HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1943-08-26, Page 4OW THIS ADVLRTIStEMZNTTPOOR C RATION BOOK 3 -WHEN AND WHERE YOU GET IT For the convenience of the public and to ensure speedy distribution, Ration Book 3 will be issued locally at the distribution centres listed below. 'OUR THINS TO DO to get yew new book Print In Block Letters in Ink (Ecrire A !'entre en lettree rnoulace) Prefix is Serial Number MVO S?4,:x77 No de sbrie (avec ,l!ettress)..yVg S w p, Last Name M O R,. R I S O N Nom de familia, seulement First Name JOHN HARWI( PrAnom(s) du requerent.................................. Address or R.R. No. ?AR. Atm Adresse .....Q 60• r C1 City, Town or V`iElla;g{ep�� (�('' JJ�, 1 /ry,� Ville ou .•illede l r\ddl:T•t'b EAL" .Q• Date.• ^A u!_ l7 __ 25 3.. /4......•... - ('1 �1 Age, if under 16 Age, si moins de 16 ons ....... ................... :...''.a'.�-...,..,,.,� 1 declare I am the holder of the RaitCtd" Book from which this reference card has been taken, or that I am signing this in good faith on behalf of the holder, whose name and address appear above. • Je declare etre le detenteur du cera:t de rationnement duquel Bette carte de o refer6l666 ? eta, detachee, ou que je signe .,,r de lignno fol our le detonteur dont les - _ nsrA et ALr; ire a,:fiaiai�s�rt ei-dessus. (Signature —Signature) IN FILLING IN YOUR APPLICATION CARD ... FOLLOW THE M11TEHOD INDICATED ABOVE. 1 Ij IFill in the application card— which is the first postcard in your present ration book. DO THIS AT HOME. 9 PRINT clearly—do not write —the information required, and sign at the bottom with your usual signature. Follow the method on card illustrated. TO THOSE ON VACATION If you are staying at a sum- mer cottage, with friends or relatives, or at a hotel as a non -permanent guest, give your usual or permanent address on the ;.application card, •�'•-_,.. Do not deiiteh the card from your ration boot: T.his must be done by an official at the Local Distributing Centre. If ;already de- tached, it should be broiight 211 aleag 'itb your present ration book, 4 Persons of 16 years or over must sign their own, car.51§ Cards of persons under 16 years must be sieegParents or guar- dians: CLi'Idr.1l y ren under 16 will not al.iowed to apply for new ration books, either for themselves or for other members of the family. DO NOT SURRENDER, DESTROY OR TKROW AWAY YOJR PRESEM; .61T1ON BOOK. IT CONTAINS COUPONS YET TO BE USED FOR MAT PURCHASES. RESIDENTS OF RURAL AREAS may apply on behalf of their neigh bours, providing Ration Book 2, and properly filled in application RESIDENTSOF A TOWN OR CITY. Any senior or responsible member of a household may apply for new Ration Books on behalf of other members of the household, providing Ration Book 2 and properly filled in application cards, are presented. On presentation at a Distributing Centre of your present ration book with properly completed application card, you will be issued your new Ration Book 3; and your present Ration Book will be returnea to you. Volunteer Workers are giving their time to serve you at the Distri- buting Centres. Help them by following these instructions carefully. LOCAL DISTRIBUTING CENTRES ADDRESSES Public Library, Exeter Town Hall, Hensall School House, Centralia Township Hall, Crediton Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Commercial Hotel, Dashwood,Aug. Township Hall, Zurich Aug. Grand Bend, Aug. DATES HOURS 27, 28 27, 28 27, 28 27, 28 27, 28 27, 28 27, 28 Township Hall, Elimville Aug. 27, 28 2 to 5 2 to 5. 2 to 5 2 to 5 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.. and 7 to 10 p.m.. 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.rn.. 2 to 5 and 7 to TO p.m. 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m.. Townspeople are requested to get their book in the afternoon. RATION ADMINISTRATION AUCTION SALE MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the p.ow- ers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will ,be produoed at the bine of sale, there will be offer- ed far sale by Public Auction on the premises on Wednesday, Septem- ber 18th, 1943, at 2.00 p.m. the foll- owing real estate: Part of lot nunmber 23 in the north boundary of the Township of Stephen, in the County 01 'Huron, now in the village of Dashwood, more particularly described in reg- istered instrument No. 15992 for the Township of Stephen. On the property are situate a two- storey solid brick house and frame barn, in -good repair, The property is well supplied with • fruits of all kinds. