HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-09-02, Page 5ZURICH, oNvonto BUSINESS CARDS WANTED ZURICH HERALD JPut .Your 1,0V ant, For Sale Loet, Foutai, Etc. Ads, in this Cslumn. •MAS'H FOR FOX HOMES—Deadanimals removed. Tweshour ser - ,vice day or night. ritelIe Cxedi- tt'ton 47r15, collect. ,ltek Wil- ;�iams. PIGS FOR SALE t10 young bags, ,i weeks old for immediate sale, ,Henry Clausius, Phone 94r6. LOST V lE T E R I N A R I A4.:: 1 Between Zurich a,4 ll')ashweod, a Gas Ration A Book, ti.cense No. 3.11345. Finder kisncl'l� return to Or. W. B. COXON,.I:Doninion House, Zur7cl7,. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with. Residence, Main Seree(y, Opposite Drug Store Phone -96. Zuricl, A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. .;graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All c Ireasea of domes ie animals treated y the most nlcadern principles, {frgea reasonable. Day or night salt promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. jnverness fennels. Office on Nitta Street, voporite Town Hall, Phone 116. ITENSALL. NOTICE Farmers' Co -Operative FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put your order for Coal in now! &venial Cars are on order: A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, R. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Wnerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of til brands. Hensall Co -Operative Co. BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the eery Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H, Yunghlut & Son PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTS Have your Eggs Graded scien- tifically on our approved grad- ing Machine which gives the producer every advantage. Also Cream and Poultry, Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in +charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellen - Proprietor. maw INSURANCE, Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK •1 E LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN. MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec 814, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 8 Yearn E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn• lag Rods and all kinds of Fire ' ; � Insurance FOUND Left in my barber shop, a man's felt hat and a pair of heavy marts to ft a young boy. Owners of these ar- ticles can have same ,by proving these articles and paying expenses. These articles have been left for some time. --.Milton Oesch. FOR SALE .A. pump windmill, self -oiler, in good condition. Apply to Curtis Gingericli, Phone 79r20. FOR QUICK SALE 1 Colony House 10x10 ft. never used; 1 drive shed partly .finished; 1 small Quebec heater used three mons; Rolls of heavy roofing.—Mrs. C. Browne, Bronson line, Hay Twp. FOR SALE A young York Boar, ready for service.—Apply to Josiah Steckle, Bronson line, Stanley Twp. WANTED White Beans, Soya Beans, Alsike, Timothy, Red Clover and Alfalfa Seed. Highest Cash Prices. Write or Phone, 875 Dashwood. W. E. Reid, Chatham, Ont. or A. J. Kellerman, Dashwood, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE Two parcels of land. 48 acres in Stanley Township, has good spring neverfailing water supply, some nice shade trees for stock. 50 acres in Hay Township with good bank barn and stabling, 7 -roomed house, etc. located half way between Drysdale and Blake, on the Town Line. For further particulars apply 1 o Miss Mary Johnston, R. R. 2, Zurich. School Shoes Good reliable School Shoes in a wide range of sizes. Let us fit your child with a pair. Best quility, Lowest Prices. NEW FALL SHOES For men, Women and Child- ren. A large stock on hand. Come and see! ED. J. DATARS RELIABLE FOOTWEAR ar,d SHOE REPAIRING TRUNKS AND SUITCASES I'HIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED THIFLE, Proprietress Betty Anne Beauty Shop THE HOME OF THE BETTER OIL PERMANENTS The Better Oil Permanents applied with the very latest of methods and Equipment. And besides all this is our years of Experience in all Hair Dressing. GIVE US A CALL! Phone 68 four your Appointments. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Zurich EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Hackndorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oascb, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. Divine Worship 11 a.m.—Sunday School. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. ,Rev. E. W. H enrich, Pastor 10 a,m,—Divine Services. 111,15 a.m.