- iences. Hank barn, water in barn, two silos, drive shed, electricity. One mile from Church. Village School. Seven miles front Strat- ford. Would sell stock, feed, im- plements with farm. `Vin. Doug.' las, St. Pauls, Ontario. FOR SALE SOME CHOICE YOUNG REGISTER - ed Yorkshire sows just bred, and some Choice young Registered boars about ready for service. Edgar Dennis, R,R. 2, Aurora, Ont. ARCTIC BLUE PDXES. SILVER Foxes. Mink, New Fencings, Supplies. Dands, Swift Current, Saskatchewan. FOOT IL,LM BAUMEE.RA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45e bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. FUEL WOOD WANTED MAPLE, IIIIICH A N 23 MIXED cordwood. First er second growth. Also Millwood, State full particu- lars and lowest prices. Walter • Schfess, 19 Melinda! St., Toronto. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HAIIt GOODS ONLY FIRM IN CANADA 141 ANL'- facturing ladies' and gentlemen's hair goods exclusively. Write us for particulars. WHITE'S mars GOODS 23S Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario BELL' WANTED WANTED: EXPERIENCED FARM hand must be capable with dairy cattle. Excellent home and good wages to right man. Apply )3eneteau 13ros., A.nlherstburg, R.R. 3, Ontario. El Al RDIt ESSING SCHOOL LE A k1 N EIAIIWItESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH&COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1800; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. MEDICAL A TRIAL—EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish tile Purulent of Dry Eczema, Rashes and Weeping Skin Troubles, Post's Eczema Salve Will Not Disappoint You. Itching, Scaling, Burning Ec- zema, Acne, Ringworm, Pimples and Athlete's Foot will respond readily to this stainless, odor- less ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICE $1.00 PER JA.R Sent post free on receipt of price POST'S REMEDIES 8897 Queen St, If,, corner or Logan TORONTO PERSONAL SLENDOR TABLETS, HARMLESS and effective. $1 (two week's' sup- ply) at ail druggists, or postpaid from Maltby taros., 6 Boon, To- ronto, Ont. PROPERTIES WANTED TO BUY WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING for Chicken Farms, Market Gar- dens and town or village houses in all parts of Province. Send full particulars in confidence at once, —we make no charge unless we sell. Powell and Company, 5 St, Clair East, Toronto. PIIOTO(,ItAPBY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The (Leat, Rain, or Doll HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mali Any 0 or 8 exposure frim perfectly developed and printed for only 25c. Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMIPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station •J, tot; nto CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS RABBITS FOR SALE STOCK REDUCTION SALE. PEDI- greed White Angoras, Giant Chinchillas. Reduced Price List. Rev. E, M. Loney, Burgessviile, Ontario. PHOTOGRAPHY "I AM VERY PLEASED WITH YOUR PROMPT SERVICE .." writes a customer at Rough Water, N.S., who adds: "1 have told many friends about your service and I know that from now on you will get films from them for de- veloping and printing." Letters like this from all parts of Canada tell how well pleased customers are with Star Snapshot Service. Any Sixe 11011-6 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED :.Se Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so much more when "snaps" are enclosed. You, too, will get better results from your camera if you mail your film rolls to Star Snapshot Servlee to be developed and printed. You'll get finer quality, sharper prints at lowest cost. And you will get the promptest service obtainable by, mai] in keeping with quality work. Mail us a roll for trial. a MSizeOUN4TEDx0" MoEC\LAItinunts.utiful GE� Ella 2bc BeaEasel You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print your name and address plainly, on all orders. „R1:tE U MA'1'lt-: PAIN S HAVE YOU lileAlti.) ABOUT DIX- on's Neuritis and Rheumatic 1':un Remedy? It gives good results. Sold Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $i.,Ou. VA PE:WORM STOMACH AND THREAD WultdlS often are the cause of ill -health in humans all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if tins is your trouble? Interestime par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulvehey's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3,. Ont, TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED 1'Itt/TS:STANT Teach- er for S.S. No. 5, ealabugle. Sal- ary $1150. Apply to Mrs, Gordon Stoughton, Cala bogie, On t, WANTJID—TEACH.511 L'Ull S,* No. 2 Aubrey. State qua.ltficatioes. Salary 3900 for qualified teacher. 16. F. Griffiths, (Adrift, Out, TEACHER, PROTESTANT, Ql.'1C- bec int„ Diploma, Grades 6-1, for Joliette Eng'ish School. Saluiy $100 plus $14.1.5 bonus, Apply im- mediately to W. Hogg, Sec,- Treas., Juliette, Que. TEACHER ICOR t'U01.1.1.0 SCHOOL No. 4 Balfour. App'iy stvtttwg qualifications. Salary $0011,00. Freeman Sanders, Scc.-'Press., Chelmsford, Ont. A QV-114E1EID T.I'ACIlb;1R WANT - ed for 5,8 No. 8, Dalhousie; du- ties to commence Sept. 1st., .Apply, stating salary wtutted, to Jolln (3emniill, :;now Ilnrid, Out. McR111111OW ..-.. T1•IAt HI:11 FOR Pohl ie d,'hool No. 2, Baldwin. Apply, st:'ting qu ilifie. itiuns, ex- perienee and salary PN to tVillintn le. Land, Sets—Treas., Me- Xtcrrow, Ont.