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be put up subject to reserved bid. 10% of the purchase money shall be paid on the day of satle and the balance in 30 days thereafter. Further terms and conditions made known on the day of sale. For fur- ther particulars apply to: Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, Dashwood, Ont. J. W. Morley, Solicitor for Mortg- agees, Exeter, Ont. HENSALL 1Vliss Florence Welsh has spent sev- eral days at Port Elgin. Miss Margaret MacLaren enjoyed a pleasant boat trip from ,Sarnia to Port Arthur. Mesrs. Melvin Moir, Douglas and Betty and Mrs. Jack Farquhar and. Graham spent a week at 'Turnbull's Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Schwalm and son of Stratford visited with the former's mother, Mrs. Peter Schwalm Mr and Mrs. Lorne Elder of Ham- ilton were visitors with their parents Mr and Mrs. John Passmore, George Otterbein of Preston spent a week's vacation here with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Otterbein. Mr: and Mrs. Ted Taman and da- ughter of Listowel were visitors with Mrs. Tatnan's mother, ;firs Cl1RS aka-. ,+onnell. l Mr and Mrs. Harry Lawi'ellce spec a few days with friends its �1 ali.i 1 ton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weber of Aub- urn and Mr, and Mrs. John Doerr of Blyth were the guests of Mrs. Wm. Luker and Mrs. C. Meidinger, recent- ly. Shirley Coleman was holidaying at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Morenz at Dashwood. Manus—Maire -In Bloor' Street United Church, Torenan.::�zsutrn at Mad•elikl ' ^ Ire, 'f'�n.; Seca 2a, the bete or' nil crditnian Kenneth Manns, son of Mrs. Manns, of Hensall and the late F. Manns. The marriage was solemnized. by Rev D. M•aceod. The bride was givers in marriage by her father and wore a floor -length white taffeta gown with fingertip veil and a double strand of pearls, gift of the groom. Mrs. D. M Jones, of Winnipeg, sister of the ,bride was matron of honor, and the bridesmaid, Miss Marjorie Ewald, of Wiarton, both carried flowers. Cyrl Hellingshead attended the groom and the ushers were Raye Paterson, of Toronto, formerly of Hensall, and Joseph Main. The reception was given at Blackstone Resturant, Tor- onto. For their wedding trip to Mus- koka Lakes and Hensall, the bride donned a powder blue wool suit with British tail accessories. Set. Joseph and Beaver Town Misf;. Sarah Denomme of Port latter's parents in St. Joseph. Spr. Dominique Jeffrey of Patt•a- Walwa, :pent the week -end with his family in St. Joseph. Returning to camp on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrille Masse and (laughter Donna Jean, all of Detroit spent a few days in this neighbor - hoed, v'ieiting relatives. Misses James Masse of St. Joseph and Miss Lydon Denomme of Wind- sor motored to Goderich on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brisson. of Detroit spent the week -end with the Heron spent a few days with friends en the Blue Water Highway, Well, the grain threshing in the surrounding district is almost comply cted•, 1'471,I 0111' Hoes Mat treed to be eery good in mathematics to figure out the tune it took to doit, for the lays can easily be counted on the fingers of one hand. BLAKE - Mr and Mrs. Archie Mustard are spending a few days in the vicinity., prior to taking up residence in their new home at Goderich. A number of young people of the district held a wainer roast at the lake on Friday night. A very enjoy- able time was ad by all present. Mr, and Mrs. Pat Oeslch and .fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jake Swat'tzentruber, Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Rader of Dash- wood visited o ti ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Dave f e ,l'c and family. Mr, and Mrs: Frank Brierley of Exeter, Mrs. Jahn .