—Sunday School. Everybody Welcome to al) Service.. LOCAI Ma.. . C. F deter ;sent the week -end with bel' ,sister, Mr, and Mrs. John Miitehell, at Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Jame, Trevithiek of Brinsley visited in the village on Friday evez<in., Mr. and M.ri, Wm. Weet of Wind- sor called at the home of Mr. Chas.. Fritz last week. Mr. Victor. Pirinin spent a few days at the home of his parezds near Staffa, Miss Ilene Miller has returned to her position at London, after enjoy- ing her vacation at her home here, Mr. Fred Hess has returned to Toronto to continue his studies at the Medical School of that •city, Mrs. Shearer of Rochester., N. Y., has left for her home after spending a few weeks at the home of her bro- ther, Mr. Chas. Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wolfe and Mrs. Settery from Dashwood were visitors visitors with Mr. and Mrs, J o 'n Al- brecht of town. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Godfrey, of Peterboro, have taken house keeping in rooms at the home of Mr. and PMIrs Herb Krueger. Mr. and Mrs. Byror. Ducharme and family of London, visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido and son Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Len Wag- ner and daughter Marlene, enjoyed a week -end camping in, the ernery. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, of Woodstock were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Klopp of town one day last week. Mr. Bailey is principal in one of the schools of that place. Mrs. Menno Oesch has returned to her home after a pleasant holiday at the home of her mother and other re- latives in the Kincardine &strict. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz ane da- ughter Mary Lou; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haberer and son Jack, had a very lovely trip to North Bay. Al- so enjoying :fishing and pleasant boat trip in that district on Lake Nippis- ing. The old Town Hall `was a very busy place Friday and Saturday of last week, when the new No. Ration Books were issued. Well, if we want thing to eat, we must have our ration book, is rapidly becoming the slogan. SUNDAY, SEPT. 5, DAY OF . PRAYER Ottawa — A proclamation setting Sunday, `.September 5, as a National Day of Prayer and Dedication was published on Aug. 218th, in an extra, edition of The Canada Gazette. A similar proclamation ha§• designated Friday, Sept. 3, as a Day of Prayer in the United. Kingdom. LAKE 36 INCHES HIGHER Water in Lake Huron at Goderich now 38 inches above normal, covers the greater part of the bathing beach and has marooned shade trees and pillars of the .beach pavillion, orig- inally built well back of the water line. The water is the highest since 1929. AIRMAN MISSING Goderich — Sgt. Pilot Terry Coop- er, son of Mr and Mrs. A. J. Coop- er, Hamilton street, is missing over- seas after air operations, his parents have been advised. He went overseas in December, 1942, and is 23 years old. He received his wings at Cen- tralia. HURON HOLSTEIN ON TEST W. Hume Clutton, Goderich, has received a Record of Performance certificate from the Federal Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa, that crecrits his pure-bred Holstein, Meadow Glade Colantha Pesch with a production of 11553 lbs. milk containing 410 lbs. butterfat in 305 days. She began her test as a six-year-old and was milked twice daily throughout. KIPPEN STORE SOLD Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Butt, who for over 22 years have successfully con- ducted the post office and general store in Kippen, disposed of the bus- iness to H. H. Domm, of Walkerton, who has conducted a similar line of business for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Butt have identified with the business life of Kippen for so many years where they were widely known and popular, that their retire- ment will be keenly regretted by the people of the district, who war wel- come Mr. Domm, the new owner. Besides his store interests, Mr. Butt has been extensively engaged in far- ming and stock raising for many ye- ars, and he and Mrs. Butt purpose making their future home on the farm, HYMENEAL Desjardine—Jenhieon A quiet wedding took place at the Main Street United •Church, parson- age, Exeter, last Wednesday after- noon at two o'clock, when Miss Leila Pearl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Jennison, of the Blue Water High- way, Hay Township and Chester Henry Desjardine, son of Mr. and Mrs, Placid Deajardine, of Stephen Township, were united in marriage. Rev. N, J. Woods officiateci.'Phe bride was gowned iir a floor -length white sheer dress and wore a corsago of roses and sweet peas. CHARGED Sit! THEFT egoderlch- 4C;harged with the theft .a wrist watch, valued at over $25 bum the locker at Otaeed Bend air - Wert, LAC ,Harold 3$ushzzaan was re- manded to jail by Magistrate Makins for ;appearance at Exeter son Friday, September 3, He was not :a'eked to plead or elect. JAM 'RATIONING ANNOUNCED Ottawa -- The Prices Board has announced ration allowance (or jams, jellies, syrnps,;:canned fruit and siin- ilar pred:lets. Sa]es