} lr.h:.a,,1 aad Mr, Robert Jx'ekson of Henson spent Sun day at the home of M.r and Mrs. Ar- thur Finlayson. Miss Jean Hey aid friend of Lon- don spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey. Mr. Lloyd Finnigan of the R.C.A. F., Galt, visited on Sunday with his wife and daughter Bertrha, who are staying with Mrs. Finnigan's mother, Mrs. A. !Clerk of Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck, and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenny attended the Dal- rymple reunion at St. Marys on Wed- nesday of this week, T.himbleberry picking is the order of the day and the crop seems very plentiful, and so are the pickers. Mr. and lifrs. Dr. Burley of Al- i mont, Michigan, accompanied by two nieces of North. Dakota, tallied on. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Trey, Monday, 1 j COUNTY HOME AFFAIRS The County Home committee of the County Council, in session, aw- arded the contract of relining the furnace of the County Horne to the Green Fire Brick Co., Toronto. The purchase of two more cows was auth- rized and it was decided to cull the poultry flock, replacing all Older kens with (pullets. Thursday, August 2Gth, 1048 ACE NEXT' WINTER Prepare your home now for adequate warmth withsmaller fuel consumption TO SAVE COAL CHECK THESE POINTS p0 HOWL TO GET MORE HEAT Pipes and furnaces must be clean, and grates i.tsa good order. If one or two rooms are hard to heat., you are wasting fuel. A minor adjustment caa- probably remedy this. Have a competent masa check your heating system, and make necessary repairs: Insulate your furnace and pipes, when necessary: HOW TO AVOID HEAT LOSSES �1-... Storm windows aad doors must fit snugly and be weatherstripped. Lack of storm windows can cause as much as 20% heat loss. Caulking should be done around windows, doors and in cracks in, brick work (some hardware stores have caulking guns for rent). Broken glass should be replaced, and loose panes puttied. Small expenditures on such work will save much fuel. HOW TO SAVE STILL MORE, r.z You can save .-•§i ftld money by Raving your•' �tc+�n5 Property Insulated. It is a proven fact that. in meas ? domes lack of adequate insulation (in-• e": utng stem windows) milks ih unnecessarp: consumption of fuel—up AT., as much as 50%u. Watch for later instructions on how to fire your furnace properly: HAVE YOUR HOME INSPECTED FOR HEATING. AND INSULATION DEFECTS Get advice now! Skilled workmen and supplies are scam If you delay in getting your home ready for winter, you mays not be able to get the services you need. SOW dOlfat MStl11,V Check -Up -Week THE SITUATION IS SERIOUS. NEXT SPRING ONTARIO FARMERS FACE THE BIGGEST TASK IN THE HISTORY' OF ONTARIO AGRICULTURE. THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO IS TO CHECK OVER ALL MACHINES NOW, THIS WEEK, ESTIMATE REPAIRS NECESSARY, AND ORDER SAME AT ONCE. "GENUINE MASSEY-HARRIS PARTS FOR M. -H. MACH- INES. Tel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp Res. 67 MASSEY - HARRIS' The Service Arm, for Canadian Farm. WHERE DOES YOUR FAMILY FIT IN? 40OF CANADIANS I ARE PROPERLY 40y MALNUTRITI H Government surveys conducted early in the war show that only 40 per cent of Canadians regularlyi:eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. Forty per eent are on the borderline of malnutrition. Twenty per cent are definitely undernourished. That's why you need a sure plan for healthful family meals. That's why we offer you "Eat -to - Work -to -Win ...authoritative FREE booklet, that takes the guesswork out of nutrition. Send for your FREE copy today! Clip the coupon on the right, and mail it NOW! Sponsored by TFIE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) *The avtrltional rkateepas. if ",Sou-to-I{rori-te-r12'' are aa•,pfa'li to Nutritiko Straka., Detartniatt of Prnslon.a and National Mal Ottawa, for PhC r an Netritloa Pro - grantor. CUP THIS COUPON "NU,TRITION FOR VICT011X", BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA Please send ree iny FRES copy of"Eatgo.Work•to•0Wln"" Ili, 11 11, ,.,,MIemISA. Name AddressN, in the interests of nutrition and health 1 ..� 1 as an aid to Victory. II , PRY NOV.k. .. M AI r. le wl 111, M Mkt M pMInt ]n NA V.11 e,ell I. mt.. IW ft it M ,11 M.I. YJx9 V. YA