of these goods are under suspension until Sept. 2, when "D" coupons from the new No. 3 ration hooks become valid for this 1 roesa..rw type. Two f4 D" coupons will beeorne good each month. For each coupon the purchaser will have the choice of 1. Six fluid ounces of jam, jelly, marmalade, extrueter honey, apple butter, maple 'butter or honey butter or; 2. Ten •fluid ounces of molasses or maple syrup or: 3. Ten Odd oun- ces of canned fruit or: 4. Twelve i fluid ounces of corn syrup, cane sy- rup or any bended table syrup er: 5. One-half pound of maple sugar or comb honey i z squares. As en aiter- native to any of these eommodit•ies the consumer may obtain for his "11" coupon one -hs 11 pound of sugar. The ration plan is similar to that used for • meats since the `consumer may spend a coupon for any one of the corm-! odites rationed depending on hi choice and Upon what is available. the board anrounced. The "D" coup- i ons will become good on the same dates as sugar coupons. The plan will make for a n ore equitable distribut- ion of comm. rcially packed preserv- es and homemade preserves, as well as providing the alternative of ths extra sugar 1' r "D" coupons, There will be no re.trictions on the use of sugar obtained in this way, eomplished by Mesdames Pfaff, Sher- ritt, Welsh, Ellis and Beer, while her kind 'friends contz ibluted cookies; shortbread, scarfs, socks, cheese,soap canned goods, etc. In addition to the items mentioned, each parcel con sisted of shoe laces, soup, milk, but - toes, velvo, cigarettes, tobaccos and papers razor blades, personal kit, a variety of bars, tooth powder, sty- ptie pencil, A hearty vote of thanks is extended to: Miss Ellis who made the folders, to Lenore Normini•ton, Thur$day, September 9—ed Norma Songster, Mina IVIcEwen, .I['e1• en Noakes, Mrs, Kennedy, Greta Gammie, Mrs, W. Sangster. During Friday and Saturday while the Rat- ion Books were being distributed at the Town Hal], these ladies, in turn, received collections for these boxes, and as a result of their effort $30.00 was realized. The Institute, after buying thesupplies, has on hand a small balance. All shipping charges were borne by the War Service 'Com- mittee. Womens' Institute AVE LIBERALLY TO BOXES Hensel] and' rural citizens are to be commended for their hearty sup- port: given to the appeal for donat- ions of money and other gifts for boxes for the Hensall boys who are overseas. These boxes, 35 in all, we- re packed, by the, Womens' Institute and other volunteers and the War Service Committee on Monday eve., Aug. 30th. The fact that a great many folks throughout Hensall and district gladly gave• of their sugar rations made possible the provision of delicious home-made candy, con- sisting of chocolate and divinity fudge, this splendid. work being ae- Ago Bead and Gia irnais REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. (ESSENTIAL WAR INDUSTRY) SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 1 CLINTON — ONTARIO ENROLL NOW FOR FALL TERM, SEPT. 7th. Be reedy, in a few months, to do valuable and necessary office work COliRSES—CLEPICAL, STENO nAI'HfC, COMMERCIAL SECRETARIAL, M. A. •Stone, Corn. Specialist 13 F'Ward, B;A. Vice -Principal. I 1 Jze 19S, Principal. .ate i. t. >a raknars.uuaa 1111.11, Oheck-Up SATeek THE SITUATION IS SERIOUS. NEXT SPRING ONTARIO FARMERS FACE THE BIGGEST TASK IN THE HISTORY OF ONTARIO AGRICULTURE. THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO IS TO CHECK OVER ALL MACHINES NOW, THIS WEEK, ESTIMATE REPAIRS NECESSARY, AND ORDER SAME AT ONCE. "GENUINE MASSEY-HARR1S PARTS FOR M. -H. MACH- INES. Tel. Shop 149 O s C . '' Klopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. Have your expertly smirked by the .. LIKE .any other piece of machinery, your DURO PUMP needs attention from time to time to ensure continuous satisfactory performance. Working parts may wear, requiring adjustment or replacement and regular lubrication is essential. Until the war is over, it is more necessary than ever that present owners keep their pumps in good running order, because the produc- tion of new Duro Pumps is limited. ' The Duro Dealer whose name appears below is fully experienced. He will be glad to inspect your pump, adjust it and instal new parts if needed. Should you be requiring Fixtures or Fittings for Bathroom, Kitchen or Laundry, demand Emco Quality Fixtures and Fittings. Although its range of styles and sizes is limited, due to wartime restric- tions, Emco can still supply requirements for the average home. War Savings Stamps and Certificates should be bought regularly FOR SALE BY STADE and WEIDO ZURICH - ON'l. „rw EMPIRE BRASS MFG CO., LIMITED don litarantoa. Sudbury Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver voissussirminnentomwommesamoritsammorawamoars 343 • 1 • 1 4